American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 303: The Moon's Curse Blue Power!

Such a handsome move was just a thought of Luo Feng's.

Since he can control the gravitational force, he tried to change the gravitational force around him, and now he has such an effect.

It is very cool!

And the two agents on the side can only watch all this helplessly.

In the bar, the movement of fighting outside had obviously disturbed everyone.

And when they looked back, they saw the man with countless objects floating around his body, but there was an uproar!

Whether it is a small stone or a broken branch, I believe that under the action of gravity, they can all become Luo Feng's weapon!

"860 Are you ready?"

Luo Feng's body was suspended in the air, watching the people below him.

In an instant, the bodies of the two agents trembled even more.

Natasha Romanoff turned to look for a weapon to dodge, and the sports car she drove seemed to be up to the task.

And when it came to the rear of the vehicle, the whole car was suspended in the air!

Natasha Romanoff was dumbfounded.

Looking back, Luo Feng was still floating in mid-air, but he just pointed at the vehicle with one finger, and the vehicle followed suit!

"Let you see how powerful gravity is!"

With Luo Feng's fists in hand, the whole car slowly curled up (bcad) together!

Even after a while, the original vehicle turned into a pile of scrap metal!

This Ability is truly terrifying!

Vehicles can do this, even if they are human beings.

It's just that Luo Feng didn't want the matter to end so quickly, he also wanted to tease the two in front of him!


There was only a loud noise, and the vehicle that had turned into scrap iron was scrapped in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Natasha Romanoff looked helpless.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this is also S.H.I.E.L.D's car, it has nothing to do with me."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng manipulated the floating objects around him to aim at the two and attack me.

But in the face of Luo Feng's offensive, the two naturally have no defensive ability, and now they can only dodge with all their strength!

On the ground, the originally inconspicuous twigs can penetrate the ground, as if the quality of the ground has become very fragile!

The way the two kept dodging aroused Luo Feng's curiosity.

Their physical strength will be exhausted sooner or later, and they will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

"There are only two agents to deal with me, this is definitely S.H.I.E.L.D's biggest miscalculation."

"Oh no, I was wrong. It seems that there is another one, but he is not present?"

Luo Feng's expression was somewhat evil.

And under the moonlight, Hawkeye is driving a vehicle to rush there.

According to the director, the battle situation over there is not optimistic.

"What kind of enemy is so powerful? These are two top agents!"

"Barton... is the one who took the green titan away before."

In the communication equipment, the director unhurriedly revealed Luo Feng's identity.

For a moment, Hawkeye was in an uproar.

Those are the ones who can go head-to-head with the green titan! Are they really opponents on their own?

It's not that Hawkeye doubts the strength of his lineup, it's just that the opponent's Ability is so terrifying, the combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all!

"Barton, we just need to take Captain America away. I know we can't beat them right now."

Seeing that Barton didn't move after learning the other party's identity, the director quickly explained.

For a time, Hawkeye was even more helpless.

"Alright Chief, I'll try my best."

From Barton's point of view, as long as Luo Feng intends to block it, they want to bring Steve back to S.H.I.E.L.D, it will be as difficult as the sky!

Thinking of this, Barton kicked the accelerator to speed up again. .

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