American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 46: 173'S Whereabouts, Dominating The Underground Gang!

After Jiang Bai, Ida Wang, and Natasha Romanoff returned to the New York branch, neither of them mentioned Jin Bing.

The second daughter felt that if she continued to mention this matter, Jiang Bai might lose face.

As a result, Jiang Bai mistakenly thought that they were making fun of Jiang Bai, and Jiang Bai was waiting for the system to bring him good news.

[Jin Bing has become a believer of the host, and the SAN value of spreading the reputation of the Lord of the Old is +1200. 】

Jiang Bai had just returned to his room when the good news he wanted had already arrived.

Jin has become his believer because of the seal of the Lord of the Old One.

This is actually the reason why Jiang Bai went to Jin Bin and said such a thing.

He knew that Jin would definitely not agree to surrender to himself.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because Jiang Bai didn't intend to make Jin Bing agree at all, but planned to directly use the mark of the Old Lord to corrupt Jin Bing into his own believer.

This is easier to use and safer than any verbal promise of loyalty.

Jiang Bai is quite clear about how terrifying the corruption of the restraining gods is.

This is also because the system has processed it, otherwise those who came into contact with the mark of the Old Lord would not have been corrupted into believers.

Instead, they will fall directly into endless madness, or be twisted into ugly monsters and their dependents.

When he was leaving before, he would mention the old lord, the purpose of which was to leave his own imprint of the old lord, and then corrupt Jin Bing.

Now it seems that this plan is going quite well.

"Consciousness comes."

Jiang Bai immediately used Consciousness Descent.

His consciousness came to Jin Bing's company following the mark of the Lord of the Old One.

On Jin Bing's desk, an alcohol lamp flickered twice suddenly, and then Jiang Bai's consciousness descended.

Because Jin Bing has become a believer of Jiang Bai, he consciously prepared an alcohol lamp for Jiang Bai as a carrier when Jiang Bai's consciousness came.

But in fact, besides the alcohol lamp, other things in Jiang Bai can also be used as loads.

But for some reason, there seems to be a consensus among his believers that only alcohol lamps can be used as the carrier of Jiang Bai's consciousness.

"Supreme Old Lord, please forgive my previous stupidity and ignorance. In order to make up for my mistakes, I am willing to dedicate my life to the Supreme Being!"

Jin Bing has completely become a believer of Jiang Bai at this moment.

So he regretted his previous rudeness to Jiang Bai, and was ready to apologize with death.

Even when he took out the short knife he had prepared long ago, as long as Jiang Bai nodded, he would slit his throat without any hesitation.

【Your believer, Jin Bin, hopes to use his own death and blood to apologize for his previous disrespect to you. Do you agree? 】


Jiang Bai immediately chose to refuse.

What are you kidding?

Why do these guys like to use suicide to please me? I have absolutely no interest in this area!

And I spent so much effort to turn you into my own believers, just to watch you commit suicide? !

Jiang Bai looked at Jin Bin speechlessly.

After being rejected by Jiang Bai, Jin Bing also put down his dagger with a look of disappointment.

He really wanted to use his own death to wash away the mistakes he had made before.

"Supreme Lord of the Old, your stupid believers desperately hope to serve you, so as to wash away their previous stupid actions."

Jin Bing lowered his head and said very piously.

At this moment, he has devoted himself wholeheartedly to Jiang Bai and has become a believer of Jiang Bai.

No matter Jiang Bai has any request, he will satisfy Jiang Bai immediately.

And this is what Jiang Bai wants to see.

"I need you to capture as many gang members as possible, as well as all kinds of death row prisoners and felons, and then send them to the Blue Ocean Building to be used as sacrifices for my blood sacrifice!"

When he heard that this was used as a sacrifice for Jiang Bai's arrival, Jin Bin immediately became excited.

"The Supreme Old Lord, am I, a humble sinner, also eligible to be one of these sacrifices?"

Depend on! The stalk of blood sacrifice is hard to pass, right? !

When Jiang Bai heard Jin Bing's outrageous request, he felt a headache.

Why do these guys always like to ask for death? They're all fucking masochistic, right?

"No! You still have my tasks to complete!"

"Yes! The Supreme Lord of the Old Ones!"

As soon as he heard that he still had tasks to do, Jin Bin immediately stopped worrying about blood sacrifice.

However, it is not difficult to see from his somewhat disappointed expression that he actually hopes that he can also become one of these blood sacrifice objects.

"Your task is to find as many criminals as possible, and then send them to the Blue Sea Building for blood sacrifice, and remember that all of this must be done in secret."

"Yes! The Supreme Lord of the Old Ones!"

The reason why Jiang Bai wants to make Jinhe his disciple is to let him find these sinners.

In fact, it is preparing for the consumables and D-class personnel needed by the Foundation in the future.

As the leader of the largest criminal group in the entire beautiful country, Jin Bin naturally knew where to find those criminals, and then captured them all and sent them to the foundation's base.

In this way, the D-level personnel that the Foundation lacks the most can be regarded as a stable source.

And they are all people who have committed serious crimes. Their death can be considered as a contribution to the purification of this world. This is a great thing to celebrate.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Bai suddenly felt that he was simply a kind person.

But this is just the first thing Jiang Bai has to do, and there is another thing that needs Jin Bin.

"The other thing is to look for a statue throughout New York. This statue will break someone's neck from behind. If you find someone who dies in a similar way, let me know immediately!"

After hearing Jiang Bai's description, Jin Bin immediately remembered something.

"The supreme old master, I know where the statue you are looking for is."


"In my vault."

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