American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 651: Butterfly

Facing the request of Master Gu Yi, Gao Fei seemed to have no reason to refuse.

We are all friends who have fought side by side and lived and died together.

The significance of cultivating Strange is very significant, and he will become an important guardian to protect the magical dimension of the earth from invasion in the future.

Coupled with the fact that Master Gu Yi was dying, the request was too heavy.

"I don't seem to be able to refuse, right?" Gao Fei spread his hands, "You planned all this with your own life, and I can't let Strange's development plan be interrupted in my hands."

"Thank you, Gao Fei." Master Gu Yi smiled comfortably, then glanced at his chest and reached out to take off a necklace.


The pendant of that necklace is made of a golden mysterious metal with the same texture as the skylight of the New York Temple, which looks like the texture of a basketball, but is more intricate.

And within this pendant, a green gemstone shone with scorching light.

This pendant is called "The Eye of Agamotto", and it is the most important instrument of the Supreme Mage.

The gem inside is one of the six Infinity Stones - the Time Stone.

Gao Fei stared at the treasure intently, and asked in a low voice, "Is this a reward for me because I promised to guide Strange?"

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi instantly went black.


"This is the relic I left to Strange. When I was in Kama Taj, I was worried that Casillas would take it away, so I didn't give it to him for the time being..."

"Ah... so..." Gao Fei nodded awkwardly, this misunderstanding was a bit big.

However, Master Gu Yi immediately added: "As for your reward, it's not that I haven't considered it..."

"I know that you are currently studying the "Dark God Book", and reading this book will give you great achievements in mysticism, but since all the records in this book are black magic, long-term study may be beneficial to you. The spirit has some negative effects..."

"In this case, the "Book of Emperor Weishan" will give you some help. The white magic recorded on it can just neutralize the influence you have on the black magic..."

"Since I asked you to guide Strange, then of course you should also understand the contents of the "Book of Weishandi", one of the "Book of Weishandi" was snatched by Casillas, and the rest Two, these two books will be regarded as your reward, okay?"

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "It sounds pretty good."

"That's good." Master Gu Yi smiled, "Okay, Strange has come, I should go and say goodbye to him."

Speaking of which, Master Gu Yi shuttled from the **** dimension to the real world, and happened to meet Strange, who used space magic to come to Carnasi for the last time.

Since Strange has never been to Goofy's house, he only knows that Goofy lives in Canarsie, so the other end of the aperture is just at a crossroad not far from Goofy's house, and there is no accurate communication. Go to Goofy's house.

The streets of Canarsie were quiet late at night, and the dim streetlights stretched Strange's embarrassed figure.

He held two heavy "Books of Emperor Weishan" in his hands and looked around cautiously.

Although it was already Goofy's territory, he was still afraid Casillas would catch up.

"Is Casillas not so bold?"

"Gao Fei lives not far away..."

"But where's his house? I should call Kristin..."

At this moment, a faint light appeared, and the soul of the ancient master appeared in front of Strange, so frightened that Strange almost threw the "Book of Weishandi" in his hand.

"Oh! God!"

"Uh... Mage, it turned out to be you, scared me to death, I thought Casillas really caught up..."

Gu Yi smiled lightly: "He doesn't dare to come here, he doesn't have the guts."

Strange glanced at Gu Yi worriedly and asked, "So, Mage, when will you be resurrected?"

"Resurrection?" Master Gu Yi frowned, "You may have misunderstood, I will not be resurrected, Strange, I am dead."

"But you're the Supreme Mage, you're a superhero... You can't just take the lunch, right? What's more, you were killed by a guy like Casillas, who was not qualified to be the number one villain in a movie. Yes! This plot is wrong, this is not a routine routine at all!"

"And you have only just begun to teach me the knowledge of mysticism. I have just learned to use the suspense ring, and recite a few simple spells like a cat and a tiger..."

"How can I become a mage if you die?"

"You will definitely be resurrected, right? Anyway, there are countless advanced black technologies, alien technologies, and magic... Goofi is the master of the **** dimension. He is in charge of the human soul... He has a way to resurrect you, right?"

Strange said hysterically, he really couldn't accept Gu Yi taking the lunch like this.

Master Gu Yi smiled apologetically, stretched out his index finger to cover his lips, and motioned Strange to stop talking.

"Shh...Stephen, my death is something that cannot be reversed, it has already happened."

"Actually I have gained a very long extra life, which is against the laws of nature..."

"My only regret is that I can no longer guide you, Stephen. But Goofy will help me with this task."

"He will continue to guide you in mysticism, or in other words, it is more appropriate for the two of you to study and progress together, Stephen, our fate ends here..."

"Although it's only a very brief coincidence in my life, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Speaking of this, the soul of the ancient master gradually became transparent.


Strange reached out his hand desperately, trying to keep Gu Yi, but when his hand touched Gu Yi's soul, he couldn't catch anything.

But Gu Yi's soul suddenly turned into countless butterflies at this scattered and flew around, the dim street lamps cast messy fragments of these butterflies, and Gu Yi Mage finally disappeared...

Strange's eyes followed these butterflies and continued to look into the distance, and his emotions were complicated and suppressed.

He thought that this life and death should be very sad, at least he should shed a few tears for his master, but the time he spent with Gu Yi was too short, and it was too short to cultivate feelings.

Therefore, Strange was surprised to find that he didn't feel much sadness about Gu Yi's death, he just felt pity, just lost.

While watching the butterfly fly away, Strange's eyes finally stopped at the end of the butterfly disappearing.

There was a villa with lights on, and a man stood at the door of the villa.

The man just looked in Strange's direction and beckoned to him.

Strange was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, hugged the two heavy "Books of Emperor Weishan", and walked quickly to the man in front of the door...

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