American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 82: The Principle Of Bullet Turning? Gun Fighting!

Captain America held the shield, standing in front of Red's right hand like an unbreakable iron wall.

Tony was flying high in the sky with a person in his hand.

But it's not Thor Thor, but Dr. Hulk Banner.

Thor had basically recovered now and was able to take care of himself, and his full blow did not kill Wanyi Angel, which also made him fall into self-doubt.

So now I'm still adjusting my mood, and I haven't come to join in the fun.

So Tony caught Dr. Banner who was watching the play while hiding on the road.

"Avengers, it looks much more shabby than before."

Jiang Bai watched these people appearing in front of him through the monitor, and couldn't help shaking his head.

The members of the first-generation Avengers alliance should be Iron Man Tony, Dr. Hulk Banner, Thor Thor, Captain America Steve, Hawkeye Clint, and Black widow Natasha Romanoff.

Originally, the organization was full of six people, but now it can't even get enough people.

The reason is also very simple, because of the existence of Jiang Bai.

Natasha Romanoff was sent by Fury to Jiang Bai as an undercover agent, but the final result was that Natasha Romanoff directly became Jiang Bai's person and betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D, so naturally she would not join Avengers.

In addition, Hawkeye was originally supposed to be after Loki's sky carrier, after a series of things, he finally got rid of Loki's control and joined Avengers.

But because of the appearance of Wanyi Angel, Loki did not go to the sky carrier, which led to the lack of subsequent plots, and Hawkeye naturally did not come back.

Originally, there were only six Avengers alliances in the first generation, and these are only four people. Among them, Thor has not officially decided to join the Avengers alliance. No matter how you look at it, the Avengers alliance is much weaker than the original one.

However, it seems that Captain America has no such awareness at all, and is still doing what it wants because of justice.

Even though Jiang Bai doesn't know, what kind of justice is there to prevent him from containing the blood pool?

"Everyone in the foundation, I'm sorry, this place will be taken over by us Avengers from now on, I, Steve, assure you, I will definitely solve this threat thoroughly, and prevent similar things from happening in the future!"

Captain America looked at Hong's right hand seriously, and assured them.

But this made Jiang Bai, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help laughing.

"You really deserve to be from the beautiful country."

Jiang Bai smiled and shook his head, with a hint of disdain and contempt for Captain America770 in his eyes.

To be honest, Jiang Bai's perception of Captain America is not bad, it is a very standard American hero, with almost all romantic heroism.

But at the same time, there are also problems that can be seen in all beautiful Chinese people.

Arrogant, arrogant, unable to see his limits clearly.

Perhaps Captain America is indeed strong enough, obviously his own combat power is not too strong, but he can rely on some luck and his own will to defeat many opponents who are stronger than him, even outrageously powerful.

But in Jiang Bai's view, this is also a ridiculous place.

Will? Faith?

Are these things useful in front of abnormal objects?


Unable to understand, unable to comprehend the existence of these anomalies.

Then you are working so hard, no matter how determined you are, you can't solve the threat from abnormal objects in the end.

That's why Jiang Bai thinks Captain America is ridiculous.

He doesn't even know what the blood pool is or what it does, so he dares to promise himself here.

Saying that something like this will never happen again in the future? Who gave him the courage to say that?

At this time, the captain of the red right hand also sent an inquiry to Jiang Bai.

"President, what should we do?"

After all, it was the first time for Red Right Hand to carry out a mission, and he didn't know anything about the Avengers in front of him, but he seemed to know something about the Foundation, so he decided to ask Jiang Bai's opinion first.

"What should the Foundation do if it encounters obstacles from other organizations during the containment process?"

Jiang Bai did not directly answer the captain of the red right hand, but instead asked the other party a question.

But it is also the answer.

Because it is stipulated in the foundation's regulations, in the process of containing abnormal objects, if the foundation encounters obstruction from other organizations, they will repel the opponent and continue to contain it!

"Do it!"

The captain of the red right hand looked at the Avengers side, and then let out a low drink.

A large number of fireball planes dropped bombs, and the Avengers attacked in the past.

Tony hastily threw Dr. Banner aside, and immediately flew to Captain America's side. With both hands, arc pulse cannons shot out from his palms, attacking the flying fireballs.

Although the arc pulse gun is not as powerful as the thaumaturge's fireball, it can detonate the fireball. For a while, the heads of both sides are all (bccg) flames soaring into the sky, and the sound of explosions continues continuously.

"Weapon user, get on!"

Following the order of Captain Red Right Hand, the weapon users who had been guarding the thaumaturgy before all pulled out their weapons and rushed towards Captain America.

At the same time as they acted, the sorcerer also immediately cast some augmented thaumaturgy on them.

Such as wind shield, stamina increase and other spells.

It can make their combat effectiveness stronger and their safety guaranteed.

The weapon users of the red right hand are all fighters who are proficient in martial arts and fighting with weapons. Their agreed equipment is a pistol specially made in-house by the Foundation, and a one-handed knife that is also specially made.

Ten red right-handed weapon users quickly approached Captain America. When they were more than ten meters away from Captain America, ten of them drew their pistols together and fired a round of salvo at Captain America.

Captain America immediately put the shield in front of him, blocking their shots.


A series of sounds rang in Captain America's ears, as if they blocked all their bullets, but Captain America always felt that something was wrong.

"Only nine rings, but there were ten of them?"

When Captain America was wondering, suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a bullet bypassing his shield, turning a corner and hitting his temple.

"Is it gun fighting?!"

Captain America immediately understood what was going on, and quickly turned around, trying to avoid the shot.

But it was still too late, the bullet had already arrived in front of him.


With the sound of a bullet hitting a human body, Captain America fell down.

Tony, who was still struggling to resist the thaumaturgy's bombardment, couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene, but with this stunned effort, three fireballs fell directly in front of Tony, and then huge amounts of explosions would Tony was thrown flying.

"Warning, the body damage exceeds 50%, please use it carefully!"

It's time for J.A.R.V.I.S. I carefully reminded Tony that you must use the armor carefully, and don't turn this armor into your iron coffin.

But how can the current Tony manage these things?

Dang even hurriedly looked at Captain America, only to see that Captain America was struggling and wanted to get up from the ground.

And on his forehead, a streak of blood and a bullet on the ground could still be seen.

Captain America is a person who has been injected with super soldier serum, and his body has actually reached the level of bulletproof.

Ordinary bullets will not cause any damage to him at all, but the bullets of the red right hand are specially made by the Foundation, engraved with thaumaturgic spells such as acceleration and explosion, which are equivalent to enchanted bullets .

The power is naturally completely different from ordinary bullets.

Now after Captain America was shot, although he was not directly killed, his head was still dizzy, and it was even difficult for him to stand up.

And it was even worse for Tony now.

After his battle armor was blown by three fireballs, the damage has now exceeded 50%. Although he can still fight, his combat effectiveness has also been affected.

Especially in terms of energy reserves, I am afraid that it is constantly leaking, and it is conservatively estimated that they can fight for ten minutes at most.

It can be said that after a face-to-face effort, Avengers was beaten to pieces by the red right hand.

But that's also understandable, after all the Avengers as a whole.

Currently the strongest should be Dr. Hulk Banner and Thor Thor, but the key is that neither of these two people has made a move now.

Dr. Banner is hiding from the sidelines to watch the show at the moment, full of worry and panic.

As for Thor, let alone, I still don't know where to rest and recover my strength?

"You are actually an anomaly."

The captain of the red right hand looked at the defeated Captain America and Tony, and said in a flat tone.

In fact, if you really want to say it, Captain America and Tony are considered anomalies to a certain extent, and they are also objects that can be contained.

Fortunately, Tony is just a scientific research genius.

The J.A.R.V.I.S he made, as well as these battle armors, are considered anomalous objects, but he himself is still a normal person in the judgment of the Foundation.

But Captain America is different. Captain America has been injected with super soldier serum, and to put it bluntly, it is a product of genetic mutation.

According to the foundation's identification standards, an existence like Captain America is completely anomalous and should be contained.

It’s just that under the background of this world, there are still a large number of mutants, so for Captain America, who have mutation power, the containment judgment is relatively loose.

It is possible to contain it, but it is not necessary.

Captain Red Right Hand didn't mean anything else when he said this, he just thought that Captain America and the others could also be taken in.

But these words are more like a threat in the ears of Captain America.

If you continue to make trouble like this, we will not be polite!

"The origin of your foundation is unknown. Is it good or bad for this world? No one knows. Although you have saved me before, I do owe you a favor in this regard, but now it is for world peace. With justice, I must not back down!"

Although Captain America is now injured, it has been placed in the hands of Hong's right hand.

But he still has an attitude of never backing down and must guard the justice and thoughts in his heart.

No matter when and where, and what dangers you face, you can put your responsibilities and obligations first.

Maybe this is the charm of Captain America?

It is also the reason why he can still be sought after and missed by countless people all over the beautiful country after decades of disappearance.

But just like what Jiang Bai said before, in front of abnormal objects.

These so-called beliefs and wills are really worthless!

Because this thing can't make you avoid the killing logic of abnormal objects, nor can it prevent you from being threatened by abnormal objects.

There is only one way to defeat the anomalous object, and that is to understand it, and find a way to restrain it from its settings.

Only in this way, the regiment is going to defeat these foreign objects.

Instead of doing certain things here with a passion, or even interfering with other people's actions.

"The ignorant are often the saddest existence."

red right hand

When the captain heard what Captain America said, he just said something lightly, and then strode straight past Captain America.

From the beginning to the end, he never cared about Captain America, nor did he want to do anything to Captain America.

Because there is no need, the most important thing now is to contain the blood pool.

This is the order Jiang Bai gave them, and it is also the most important thing to do right now.

However, just as he walked past Captain America, a hand stopped in front of him.


The red right-hand captain turned to look at Captain America.

At this moment, Captain America has recovered a little bit of strength, and his whole body is much more sober.

"Ignorance? Perhaps in your eyes, I am indeed an ignorant person, but I also have my understanding and understanding. You people of the Foundation, from appearing to doing things, everything

Everything about you is weird. If, as you said, you must know their information if you want to fight against those monsters, then why didn’t your foundation make this information public?

come out?!"

Captain America raised his head and sternly questioned Captain Red Right, but at the same time, he seemed to be questioning Jiang Bai through Captain Red Right.

But in Jiang Bai's view, all this is simply a joke.

Make the information about abnormal objects public? Then let S.H.I.E.L.D enjoy the benefits? Or let those organizations hidden in the dark start using abnormal objects to create greater chaos?

The water in this world is not as deep as a mere Captain America can imagine.

Starting from this New York war, the earth will officially be involved in a huge chaos called multidimensional space.

In this world, choosing to publish information on abnormal objects? This is completely suicidal!

But Captain America doesn't know this, people are still questioning.

"So I can't trust you, I can't trust that you will really contain these abnormal objects, I can't trust that you will really protect this world!"

"We don't need your trust."

The captain of the red right hand said something to Captain America indifferently, and then raised his hand.

The power of a reality bender can actually be released without any physical effort.

But the captain of the red right hand did this to tell Captain America that he should get out of the way now or Captain America would have to face his attack.

But obviously this superhero, who is devoted to justice, has no intention of getting out of the way. He vows to defend the justice in his heart to the death.

Dr. Banner, who was hiding in the dark at the moment, looked at this scene, already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

He knew that if this continues, Captain America will die!

He also wanted to go out to help, but when he thought that he would be controlled by the angry monster and destroy everything around him, Dr. Banner didn't have the courage to stand up.

Tian went to help them.

"What to do? What to do? If this continues, Captain America will die!"

Dr. Banner was anxiously thinking about the solution. Seeing that Captain America was about to die under the attack of the red right-handed captain, Dr. Banner was heartbroken and raised his hand to slap himself.

Loud slaps echoed in the space.

Then, the green giant rushed out and came straight to Captain America!.

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