American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 143 When Mutant Is Indifferent To The World's Disasters!

[PS: I thought I had escaped, or had an asymptomatic infection, but I didn’t expect to be caught, or when I went home to pay New Year’s greetings during the Chinese New Year, I had a positive sun, and I was struggling with water and medicine for more than a week, and I almost thought I was about to burp

After finally getting better, I was very tired and lethargic. I had to sleep for sixteen or seventeen hours a day. It seemed that I still had brain fog, and my mind was almost ignorant.

I have been tossing until now, and I can finally code

resume update today

I'm really sorry for the sudden interruption

Although I am slow to update (because there is a book on other platforms), this book will not be eunuch, please rest assured】

Since the Chitauri invasion, billions of people on the planet have lived a period of peace of mind.

This kind of peace of mind not only comes from the super power displayed by the new X-Men, but also from the release of "Oasis", ordinary people also have the opportunity to step into the extraordinary, and from Lynn's performance when he led the crowd to Asgard Coming out strong.....

X-Men are confident to face God's Domain!

Isn't the safety of Earth obvious?

It is precisely because of this mentality that when the news of Sentry, X weapons, and milligram soldiers ravaging cities appeared on TV and the Internet, audiences around the world did not pay much attention to them, and even the people in the ravaged cities were concerned. Thought this would be over soon.

It's okay, the X-Men are all out!

Everyone thinks so!

However, as the incident unfolded, some people soon felt that something was wrong. In the video footage that can be seen everywhere on the news and X Daily, there are indeed many people rushing to the target city, including the army, agents, and some researchers. people like...

But no X-Men!

not a single one!

"What's going on? Why didn't any of the X-Men show up?"

"Is it because Mr. Lynn took away most of the elite, and the X-Men left on Earth are not strong enough?"

"But even so, it's not like none of them will come!"

"Professor X and Wolverine are both here!"

"Could it be 590..."

"This time, the X-Men don't plan to take action?!"

"The army can't resist those machine monsters at all. If this continues, those cities will be destroyed!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Everyone go to the Mutant channel to leave a message, or call the system in the "Oasis" world, we need X-Men to save the world!"

At the beginning, only a small number of people realized the abnormality.

However, in less than a day, the number of cities devastated has reached a terrifying 200, and the number of casualties is also increasing. The overwhelming news is sweeping the world, and it is impossible to even watch it!

All of a sudden, more and more people felt a trace of panic in addition to being shocked and puzzled!

Unknowingly, people have become accustomed to the X-Men turning out to turn the tide when the world is in crisis, but this time, the situation seems to have changed......

Countless people came to the bottom of the Mutant channel, wanting to know first-hand information.

Perhaps sensing the urgent expectations of the public, the Mutant channel suddenly updated a video.

Hundreds of millions of people clicked on it subconsciously.

A few seconds later, everyone's scalp was numb and their eyes widened, as if there was a chill from the tailbone to the sky.

This video turned out to be a manifesto for the X-Men to refuse to dispatch!

"In the past few decades, Mutants have appeared on a large scale. Because of the destructive and threatening nature of their super-abilities, they have caused panic in human society. Hiding in Tibet, the days of darkness.

"As a result, many unnecessary fights have arisen. Officials want to study the X gene of Mutants, create X weapons to eliminate all Mutants, and there are also radical leaders like Magneto in Mutants who want to destroy human beings. A place to live."

(agac) "In this process, whether it is an ordinary person or a mutant, they all suffer heavy losses."

"Mutant never denies these facts."

"However, since the appearance of Mr. Lynn, he has integrated various schools within Mutant and unified Mutant's thinking. Mutant has realized his responsibility and is no longer an enemy of the official. Instead, he has formed a brand new X-Men to protect the world and the earth. work hard for safety."

"Under the leadership of Mr. Lynn, we have spent countless efforts to create an oasis with only one purpose, which is to let all human beings enter the palace of evolution and the entire human civilization enter the era of fried rice."

"Facts have proved that people all over the world are kind and rational. The popularity of "Oasis", the establishment of the Mutant Bureau, and the popularity of X-Men... These are all signs of the coming new era!"


"What we never dreamed of is that...

"The officials don't think so!"

"They agreed to establish the Mutant Affairs Bureau, acquiesced in the legitimacy of X-Men, and allowed "Oasis" to be sold worldwide, all of which were nothing more than forced and helpless. Secretly [they never gave up their ambition to eliminate all Mutants!"

"This time, taking advantage of Mr. Lynn's opportunity to lead most of the X-Men elites to visit God's Domain on behalf of the earth, they actually lead a crowd to attack the headquarters of the second world!"

"No charge! No trial! No cause!"

"That's how they started the war naked!!"

"Mutant has worked so hard and painstakingly for the evolution of human civilization, yet he has received such a shameful backstab!"

"This is absolutely inexcusable!!"

Accompanied by Shadowcat's angry and suppressed voice, one picture after another appeared in the video. Lulian and others bomb the Second World Building, Sentinel fights against Magneto" "Weapon Squad Fights Iceman Bobby, Hulk Soldiers Fights Dr. Banner Crazy...

Even, on the street outside the Second World Building, the other half of the hidden super soldier squad, the FBI agent responsible for the blockade, also appeared!

In it, there's even Suicide Squad turning back on the lake that killed Amanda Waller!

God only knows how this scene was captured!

And these images have not undergone any editing. After seeing all the audience, the first reaction is that the X-Men are a hundred times stronger than before!

Shadowcat did not deny this in the slightest: "We are very clear that the official reason for wanting to eliminate Mutants is that Mutants possess a powerful super-ability that threatens their rule, but to put it bluntly, today's Mutants have already Powerful beyond their imagination!"

"We really want to rule the world, and we can do it by force!"

No one doubted this. Although Sentinel, Weapon X, and Hulk soldiers were the attackers in the picture, the actual situation was that they were ruthlessly crushed.

"The Mutant under the leadership of Mr. Lynn never thought of ruling the world, but just lead the evolution of human civilization wholeheartedly!"

"To put it bluntly, in the vast universe, the earth is just a very low-level civilization. What's the point of ruling such a low-level civilization?"

"From the very beginning, what we wanted to do was to lead the civilization of the earth out of the starry sky, let human civilization truly stand in the universe, and fight against many powerful alien civilizations

"For this reason, Mr. Lynn took away most of the X-Men and went to Asgard, knowing that he might be backstabbed, just to establish diplomatic relations with God's Domain and seek more benefits for the people on Earth!"

"However, such a simple truth, the officials and the politicians in the south just don't understand it!"

"They may understand it in their hearts, but they just feel that Mutant may threaten their rule, so they are determined to destroy us!"

"For this reason, they even eager for quick success, created this unknown super army!"

"But they didn't think about it, with the current technological level of the earth, can they master such an extraordinary force?"

"Super Soldier Potion, Hulk Serum, X Weapon, Sentinel... which one is not defective?!"

"If this extraordinary army goes out of control, how much harm will it do to the world? How many innocent people will die inexplicably?!"

"How long has it been since the disgusting thing, has the lesson of the contract been forgotten?!"

"They even collected a lot of super-ability criminals to deal with us, but they never thought about what if these criminals rebelled? What terrible consequences would it have?"

So far in the picture, it focuses on Green Goblin, Joker and others robbing the military airport unscrupulously, killing people like hemp, and the witch Joan Munn in Midway City, and the magic circle that is becoming more and more perfect.

And Shadowcat's voice was coming to an end at this time.

"Human civilization is on the verge of evolution, and Mutant, as a pioneer, has always been committed to creating a healthy and orderly evolutionary environment."

"At this time, the government and the military are ignoring the safety of the people and trying to grasp and control forces that do not belong to them."

"Since this is the case, they must bear the price for this extraordinary army that is out of control."

"This time, the X-Men won't make a move!"

"Not only because there are too few X-Men stories left on Earth!"

"It's also because we are afraid that when we go out to save the world, there will be a ruthless butcher's knife behind us again!"

"Betrayal, once is enough!"

The screen came to an abrupt end.

Countless viewers in front of the screen were stunned.

Almost everyone's mind is ignorant!

What happened this time was not an accident, but the government and the military were self-sufficient?

The reason turned out to be that they created an uncontrollable superpower to destroy the Mutant, but lost control after being hit?

And after losing control, they didn't have any countermeasures?

Can only watch those Sentinel, Weapon X, Hulk soldiers slaughter the people?

“Great Crab Special!!!”


"Damn politicians, don't they really care about our ordinary people's lives?!"

In an instant, countless curses resounded from every corner of the earth, and countless pairs of eyes became red like blood.

More than two hundred cities were attacked at the same time, and there were casualties......

The Chitauri Invasion event may well have been surpassed!

Even, it is still expanding!

And this is not the scariest thing!

What really makes everyone feel extremely angry, and the whole person is enveloped by a wave of fear, is when Mutant looks coldly at the disaster of the world. …

They can't see any other hope!

Counting on the official and the military?

Those troops who rushed to various places fought for a day, how pitiful they are!

Counting on S.H.I.E.L.D?

The Avengers have all gone to Midway City, and there is no time to take care of other cities!

"God, when everything is going well, why do those politicians do such stupid things?"

"Why do we ordinary people have to pay for their stupidity?!"

For a time, while the whole world was in panic, there were also countless people crying out in grief and indignation. .

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