American Comics Only Mutant, Gwen Came To My House Late At Night

Chapter 83: The Stranger Under The Sea! Atlantis? Crush The Sea People! 【Subscribe】


After confirming that what was under the silt was really the Vibranium mine, and not what he had misread, Roddy couldn't help but feel astonished.

So much Vibranium, even if it's just a little bit of it.

It is enough to make him the richest man in the world!


As Roddy said before, money is really just a series of numbers once it reaches a certain amount.

And Roddy didn't want to spend his time making money.

He is not short of money.

What do you need so much money for?

Develop a business empire?

But the problem is that Roddy doesn't have the same idea.

He just likes to eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life.

make money?

Fighting with people?

Whoever likes to play can play it, anyway, he is not willing to play this kind of business game with a group of capitalists!


Even if Roddy owned a large number of Vibraniums, he never thought of setting up a company to develop the value of these Vibraniums himself so that they could be sold at a higher price.

Or create more value for yourself.

That means absolutely nothing to him!

Secular values ​​are meaningless in the face of powerful individuals!

You, the richest man in the world, go to Doomsday and tell people how rich you are and how high your social status is, and then clamor for Doomsday to work for you. Do you think Doomsday will agree?

If someone doesn't trample you to death with one foot, your life will be considered hard!

With Roddy's current strength.

He doesn't need to care about these worldly values ​​at all.

As long as he likes it.

He can even snatch the king of a small country to become Dangdang.

So the value of Vibranium mine is not how much it can sell for Roddy.

But Vibranium originally, also a rare treasure for Roddy!

When he got the mechanical strengthening and mechanical activation ability before, Roddy thought about whether to get a lot of Vibranium-made machines and build an invincible army composed of ten Vibranium mechanical warriors.

At the beginning, Roddy thought about going to Wakanda when he was free.

He also doesn't grab Wakanda's Vibranium.

Just pack and take away all kinds of machinery and equipment they produce with Vibranium!

It's just that Roddy has been busy traveling the world since then, so he doesn't have time to go to Wakhan.

present words;

No need to go to Wakanda either.

Mining the large Vibranium mines directly below is enough for Roddy to create an army of invincible Vibranium mech warriors!

"Tens of thousands of tons of Vibranium, if you only manufacture small machines, you can build a mechanical army of more than one million, but small mechanical warriors must have "large ones"

"And the number of millions is a little bit more."

"I don't need to make so many, a few hundred thousand is enough!"

Roddy thought about it and decided to build a diverse army of Vibranium mechanical warriors.

The most numerous of them are naturally the small Vibranium mechanical warriors.

It is almost the kind of normal human File size.

For details, you can refer to Stark's Iron Soldiers, or directly refer to Ultron's body.

Definitely, not Vision's body!

That thing is another way to use Vibranium.

A bit high end, and Roddy doesn't need to.

Because he has the mechanically activated ability, there is no need to do that at all.

It takes a lot of time and effort, but the result is the same!

Then there are medium and large mechanical warriors.

Specifically, it can be set to a File size between 10 meters and 20 meters.

Refer to shapeshifting King Kong, but it can be enlarged a lot!

Finally, there are super-large mechanical warriors.

This amount does not need to be much.

A dozen or twenty is enough.

In terms of size, you can directly use Vibranium to build an aircraft carrier, or simply a spaceship.

Then after activation, it instantly transforms into a mechanical warrior hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters tall!

Just thinking about it, Roddy felt very shocked.

If this is taken out, let alone other things, the visual shock effect alone is enough to bluff people!

"Unfortunately, my different space is still too small, or else I would just pack up this Vibranium mine and take it away."

Roddy looked at the huge amounts of Vibranium mine under his feet. The size of this thing is still too big, and his different space can't fit it at all. He can only cut it off piece by piece, and then pack it.

Even so, Roddy had to make many trips.

After all, his different space is only that big.

Fortunately, he still has the ability to teleport.

Even if you have to run back and forth, it doesn't take much time.

Now let's see how big is this Vibranium mine?

Tens of thousands of tons is also the result of Roddy's preliminary estimate.

Maybe there will be more than this number in detail!

"First get rid of all the surrounding silt, and then look at the file size of this mine.

Roddy thought, and then began to clean up the silt from the Vibranium mine.

The more he cleaned it, the more Roddy was shocked by the file size of this vein!

It's simply too big.

There must be more than tens of thousands of tons.

Let alone more than 100,000 tons!

This is much more than what Roddy guessed at the beginning.


Roddy just cleaned up the upper layer of silt.

At a glance, a large area around is full of Vibranium mines!

It is said that the Vibranium in Wakanda was discovered from a meteorite, so does the Vibranium mine that Roddy discovered on the seabed mean that there was actually more than one meteorite that fell on the blue star?

There's one in Wakanda.

Is there one under the sea?

Regardless of whether this is the case, Roddy, the Vibranium mine brought by this Vibranium meteorite, is going to be fixed!

Doesn't anyone who discovers the things on the high seas belong to them?

Now these Vibraniums were discovered by Roddy.

Then nature belongs to him!

"Let's start cutting, and we will refine it later, and then we need to get some professional machines."

The Vibranium produced by the Vibranium vein is still in its original state and needs to be refined before it can be really used.

Regarding how to extract Vibranium, the most familiar ones are undoubtedly those black people in Wakanda.

Roddy thought he didn't need to make another trip to Wakanda.

Now it seems that this trip is still inevitable!

The job of cutting was not difficult for Roddy.

He can cut the Vibranium raw ore on the vein directly with Cyclops.

The crimson laser beams bloomed underwater, and the hard ore was cut along the cracks in the rock little by little.


A large piece of Vibranium ore with a diameter of five or six meters was cut.

Roddy put it into the alien space, and continued to cut the second piece.

While Roddy was busy cutting.

He didn't see that under the big slope, in the bottomless abyss of the sea, blue figures suddenly appeared, peeping at Roddy here.

When these blue-skinned weirdos saw Roddy cutting the Vibranium ore, their faces suddenly showed anger.

next moment--

A group of blue-skinned monsters swam towards Roddy.

They are fast;

Much faster than ordinary people can swim underwater!

And still holding the original weapon in his hand.

Spears, bone spurs and so on.

When these blue-skinned monsters approached Roddy, Roddy finally discovered their existence.

So he stopped the cutting work first, and turned to look at the group of weird people who came up.

"Is there still human life in the sea?"

Roddy thought subconsciously, and then remembered that there seemed to be a man named Namor in the Marvel universe, who was the seaman and the king of Atlantis.

Be the king of the underwater world!

Exactly the same as Aquaman in DC next door. who copied whom?

Roddy didn't care who copied who.

The group of blue-skinned monsters in front of them should obviously be the sea people of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis.

This group of people moved from the land to live in the sea a long time ago.

They have evolved the ability to breathe underwater.

It can move freely in the water, and can also communicate with marine life and domesticate it.

But at the moment Roddy didn't see any domesticated marine life.

I only saw a group of blue-skinned, Avatar-like guys surrounded myself.

to be honest:

The Atlanteans in DC next door are much prettier than them.


Forget it, no harm without contrast.

The group of underwater people who surrounded Roddy in front of him were murmuring and didn't know what they were talking about.

Not to mention Roddy doesn't understand their language at all.

Even if you can understand.

This TM is in the water, and I can't hear it clearly.

But this group of underwater people can actually communicate underwater.

Could this also be the Ability they evolved?

Just when Roddy was still curious about how they communicated underwater, suddenly the group of sea people in front of him launched an attack on him!

When Roddy saw it, they greeted him one by one with cold weapons

Is this not taking him seriously?

Haven't you developed any advanced technology for so many years?

Although Wakanda also likes to use spears, at least they have developed a lot of advanced technology.

There are also energy weapons, and their power is not small!

As a result, you Atlanteans seem to have seized a Vibranium meteorite, but you can only attack with ordinary cold weapons?

No wonder they were all wearing clothes made of aquatic plants.

Feelings, you haven’t developed technology at all for so many years?

What a fucking waste!

Roddy murmured in his heart, releasing red laser beams from his eyes, instantly blasting some underwater people into pieces!

His Cyclops has been developed to level 4, plus eighty times strengthening.

Bombing and killing a group of underwater people who are physically stronger than ordinary people is not a problem at all!

Only one face to face.

This group of sea people suffered heavy losses.

When the survivors saw it, their faces changed wildly in fright!

Obviously they didn't expect Roddy's strength to be so terrifying.

Not only can you release laser beams with your eyes, but it is also so powerful!

This is at a depth of seven or eight hundred meters underwater.

If this is in the air, the power of this laser beam must be several times stronger?

These sea people are obviously also afraid of death.

So after seeing that the enemy was too strong and invincible, they immediately chose to give up their plan to attack directly.

next second;

Roddy suddenly heard a burst of singing.

Hmm... how about 340?

This song is so terrible!

It doesn't fit his personal aesthetic at all.

But what does it mean to sing to him?

Roddy didn't understand.

Singing suddenly when you can't beat it?

Is this intended to surrender?

Want to show off your talents?

But you also sing too badly!

That's a shitty talent.

"No, isn't this the song of a siren?"

Roddy wanted to know that the seaman on the other side couldn't really show off his talent by singing. This was obviously some kind of special attack method.

Combined with the other party's life under the sea, Roddy immediately thought of the legendary creature of the siren.

Let's not say whether the sea monster exists in this world.

But the singing voices of these underwater people might really have the same effect as the singing voices of sea monsters.

Legend has it that the song of the siren can control people's hearts.

Let people be at the mercy of the sea monster.

And the singing of these underwater people may have a similar effect.

But this thing doesn't seem to work with Roddy.

Sound waves are also a kind of Ability, and the strange singing voices that can confuse people's minds are also sound waves in essence.

So although Roddy can hear it, the power of the sound wave has actually been absorbed by him.

Therefore, the special singing effects of these underwater people did not appear on him at all.

The few surviving sea people sang for a long time without seeing any reaction from the human being opposite, so they stopped involuntarily, and their faces became even uglier.

Singing doesn't work?

Who is this human being?

Why is it so difficult?

"it's over?"

Roddy stopped when he heard the singing, and immediately saw the sea people turn around and run away.


They found that they couldn't help Roddy at all, and they were going to leave here first.

Maybe a group of reinforcements will be called later to deal with Roddy, an outsider.

Roddy saw that these underwater people wanted to run away, and regardless of whether their singing had a similar effect to the siren, he directly used Cyclops to kill these escaped underwater people one by one!

Not a single one was left alive!

After all this is done, Roddy goes over to pick up the weapon that one of the sea people left behind when he died.


It was found that the head of the spear was actually made of Vibranium.

It's just that the handle is made of some kind of wood.

Roddy didn't understand this approach.

Although he also doesn't understand why both Wakanda people and sea people like to use Vibranium to make spears.

But you build it!

Why only the head?

Is it to save material?

PS: The third one is here!!!.

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