American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 698: Thor's Counterattack

There are many reasons for Thor's strength - the natural toughness of the Asgardians, the infinite strength, the bonus of the power of Thor, the arm of the weapon Mjolnir...

But one of the reasons is the most important, and that is Thor's iron will that never gives up.

Even if he encounters a formidable opponent, or falls into a desperate situation, Thor will never choose to give up, nor will he be afraid or retreat.

He will rise to the challenge and fight to the end, whether or not he has a hammer in his hand.

"Hyperon, die!!"

Thor's eyes flashed blue lightning, while his arms were wrapped with dazzling currents. The audience was completely shocked by Thor's new image and cheered his name loudly.





Gao Fei, who was sitting on the spaceship overlooking the arena, also felt honored, as if his own silly boy finally got his head, he turned back and smiled at Valkyrie, and said: "Look, Thor is not so easy to be defeated. Well."

Valkyrie was also shocked: "I didn't expect this guy to be so tenacious, and I didn't expect that he could manipulate the power of Thor without the hammer of Thor."

"I think the power to manipulate thunder and lightning should be his own divine power, not the divine power of that hammer." Goofy said.

Valkyrie shrugged: "Then this game is starting to be suspenseful now."

In a flash, dark clouds began to condense over the arena, and the thunder roared and rolled down, sweeping towards Hyperion.

Hyperion hurriedly dodged, while concentrating his thermal vision to continue restricting Thor's movements.

Thor struggled to climb out of the deep pit that was bombarded into. At the same time, he raised his hand to control the power of thunder in the sky, and countless thunders rolled down, forming a huge net of thunder on the arena.

"Tsk..." Hyperion's expression finally became nervous, "It seems that the Asgardians are really difficult to deal with..."

Thor sneered: "I said long ago that only we Asgardians are true gods!"

However, although Thor reversed the situation at the scene, Hyperion did not panic. In fact, he was more flexible to avoid Thor's thunder attack, because his speed was always above Thor.

Gao Tianzun in the stands also saw this, so the old man's face was always calm.

"Respected master, Thor has awakened such an ability in the decisive battle, is the Golden Titan about to lose?" Topaz asked in a low voice.

"Defeat? The Golden Titan is not so easy to defeat..." Gao Tianzun said calmly.

As soon as these words were spoken, Hyperion on the arena had already taken a counterattack. He used his fast flight to shuttle through the heavy power grid under Thorbu, the **** of thunder, galloping like a golden lightning!

"So fast!" Valkyrie said with squinted eyes, even with excellent eyesight, she couldn't capture Hyperion's body.

However, Gao Fei, who has this cosmic limit speed, can clearly see the motion trajectory of Hyperion. At the same time, he was surprised to find that Hyperion has reached one percent of the speed of light.

Although it is one percent, this speed is already very terrifying, at least in terms of Thor's current strength, he is still unable to reach this level.

So after passing Thor's thunder attack, Hyperion rushed in front of him.

"Asgardian, your ability is nothing but that!"

Hyperion smiled coldly and punched Thor's chest directly.


Thor was slammed into the air, hitting the wall of the arena again.

Hyperion continued to pursue, kicking Thor in the stomach.


The stone chips flew, and the smoke and dust rose, and the onlookers were almost scared to pee, and they all screamed.

Valkyrie couldn't help covering his eyes: "Thor is too miserable."

And Hyperion, who became more and more brave in battle, did not mean to stop at all, and he accelerated again and rushed towards Thor.

Booom! !

In the third attack, Hyperion hit Thor's body with the weight of his entire body and the speed of one percent of the speed of light, and the powerful impact directly smashed Thor into the depths of the arena.

The two smashed into the ground ten meters deep, and then gradually stopped.

Gao Tianzun enjoyed watching it, and said with a smile: "This is the real **** fight! But with the golden titan's style of play, even if Leidi is an Asgardian, it's hard to bear..."

Patos also nodded with a sneer: "This time Leidi may have to die."

Hyperion in the ring thinks so too. His powerful impact has made Thor's nose bruised and swollen. No one can survive under this level of attack, and the Asgardians are no exception.

"It's over, Asgardians, I won this battle. It turns out that our Eternal Protoss is the real god..."

Hyperion held down Thor's shoulders and said in a deep voice.

But at this moment, Thor, who had already passed out, suddenly opened his eyes, and then suddenly hugged Hyperion's shoulders and locked him firmly.

"What?!" Hyperion sucked in a breath of cold air. What the **** is this sudden strongman Lockman?

Thor, who opened his eyes, sneered: "Titan, you underestimate us Asgardians. This game is not over yet, and the outcome has not yet been announced!"

"Eternal Protoss? Sorry, you are also worthy of being called gods?"

"I Asgard are the real Protoss!!"

Speaking of Thunder rolled in Thor's eyes, and at the same time, he summoned the power of thunder, and directly smashed into the ground from a height of several thousand meters, bombarding him and Hyperion. .

"I think where else can you hide this time?! You flying coward!"

Boooom! !

The sturdy thunderbolt penetrated the entire arena, and many timid spectators in the stands were so scared that they urinated their pants.

Gao Tianzun didn't expect such a reversal of the game, he panicked and shouted excitedly: "Exciting! Exciting!"

Valkyrie's spaceship was above the arena, and it was almost smashed into pieces by Thor's thunderbolt, but Gao Fei sat on the spaceship calmly and continued to watch the battle. When Thor summoned the thunderbolt, he calculated himself. out of attack range.

Valkyrie hid in the cabin, craned his neck to watch the situation below, and asked in a low voice, "Goofy, will Thor win this time?"

"We'll find out soon." Gao Fei smiled, "But I have to admit, Thor's trick is very clever."

And a few seconds later, the huge explosion finally ended, and the arena was scorched.

Black smoke billowed from the cave where Thor and Hyperion were located, but it was unknown who won the final victory in this game.

The host shouted excitedly: "The game should be over. After Thor released a complete blow, I think the game should be over."

Gao Tianzun also looked excited: "Who won? Who persisted to the end?"

The eyes of tens of thousands of spectators at the scene were all staring at the deep and dark cave, waiting for the triumph of the victor.

At this moment, a huge and rough hand stretched out from the cave!

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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