American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 519: Steve's transformation

Ultron's previous series of calm analysis did not convince Steve Rogers, but made Steve increasingly reject Ultron.

He could never accept that the person who had protected him for the first half of his life was brainwashed into a murder tool, and was finally crushed to death by Ultron. He thought that Bucky should not have such a tragic ending. Bucky's life was really hard. .

So he resolutely raised the vibranium shield and tried to kill Ultron to avenge Bucky. At this moment, he even forgot that Ultron's essence was an artificial intelligence program, and even destroying her body made of vibranium would not help. .

But Goofy's remarks completely broke Steve, and even directly dispelled his intention to seek revenge for Ultron.

Because he knew that Gao Fei was right, every word he said was correct.

If the current Bucky is still the Bucky of the past, if he knows that he has become a **** of the enemy, then with Bucky's blood, he would rather die than live.

Ultron did nothing wrong, she just did what the real Bucky wanted to do, but couldn't.

She cut off Bucky and made him the hero who sacrificed himself and made the big picture once again. The decision he made on the Snowpiercer that year, Bucky just made it again.

"But he shouldn't die like this, he deserves a better ending!" Steve said bitterly, "He was originally a hero, and he should be admired by everyone...not killed as a Hydra puppet."

Goofy patted Steve on the shoulder and whispered: "Bucky sacrificed twice, he is a real hero, and this is his destiny, we can only accept..."

And seeing Steve in great pain, Tony Stark's anger at Bucky disappeared.

In fact, Tony didn't have any hatred for Bucky at all. He just saw that the person who killed his parents in the video was Bucky. Tony would inevitably take anger at him.

But after calming down, Tony understood that the culprit of everything was Hydra, and Bucky was just a prop, just a weapon.

In addition, Bucky died. After all, the dead are the most important. He walked over to Steve and patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Captain, if it makes you feel better, I want to say ...what I just said were angry words, I never wanted to kill Bucky, and even wanted to beat him up on impulse...I wouldn't beat him."

"Of course, it's too late to say anything, Bucky is a man to admire, he's a hero indeed."

Steve nodded wearily at Tony, but didn't respond.

He glanced back at Gao Fei and said in a low voice, "Gao Fei, I know I took several days off the other day, which caused a lot of inconvenience to you and the other police officers, but..."

"I'm really sorry, I think I can only continue to ask for leave."

Gao Fei knew that Steve was in a low mood now, and he was definitely not in the mood to work. Even if he was forcibly left in his post, it would be just a burden like a dead body.

"Go back and adjust your mood, Steve," Goofy said. "I'll arrange a decent funeral for Bucky."

"Thank you." Steve said absentmindedly, then turned around and left.

"Steve, your shield." Goofy raised his shield towards Steve.

"I don't need it anymore..." Steve whispered without looking back.

Everyone watched Steve leave the room, and everyone sighed.

"I didn't expect... Bucky was so important to him." Reed shook his head and sighed.

"Yes." Ultron said, "Steve was weak and injured when he was young. He was often bullied in Brooklyn. Only Bucky always protected him and never gave up on him. The relationship between the two was very strong. ."

"I didn't expect Ultron to be so humane?" Susan, who was standing beside him, asked curiously, "I thought Ultron was an artificial intelligence without emotion."

"This has nothing to do with feelings, Ultron's program contains rich psychological analysis." Gao Fei explained, "So he can accurately grasp everyone's thoughts, and can thoroughly analyze the relationship between Steve and Bucky. "

Susan suddenly realized, and then asked: "Then Ultron, can you analyze whether Steve can come out of this pain?"

Ultron nodded obediently, deduced briefly and said, "Steve's mental journey is very interesting. His life trajectory has developed from collectivism to individualism..."

"Before the freeze, Steve was a typical collectivist hero. He firmly believed that the collective was above everything else and was willing to give everything for the collective benefit, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and crashed the plane into the iceberg to save New York..."

Everyone nodded slightly, and Ultron was right.

Ultron continued:

"But since Steve woke up, his values ​​have changed. He has sacrificed too much because of the values ​​of collectivism, such as Bucky who fell into a cliff on a train, and Peggy who failed her life. Carter, including himself..."

"Steve subconsciously owes himself a debt to the people around him, such as Bucky and Peggy. This sense of debt makes him subconsciously give up collectivism and begin to evolve towards individualism."

Hearing this, Susan interrupted: "Wait, Ultron, individualism comes first, are you saying that Steve is becoming a selfish person?"

"Of course not." Ultron shook his head and said, "Individualism does not mean selfishness. Individualism means paying more attention to yourself and the people around you, rather than caring about the whole, always focusing on the overall situation."

"Because Steve has become more and more individualistic, that's why he attaches so much importance to Bucky, and even fights against the world for Bucky and affects the whole situation."

Others seem to understand what Ultron said, but Gao Fei fully agrees.

Because Goofy was a spectator in the Marvel Universe, he had previously browsed Steve's life as a spectator.

In "Captain 1", Steve Rogers crashed into an iceberg and then woke up is indeed a great turning point, and Captain America has indeed changed since then.

Trusting his own judgment in Captain America 2 helped Nick Fury fight the International Security Council, the beginning of his shift from collectivism to individualism.

In "Civil War", he resolutely refused to sign the "Sokovia Agreement", and Steve obviously no longer cared about the so-called big picture, but only put his eyes on the cherished individuals around him.

Not to mention the attitude towards Bucky, the US team did not hesitate to become a fugitive for Bucky, turned against his best friend Tony, and turned against the whole world.

At the end of "Avengers 4: Endgame", Steve chose to protect himself, traveled back to the past to make up for his regrets, and walked hand in hand with his love to finish a dull life.

In the beginning, Steve lived a vigorous life, and sacrificed his life for the sake of his family and the world, but in the end, Steve lived a little wayward.

The opposite of him happens to be Tony Stark.

His life just went from the supremacy of individualism to the supremacy of collectivism.

The unruly rich young master in "Iron Man 1" is a vampire who specializes in war and fortune. He only has his own interests in his eyes. Even if he has changed his mind after life and death in the cave, he is still hard-hearted when confronted by the media. Use the phrase "I am Iron Man" to pretend to be handsome.

But it is such a selfish person who has sublimated his soul again and again.

In the Battle of New York, holding a nuclear bomb straight into the wormhole, in the Age of Ultron, in order to protect the earth, he did not hesitate to bear the infamy to develop artificial intelligence...

In "Civil War", in order to take care of the overall situation and to restrain the power of the Avengers, Tony Stark risked being called a "traitor" by his close friends and negotiated with the government to draw up the "Sokovia Agreement".

In "Infinity War", in order to fight against Thanos and went far away, he almost died in the distant sky.

In "Endgame", Pepper and Morgan were put down, and they snapped their fingers without hesitation to defeat the Thanos army.

You know, what Tony gave up with a snap of his fingers was his almost perfect family!

A warm little farm, a gentle and virtuous wife, and a delicate and lovely daughter.

But Tony chose to give up all of this without hesitation, just to protect more families.

In the end, it is still the same sentence "I am Iron Man", but it is Tony's perfect transformation from individualism to collectivism.

The constant is only his warm heart.

It can't be said that Steve and Tony are more noble, after all, both are great, it's just that they choose different paths.

What's even more amazing is that these two people who were completely different at the beginning ended up living as the other person was.

The two fulfilled each other's life and also had their own endings.

But back at this point in time, Steve couldn't accept Bucky's death.

At this time, Tony's voice interrupted Goofy's thoughts and brought him back to reality.

"Ultron, don't continue to analyze. I'm not interested in Steve's mental activities. I just want to know how much Bucky's death affected him. Can he recover from this?"

Ultron was silent for a moment and replied: "In the long run, he may cheer up. But in the short term, he will become very depressed..."


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