American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 17: Nuclear Bomb Wash, Go To Ten Rings Stronghold! [Kneeling For Flowers To Reward Evaluatio

Under the disbelieving eyes of Natasha Romanoff, Jiang Bai and his group boarded the transport plane.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox really took a launcher box and placed it in front of Jiang Bai.

"Sir, the coordinates have been set, do you want to launch?"


Without any hesitation, Jiang Bai happily pressed the launch button inside the box.

Natasha Romanoff began to pray wildly in her heart, hoping that Jiang Bai and the others were just making an international joke, using some kind of missile head instead of a real nuclear bomb.

After all, it was a nuclear bomb!

Will Deadman!

Not long after Jiang Bai pressed the button, a high-speed fighter jet roared past the transport plane, and an unidentifiable object fell from the direction of the fighter jet and fell straight into the valley.

next second.

The deafening sound of "Boom" sounded, and the picture in front of everyone's eyes turned pale.

The transport plane was even affected by the airflow, causing violent shaking.

Under the strong white light, Natasha Romanoff widened her eyes, staring in disbelief at the rising red and yellow mushroom cloud in front of her eyes.

It turned out to be a nuclear bomb!

He actually dropped the nuclear bomb!


King Ada's reaction was still strong, but he silently glanced at Jiang Bai who was being supported by Captain Nine-Tailed Fox.

This man is very decisive!

The entire valley collapsed instantly as the nuclear bomb exploded.

The ground was blasted into a bottomless hole. If the mountain walls on both sides of the valley were not high enough, the entire area would have been strongly affected by this nuclear bomb.

The surrounding vegetation was completely burnt, lifeless.

As a ground unit of the tyrant army, it was the closest to the detonation point of the nuclear bomb, and it didn't even have time to let out a roar, and it evaporated instantly under the high temperature.

However, the atmospheric jellyfish, which is the main target of the nuclear bomb in the sky, has shown vitality beyond people's imagination.

Except for the atmospheric jellyfish that were too close to the detonation point to be destroyed, the rest, especially the outer atmospheric jellyfish, were unscathed, and with the help of the airflow generated by the explosion, they seemed to be scattered and fled.

"Don't let them go, re-determine the coordinates, and launch the nuclear bomb again, this time using the air blast method, leaving no one behind! I want to make them disappear completely!"

A group of anomalies that even tactical nuclear bombs cannot completely eliminate, Jiang Bai naturally does not imagine that he can contain them perfectly.

If it is not contained, it will be destroyed!

As for the launch of the nuclear bomb, it is enough to have a good time.

This time, Jiang Bai didn't intend to waste time, and let Captain Nine-Tailed Fox do it himself.


Captain Nine-Tailed Fox immediately carried out Jiang Bai's order, took over the computer, and started to recalculate.

Natasha Romanoff's eyes haven't been closed since she got on the transport plane, are you still here?

One nuclear bomb is not enough, so there are still more?

How many nukes does he have?

Is this really a small smuggling group!

There are super soldiers, and there are nukes.

Isn't this really some villain force that wants to destroy the world!

Thinking that she had actually lowered the danger level of this faction before, Natasha Romanoff wished to give herself a big fight.

"Don't get excited, his decision is correct, these creatures can resist the attack of nuclear bombs, and they must not be let go! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

King Ada noticed Natasha Romanoff's trembling body, and held Natasha Romanoff's hand in a low voice to comfort him.

Natasha Romanoff didn't know this, just thinking of the subsequent impact, especially not knowing whether Phil Coulson and the others had successfully evacuated, Natasha Romanoff only felt dizzy.

You must know that Phil Coulson and the others came here according to the coordinates provided by Natasha Romanoff. If they really died because of the nuclear bomb, it would be Natasha Romanoff's fault!

This is the mentality of redemption, and when I think that I may cause the death of my teammates, I completely collapse!

Jiang Bai has no time to care about Natasha Romanoff's mood swings at the moment. Under Jiang Bai's signal, Captain Nine-Tailed Fox set the coordinates of three tactical nuclear bombs at one time, all of which are densely packed with atmospheric jellyfish.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three tactical nuclear bombs detonated in mid-air.

Affected by the explosion Shockwave, the original valley was completely broken.

It was abruptly pushed into a plain.

The smoke and dust from the explosion directly covered the entire area, and it was impossible to see the life and death of the atmospheric jellyfish swarm.

After waiting for a long time, the smoke and dust still didn't mean to disperse, Jiang Bai frowned, and called Captain Nine-Tailed Fox to say,

"Take a few down and check to see if the group of 312 are dead. Be careful."


Captain Nine-Tailed Fox saluted, and led several of his men to jump off the transport plane again.

Under the signal of Jiang Bai, the transport plane began to circle around the nuclear explosion site, trying to find traces of atmospheric jellyfish.


The transport plane turned around for a long time, and Captain Nine-Tailed Fox's voice came from Jiang Bai's earphones.


"According to our investigation, most of the 312 group has died out, but a small number of 312 individuals still escaped, and the escape route has been uploaded to your mobile phone."

Jiang Bai took out his mobile phone and zoomed in on the picture sent by Captain Nine-Tailed Fox.

There are red dots marked by the nine-tailed fox in almost every direction, especially in the place not far from here, there are more than a dozen big red dots densely marked.

"Sir, the coordinate point with the largest number of 312, according to the drone inspection, is the stronghold of the armed force Ten Rings, do you want to clear it?"

Ten Rings?

Hearing this name, Jiang Bai smiled playfully.

When I came here, I was still thinking about whether to save Iron Man, but I didn't expect that Iron Man delivered it to my door without looking for it!

Could there be a better coincidence than this?

"You return quickly and go to the Ten Rings stronghold. You must not let these 312 out of our sight."


Captain Nine-Tailed Fox immediately led his men to pack up everything and returned to the location of the transport plane.

On the transport plane, Natasha Romanoff felt nervous again.

Ten Rings is the gang that kidnapped Tony Stark.

Now S.H.I.E.L.D is hunting down the Ten Rings to save Stark.

If those terrifying atmospheric jellyfish really ran towards the Ten Rings, wouldn't S.H.I.E.L.D's people be killed or injured?

Not caring too much, Natasha Romanoff jumped into King Ada's arms directly, looking like the two sisters were intimate, secretly, she took out her mobile phone and sent a signal to S.H.I.E.L.D to retreat.

"Cousin, it's just a bunch of terrorists, just deliver the nuclear bomb, right?"

The moment Natasha Romanoff threw himself into his arms, King Ada knew that there must be people from S.H.I.E.L.D in the so-called Ten Rings stronghold, and suggested with a playful smile.

As soon as these words came out, Natasha Romanoff's delicate body in her arms shook.

If it weren't for the sudden force of King Ada's arms to lock Natasha Romanoff firmly, the two women might not have had a fight on the plane.

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