American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 589: Challenging Black Panther

Disappointed, T'Challa slipped out of Goofy's house and returned to the aircraft in Wakanda.

It was none other than his sister, Princess Shu Rui of Wakanda, who drove him all the way in the aircraft.

Although the whole country is saddened by the assassination of the old king T'Challa, and there are many who hope to avenge the old king, but only T'Challa and his sister will do this, and even fly to Ultron regardless of reason. Within the borders of the country, assassination is far stronger than their high flying.

The only ones who lost their minds because of hatred were their brothers and sisters.

While waiting for T'Challa, Shu Rui was even ready to sacrifice his brother.

She knew that Gao Fei was a very powerful person, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the number one fighting force on earth.

She decides that if Goofy kills T'Challa, then she will fly into Goofy's house in a Wakanda flying machine and fight him desperately.

Su Rui had long heard that Gao Fei had the ability to penetrate a spaceship, and she wanted to see this terrifying superman with her own eyes.

Unexpectedly, after half an hour, T'Challa came back safe and sound.

"Brother! Are you still alive?!" Su Rui was obviously very surprised, which was different from what she expected.

"Yes." T'Challa's mood was very low, and he held the helmet of the black panther suit that was squashed by Goofy.

" defeated Gao Fei?" Su Rui asked imaginatively, "This is the blessing of the black panthers of all dynasties, and our father has appeared!"

"Defeat Goofy?!" T'Challa laughed at himself and shook his head in despair, "Stop dreaming, sister, even if you try your best Wakanda, you may not be able to defeat Goofy, this guy is a monster..."

"What?" Su Rui was stunned. "Since you didn't defeat Gao Fei, how could he let you come back safe and sound? You didn't fight? Or..."

"Su Rui, Gao Fei didn't kill our father, and those Ultron robots were not sent by Ultron, but someone was sowing discord..."

T'Challa explained in a low voice,

"The black man who assassinated his father, he is our cousin, and his father is Njob who betrayed Wakanda and was executed by our father!"

"What, what?"

Su Rui was caught off guard by the sudden information. She listened to her brother's words in a daze, and failed to fully digest the content for a long time.

Black Panther T'Challa did not explain in detail, after all, they are now staying in the territory of Ultron.

"Let's go back to Wakanda first, if Mother or Okoye know we're here to assassinate Goofy, they'll go crazy..."

After that, T'Challa personally controlled the aircraft to lift off, and in a flash, the black-tech aircraft disappeared behind the clouds over Ultron...


After returning, T'Challa gave Shu Rui a detailed description of their cousin Eric.

The orthodox Crown Prince of Wakanda, born in California, United States, is a strange man of intelligence and muscle.

He was admitted to MIT and went on to graduate school. After graduation, he joined the Navy SEALs and killed thousands of people on the battlefield of Af Khan.

Without the help of Ultron and Goofy, T'Challa could only pursue the assassination of the king by himself, and his initial conclusion was that the man behind it was their cousin Eric.

After all, Eric had full motives in assassinating the king, and he also revealed his intentions to assassinate the king of Wakanda in front of Goofy and Ultron.

What T'Challa didn't expect was that he soon saw the cousin, and before he could send someone to arrest the murderer, Eric came to Wakanda by himself.

When Eric appeared in Wakanda, the anger in T'Challa's chest burned again. If it wasn't for the members of the Wakanda guards around to stop him, T'Challa would probably jump up and tear Eric apart. rotten.

Eric came directly to the streets of the capital under the leadership of the Wakanda guards. The appearance of this stranger aroused the curiosity and attention of the citizens.

"How dare you come to Wakanda?!"

T'Challa walked towards Eric and asked loudly in front of the entire Wakanda.

At this time, Queen Ramanda, who was standing not far behind T'Challa, that is T'Challa's mother, asked in surprise: "T'Challa, my child, who is this person?"

"Oh, he is the murderer of my father, he is a despicable assassin!" T'Challa roared angrily.

However, Wakanda's general Wakabi, who was in charge of bringing Eric in, stood up and said loudly: "My queen, this friend claims to be the legitimate heir of Wakanda, and he is the brother of the old king - Njo Bo's biological son!"

After Wakabi said this, all the Wakanda people present exclaimed. The younger generation had little impression of the name Njob, but the older generation still remembered this person.

The king's younger brother, Enjob, once went to the United States to do an undercover investigation into the Zhenjin flow case. Later, this person suddenly disappeared, and no one dared to mention his name in the country.

Although everyone thought it was strange, and realized that there must be something behind NJob's disappearance, Wakanda was still a country ruled by the Black Panther after all, and no one dared to offend the authority of the king.

Now the appearance of En Job's son has aroused everyone's curiosity about the dusty past, and it has also made the people have a heated discussion. It didn't take long for the pedestrians on the street to talk about it.

Eric knew how to take advantage of the curiosity of the citizens, and he took the opportunity to shout loudly: "I know you don't know me, and you have even forgotten my father, but you may remember the incident when Zhenjin flowed out of Wakanda. It was my father who was in charge of the investigation..."

"My father did not hesitate to leave his hometown to go undercover in the United States for Wakanda, but his good brother, your great Black Panther, the former king of Wakanda, Tchaka, had a slight disagreement with my father because of his political views. He directly executed my father!"

"And now, after T'Chaka's I can finally return to this country, my homeland!"

"My compatriots! My compatriots! According to the custom of Wakanda, I have the same qualifications as T'Challa to inherit the throne..."

"I'm going to challenge T'Challa now!"

"When I defeat this cowardly boy, when I inherit the throne of Wakanda, I will tell you what I have been through all these years and what our fellow black people have gone through!"

"When the time comes, I will create a great and glorious new Wakanda with my own hands!!"

Before T'Challa could stop him, Eric had already challenged him.

The Wakanda citizens and elders present all witnessed the process of Eric's challenge, and Eric did have the blood of the Wakanda royal family, which made his challenge irresistible.

No matter what reason T'Challa has, he must accept Eric's challenge, and once Eric defeats T'Challa, he will become the new king of Wakanda!

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