American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 74: Avengers Alliance Infighting, Alien Army Invades Earth!


Conqueror of the Nine Realms, the throne of the God-King Odin.

Odin, who was sleeping, opened his eyes and looked towards Midgard, which is the direction of the earth.

Known as the Conqueror of the Nine Realms, the war lunatic who once destroyed countless galaxies, is now flickering with fierce flames of war in his eyes.

And with the fire of Odin being ignited, the entire Asgard seemed to feel the fighting spirit of the god-king.

The valkyrie blew the horn of war, the dead spirits woke up from their long sleep holding the immortal sword, and the powerful gods gathered under Odin's command "waiting for Odin to announce their next conquest goal.

The Giants of Jotunheim? Or the Flame Giant? Or the Midgard they've been coveting for so long?

Odin saw the fighting spirit of the gods of Asgard, but Odin did not immediately announce the coming of war.

Because he is waiting for Ancient One's answer, he will decide whether to launch a new round of conquest based on Ancient One's answer.

The Ancient One is an Asgardian of Midgard, a powerful Level God Father.

Odin respects and fears Ancient One and Hinata.

But this does not mean that Odin will be afraid of Ancient One. If he deliberately provoked himself just now, then he definitely doesn't have to give him face.

There are some types of actions with Odin and Thanos, a war madman similar to Odin, is also eyeing the earth at this moment.

He also felt the eyes of Ancient One secretly spying on him.

Thanos knew that there might be strong people on Earth, but he didn't expect that there would be strong people of this level.

But this did not make Thanos give up his plan to invade the earth. Instead, he provoked Ancient One. If the other party really planned to intervene in his plan to invade the earth, then Thanos would not mind killing the "September 27" opponent completely!

So Thanos' question just now was actually more of a warning.

He's warning Ancient One not to meddle in their own business.

The Black Order under Thanos also came to Thanos' side at this moment, observing the surroundings with a look of vigilance, guarding Thanos.

Ancient One in downtown New York heard the angry voices of Odin and Thanos, but Ancient One didn't take it to heart.

Although Odin seemed angry, it would be fine after a little explanation.

As for Thanos, he is already an enemy, so it doesn't matter even more.

Now Ancient One is more concerned about another thing.

"Who changed the future?"

Ancient One has observed both Odin and Thanos, but because of this, Ancient One can be sure that it is definitely not these two people who will change the future.

Although they are all powerful, they are still on the track of time.

This person who changes the future has already exceeded the time limit of this dimension.

Ancient One can't figure out who changed the future?

At present, there are only a few people who can intervene in time and Tian Future.

None of them had a reason, nor a need, to do so.

Moreover, it can also make it impossible for the owner of Time Gem to see the future clearly. This strength has to make Ancient One start to reflect on whether there are still strong people in the world that he doesn't know about?

"Ancient One, what's your answer?!"

While Ancient One was thinking about who secretly changed the future, Odin, who had been waiting impatiently, suddenly asked Ancient One.

His voice travels through Asgard, through the Nine Realms, and speaks to the One.

"Odin, there may be a mysterious force on Earth."

Ancient One didn't tell Odin directly that all this was just a misunderstanding, but first talked with Odin about his discovery.

There may still be a force on the earth that none of them has information about.

"What's the meaning?"

Odin was originally a war lunatic. Perhaps after becoming the conqueror of the Nine Realms, Odin's madness and fighting spirit have faded a lot.

But that didn't mean disappearing, but after growing up, he began to learn to hide his edge and put the swordsman into the sheath.

So when Ancient One said that there is still a side of the earth, Odin immediately became energetic.

"I see the future being changed, but I can't find anyone who changes the future."

In a word, Odin immediately understood the purpose of Ancient One's previous actions.

"Is anyone else after Midgard besides my foolish boy and his helpers?"

Although Loki is known as the god of tricks, in fact Loki's actions are all Odin's expectations.

Whether it's colluding with the Giants of Jotunheim, or working with Thanos.

These things were actually seen by Odin, but Odin did not interfere.

When the kids grow up, it's time for them to understand some truths.

Odin wants to use these things, Thor and Loki, two incompetent children, to grow up and become a cooperative "golden existence that can inherit his glory and great achievements in the future.

So Odin let Loki do what he did, and even made a pact with the Ancient One.

During this time, try not to directly interfere with Loki's plans.

That's why Odin was so angry when he noticed that Ancient One's eyes were peeping at Asgard and himself.

He thinks that Ancient One might renege on his agreement and attack Loki.

Once Ancient One's strength is used, Loki will definitely die, so Odin opened his mouth to stop Ancient One's extension, but he didn't expect Shishi to say such a thing.

"It's still unclear who it is, but it can be determined that the other party is very dangerous!"

It can change the future, and make it impossible to see the future even if you own Time Gem.

This is enough to show the strength of the opponent.

"I understand. I will pay more attention to the situation in Midgard in the future. If something really happens, I will take action immediately."

Odin doesn't want his plan to go wrong, so if there is any unexpected danger, he will immediately take action to solve the crisis.

"I will continue to pay attention to this matter."

Ancient One was not surprised that Odin planned to intervene, but after communicating with Odin, they ended the conversation.

But then Ancient One fell into doubt again, should he intervene in this matter?

The agreement with Odin is only one aspect, and more importantly, the future I saw told me that I must wait for someone to come here.

But now the future has been changed, and I can't see the future at all.

So do I really need to wait here?

Ancient One doesn't know, so he is in the hesitation, should the hesitation himself intervene in the battle that is sweeping across New York?

But after repeated hesitation, in the end Ancient One chose to wait and see.

Perhaps the future has changed, but it is also possible that the future has not changed, Ancient One decided that he should still wait here.

Maybe during this period, it is not necessarily that I can see a new future.

Compared with the confusion and worry in the minds of Ancient One and Odin.

The purpose of the urgently established Avengers Alliance, located high above the sky at this moment, should be much clearer.

Stop Loki!

They have only one purpose now.

"Phil Coulson was captured by a mysterious monster, and Loki escaped?!"

Fury looked at Captain America and Tony in front of him with a livid face, and definitely Thor was looking around, looking like a curious baby.

"Yes." Captain America nodded with a gloomy face: "We had already captured Loki and planned to bring him back for interrogation, but at this moment, many feathers suddenly fell from the sky, and then a feather like a wing The formed sphere-like monster appeared in front of us.

"It destroyed one of the plane's engines, and Tony and Thor went out to fight it in order to prevent the plane from being destroyed by him, but they couldn't kill the guy at all. Instead, because of this, Loki took the opportunity to escape. And Phil Coulson was also caught by the monster while skydiving, and his whereabouts have not been found yet."


Fury couldn't help but feel a sinking heart when he heard this.

Haven't found whereabouts yet?

It's impossible to find the whereabouts at all, right?

He actually knew very well that in that case Phil Coulson was captured by the monster, and there was almost only a dead end.

Thinking of his most trusted and capable subordinates and friends being taken away by monsters like this, even Fury is notoriously ruthless, but at this moment he couldn't help the burning anger in his heart.


Fury slammed his fist heavily on the conference table, and Fury directly punched a shallow fist mark on the metal conference table.

This made everyone look sideways.

This is not to say how strong Fury is. In the eyes of superheroes like this, tables like this are nothing at all.

But Fury is not some superhero, he is just an ordinary person.

At most, it means that the combat power is stronger than that of ordinary humans, but in the final analysis, he is actually just an ordinary person, nothing more.

An ordinary person can smash a mark on the metal conference table, which is enough to see how angry he is at the moment.

"I'm sorry about the Phil Coulson thing, but..."

Captain America looked at Fury so angry, what else did he want to say...

But the words came to his lips, and he was blocked directly by Yong Rui.

"I already know about Phil Coulson, but the most important thing now is Loki, we must find Loki and take back Tesseract!"

"And then?" Fury originally wanted to tell everyone what their main goal should be now, but who knew that these words would attract Tony's doubts and ridicule.

"Tony, what do you mean?"

Fury looked at Tony suspiciously, he was keenly aware that Tony seemed to have something in his words.

"What do I mean? What do you mean you want to use Tesseract for?"

Tony looked at Fury with contempt, his expression was full of distrust towards Fury: "At the beginning you told us that you wanted to use Tesseract to create infinite energy, but I just looked at your S.H.I.E.L.D plan, it seems that this is not the case ?”

"Tony, you hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D's database again!?"

Fury looked at Tony in surprise, he didn't even know that this was the first time Tony had invaded S.H.I.E.L.D's database?

What the hell is this bastard trying to do!?

"I have long thought that there is a problem with your S.H.I.E.L.D. This time, it is just to be on the safe side, and I will let J.A.R.V.I.S in to see the result. Your S.H.I.E.L.D is to use Tesseract to make powerful weapons!"

Tony looked at Fury seriously, his words seemed to contain condemnation and questioning.

Although Stark Industries is in the arms business, after Tony returned from the Middle East, he began to think seriously about the arms business and moral issues.

The final result was that Stark Industries was no longer engaged in the arms trade, so when it was confirmed that S.H.I.E.L.D was using Tesseract to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, Tony's view of Fury changed drastically.

"It's not all because of him!"

Facing Tony's questioning, Fury turned his head and pointed at Thor beside him.

Thor holding a donut into his mouth at the moment

Turning everyone's attention to himself, Thor, who hadn't figured out the situation, asked suspiciously: "Is this something you can't eat?"

But ignoring Thor, Fury just continued: "Since the appearance of Thor, I realized that there are many more powerful beings in this universe, in order to avoid

In the face of these existences, human beings fall into a situation of no resistance, so I decided to use Tesseract to create a powerful weapon that is powerful enough to protect human beings!"

These words of Fury seem to indicate that he is doing this for human beings.

But Tony didn't pay attention to these, and still just looked at Fury indifferently.

"I can't believe you, anyone who pursues powerful force may become a key out of control.

"And so are you at this point!"

Fury yelled at Tony in displeasure.

Suddenly Tony also fell silent. Indeed, the mark armor he made was also a product that existed for the pursuit of 1.7 powerful power.

But the reason why Tony made the mark armor was just to satisfy his desire to invent.

But no one would believe Tony's words.

Therefore, the two could only look at each other, and for a while, the newly formed Avengers seemed full of fire.

"Calm down, all of you, our current enemy..."

Dr. Banner was about to stand up and persuade the two of them, but then he heard Tony say: "Banner, there is a cell specially used to detain you on this sky carrier, and they never trusted you at all!"

One word, immediately silenced Dr. Banner.

And cast angry eyes on Fury.

He had already tasted the taste of being imprisoned, and it wasn't as simple as once or twice.

So Dr. Banner is very disgusted with the captivity. He originally thought that since he would be absorbed into the Avengers, it at least shows that S.H.I.E.L.D still trusts him, but he didn’t expect that

But still full of doubts.

Seeing this situation, Fury also had a headache. He managed to get together all the Avengers. Could it be that they are going to fall apart like this?

"Our first concern right now is Loki...."

Fury wanted to say something else, so he briefly brushed off the question, but before he could finish speaking, he heard a loud noise.

Flying towards the giant armored beast in the sky, it even bit the sky carrier into a big hole, and from the big hole, Fury and others saw the situation outside

Countless alien armies are constantly invading New York through the portal above the Stark Industrial Building!.

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