Nick was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t expect that Liu Feng wanted other compensation besides US dollars.

So he asked:”What are your expectations?”

Liu Feng returned to his normal sitting posture, looked at Nick Fury with sharp eyes, and raised his index finger.

“First, as you just said, eight million US dollars in compensation. Then he raised a second finger:”Second, I want your S.H.I.E.L.D.’s weapon technology.””

Before Nick could react to the second half of Liu Feng’s words, he began to explain to Nick Fury

“I want all the weapons in the New York Police Department to be replaced with the latest weapons and technologies developed by SHIELD. After the new research and development is successful in the future, they will be automatically updated in the police department.”

The implication is to make the average combat effectiveness of Liu Feng’s NYPD police officers reach the same level as SHIELD.

In this way, the agents of SHIELD will not only be better than Liu Feng’s NYPD There is no difference except for the better camouflage ability and assassination skills of the police.


Fury did not expect that Liu Feng, a half-Chinese man, could be so good. Negotiating, but what he didn’t expect was what was behind.

Liu Feng raised a third finger and continued:”Third, from now on, your SHIELD agency is not allowed to act at will. Before all activities, you must report to the Washington General Administration. Prepare.”

The implication of Liu Feng’s words is that you, SHIELD, will recognize their police officers as the bosses in the future and become the new talents of the police department.

Nick Fury is also a director after all. Faced with such an unequal treaty, he frowned. He frowned and said:”This is absolutely impossible, we will never make such a concession!”

Liu Feng didn’t expect Nick Fury to be tough.

But it’s useless to be tough, because Liu Feng is a domineering person.

So he raised his eyebrows at Nick Fury in a joking way:”Are you sure?”

Hearing Liu Feng’s question, Nick Fury was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he recovered and said:”I’m sure! Even if I die outside and jump from here, SHIELD will not be reduced to the bastard of the American police!”

“You love it to death.

Liu Feng shrugged and made a gesture of dialing a number.

“Then I have to ask my superman friend to dismantle this one too.”

Nick Fury’s pupils dilated slightly. He didn’t expect Liu Feng to be so direct.

He hurriedly reached out his hand and panicked to stop Liu Feng’s next behavior.

“Have you thought clearly? Liu Feng looked at Nick Fury with half-squinted eyes.

Nick Fury sighed and said,”Okay.””

Seeing that Nick Fury was so cheerful, Liu Feng also made concessions. As long as SHIELD operates in New York City, it must seek instructions from the First Police Department.

Because New York belongs to Liu Feng, this point must not be compromised, but if it is When doing things outside New York, you can deal with it first without having to communicate with the police in advance.

Nick was a little lucky to hear the news, but he didn’t know that Liu Feng’s concession was to prepare for the fourth condition of compensation.

“fourth.”When he saw Liu Feng holding up four fingers in a row, Nick Fury’s face turned green. He never thought that this guy hadn’t finished his compensation yet!

“All conflicts are caused by your plan to steal talents from my side. So, as compensation, I choose one of your people, isn’t it too much?”

Liu Feng asked back.

Nick Fury didn’t know who Liu Feng was talking about at this time, but he always had an ominous premonition.

Liu Feng glanced at the door and spit out a name from his mouth:”Black Widow, Na Tasha Romanoff.”

Sure enough!

Nick’s hunch was right.

“It’s such a pity that such a beautiful and capable man is leaving you.

Liu Feng raised the corners of his mouth, moved his thumb-up hand back, and pointed his thumb at his own:”I want her to follow me from now on.””

Nick Fury was silent.

Black Widow Natasha is the most trustworthy agent around him, and now she just gives it to Liu Feng as a random item?

How can this be done!

But in this situation, he has to ask Liu Feng Surrender.

Otherwise, the destruction of the four SHIELD bases will be the price he will pay in the future. However, it seems that the worst case scenario for Liu Feng is to let Natasha work for him.

Treat Natasha as a sex toy.

If Natasha can avoid the conflict between Liu Feng and SHIELD, this deal is not impossible. As a member of SHIELD, Natasha cannot refuse.

“Have you decided yet? Do you agree or not?

Liu Feng asked impatiently.

He was also puzzled, shouldn’t he just let Black Widow, a serious beauty, work for him?

Why did you think about the black braised eggs for so long?

Finally, Nick Fury showed his face like a piece of flesh with his heart cut out, and said to Liu Feng:”I understand, Natasha will be your belongings from now on.”

My belongings? Why did Black Braised Egg say the same thing as the Transformers heroine Mikaela given to him by the military? Did he misunderstand something?

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, Nick Fury has agreed to all his requests. As for what will happen to their SHIELD, Liu Feng doesn’t bother to care.

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