American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 2 Jiraiya's surprise, Sengoku's vigilance, Vegeta's disdain

Fury saw the beginning of a sentence floating across the screen, with Tony Stark's name written on it.

Tony Stark: "Hey, do any of you know what's going on? Why can the things I think about be turned into words and posted."

Nick Fury: "Stark, why are you here? You saw it too!"

Tony Stark: "Hey, Black Braised Egg, you're here too."

Loki: "Who are you? Did you create this screen? What are you doing to Asgard!"

Hawkeye: "Asgard? Loki? Where did this delusional person come from, calling himself by a mythical name?"

Loki: "You bastards! You are blaspheming!"

Ancient One: "Well, are even the Asgardians involved?"

In the square of Kama Taj, the magic apprentices all pointed at the screen with puzzled faces.

"How is this going?"

Strange, who had just returned from the Himalayas, was looking at the screen shivering. Did he have hallucinations after being frozen for too long?

"Master Ancient One, is this Dormammu's invasion method?"

Mordu asked with a worried look on his face. He tried various magical means to check the screen, but nothing worked.

At this time, Gu Yi was shaking his fan constantly and looking at the screen attentively.

"It doesn't look like Dormammu, but it may be a trick of other gods, and it involves not only us, but even other universes."

As an expert in the ancient world who deals with demons from various dimensions and the universe every day, he noticed something was wrong with this screen and could only wait and see what happened.


"Even the Ancient One is here!"

Odin had to look shocked when he saw Gu Yi's name. Gu Yi was one of the people in the entire Nine Realms who could make him fear him. This matter was becoming more and more confusing.

The barrages on the screen continued to flow past.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Hey, who are you and what is going on."

Jiraiya: "Naruto, don't talk nonsense until you understand it clearly!"

Naruto world, tavern.

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's head angrily and pushed him down on the table.

Since Orochimaru attacked Konoha and the Sandaime Hokage died and the new Hokage was appointed, they came to look for Tsunade, hoping that she would serve as the fifth Hokage.

As a result, in the middle of the conversation, this screen suddenly appeared.

This made Jiraiya and Tsunade feel like they were facing a powerful enemy, thinking it was some enemy's trick, so they were on full alert.

In the end, Naruto was unprepared and Jiraiya was frightened. It would be terrible if there was a trap!

"Tsunade-sama, what is this, a ninjutsu or a genjutsu?"

Shizune asked confused.

"It looks like it's neither. What it is, and it seems like only we can see it."

Tsunade looked at the other guests in the tavern, but no one noticed the screen.

Although the screen was so conspicuous, none of the guests saw it and passed by, still immersed in the fun of wine and meat.

This strange situation made both Jiraiya and Tsunade feel frightened.

One Piece World

Thousand Sunny

"This looks fun, my thoughts are actually turned into words on it!"

Luffy was sitting on the bow of the boat, looking at the screen with a smile on his face, and kept saying various things.

Why am I the man who wants to become the Pirate King? I kept brushing past.

"Hey, Luffy, stop messing around, this might be some kind of trap!"

Sanji quickly pressed Luffy's head to stop him from messing around.

"But what kind of ability is this? I've never heard of it."

Robin looked at the screen with confusion. He had never heard of such an ability.

"It can't be ghosts! The souls of the dead in the Great Triangle Sea didn't want us to leave, so they showed up!"

The timid Usopp screamed and trembled all over, frightening Nami and Chopper next to him and screaming continuously.

"Hey! I don't want the undead! It's so scary!"

After hearing this, Brooke immediately raised his hands in fright, and his whole body was shaking.

"Are you more afraid?"

Frankie next to him couldn't help but complain.

"You all should be quiet, there might be enemies nearby!"

Zoro on the observation deck shouted angrily, "Enough is enough. If there is a sudden abnormality and you don't know the warning, you will be taken advantage of!"

"Hehe, this is interesting."

However, the big-hearted Luffy doesn't care about that much. The more unknown it is to him, the more risky it is.

Navy Headquarters.

Warring States looked at Luffy's past comments, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Why is it the Straw Hat boy again? Did he do this!"

Sengoku shouted angrily, first he captured Enies Hall, then he defeated Moonlight Moria, one of the Shichibukai, and now he is involved in a big incident, why should anyone stop him!

"Is he that capable of invading our place?"

Akainu looked serious, feeling something was wrong.

"This is a bit like the video played by a movie and TV phone bug. Could it be arranged by the revolutionary army to declare war on us?"

After Kizaru finished speaking, he drank a cup of tea and looked lazy, not taking any responsibility for his words.

After hearing this, Warring States frowned and thought it was possible, so he immediately checked the entire office and found that there was no other phone bug except himself!

"Damn it! I don't care who did it, it's best not to be caught by me."

This kind of thing that invaded directly in front of him made Zeng Guo feel very embarrassed and couldn't help but clench his fists hard.

Ultraman Leo World

At the MAC team base, everyone else went out to perform patrols. Fengyuan and Zhuxingtuan were left here. Except for the sound of radio waves, it was extremely quiet here.

"Captain, what is this, an alien invasion method!"

Fengyuan looked at the screen in shock, mistaking it for an alien invasion announcement.

At this time, the star clusters were playing with radar equipment and surveillance cameras, and there were no alien invasions in the universe.

He then walked to the barrier on crutches and used his telekinesis to try to figure out what was going on.

But he was shocked to find that his telekinesis could not touch the screen!

"What exactly is this."

The stars, which had always been calm after many battles, had to be a little panicked at this moment.

Dragon Ball World.

Sun Wukong is running on the snake path. Today is the day of the Saiyan attack. He must rush back to the earth no matter what.

"What is this? Why is it always blocking me, and it can still catch up with me!"

Sun Wukong looked at the screen in front of him in confusion. Forget it, just stay out of the way. He can't control that much now!

A wasteland.

"Uncle Piccolo, what is this?"

Sun Wuhan looked at the screen in confusion.

"I don't know, maybe it's a trick of the Saiyans. Anyway, just be vigilant."

Piccolo's already green face turned even greener, and he actually appeared without being noticed. What's going on!

This feeling made him particularly unhappy!

In the space capsule.

"Naba, do you have anything in front of you?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"never mind."


Vegeta looked at the screen in front of him. He was sleeping when this thing suddenly appeared, causing him to almost destroy the space capsule.

"I can't even touch it. Is this a trick played by the people on Earth to welcome us?"

Vegeta sneered disdainfully, he wanted to see what tricks this could do.

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