"No need to do that, just swipe the card and check the iris as usual." Liu Hao reminded: "What if one day I meet someone who can imitate my appearance, wouldn't it be troublesome? You must have seen many people with this ability when you work here." The guard immediately bowed and apologized, and Liu Hao passed through according to the prescribed procedures. Black widow watched this scene and secretly admired Liu Hao's rigor. The two got off the car and went through the routine body scan and metal detection. Because they were carrying portable weapons, Black widow asked Liu Hao if he needed to take them off. Liu Hao nodded: "Take it off, you won't need it for a while, don't worry." Black widow hesitated for a moment, but slowly took off all the weapons. The two continued to walk deeper into the prison. There were many checkpoints inside, and the wall structures were different. At least ten different materials such as metal, titanium alloy, glass, wood, electric current, etc. were used for walls and iron fences. Liu Hao saw Black widow's doubts and explained: "This is to prevent the prisoners from using the ability to manipulate matter." They walked all the way to the last prison, and Liu Hao asked the guard to open the door. This room, which looked like an interrogation room, was full of various torture instruments, but the protagonist was missing. Black widow asked in confusion: "Why are there no prisoners here?"

"Yes." Liu Hao turned to Black widow, "Isn't it here?"


Black widow wanted to escape, but Liu Hao grabbed her lightly and pressed her against the wall of the room. Definitely, he showed mercy, otherwise Black widow might die.

Liu Hao slowly raised his hand and tightly strangled Black widow's neck, making her struggle in the air.

"Why?!" Black widow screamed in pain.

Liu Hao's eyes were cold and responded: "Why don't you do something else? Why do you have to be someone else's running dog?"

Hearing this, Black widow's eyes widened instantly. She tried to break free frantically, but Liu Hao's iron arms prevented her from escaping.

"I asked you to investigate to give you a chance to start over and expose S.H.I.E.L.D.'s past. Unfortunately, you wasted your chance."

Liu Hao's face was close to Black widow, and he smiled mockingly: "Don't worry, I won't let you get away so easily."

Liu Hao let go of his hand, and Black widow fell to the ground, breathing rapidly. "You...what do you want?"

Four hours later, Liu Hao left Black Mountain Prison. He detained Black widow there and returned to the police station

Back in the office, Liu Hao called Bruce Banner over. As soon as Banner entered the door, he saw Liu Hao's serious expression and knew that there was a mission waiting for him. These days, Banner was almost tired of staying in the police station and was eager to have something to do.

"Liu Hao, is there anything I can help you with?" Banner asked.

Liu Hao nodded and said something that surprised Banner: "Go to the Human Resources Department and ask them to remove Natasha Romanoff from her position. You will take over her job in the future."

"What? Replace Natasha Romanoff and let me take over? This is too fast..."

Banner was confused and asked: "Natasha Romanoff can't work anymore?"

"But, isn't it too hasty to remove her position like this..."

Liu Hao interrupted Banner: "If you want to take over, your first task is to be obedient and don't talk too much."

Liu Hao glared at Banner fiercely: "I took you in, but I didn't let you stay here forever. Without me, you will be captured by the army for experiments at any time. If you don't want to be taken away, just do your job obediently."

"You must obey your superiors when doing things. I am your boss. I am the sky of New York, do you understand?"

Although Banner didn't know the current situation of Black widow, he could see that Liu Hao was furious. At the moment, if he provoked him, he might get into big trouble.

Banner nodded wisely: "I understand."

"Go and do it."

Liu Hao waved Banner to leave. Banner went to the HR department and told the internal staff according to Liu Hao's instructions. He originally thought that the other party would ask some reasons, but the girl was just stunned for a moment after hearing the request.

Then, she shook her head as if she felt sorry for Black widow's fate. After a simple operation on the computer, Black widow's position was terminated.

The whole process was incredibly efficient, and Banner was surprised by it. He didn't expect Liu Hao to be so decisive in handling personnel changes.

The HR staff didn't say a word throughout the process, as if Liu Hao's orders were the golden rule.

On the other hand.

After Banner left, Liu Hao took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of a close person in the address book.

"Feng? Why did you call me suddenly? What happened?"

When the phone was connected, the voice of Liu Hao's adoptive mother came.

The adoptive mother was Elena Stark, the president of Hongshihui.

"I have something to tell you." Liu Hao said calmly: "I want Nick Fury to die."

Elena was slightly shocked when she heard the news. Before answering the phone, she had prepared herself mentally, but she didn't expect Liu Hao to get rid of SHIELD Director Nick Fury.

It's not difficult to kill a person, but S.H.I.E.L.D will be turbulent in the future, and the aftermath will be very tricky.

"I know this will put you in an awkward position, but I gave him a chance last time." Liu Hao said coldly.

"He didn't learn the lesson last time, and this time he angered me again."

"Since he doesn't cherish the opportunity, let him pay with his life."

Elena replied after hearing this: "Since you have made up your mind, Mom will support you unconditionally, and I will help you solve the S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I don't plan to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. It will still exist, but Nick is gone." Liu Hao added.

Liu Hao's eyes were fierce, and he didn't activate the thermal vision, but the anger in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Nick and Ross, both have to pay the price for what they did."

"Ross can be let go, but Nick deserves to die."

Feeling the anger of her adopted son, Elena said directly: "Do whatever you want to do boldly, and Mom will help you clean up the mess."

After getting the promise from his adoptive mother, Liu Hao hung up the phone.

Then, Liu Hao left the New York Police Department, walked into an alley, and put on his glasses. Soon, a strong sonic boom shook from the ground to the sky, and Liu Hao transformed into Superman and soared into the sky.

On Ross Lauren's side.

He was standing outside the laboratory of the Super Soldier Serum Project. Since the plan failed, Ross has been rushing here non-stop.

He was eager to create an experimental subject that could fight Superman, an experimental subject that was stronger than Hulk!

However, problems occurred one after another in the experiments, and the participants were either seriously injured or died. Now, Ross can no longer find soldiers willing to participate in the experiment.

Standing outside the laboratory, Ross clenched his fists, and a bold idea came to his mind:

"No one, then I will go into battle myself!"

Ross, who had fought for many years, was threatened by Liu Hao for the first time and felt unprecedented humiliation. Perhaps only under the pressure of life and death can he rise like Hulk. With such determination, Ross stepped into the laboratory, but he didn't know that the opportunity had been lost. Suddenly, the door was kicked open violently, and a team of fully armed soldiers broke in. They swarmed towards Ross Lauren like a swarm of bees and subdued him without any explanation.

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