American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 465: Ancient 1 Mage Appears

In fact, without Reed's description, Goofy is already very familiar with the cosmic empire Kerry. As for the supreme master of the Kerry civilization - Supreme Intelligence, Goofy is even more familiar with it.

Therefore, Goofy couldn't fully understand Reed's shock and excitement, and he was now full of other-dimensional invasions in his mind.

However, before Goofy could interrupt Reed, another woman's voice suddenly came from the laboratory window.

"Sorry, I overheard your conversation, but I think this content may be classified to you, so I'd better say hello to you, lest I continue to hear other things that I shouldn't hear..."

Goofy and Reed were stunned when they heard the voice, and Goofy asked curiously: "Huh? Reed, there are other women besides Susan in your laboratory? Does Susan know about this? ?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Goofy, I don't remember any other women in the lab..." Reed said in a panic, "but why does it sound familiar?"

The two walked towards the window, and the woman who had been sitting by the window also walked over.

She wore a spacious apricot-colored robe, and her face was hidden in a huge hood. She waited until she was close to Goofy and Reed, and then she slowly took off the hood that covered her face.

Supreme Mage - Ancient One.

"Master Gu Yi?" Both Gao Fei and Reed expressed some surprises, "Why are you here?"

As the supreme mage on earth, Gu Yi and her apprentices run around the world every day to prevent all kinds of magical creatures from invading the earth from the magical side, so Gu Yi's workload is no easier than the Illuminati and Super Patrol , even more than that.

This is the second time Goofy and Reed have seen the Ancient One since the last Ebony Maw incident.

Gu Yi smiled softly and said softly, "Oh, I came here because of some small episodes in New York..."

"Interlude?" Gao Fei immediately became alert. Did Master Gu Yi discover a different-dimensional invasion?

Sure enough, Gu Yi said solemnly: "About three hours ago, I sensed that a space-time crack appeared near the suburbs of Queens, and the space-time crack connected the earth with another world of different dimensions, which almost caused the two worlds. blend…"

"Didn't you two find out about this?"

Reed shrugged and said, "Sorry, I was working in space three hours ago and haven't returned to Earth yet, so I didn't perceive this..."

"Our detection system - compound eyes - can only observe the existence of superpowers, and it is difficult to observe the invasion of other dimensions, so we did not find..."

"What's more, due to the recent outbreak of superpowers in New York, the compound eye has been overloaded for several days. I may need to upgrade it so that this old guy can continue to work smoothly..."

"But unfortunately, I'm currently researching an alien warship, so I don't have time to upgrade the compound eye."

Gu Yi nodded and concluded, "You didn't find it anyway, did you?"

Reed nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't find it."

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Afterwards, Gu looked at Gao Fei and asked, "Officer Gao Fei, how about you?"

"I found it." Gao Fei said, "Actually, the place where this other-dimensional space appeared was just on the baseball field of the super academy I opened. Fortunately, my daughter was there at the time, helping to prevent the expansion of the other-dimensional space. …”

"Did Carrie stop this?"

Gu Yi suddenly realized, she also wondered why this disaster was pressed down as soon as the signs appeared.

Although Mage Gu Yi failed to appreciate Carrie's power when he dealt with Ebony Maw before, Gu Yi was fortunate to have seen the live recording on TV when he fought against the dark elves.

At that time, Carrie transformed into Goofy and punched through the battleship of the dark elves, which left a deep impression on the ancient master.

Although Carrie's transformation technique can deceive most people, it can't deceive Gu Yi, who is proficient in magic.

"It's no wonder... Carrie is really powerful, her stop is too timely, if the time-space crack is allowed to expand, then the situation will become very difficult-because we don't know what kind of world is on the other side of the time-space crack, Whether the creatures there are friendly, and what is the combat power..." Gu Yi said seriously.

Gao Fei was also afraid for a while. If the cracks in this time and space really expand infinitely, wouldn't he become a sinner?

"Master Gu Yi, how did the space-time cracks form?"

Gao Fei is eager to know the mechanism of this situation. After all, it determines whether he can continue to use the time-travel skills in the future.

After all, the last time he used the traveler experience card, the travel time was longer than now, but there was no time-space crack at that time.

On the contrary, it only took an hour to travel this time, and suddenly a crack in time and space appeared.

Reed Richards was also very curious about this time-space crack, and he leaned over and asked, "Yes, Master Gu Yi, has this happened before?"

"Of course it happened, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell that it's a space-time crack." Gu Yi said, "And space-time cracks appear very frequently, and I have discovered them more than ten times..."

Gao Fei couldn't help but take a deep breath - it turns out that I'm not the only one in trouble!

"Then how exactly did this happen?" Gao Fei asked impatiently.

Gu Yi did not directly answer Gao Fei's question, but instead asked: "Officer Gao Fei, how much do you know about the multiverse and parallel universes?"

Gao Fei slyly threw the question back to Master Gu Yi: "Let's ask the Master to enlighten me."

Master Gu Yi smiled and explained: "The universe we live in is not monotonous, in fact, it has infinite possibilities, and you and me, Mr. Richards, and the world at present are just this infinite variety. One of the possibilities."

Reed has some research on the concept of parallel universes, so he can quickly understand the meaning of the ancient one.

He nodded and said, "Schrödinger's cat. The uncertainty principle and the quantum superposition principle make the quantum in the microscopic realm have many possibilities, and when the quantum is observed, these possibilities will become certain. But the observer only observes. One of the quantum possibilities, not all of its possibilities."

Master Gu Yi explained what Shen Gunde said in an easy-to-understand way: "Not only quantum, but human beings and any substance in the universe have this situation. For example, this cup..."

Saying that, Master Gu Yi took the coffee cup in Gao Fei's hand and raised it high.

"...I can let go after three seconds to break it, but I can also break it without letting go, so please, is this cup broken after three seconds?"

"Broken and not broken." Reed immediately gave the correct answer.

However, Gao Fei's face collapsed: "What's wrong? What is broken and not broken? How about playing word games with me?"

"That's right." Gu nodded slightly, "The cup exists in both states, it is neither broken nor broken, but we cannot advance into the world of its two states at the same time, because these two different states The states form two distinct parallel universes, of which we as 'observers' can only enter."

Because of the different states and potential possibilities of matter, reality is divided into countless parallel universes that are completely different but related to each other. Whichever parallel universe the "observer" enters will see the corresponding results.

Hearing this, Gao Fei probably understood.

But he still couldn't figure out what the parallel universe had to do with the space-time crack.

"So how did the space-time rift come about?" Gao Fei asked.

Master Gu Yi said: "The reason why parallel universes are called parallel universes is that they do not interfere with each other, and there is no intersection..."

"But it turns out that parallel universes can't be truly parallel - under the action of external forces, it is possible for two completely different parallel universes to coincide with each other."

Gao Fei was suddenly in awe!

The two timelines before and after his crossing are two parallel universes, two completely different possibilities, and because of his crossing, these two possibilities have merged into one possibility, and the two parallel universes are mutually overlapped.

Master Gu Yi continued: "Sometimes it's just a coincidence of two simple possibilities, and the overlap may be very small—maybe it's just the coincidence of different things that happened on two different timelines within a few minutes of one person—but This simple coincidence would cause a collapse of the spatial order of the multiverse..."

"But there's also a chance that not every overlap of parallel universes will cause the spatial order to collapse."

"I understand." Goo Fei finally understood, and Reed beside him already understood.

"In short, as long as I cross, it is possible to create a bug, unless I can master the method of crossing without triggering the bug..."

Gao Fei pondered in his heart,

"Or, quickly find the crack in time and space after crossing, and let Carrie fix the bug and it's over... Although this is a bit of a nuisance, it's just a workout for her!"

Finally figured out the space-time crack, Master Gu Yi said that there was no need to stay.

But before she left, Reed suddenly suggested: "By the way, Master Gu Yi, as the world is becoming more and more dangerous, we have set up a response organization to deal with alien threats. I don't know if you are interested. join?"

In fact, since the establishment of the Illuminati, Goofy and Reed have been thinking about bringing the Supreme Mage in.

But after thinking about it, Gu Yi politely declined Reed's proposal.

"Sorry, Reed, I really want to join this organization, and I also believe that this organization is the guarantee of the world, but I may not be able to help you right now..."

"Everyone's era will come to an end, and I can't avoid the same fate. Flowers bloom and wither. This is the objective law of the development of things..."

"Unfortunately, there may not be much overlap between my era and your era, and even our intersection will end here..."

"But please rest assured, I will not be the last Supreme Mage. If I find a suitable heir, then I will be very happy to introduce him to your organization..."

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