American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 561: living planet

After Gao Fei said these words, everyone at the scene was persuaded by him, and no one would doubt Gao Fei's judgment, especially after he declared that he had gone to the future.

Tony Stark nodded first: "Well, since you have been to the future, of course we will believe your judgment, but who is this Egg? Why did he destroy the earth?"

With the cover of the skill "Crossing the Future", Goofy can logically spoil his teammates.

"Igo is a very ancient race. He started from a small unobservable particle and evolved into a living planet after millions of years of evolution in the universe..."

"What?" Reed was deeply shocked. "You mean, Star-Lord's father is a planet?"

Johnny shrugged and said, "But the old man we saw just now is no different from the earthlings. I don't think he looks like a planet..."

Gao Fei explained: "No, the Egg we see is not the body of Egg, but a projection created by him using his powerful abilities, which can also be understood as a kind of avatar of him. He is in the universe. There are many projections on many planets, and each projection has the exact same appearance as the native creatures on the planet..."

"So the Egg we see looks exactly like the Earthlings..."

"These projections can do anything for Igo, including releasing energy to destroy the cosmic fleet of the Supreme Stars, as well as combining with Star-Lord's mother and letting her give birth to Star-Lord..."

"But what everyone needs to know is that there are countless of the same projections in this universe, and the same is true of Egg's son. Star-Lord is just one of his thousands of heirs."

After Gao Fei made a supplementary introduction to Egg, everyone on the scene was dumbfounded.

Tony was stunned for a long time before he said leisurely: "This old man actually likes having children so much..."

Reed said with emotion: "If Egg's projection can easily destroy a galactic fleet, then he is indeed a very powerful creature."

Dr. Banner was curious: "I really want to see what a living planet really looks like. Is it a planet that looks like a human? Or is it a huge human like a planet?"

And Steve frowned and asked: "Goofy, although Egg is a living planet with thousands of projections, powerful abilities, and countless children, I still don't understand what it has to do with him destroying the earth..."

"He just gave birth to a child with an earth woman, and the poor woman died, I don't think this is the reason for him to destroy the earth?"

"Of course not." Goofy shook his head and said, "But Egg, a living planet, needs to absorb energy, and any living body needs the process of metabolism. The reason why Egg has to combine with so many planets' creatures and give birth to offspring , I just want to use these offspring as an introduction, or as a link, and use them as a way to absorb the vitality of the target planet..."

"That is to say, Star-Lord is the introduction for Egg to absorb the vitality of the earth. It is very likely that he brought Star-Lord back to Earth this time to be the beginning of his conspiracy plan. Next, he will use Star-Lord as a link and completely absorb the earth! "

Hearing this, Steve couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the squeezed round double chin became more obvious.

"Huh... that's a little scary."

"Yes." Tony nodded and admitted, "How do we fight a guy who can split a projection and destroy the entire cosmos-class fleet with a wave of his hand?"

Dr. Banner put his hope on Ultron. He looked up at Ultron and asked, "Ultron, can you give any solution? I think your mind may be the most powerful among us..."

Ultron shook his head helplessly: "Sorry, I currently have very little information about Egg in the database, and I can't figure out a reasonable way to deal with him. I can only say that Egg's combat power is not of the same order of magnitude as the current Earth. Yes, if we forcibly confront him, we have little chance of winning..."

Tony sneered: "This is embarrassing, we have no chance of winning against Egg, but if we don't fight against Egg, we will all become fodder for this living planet - anyway, it's all death, just pick a way to die. "

Steve put his last hope on Gao Fei. He looked up at Gao Fei and asked, "Goofy, are we really helpless? Is it really like what Ultron said, we have no chance of winning at all? ?"

Although the Ultron era has been open for a long time, Steve still does not trust Ultron. Steve does not believe all the conclusions given by Ultron. He only trusts Gao Fei.

Fortunately, Gao Fei did not disappoint him this time. Gao Fei shook his head and denied Ultron's statement.

"Actually, we are not helpless, we still have hope of defeating Egg."


Everyone immediately became interested and asked curiously, "How to win?"

Ultron also tilted his head and looked at his father, looking reverently expecting an answer, even though he had just slapped him in the face.

Gao Fei said: "Although Egg is very powerful, his projection combat power is strong enough, but he is not invincible. As long as we focus on his body, not his projection, there is hope. beat him."

"On his body?" Tony Stark asked with a frown, "That living planet?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "If we just fight Egg's projection, then we will definitely lose, because first of all we can't beat his projection at all, and secondly, even if we are lucky enough to defeat Egg's projection, this Can't do any harm to him either..."

"Unless we can locate Egg's and destroy this living planet, then we can directly kill this powerful guy." Goofy said.

"But... According to common sense, shouldn't Egg's body be stronger than his projection?" Reed frowned, "We can't even beat Egg's projection, how can we beat his body?"

Tony asked: "Goofy, don't you want to drive the Kree's Dark Star to bomb Egg's body? But Ultron didn't say that, the Dark Star will take at least a year to complete. repair?"

"It's one year and three months..." Ultron corrected in a low voice.

However, in the face of everyone's doubts, Gao Fei expressed his unusual calmness.

"Rest assured, I have a way to deal with living planets. Maybe Egg's body is indeed stronger than his projection, but his body has a fatal weakness."

"Oh? What weakness?" Reed asked curiously.

"That's a planet." Gao Fei smiled lightly, the expression on his face intriguing.

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