American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter Thirty: The Classification Of The Foundation's Containment!

At the moment there is a person, a statue, and a rock cube that appear on the screen.

Dr. Reiner first introduced the humanoid containment to Jiang Bai.

"This bronze-skinned Middle Eastern man is tentatively called SCP-073. Judging from his appearance, he is about 20 years old, has black hair and blue eyes, and is extremely intelligent. According to our follow-up observation during this period, he The character shown so far is kind, warm, helpful, proficient in multiple languages, but at the same time he will bring death!"

Dr. Reiner immediately pressed the remote control, and the man still appeared on the screen, but he was in a wasteland at the moment, and all the vegetation around him had withered.

Even the land seems to have lost its vitality, becoming dry, and there is even a tendency to desertify.

"This is another characteristic of SCP-073. He seems to be able to cause all plants and even land within a radius of 20 meters from him to lose their vitality and then die."

"According to the current situation, the existence of SCP-073 should cause all the anaerobic bacteria in the soil within a radius of 20 meters from him to die, thus causing the land to become barren. In addition, there is a The Sumerian cultural symbol of the location, the meaning of the symbol is slightly known at present."

Jiang Bai nodded slightly, and then said to Dr. Reiner: "Based on the current situation, the danger level of SCP-073 should be Euclid, right?"

"That's right, SCP-073 is a containment object that can communicate and has a certain degree of goodwill, and the threat to humans is not too great based on current observations, so Euclid is the most suitable classification."

Dr. Reiner also quite agrees with Jiang Bai's judgment.

"What next? This statue should be SCP-173, right?"

For the three contained objects on the screen, Jiang Bai actually knows them all.

After all, he has seen too many materials about SCP containment.

But only he knows it. For others, these existences are undoubtedly still full of unknowns, so Jiang Bai will let Dr. Reiner introduce these contained objects to them.

"The president is indeed well-informed. This containment is indeed code-named SCP-173. This is a statue made entirely of steel and concrete. According to the current known information, once this statue is observed, it cannot be destroyed." Looking away, even blinking, results in the self being attacked by SCP-173."

"As of now, more than 30 people have died from SCP-173 attacks, and all of them were killed by SCP-173 wringing their necks from behind."

"Also for the classification of SCP-173, it is still Euclid."

Hearing this, Natasha Romanoff was a little puzzled.

"Why is SCP-173 also Euclid? Obviously he has already caused casualties, but SCP-073 only caused the death of surrounding plants and soil, and did not actively attack humans."

The existence that has killed at least 30 people is an important wanted criminal in any country, and must be arrested and dealt with as soon as possible.

But here in the SCP Foundation, it is still relatively safe Euclid level? What does it mean?

Natasha Romanoff believes that she has performed tasks in various parts of the world, and has also seen different styles in various places.

But to deal with such extremely dangerous serial murderers who would be attacked by anyone, they would basically be dealt with directly.

But she has never seen anything like the SCP Foundation.

Although Jiang Bai didn't say anything about Natasha Romanoff's doubts.

But Dr. Reiner stared at Natasha Romanoff with some displeasure: "Are you a member of that strike class? Don't you know that you can't question when your superiors speak? And it's such a stupid question!"

Since he came with Jiang Bai, Dr. Reiner naturally regarded Natasha Romanoff as someone inside the Foundation, and even regarded Natasha Romanoff as an elite who came from the headquarters.

But is the elite of Headquarters only at this level?

Dr. Rainer is very skeptical about this.

After all, in the Foundation, all kinds of contained objects are mixed with good and bad people. Even if you say a wrong sentence, it may trigger the action logic of the contained objects, or even the law of killing. Therefore, when the superiors are talking, the subordinates are generally not allowed to intervene.

But now Natasha Romanoff is clearly not following this rule.


Natasha Romanoff couldn't say a word when faced with Dr. Reiner's questioning.

Because she is really not a member of the foundation, and she doesn't know much about the foundation.

I will come here this time because of Jiang Bai.

So in the face of Dr. Reiner's questioning, Natasha Romanoff was really speechless.

"Forget it, just pay attention to what you say in the future."

Looking at this scene, Jiang Bai showed a playful smile in his eyes, and then waved his hand to ask Dr. Reiner not to pursue these details.

"For the sake of the president, I will not deal with you for the time being, but I will send an email to the headquarters to inform them of your performance here. After you go back, you can wait for the people from the court to come to you!"

Dr. Reiner is worthy of his doctorate name, and he is very strict in his words and deeds.

And after warning Natasha Romanoff, he continued to introduce the last containment.

"The last containment is divided into two parts."

As Dr. Reiner spoke, he pressed the remote control in his hand again, and a rock cube and a man who was somewhat similar to SCP-073 and also had bronze skin appeared on the screen immediately.

"SCP-076, consists of SCP-076-1, a rock cube, and SCP-076-2, a lean man with black hair and gray eyes. According to the known information, SCP-076-2 seems to have some connection with SCP-073. , Guess it may be a brotherhood. In addition, there is a closed door on one side of SCP-076-1, and it is also locked with a 0.5m chain. There is a sarcophagus in this rock cube, which should be used to place of SCP-076-2."

"In the end, SCP-076-2 is an extremely dangerous existence. Although he can communicate as well as SCP-073, he is more inclined to kill Deadman than to communicate, and his combat power is extremely powerful. Almost all known firearms are ineffective against him, and he appears to be able to regenerate indefinitely in the sarcophagus inside SCP-076-1."

"That's why he's rated Keter."

As soon as Dr. Reiner finished speaking, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help it: "Why is his classification Keter, while SCP-173, which killed thirty people, is a safer Euclid?"

"Damn it! Why are you like a pig, never getting a lesson?!"

Dr. Reiner once again heard Natasha Romanoff's questioning, and even roared angrily.

This angry look immediately startled Natasha Romanoff, a S.H.I.E.L.D high level agent.

In the end, Jiang Bai raised his hand to stop Dr. Reiner's anger.

"Dr. Reiner, let me explain to her." Jiang Bai turned his head to look at Natasha Romanoff, and said with a serious face: "In the foundation, Euclid refers to whether it can be completely contained or not absolutely reliable. Keter is difficult to completely contain, and may break through containment, generally this level of containment would be very difficult to contain, but this does not mean that he is very dangerous.”

"Is that so?"

Both Natasha Romanoff and King Ada nodded thoughtfully, and only now did they roughly understand the Foundation's classification of containment items.

"However, SCP-076-2 is indeed a dangerous existence." At the end of Jiang Bai's words, he suddenly turned to look at Dr. Rainer: "Dr. Rainer, I need to immediately arrange for people to search for the three contained objects in New York." exist, especially SCP-076!"

"Yes!" Dr. Reiner nodded immediately, and then said: "In fact, President, we have roughly confirmed the location of SCP-073."

"Huh? Where?"

Jiang Bai was also a little surprised by the speed of action of the New York branch, but he was more concerned about the location of SCP-073.

Dr. Reiner pointed his finger outside, and said, "It's just outside."

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