American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 638: Friend's help

Gao Fei glanced at the phone, and saw a familiar name displayed on the caller's number.

Christine - Goofy's old friend, a nurse who used to work the night shift in Queens, has been studying part-time while working as a night shift nurse over the years. She has a bachelor's degree in trauma and is now officially a doctor.

After all, she was Gao Fei's first friend who came to the Marvel world, and she and Gao Fei witnessed each other's growth and change.

In recent years, Gao Fei has grown from a small Brooklyn policeman to a powerful figure now, and Kristen Palmer has also been successfully promoted from a night shift nurse to an excellent surgeon with certain qualifications in the hospital.

The two have maintained intermittent contact over the years, and their relationship has stabilized as a loyal friend, so Goofy was not surprised to receive a call from Christine.

Just considering the recent car accident that happened to Dr. Strange, and considering the relationship between Christine and Strange, Goofy probably guessed the purpose of the phone call—this was by no means a greeting from ordinary friends.

He answered the phone and asked politely and gently, "Hey, Christine, what's the matter with calling me so late?"

"Well, Goofy..." Christine's voice was a little hoarse on the phone, and her mood was not stable, "I'm sorry to bother you now, do you have time? I know you've been busy, I won't waste your time, right? ?"

"Of course there's no delay." Gao Fei said with a smile, "It's okay, old friends can't be so polite. If it's inconvenient for me, I'll tell you directly..."

After the conversation changed, Gao Fei asked directly, "What happened? It sounds like your condition is not very good."

Kristin sighed and whispered: "Alas... It's a huge, super, irreversible disaster, it's really terrible, it's a nightmare!"

"I don't know if you noticed that my colleague, Dr. Stephen Strange, the best neurosurgeon in the world, was in a car accident..."

"He was terribly traumatized by speeding off the road and he almost died, almost... almost died."

Gao Fei whispered: "I know, I saw the news report."

In fact, not just news reports, Goofy witnessed the entire process of Dr. Strange's car accident in the theater probably years ago.

There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority.

Irregular driving, my colleagues are in tears...

Stephen Strange wasn't just speeding, he was looking at his phone while driving.

Such behavior is not only irresponsible to yourself, but also irresponsible to other drivers on the road.

Gao Fei can't wait to get into the minds of all drivers who are seriously speeding and playing with their mobile phones while driving: "You can kill yourself, don't implicate others!"

"Goofy, Goofy?" - At this moment, Christine's voice came from the receiver, awakening Goofy, whose thoughts were drifting further and further away.

"Ah?" Gao Fei woke up from a dream and asked embarrassedly, "Did I just... get distracted?"

"Yeah, you didn't respond when I talked to you for a long time. I thought you had something to do temporarily." Christine said.

"Sorry, where did you say it?" Goofy said, "I was shocked by such a terrifying disaster, so I didn't recover for a while, and I was a little distracted, sorry..."

Christine did not doubt, but whispered: "Gao Fei, can I beg you to help Strange? Speaking of which, the two of you have a relationship. Oh, it was when you just took office as NYPD, you shouldn't have forgotten it, right?"

"Of course not." Gao Fei responded, "I remember it clearly."

"Hehe, that was many years ago..." Christine said with a smile, "The doctor in charge of you at that time was Strange, and he helped you at that time, so..."

Goofy immediately understood what Christine meant, and he did not let Christine continue to say more.

"Don't worry, Christine, I will help Strange, tell me his ward, and I will visit him in these days." Goofy said.

"Really? This is great!" Christine said excitedly, and then gave Strange's ward address.

Then he specially added: "By the way, Strange's hands were out of control because of the accident, which made him very uneasy, and his mood became very bad..."

"If by then he has said anything to offend you, I hope, I beg you, Goofy...don't know him in the same way, okay?"

"If you are too angry, come and find me, and I will compensate you in every way, really..."

Christine said softly.

Gao Fei smiled: "Don't worry, Christine, I'm the best at communicating with people who are out of control."


Goofy gave Strange a whole day to calm down, and the next day, he appeared in Strange's ward unhurriedly.

Seeing Gao Fei's arrival, the medical staff at the scene were very excited. In everyone's eyes, there is probably nothing in this world that Gao Fei can't And his appearance is obviously the result of Sri Lanka The Gospel of Dr. Trange.

Goofy walked down the hospital hallway when there was a murmur behind him.

"It seems that Dr. Strange is saved now..."

"I heard that Dr. Strange treated Gao Fei back then..."

"So, is Gao Fei here to repay his kindness today?"

"No, I heard Dr. Palmer invited Goofy here."

"By the way, it is said that Goofy and Mr. Stark have something called... the cradle of life, that thing can regenerate human limbs!"

"I heard that too, so Dr. Strange is saved!"

Goofy turned a deaf ear to these whispers and walked straight to Strange's ward, and just as he reached the door, he heard an angry growl.

"What you're doing is stupid! How can you operate on me with this scheme?"

"Isn't there a better plan? Is this your current level of medicine?"

"My hands are broken! My hands are completely broken!"

Then a timid voice sounded: "Stephen, everyone has done their best, your situation was so bad at the time, it's a miracle to save your hands..."

This was Kristin's voice, and she should have been negotiating with Strange now.

Goofy stepped in, and sure enough, he saw Christine with a painful expression and Strange with an angry face.

Strange was lying on the hospital bed in embarrassment, wrapped like a mummy, and his hands were hung in the air, his fingers were full of steel nails...


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