American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 72: Nearly Almighty Mobile Task Force, Red Right Hand!

Blue Ocean Building.

Jiang Bai is currently discussing with Dr. Reiner about the new anomalous objects that have appeared over New York.

"President, we have almost done the investigation of this brand new anomaly. We are currently naming him Abnormality-469, codenamed Wanyi Angel."

The moment Jiang Bai heard the code name, he immediately went through the Foundation files he knew in his mind.

Information on 469 was quickly found.

"469, code-named Wanyi Angel, looks like a mass of wings with huge amounts of wings wrapped in a humanoid creature that feeds on sound waves and absorbs power from sound waves to promote the growth of Yulong."

"Any people or animals that get too close to or touch the surface of this creature will be quickly wrapped and pulled inside by the outstretched wings. Although the feathers are very soft, the tip of each hair is extremely sharp, and it will quickly pierce the clothing and enter the flesh , releases a neurotoxin that immediately stimulates pain receptors in the body and stimulates other parts of the body at the same time to ensure that the victim does not die too soon, causing the victim to scream loudly, further feeding SCP-469 until the victim dies of shock. "

Faced with the information Jiang Bai said, Dr. Reiner nodded immediately.

"The president is indeed worthy of being the president. The understanding of these abnormal objects is far beyond what we can imagine. He actually learned the detailed information of 469 so quickly."

King Ada and Natasha Romanoff also looked at Jiang Bai with doubts at the moment.

Why do I always feel that you don't need this person's research at all, you only need to know at a glance?"

"Not necessarily, maybe he still needs to know what the other party's serial number is?"

King Ada joked to Natasha Romanoff, but Natasha Romanoff didn't say much about it.

It's all just a joke.

Jiang Bai didn't answer the two directly, but set his sights on Dr. Reiner.

"Make a containment plan for 469 as soon as possible."

Jiang Bai didn't really take care of everything, and took all the troubles on himself, but asked Dr. Reiner to work out a containment plan for 469 as soon as possible.

As for Jiang Bai, he intends to use the old compass to see how many abnormal objects have come to New York?

"Just a few days after you came back, a new abnormal object appeared in New York?" 203

Jiang Bai shook his head helplessly, then turned and went back to his room.

Because the influence of the old compass is too powerful, if it is not by my side, it is very likely that it will be polluted by the restrained terror in the old prison.

When the time comes, it will go crazy, or it will be directly twisted into a monster.

That's why Jiang Bai has to go back to his room and use the old compass.

Since many big events are bound to happen in New York in the future, Jiang Bai plans to settle in New York and buy a big mansion.

It's just that under normal circumstances, Jiang Bai would come to this mansion, but he would be in the New York branch of the Blue Ocean Building.

Because there are enough security and scientific research personnel there, and a large number of personnel are on call at any time, obeying Jiang Bai's orders.

And it can discover and lock the abnormal objects that appear in New York at the first time.

But because of this, Jiang Bai worried that using the old compass in the branch would bring unknown threats to those scientific research talents, so he returned to this mansion.

After all, in the stories of the restraint system, the smarter a person is, the easier it is to come into contact with the horror of the restraint system, and then be distorted and destroyed in this horror.

Especially scientific researchers and scholars are almost the most dangerous occupations in the Ke Department.

After returning to his mansion, Jiang Bai immediately took out the old compass.

It clearly shows the traces of two abnormal objects, that is to say, two more abnormal objects have come in in New York now.

"Two? And this anomaly should..."

Looking at these two abnormal objects, Jiang Bai couldn't help but frowned.

He actually knew both of these two abnormalities, and one of them was Wanyi Angel.

But the other one is a bit weird.

"Why did Xuechi come here? Isn't he in the Middle East?"

There are two abnormal objects that appeared in New York this time, one is Wanyi Angel, and the other is the first time Jiang Bai planned to contain it, but he couldn't find it.

"I've never heard of it, the blood pool can walk by itself?"

Jiang Bai didn't remember that the blood pool was movable, at least in the foundation's files, there was no such thing happening.

"Is it because the blood pool has changed (bceg) after coming to this world?"

Jiang Bai also couldn't tell the specific reason why such a thing that didn't correspond to the original information happened.

Therefore, it can only be regarded as some changes have taken place after the blood pool came to this world.

After all, this world is not simple. Existences such as the five great gods are likely to be at the highest level of divinity in the Foundation's archives.

So some changes in the blood pool are not incomprehensible.

354 blood pools, compared to the target during the first containment mission.

It's just that Jiuweihu didn't find 354, but found 312 atmospheric jellyfish.

So the target was changed from the blood pool to the atmospheric jellyfish.

Since then, apart from guarding the headquarters, the Nine-Tailed Fox has another mission to find the blood pool, but there has been no progress.

Originally, Jiang Bai thought that the blood pool was hidden very secretly, but he didn't expect that this guy could change places by himself, and this time he directly hit him with a gun.

Although Jiang Bai's strength is much stronger now than at that time, he still doesn't feel that he can contain the blood pool easily.

Because unlike ordinary abnormal objects, the blood pool is an existence that can continuously create abnormal objects.

Just like a worm nest, many powerful abnormal objects will be born from the blood pool.

In fact, there are many similar anomalies in the records of the Foundation, such as the anomaly-2191 vampire factory is one of them.

This kind of abnormal objects has a very important feature, that is, they cannot move, but they can use the monsters they create to hunt.

Generally speaking, for such abnormal objects, the biggest trouble in containing them is the monsters they create.

But now it is not just a monster, the blood pool may move by itself, which makes Jiang Bai start to have a headache on how to contain this abnormal object.

"The current blood pool obviously has some other characteristics in it, so the best way to contain it is to have an all-round mobile task force that can fight no matter what."

The Foundation's mobile task force generally follows a pattern.

That is what kind of abnormal objects send what kind of mobile task force. So far, Jiang Bai has basically done this when facing abnormal objects.

But now there is a problem. The characteristics of the blood pool are not easy to identify what kind of mobile task force should be sent there. Now there is another problem.

The blood pool may move by itself, so the average mobile task force may not be able to contain the blood pool.

Your best bet is to send in a reality bender or a thaumaturge.

Such as the heel of Achilles and the spear of Hecate.

These two mobile task forces are good choices, and Jiang Bai originally planned to do so.

But after seeing his empty courtyard, Jiang Bai suddenly had a new idea.

Immediately, Jiang Bai opened the exchange interface and found what he wanted.

"Exchange Red Right Hand Squad!"

[Using a SAN value of 2000, successfully exchanged for 50 red right-hand teams. 】

2000 SAN value, for Jiang Bai who is saving money and wants to exchange for 343, this is definitely a painful consumption.

But Jiang Bai has no choice, because it must be consumed.

And it's absolutely worth it.

Red Right Hand Mobile Task Force, 05's Praetorian Guard!

Under the original rules of the foundation, there will never be such an existence as the president.

The operation of the entire foundation is in charge of a multi-person council named 05.

As the highest level of the entire foundation, the 05 Council has an absolutely loyal mobile task force by their side to be responsible for their security, that is the red right hand known as the Imperial Guard.

The Red Right Hand is a true all-round mobile task force. They have reality benders, thaumaturgists, proficient in cold weapons and hot weapons, and can use various methods such as memory erasure.

Their loyalty is recognized by all.

But Red Right Hand also betrayed the Foundation, but they never betrayed 05.

Because under their 05 orders, some Red Right Hands named Splitters stole a large amount of powerful abnormal objects, then betrayed the Foundation, and established a new organization called Chaos Splitters.

And the leader of this organization has always been 05, and there has never been an exception.

They betrayed, but not completely.

Treat your own 05, red right hand is absolutely unquestionable loyalty!

And the Red Right Hand is an almost omnipotent Mobile Task Force, except for a few extreme Mobile Task Forces, almost most of the Mobile Task Force's Abilities they will.

That's why Jiang Bai redeemed them.

Now this mansion in Jiang Bai still lacks some security personnel.

But if it's just an ordinary security guard, it's no different for Jiang Bai.

And in this regard, and when it comes to protecting the red right hand, it is definitely the best choice!

So in the end Jiang Bai decided to exchange the red right hand.

Soon after Jiang Bai's SAN value balance was deducted by 2000, fifty red right hands immediately appeared in front of Jiang Bai.

"Red right hand team, report to the president!"

The captain of the red right hand team took a step forward and said to Jiang Bai in a serious voice.

"The Red Right Hand Squad has fifty members."

"Ten level 2 reality benders, one level 3 reality bender, ten B level thaumaturges, one A level thaumaturgy, eighteen weapon users, and ten backup support personnel.

"There are Level 3 Reality Benders and Level A Thaumatologists?"

Now Jiang Bai finally understands why the red right hands of these fifty people are so expensive.

Estimated that level 3 reality benders and A level thaumaturges accounted for half of it?

Level 3 reality benders are almost the limit that the Foundation can tolerate. The strength of level 3 reality benders has already touched the concept of omnipotence.

They can do almost what most ordinary people can think of according to their own ideas, such as making someone disappear, creating huge amounts of monsters out of thin air, and even creating a miniature black hole.

Even Dr. Clef, one of the Four Doctors of Apocalypse, is only a level 3 reality bender.

Besides, thaumaturgists are much simpler, because they are magicians.

It is just the magic after summarizing and sorting through the scientific system.

This kind of magic is simpler and more direct than those complex and troublesome magics that have been handed down from ancient times.

So this kind of magic is also called thaumaturgy.

A-level thaumaturges are weaker than level-3 reality benders, but they are also

Very limited.

However, thaumaturges will not be restricted. Any organization will accept thaumaturges, but not all organizations will accept reality benders, especially reality benders above level 3.


They have only one end in the universe of the Foundation, and that is to be imprisoned by the Pilgrim Agreement forever.

Besides, thaumaturgists are learned magic, while reality benders are almost always born.

All thaumaturges can control their own power, but reality benders are hard to say, especially reality benders of level 4 and above, as long as they are willing, they may send a

A city, or even a country, will disappear completely, and all human beings will not remember their existence.

This is the danger of reality benders, and why the Foundation rarely allows reality benders of level 4 and above to exist.

"At present, you are responsible for the security of this house. This is my residence. In addition, I should let you go to contain some abnormal objects in the near future."

After Jiang Bai had a general understanding of the strength of the red right hand, he arranged for them.

"Wait for the president's order at any time!"

As stated in the file, the red right hand's loyalty to the target of allegiance is absolute.

Immediately after receiving Jiang Bai's order, they went to enforce martial law around the house, and Jiang was able to notice that the thaumaturgy had begun to place the enchantment.

Reality Benders, on the other hand, are more direct.

They directly distorted the existence of this house. At this moment, in the perception of the whole New York, this house no longer exists.

And this is just the simplest use of power by thaumaturges and reality benders.

"Although the blood pool hasn't appeared yet, Wanyi Angel seems to be hunting now?"

Jiang Bai looked up at the sky, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick clouds to see the battle between City Wing Angel and Thor at this moment.

"Damn, what the hell is this?!"

It is unknown how many times Thor has attacked the Wanyi Angel with Mjolnir in his hand, but every time he attacks, he will be blocked by the wings of the Wanyi Angel.

Even if a few wings can be destroyed, more wings will grow in the next moment. These wings are like endless, and cannot be completely destroyed at all.

Just when Thor was having a headache and didn't know how to deal with it, a sudden startled breath caught his attention.

"Thor! Loki is gone!!"

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