American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 435: Super Energy Academy starts enrollment

After a reception, Gao Fei gained a lot. Not only did he negotiate with Pepper about the location of the Super Energy College campus, but he also took the opportunity to recruit troops and recruit a lot of teaching staff.

Gao Fei, the lecturer of the Super Academy, is not worried. After all, he has the Fantastic Four and the Super Patrol as his backup force. When he needs a mentor, he can pick up strong men at any time.

Reed, Susan, Ben, Steve…

Each of them is a good role model for others.

As for the operation of the school and the work between various departments, Gao Fei hired Ms. May Parker to coordinate. In view of Aunt Mei's previous rich teaching experience in Chenxi School, Gao Fei planned to make her the vice president of the Super Energy Academy and be solely responsible for it. Various affairs of the Super Academy.

Auntie Wang is an excellent logistics minister, and she will move her supermarket to the campus.

Not only that, the catering part of the school is also in charge of Aunt Wang.

As for Cheng Jieqian, Gao Fei arranged a challenging task for her. She and Gao Fei will be responsible for recruiting the first batch of students. In the next month, the two will recruit new students nationwide.

Different from other colleges, Super Energy Academy is a public welfare and aid institution, which actually means that the source of students of Super Energy Academy is not actively selected, but passively accepted.

In a period of time (maybe a semester or an academic year), how many superpowers need help appear in the society, then these superpowers will become potential students of the super academy.

From this point of view, the Super Energy Academy is more like a psychological rescue and rehabilitation hospital or a juvenile correctional center.

For this reason, the first batch of superpower academy students is composed of newly emerged superpowers. Gao Fei and Jie Qian will interview them one by one, and then consider how to divide them into different batches for admission. .

The interview took place at the Baxter Building in Manhattan, which also happened to be where the psychic was registered.

On the first day of the interview, the morning time passed in a hurry.

From 9:00 to 12:30, Gao Fei and Jie Qian interviewed only six people in three and a half hours.

These six people are all aliens from Terrigan's mutation this time. The youngest is only nine years old, and the oldest is only twenty-seven years old. It can be seen that they have become very restless and restless after the mutation. Insecurity.

They all desperately need help.

After the last interviewee in the morning left the room, Jie Qian glanced at her watch and said in a low voice, "Gao Fei, I think we have to speed up, we only interviewed six people in the morning, and we will continue at this pace. , The Super Energy Academy won't start until next year..."

"It should be faster, but we have to arrange these interviewers reasonably." Gao Fei rubbed his forehead with a headache, "For example, Julie, who came in at the beginning, is only nine years old, and many basic educations have not yet been completed. She even Can't master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division..."

"But twenty-seven-year-old John, he is your alumnus, a graduate student from Nyu, I can't let him get back into basic education, can I?"

"But nine-year-old Julie and twenty-seven-year-old John are newbies as psychics, and they both need the same education in this area..."

"So Jessie, you should know why our progress is so slow?"

Jessie nodded, got up and poured a glass of water for both of them.

"This is indeed a tricky issue. I think the culture class and the superpower guidance class should be separated from each other in the superpower academy... In addition, intellectuals like John can not only be students, but he can also be a guest teacher at other times. Kids like Julie teach the basics," Jessie suggested.

"This is a good suggestion. Let's discuss it after the interview." Gao Fei said, "Let's go to lunch first, eat more lunch, if nothing else, the afternoon will be a time-consuming and protracted war of attrition. "

After that, the two set off for lunch at the fast food restaurant across the street. When they left the office, Gao Fei saw the new superpowers who were queuing outside for interviews.

Most of these superpowers are teenagers, and only a few are older or younger. Each of them is in a state of anxiety and fear because of their own mutations. They helplessly watch Gao Fei, Looking at Jessie, she seemed to want to get help from them immediately.

Gao Fei made a rough estimate that there were at least 30 superpowers waiting in line outside the door, and it was obvious that these superpowers didn't even dare to eat lunch or even go to the toilet.

Once you leave the seat to eat, you will have to queue up again in the afternoon, and according to Gao Fei and Jie Qian's progress in the morning, there must be someone who can't complete the interview today.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei stopped moving forward.

Of course he couldn't leave the kids for lunch.

"I think..." Gao Fei whispered.

Before he finished speaking, Jie Qian guessed his intention. Fortunately, Jie Qian thought the same as him.

"Don't go to lunch, let's continue with the interview. Anyway, I won't starve to death if I skip one meal. I'm just losing weight."

"In the afternoon, we have to speed up the progress, and we can't let these children go to get off work in vain and leave work after the last person is interviewed."

Jessie said a few words abruptly, then turned around and went back to the office.

Gao Fei looked at Jie Qian's back and smiled softly, then turned around and announced to the interviewers outside the door, "The lunch break is over, and the interview continues."

Back at the seat, the first interviewee in the afternoon had already knocked on the door and walked in.

He was an elegant and quiet boy who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old, about the same age as Peter and Harry, with a hint of youth in his eyes.

He is a little thin, with long thick black hair, and holds a stack of files in his hand, which should be his related materials.

"Sit down." Gao Fei smiled at the boy, then asked, "What's your name?"

The boy sat down in the seat, put the stack of materials in his hand on his knees, and then said shyly: "Gao Fei police... Hello, Principal Gao Fei, my name is Charles..."

"Charles..." Goofy nodded, spread his hand toward Charles, and said, "Come on, tell me about your situation, when did you ingest Terrigan and mutate into an alien?"

Unexpectedly, Charles shook his head lightly for Gao Fei's question.

"Principal Gao Fei, my situation seems to be a little different from the Inhumans that are currently flooding. To be precise, I have mutated without ingesting Terrigen... Moreover, since I discovered that I had mutated until now, there have been seven full It's been years..."

After hearing this, Gao Fei seemed a little surprised: "That is to say... you are not an Inhuman anymore?"

"I'm afraid not." Charles nodded.

Gao Fei said: "But if you mutated so early, we should have discovered you a long time ago. Have you been out of New York for the past seven years?"

Charles nodded again: "Yes, Principal Gao Fei, I have been living in Oxford, England before, and I came back to New York after hearing the news about the opening of the Superpower The United Kingdom is currently dealing with superpowers. There’s not a very good way to deal with it, and I think New York is doing a lot better than Oxford at this point.”

"I see…"

Gao Fei nodded slightly.

Although Charles is not an Inhuman, it is not surprising that Goofy has come into contact with many superhumans in New York during this time, and Inhumans are only a part of them.

"Then... Next, please tell me about your ability, can you describe it to me?" Goofy said.

"Of course you can." Charles said seriously, "When I was very young, there were often some strange sounds in my mind, which were the sounds of many people talking, many people talking together..."

"At first I thought it was my auditory hallucinations, and my parents thought I had a mental illness, but until later, one day, I suddenly realized that I didn't have any mental illness, and it wasn't a hallucination..."

"That's my ability, my superpower, those voices are thoughts in other people's minds, and I can hear them clearly."

"I can telepathically and even perform mind reading. Of course, I know that it is impolite to use mind reading on others without permission, so I generally don't use this ability lightly..."

"This is my ability, this is the process of my mutation, Principal Goofy."

Goofy crossed his hands and listened to Charles' narration quietly.

He was shocked, but not just because of Charles' ability.

"What's your name, Charles? I mean, your full name?" Goofy asked, squinting.

"Charles Francis Xavier."

The young man with thick black hair said shyly,

"My friends like to call me x."

(= Easy to read novels)

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