Inside the hut, all the members of the underground organization gathered together and kept whispering to each other.

A burly man coughed.

He was the leader of the hut distribution team - Portelli.

Hearing the cough, all the members stopped to talk.

"The Scorpion Girl has escaped. We need to find more mutants for experiments. The headquarters has also allocated funds to purchase more mutants for experiments."

"Boss, don't you want to capture the scorpion girl?"

The bald man standing in the front began to ask Portelli.

"No need, that guy seems to have been captured by a special agency, so we should not interfere in this matter."

Portley was about to say something when the door of the hut was opened.

Portley turned his head. The hut was in a meeting now. Who dared to open the door of the hut so blatantly?

A man in a coat, with green seaweed-colored hair and a scary, clown-like makeup on his face stood at the door.

"Where did this madman come from?"

The bald man standing behind Portelli picked up the bent steel pipe on the ground and walked forward.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Qian. My wife and daughter died at the hands of the poisonous scorpion woman you mentioned, so I want to get some information."

Zhao Qian's tone was filled with laughter, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.


""Who are you!" The bald man rushed forward with a steel pipe in his hand, swinging it out!


The steel pipe in the bald man's hand landed firmly on Zhao Qian's head.

Facing the bald man's fierce steel pipe attack, Zhao Qian continued to laugh wildly.

This made the bald man's steel pipe continue to hit him.

As Zhao Qian's head was smashed to pieces, Zhao Qian's laughter became weaker and weaker, and a puff of green smoke floated out of his body.

That was one of Zhao Qian's abilities from the clown.

【[Laughter toxin!]

The bald man just wanted to cover his nose, but it was too late, he had already inhaled a large amount of laughter toxin.

Crazy laughter emerged on the sturdy man's face.

Hahahaha, hahahaha!

Rough, uncontrollable laughter began to come out.

Portley frowned and took out the pistol from his waist, and all members became alert in an instant.

The laughing sturdy man crouched down, took out the bomb from the"dead" Zhao Qian and turned around suddenly.

Rushing into the thatched house!

Portley discovered the abnormality of the sturdy man and pulled out his gun without hesitation.

But facing Portley's bullets, the bald man responded with only crazy laughter.

The bullets fell on his body, but still couldn't stop the bald man who was trapped in the [Laughter toxin].

Portley immediately turned over and hid to the side!


The bomb in the bald man's hand exploded instantly.

The scorching heat mixed with minced meat pounced on Portley's cheek


Portley stood up with difficulty.

He dodged in time, but the other members of the hut were not so lucky.

All of their bodies were blown to pieces by the bomb, and no one survived.

"What on earth is going on?"

Portelli could not understand what happened in just a few minutes.

A familiar laugh sounded at the door of the thatched cottage.

Zhao Qian, who had been beaten to death by the bald man, was resurrected again because of the Dionysus factor in the clown's body.

This was also his plan.

Zhao Qian picked up the gun on the ground and pointed it at Portelli, asking with a smile

"Can you tell me all the information about the poisonous scorpion girl you mentioned, and who has captured her now?"

Facing Zhao Qian's dark gun muzzle, Portelli swallowed his saliva.

He told her everything.

"The scorpion girl's mutant ability is a toxin released from her tail. She likes to take on the body of a young child to accumulate toxins."

Zhao Qian, who had been smiling all the time, lost his smile as a clown for the first time when he heard about the body of a young child.


Zhao Qian had already released the safety of the pistol.

Portelli was so scared that he was shaking all over. This guy is definitely a lunatic!!

"He was taken away by the special department X Academy, which was founded by a powerful mutant named Professor X. He can control minds. We dare not fight him!"


After Portley finished speaking, Zhao Qian pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand and shot through Portley's forehead.

"You speak too slowly, I'm a little tired, sorry for the accidental discharge"


Zhao Qian covered his face with his right hand and laughed crazily, and slowly loosened the gun in his left hand.

Then Zhao Qian opened the door and saw a large number of mutants trapped in the cage.

Zhao Qian smiled and looked at these mutants.

"Don't be afraid, I think I'm here to rescue you, after all, you are great mutants."

All the mutants were excited when they heard Zhao Qian's words.

Zhao Qian took out two cans from his pocket, pressed the can switches, and continuously sprayed cans filled with green gas and threw them on the ground.

Zhao Qian slowly backed away, the clown smile on his face instantly restrained, he cried sadly, his brows drooped. He said in a wronged voice while backing away to the door

"I rescued you, but you have to help me too, okay? After all, I'm just a weak clown."

Zhao Qian closed the door.

A few minutes later, all kinds of laughter came from the room.

Those mutants had been infected by Zhao Qian's clown toxin.

"Professor X, these laughing mutants are my gift to you, hahahaha."

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