American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 106: Daylight Nightfire Village of Fools

After the winter in Gotham City, the temperature began to warm up. This time is a rare season in Gotham where it does not rain very much. Although the weather is still very cloudy, there is no sunny day at all, and the city is always shrouded in a layer of mist, but The weather is much better than winter.

The first reform measure after Mayor Roy took office was naturally to manage traffic in Gotham.

Of course, this is not because the last mayor died in a car accident, but because with the cooperation with other coastal cities, Gotham City has ushered in a new round of development, with various warehouses and supporting facilities rising up, a large number of of cargo ships are moored at the port, queuing up to bring their cargo in.

But Gotham's traffic situation can only be described in one sentence - as long as it has some traffic rules, it doesn't mean that there are no traffic rules at all. 1

This has led to a very troublesome situation. The capacity of the cargo ship is sufficient. Although the warehouse under construction is still somewhat imperfect, it can actually accommodate those goods, but the problem lies in the journey from the dock to the warehouse. this part of the way.

The warehouses belong to different gangster families. Everyone has to deliver goods, and they are basically 24-hour uninterrupted delivery, but Gotham has no traffic rules, and no one says who should go first. This kind of thing is solved in Gotham The method, of course, is that whoever has more guns and whoever has more bullets in the gun will go first.

But there is still another problem. Although the driver is also a gang member, he is not a combat member. When the two cars are blocked together, the gang members who are escorting the goods start to fight, and the driver and other technicians in the car will also be injured.

Originally, Gotham lacked such professionals badly right now. When everyone started fighting, they didn't care about anything. The end result was that both parties stopped at the same time and went to the hospital to lie down together.

It doesn't matter if they are in the hospital, their trucks are still on the road, and the people who follow them are blocked and can't move.

Under such a vicious circle, the traffic in Gotham is almost completely paralyzed. Although most of the goods wait for a few days, it is not a problem, but if this continues, it is completely burning money, labor costs, warehouse costs, and cargo ships. Maintenance costs and liquidated damages for delayed delivery, the leaders of the Twelve Clan hurriedly straightened their hair.

Among them, there are actually some top students who have graduated from college, but everyone has lived in Gotham for so many years, and no one realizes what the most important problem in this city is. Relationship, thinking is how to deal with other gangsters, let them make way for themselves.

But everyone wants others to make way for them, so no one gives way, and everyone is stuck on the road.

After all, Gotham is a disorderly and chaotic city. The evil order built by gangsters here is still disorderly in nature. .

Fortunately, the new mayor Roy is a sensible man. He did not instruct the gangsters on what to do when they were most angry. want to go.

Until Gotham's most important turntable and four second-ring intersections were beaten into ruins, the gangsters are completely out of temper now, and the money is in front of them, but if they can't get it, no one can get it. The law lets the things in the cargo ship grow wings and fly to the warehouse by themselves. There is no one, no car, and now there is no road.

In the end, I had no choice but to ask the old godfather to come out. The biggest family leaders were silent when they sat at the negotiating table. Those who were stuck on the road also had goods from the Falcone family. , The leaders also know that they are wrong, and they are basically in a state of misfiring with their heads down and being scolded.

The problem is already obvious now. Continuing to fight will only make the situation worse. At that time, let alone the road, the whole city is almost gone, so how can they make money, waiting to starve to death?

The situation has developed to the present, and this situation does require a proper solution to improve traffic.

So, on the second Sunday in Gotham's warmer days, Mayor Roy Brown gave a televised speech on Gotham Television.

Roy on the screen is no longer wearing a trench coat and felt hat like in Chicago, but like a Gotham gangster, wearing a suit and tie, with a flower on his chest, he is sitting in his mayor's office, his tone is calm. said:

"Dear Gotham City citizens, I'm your new mayor, Roy Brown, and I'm sure everyone already knows me."

"The main purpose of my speech today is to advocate for everyone to obey the traffic rules, and also to explain the new municipality that I will implement in Gotham."

"As we all know, in this ancient city with a long history, we have worked together until today, and now, Gotham City will usher in another revival, and a good development opportunity is in front of everyone. "

"Therefore, as mayor, I once again propose a new municipality to serve the citizens of Gotham."

"The name of this new policy is the Gotham Civilized City Construction Plan. The main contents of the plan are: From tomorrow, Gotham's 6 major transportation hubs, 17 main roads and 22 secondary roads will be Beginning of Operation Gotham Traffic Civilization Day."

"During the period, there will be professional traffic guides to guide the traffic. Drivers and friends must abide by the traffic rules, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."1

The televised speech ended here, and Bruce turned off the television, suddenly having a bad premonition.

And it turns out that Batman's intuition has always been accurate, or the first law of Gotham is: In Gotham, no matter how right your starting point, how clever your method, how perfect your plan, in the end, they can give You make a piece of shit.

The next day, on the central turntable in downtown Gotham, a garish sports car with spray paint slowly lowered its speed. The man inside rolled the window open, stuck his head out, and hit a beautiful woman standing on the street. Whistle, a hippie youth covered in tattoos shouted: ""Hey! That pretty girl! Look here and see Gotham's Runner Kid..."

Before he could finish speaking, the girl turned around, threw the cigarette **** to her feet, picked up the rifle behind the street light pole, and shot it at the tire of the sports car.

The explosion sound of "bang" startled the two people in the car. They were about to get angry when the girl came over with a gun. She looked young, no more than 20 years old, with a good figure and skin. A wild dark color.

She lit another cigarette and took it, then took out a small notebook from her jeans pocket, rolled her eyelids, looked up and down at the two people who were stunned in the car, and said, "Racing boy, right? Bipolar disorder? , neuropathic headache plus schizophrenia precursor, the recommended treatment period is three months."

As she spoke, she wrote and drew on the notebook. After writing, she tore the piece of paper and threw it into the car. The young man with tattoos picked up the piece of paper and read, "Arkham" was written on the title. Psychiatric hospital diagnosis sheet".

He immediately showed a flattering smile and said, "Sorry, this lady, I didn't know you were an intern at the Arkham Asylum, how about giving us another copy of this?"

"By the way, is what they say true? We can prescribe a big one with this diagnosis... I mean effective medicine for headaches."

The girl looked him up and down again and said, "Yes, go to the attending doctor's office in the hospital for a face-to-face consultation within three days and wait for the ward allocation."

"Can you get another one? I think I'm a little mentally ill too." Another young man shouted.

The girl ignored him, took the walkie-talkie off her waist and said, "Fourth Avenue! Fourth Avenue! A modified supercar with a flat left front tire. There are two passengers, who are... who are you? ?"

"Old Smoking Gun in the Eastern District, our boss is Smoking Gun!"

"It's the old smoker from the East District. Damn, why are you poor ghosts from the East District? Don't the rich and rich people in the West District drive on the streets?"

Not long after she finished speaking, two people came over on a police motorcycle. One of them was wearing a police uniform, gave a perfunctory salute, and then said impatiently: "Speeding, illegally changing directions, running red lights, 300 fine."

Looking at the bazooka hanging on their motorcycle, the young man reluctantly paid the fine, and then another person who came with the motorcycle also walked over and said, "Hello, Doyle Towing Company, may I ask you? Need towing service?"

"Doyle, why are you? You **** bastard! Why are you still wearing a suit? And when did your family have a towing company?"

The young man named Doyle straightened his suit and tie. It could be seen that his suit should have just been bought yesterday, and it didn't fit very well.

He leaned on the sports car and lit a cigarette and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm an ancestral company, and our family has been in this business for eight generations. For the sake of acquaintances, I'll give you a 30% discount and 150 yuan to help you tow it. Go to the nearest avenue, you know, now only I know which avenue is not blocked, you should be rushing to the east warehouse to see the factory?"

The young man in the car pouted and said, "Okay, it seems that your boss really values ​​you, and you will do all this work. You can help me tow the car, and the two of us will walk to Arkham for a drive. medicine."

While they were chatting, the girl turned her head and saw a black Mercedes-Benz was about to turn around. She picked up the horn on her waist and shouted, "Stop!! You are violating traffic rules!!"

In a few seconds, another shot rang out, and the police and the towing company didn't have to move their place, and they negotiated another business.

Continuing along this street, there are two interns at each intersection. They are responsible for stopping cars and issuing diagnostic certificates. They all have walkie-talkies. Once a traffic accident is found, there will be policemen and people from the towing company riding quickly. The motorcycle arrived at the scene, signed the fine and signed the towing agreement in one go, and the car could be taken away from the scene in less than ten minutes.

Of course, this was only on ordinary main roads and at the crossroads far from the central city. In the six major battlefields near the central city, the battle situation was much more intense.

Bruce said to a bodyguard behind him: "Go and stop that red Lamborghini and tell him that he turned the wrong way just now, go back and walk again, and come to me later to get the diagnosis certificate."

"And, where's the foul-mouthed guy just now? Take him out and beat him up, say Wayne beat him."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "whoosh" sound, and Bruce took two steps back. Not far in front of him, a car exploded directly, and the driver ran out and ran out, facing the high platform in the middle of the intersection. The man with the bazooka shouted, "Are you blind?! Obviously I'm going straight! He's changing lanes! He took my seat, why did you bomb my car?!"

Before he could finish speaking, the aftermath of the explosion seemed to blow up the car that changed lanes, and the hood of the car also exploded, and then the flames burst into flames.

The driver who changed lanes also ran out of the car, rolling and crawling. The two of them were about to start a fight, but when they saw that the man on the high platform had reloaded the rocket, he was aiming at this side. People scolded and left, and soon, they met a guy who claimed to be a tow truck company, and the wreckage of the two vehicles was quickly taken away from the battlefield.

"Listen! To those sons of **** on the other side! Are you deaf? Let's go to the next green light! Do you hear?! Let's go!"

"Haven't you seen the TV show?! Look in my hand! What is this?! Gotham Driver's Manual! Did you see it? You've gone two rounds! Next time it's our turn!"

On the row of trucks opposite the turntable, a tattooed man with five or three thick tattoos came down. He also held a rifle in his hand. He pointed his **** to the man who yelled, and said, "Your brain is full of shit. Is it?! If you want to go, the road to the east will go first! Then it's us, you have to wait for a while!"

Bruce listened to them swearing at each other, and he thought hard for a while, and found that his genius brain couldn't find any evidence of the so-called traffic rules that the two men justly said.

He asked one of the bodyguards behind him, "Gotham's driver's manual? Any more of this stuff? Go get me one."

The bodyguard said: "There is, but there is, but it was printed just yesterday, and it is still a handwritten copy. When our mayor wrote this manual, he seemed to be a little drunk..."

However, he still went to find a car, and then got a copy. Bruce opened it and saw that the bodyguard was right. A pound of vodka can't be written so outrageous if you drink one less sip. driver's manual.

There is Roy's extremely scribbled font on it. The mayor is also from a grassroots background. He has never read a university. Many words are spelled wrong, not to mention the upside-down grammar. Some rows are crowded together, and some are far away from each other.

Bruce turned off his brain and tried his best to read the driver's manual from the point of view of the mentally retarded, and found that although the handwriting was scribbled, the content was confusing, and there were more swear words than the text, it was very reasonable.

The central idea of ​​the entire driver's manual is just one sentence: we don't have any traffic rules in this rotten place, and anyone you can see here holding the steering wheel has no legal driver's license. If you want to drive here, you only need to know One thing, and that is to hold the steering wheel, step on the gas, and pray to God.

After a while, Bruce's cell phone rang, he picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Oh, professor... Yes, the internship is going well, I'm at this intersection on the east side of the center roundabout, and the road conditions here are not bad, the west side is pretty good. It's messy over there, because there are too many sports cars over there..."

"Yes, I also think this practice method is very good. I heard them say that they have memorized at least dozens of proper nouns for mental illness. This is already a miracle. I believe that the final exam can be at least 5 points more..."

"Evans? No... no, he's not directing traffic, he has more important things to do."

Bruce looked up as he spoke, and he saw not far away, a man in a black suit who looked like the head of the Twelve Clan was nodding and bowing at Evans, and moved the car that was occupying the road in three or two times. The traffic jams quickly cleared up.

Although Bruce said so, in fact, this so-called Gotham Traffic Civilization Day is basically a mess.

Roy built a small observation deck in the center of the crossroads of all major transportation hubs. The traffic guides above are basically machine guns and bazookas in their hands. 1

Under this kind of deterrence, most cars are still willing to abide by the traffic rules, but the problem is that Gotham does not have a unified traffic rules at all, and the people here have never learned the traffic avoidance rules, so Roy is in A person who has driven normally in other cities is added to the watchtower to guide.

But in the United States, the traffic rules of almost every state are different, and the content of the driver's manual is also different, which leads to different traffic rules used at each intersection.

Although this situation is much better than the original situation of not moving at all, it still cannot meet the needs of logistics operation.

In the teacher's office of Gotham University, Professor Anna of Advanced Mathematics covered her forehead and said helplessly, "The error in the calculation of the capacity is really too big. Do you have any clues? Victor..."

Victor looked even worse. Two big dark circles almost covered half of his face. If he didn't listen to him, just looking at his current state, he would have thought that Frozen Man had awakened.

He said: "Don't forget, we also have to take into account the preservation time. The cargo ships at the second terminal are all commodities that need to be put into storage urgently. They must have an urgent passage, otherwise the goods may be damaged. There are also fragile items that can't be driven too fast, and when these cars are added to the center turntable, it will affect the overall speed..."

At this time, the door was pushed open with a "bang", and Roy rushed in with a gun in his hand and said, "How is the logistics system? There are more than a dozen big bosses waiting for my news. Well, their goods are all backlogged at the dock, and I can't stand it anymore!"

"We are doing manual calculations now. Have you ever seen a human being faster?"

"They can add money, any amount! 100,000? 200,000? As long as you can get results as soon as possible, business is not waiting for anyone! Friends!"

Victor put down the materials in his hand and said: "Last night I have called a few old classmates of mine. They are all professors of mathematics, physics and biology. You have to offer them a price that they are satisfied with before they come. Here, you know, this city has a bad reputation..."

"Give me their number, I'm sure you'll be satisfied!"

On the other side, as Roy said, most of the leaders of the Twelve Clan gathered in a conference room, anxiously waiting for the result. The leader of the Spencer family was sitting in the main seat. Take a phone and say:

"The items in warehouse 3 are damaged? Why? Aren't they refrigerated well?"

"The temperature detection device didn't work as usual? Then why didn't anyone check it? ... Can't read the scale? Damn it! You illiterate bunch! That's my tens of thousands of dollars!!"

"The quality of the low-temperature warehouse is also not good? What should we do? We kidnapped... No, what about the expert hired with high salary? Tell him that the salary promised to him is doubled! Let him quickly find a way! Forget it, you let him Answer the phone!"

"Who? Professor Frith? Who is that? Gotham University? Nope... I can't get in there, it's the Godfather's territory, contract system? Is he good?"

"…what? A big living man? His wife? No… it doesn't matter!"

"You mean, he froze a big living person in a freezer, and he still allowed her to live well?!"

"Ha... oh no... no... I mean, it's really sad, what a sad love story, God bless this poor lady, I'd like to donate for it, I'll ask him to come tomorrow, You know, I'm also a person who believes in love..."

At this time, Schiller was sitting in the office of the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital. There was a long queue in front of him. Schiller shouted without raising his head: "Next!" 1

A black man with a face full of flesh walked up, the paper of the medical certificate was pinched in his hand, and it was not as big as one of his fingers. He carefully held the medical certificate, handed it to Schiller, and Schiller swept it away. With a glance, he said, "Congenital poliomyelitis?? This is written by some guy who doesn't listen in class?? Didn't I say earlier to look for nouns in the textbook?"

He glanced at the black man and said, "Ward 3 on the second floor." Then he picked up the pen and quickly swiped the medical certificate twice, signed it, wrote another prescription, handed it to the man, and continued to shout: "Next!"

At this time, Brand, who was wearing a white coat, rushed in and said, "I can't accept any more! I really can't accept any more patients! We no longer have a ward!"

"Let them squeeze, there are more than 100 people here."

"But no matter how crowded it is, it's impossible for a ward to hold 30 people!"

Schiller raised his head and thought about it and said, "Let them go to jail on parole. There's always room in Gotham Prison, right?"

Brand was dumbfounded. He said, "On bail... what?"

"But most of them were originally on parole for medical treatment!"

"Then set up a medical station in the prison, let... let Bruce go there, the intern is also a doctor, he has experience, let him apply the model here, go to the prison if there is no room in the hospital, come to the hospital if there is no room in the prison, just so." 1

After Schiller hurriedly arranged for the many remaining patients, he returned to the Gotham University office, where it was basically a mess, and all those with a college degree or above were arrested and counted.

In this era without supercomputers, it takes a terrifying amount of calculation to calculate the most perfect logistics route by human power. The leading Victor and Anna are already going crazy.

Schiller relied on his own symbiote to also participate in it. In order to avoid traffic jams when he commutes to get off work in the future, he is happy to work here for a while.

But soon, Roy came again, still holding a gun and a phone in his hand, he rushed into the office in a hurry, and said, "The city government's three finances have been exhausted for two, and there are other One was buried by the sand leaked by the sand truck, and it is still being rescued. Who among you will come with me? The financial statements are almost piled up!"

One of the Gotham local professors said: "This job is not for everyone. In Gotham, although the mayor's life is short, the financial life is not long. Everyone knows what they do..."

Hearing this, Schiller was no longer sleepy. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let's go, I'll go with you!"

Roy said hesitantly, "Excuse my offense, professor, but aren't you a psychology professor? Does psychology still have finance?"

"Of course, you know, psychology is all-encompassing, and it just so happens that I personally have a lot of experience with it..."

Roy had no choice but to agree with suspicion.

The next morning, Roy stood in front of all the gang leaders and said, "Now I have good news, and bad news."

"Good news first, I've heard enough bad news," said one of them. "I still have three trucks stuck on Fifth Avenue."

"The good news is that, if nothing else, the city's GDP may surpass the metropolis this year and become the nation's No. 1."1

There was an uproar underneath, and the gang bosses whispered, and they said, "How come you are number one so quickly? My goods haven't been sold yet!"

"Isn't it fifth or sixth before? How long has it been? Are you sure the statistics are okay?"

Roy waved his hand, motioned them to be calm, and then said, "The bad news is that it's not because our city has developed, but it's actually because of a problem with the report."

"So now it's up to everyone to decide whether we want to be the first."

The rest of the people were even more confused. How big of a problem would the report have to make them leapfrog the Metropolis and land directly in the first place.

To be honest, Roy didn't understand this question either. Anyway, he just looked at Schiller's pile of financial reports all night and gave him an extraordinarily reasonable but extraordinarily outrageous statistic.

Then tell him that he is about to become the mayor who will lead the city's economy to develop the fastest, improve the most, and improve the fastest in the history of urban development in the United States.

Roy said: "According to an unnamed financial officer, if we are the number one, we will become more famous and increase more investment opportunities. If we are not the number one..."

Roy stammered, then took out a piece of paper and read to it: "Some errors that are allowed in the understanding of macroeconomics will bring more room for adjustment to the actual data, including... Stabilizing means of high growth, slack for crisis shocks, and…”

After reading and reading, Roy couldn't read it himself, and he said, "I'm sorry, I don't know too many words in the following paragraph. In short, if you don't want this reputation, everyone will have more …”

Roy made a gesture common to gangsters, and all the bosses understood, and they unanimously chose the latter.

Of course, this must not be for the convenience of official money laundering, but mainly because the citizens of Gotham are not vain and humble.

At this time, in the Gotham Police Department, Gordon's office, Bruce couldn't hold back, he said, "You mean, you want to borrow my bat light? What are you going to use it for?"

Gordon was also a little embarrassed, he said: "This is also impossible. Yesterday, I don't know which **** used his brains to transform the only old-fashioned traffic light at the central intersection, causing a lot of trouble. "

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

That's right, just after the traffic got a little better, things went wrong again.

There are no traffic lights at most intersections in Gotham, because it used to be useless, only the big roundabout in the most central city still retains an old-fashioned traffic light pole.

Although it was useless in the past, under the deterrence of force, Gordon found that this thing is indeed much more convenient than shouting.

As a result, most of the traffic in the central city is directed by traffic lights, and the person who circles the watchtower is only responsible for force deterrence.

But it is also worthy of the simple folk customs of Gotham City. This absurd city has never lacked absurd geniuses.

I don't know which little genius in physics and engineering, in the dark in the middle of the night, to transform this old antique traffic light that I don't know how many years.

Under the command of the wrong traffic lights, the situation of the central turntable yesterday was that after walking on the left, walking on the right, walking on the right after walking on the front, or walking on the right after walking...

At the end of the day, the entire intersection on the right was unobstructed, and the other three intersections could only stare blankly.

Originally, all the drivers in Gotham City are in the late stage of road rage. If everyone can't get out, that's fine, but when others go forward one after another, they have to be blocked here. They are definitely not happy.

So the center turntable, which had just been repaired a little bit, was almost destroyed again.

Later, the traffic light was repaired again, but this old-fashioned traffic light has basically stopped lighting after so many tossing, and the ordinary traffic light may end up similar to this traffic light. At the evening peak period, it is basically unable to survive. three hours.

For the citizens of Gotham, such a completely inconspicuous thing is difficult for their crazy brains to distinguish, so Gordon thought of a way, he planned to use the whole power.

So the question is, where are the most powerful lights in Gotham?

Bruce looked at Gordon speechlessly, and Gordon rubbed his hands by mistake and said, "Actually, this is also a crime-fighting. After all, if everyone is delivering goods at night, most people will not go out to look for trouble."

Gordon dragged Bruce to the Gotham map hanging on the wall, and he said: "This is a statistic I made recently. You see, in a few neighborhoods with relatively good traffic conditions, the crime rate has dropped significantly because the average gangster is looking for a driver. They will always find local drivers who are familiar with the route.”

"These drivers are basically members of the local snake gang, which is the main force of local crime. Because of the lack of transportation capacity, the gang is willing to pay a lot of money to hire these people to help them deliver goods overnight. It doesn't matter if they don't have a driver's license, anyway, most people don't have a driver's license. ."

"They are driving trucks all night, so of course they don't have much time to go out and commit crimes, and the money earned from two trips can be used for two months of robbery. Most of the gangsters who can drive are basically I found a similar job, and I heard that there was another small gang who changed jobs collectively and became a truck driver, and they are still hiring like crazy."

In fact, this did not exceed Bruce's expectations. Batman often patrols at night recently, but there is really nothing to patrol recently, because the streets are full of people working.

If the truck driver does not rest, the driver also has to eat and drink water. After the night shift, he can just go to have a late night snack. Then the restaurant, pub and roadside stall will not rest. The restaurant has to sell everything during the day. If they need more raw materials, they need to hire more drivers to deliver them, and they need to hire more cooks and waiters.

However, after all, regular restaurants have rent, and the prices of the things they sell will be more expensive, and the things made by the cooks may not be suitable for the tastes of those gangsters. They are used to eating roadside stalls since they were young.

Therefore, many people who can cook have also set up roadside stalls, and Gotham has no urban management. Of course, they can set up where they want.

When there are more roadside stalls, the originally small alley becomes narrower. Most people have to demolish the illegal buildings in front of the building and widen the road to facilitate the formation of the night market.

This group of night drivers suddenly made a lot of money, and of course they would be keen to spend. Casinos and dance halls simply stopped resting. Even bartenders, dancers, and dealers had to work all night. These people eat and drink and need more. Service industry facilities.

In short, the streets near each transportation hub have been brightly lit in recent days, and they are more lively than during the day. Once the citizens of Gotham gather together, they will try their best to find excitement and engage in confrontational movements. There is no electronics in this era. Games, the way to find excitement, is nothing more than playing basketball, football or bragging.

Who is Batman? He's Gotham's Dark Knight, with an emphasis on darkness.

Which alley near the main road do you go to now, the beginning is a group of folk soccer players shouting, and the end is a group of truck drivers sitting around the table, eating hysse and blowing hype. Streets were stretched with wires, all kinds of light strings were hung between street lights and street light poles, and high-power spotlights were hung in mid-air to illuminate the ground. Shaking was stunned.

Since the streets near these transportation hubs are so busy, Batman has little room to play, so he goes to the more remote and less crowded streets.

But the business gathering brings not only the prosperity of the market, but also the flow of people. Even if Gotham is the most vulnerable group, such as single mothers with children, they can also find a serving plate in those restaurants that are open all night. Or the job of washing dishes.

Strong laborers generally go to work that earns more money. Restaurants are running short of manpower, and I wish more people would do this kind of work. The people of Gotham City do not exist in isolation. Basically, there is a connection between a group. Many disadvantaged groups living in more remote and remote places will find a lively night market nearby, and do odd jobs in it, even if they are just picking up garbage, they can earn a dollar or two, enough for them to eat a meal. Dinner is over.

However, since the place where they live and where they work is far away, it will delay their work time, so most of them will move closer.

The rent of the house will be more expensive if it is close to such a place, but the landlord is not stupid. He used to rent a room for one person for $100, but now he divides the room into three, and each of them is for three people. If someone charges $50, he can earn another $50, and those people will be grateful.

As a result, a large number of landlords in the night market streets began to divide their houses even smaller. Those disadvantaged groups did not care how small or broken their rooms were, anyway, it would not be more broken than the place they used to live.

Then the gangsters who run and rule the street find that if they can make more of these rooms, they can attract more outsiders, they can make the whole street run more efficiently, and they can receive more protection. fee.

So they began to take the initiative to convert the attic or some vacant rooms of their property into smaller apartments, which were specially prepared for these outsiders who were attracted by the property.

Some poor ghosts really don’t have a penny. The gangs also allow them to live in first, and then pay off their debts every month. Some gangsters who are in urgent need of employment don’t even want to pay interest. I work for me on this street. Not only will I not charge you interest, but I will also give you a subsidy. Anyway, what I earn is not your rent.

Then Batman discovered that Gotham has been eerily quiet recently. With the transportation hub as the center, various night markets radiate outward, and new business districts have begun to develop gradually.

In these new business districts, few people will cause trouble, because if you killed two people in a dark alley in the past, the police may not find out for a long time, and even if you know some special skills, this may turned into a mystery.

But in such a lively night market, this kind of thing is almost impossible. Even when playing football, whoever hacks whoever kicks it will spread throughout the block the next day. If you rob on the spot, then you Better to count on the cops to come quickly, or the local gangsters are sure to shove you down the drain.

Because if you kill people in the street, it takes time to wash the floor, right? When the police come to investigate, they have to cooperate with the investigation, and the surrounding witnesses have to be called again in turn. How much time will it take? How much turnover is lost? How much protection do I need to pay less?

It’s fine if you are far away, the gangsters may not be bothered, but at such a close distance, there are more than a dozen gangsters patrolling a street. Here you have just pulled out your gun and haven’t said the word robbery. There are more than a dozen holes.

Business is business, and Gotham's tradition of shooting first and then questioning can't be lost.

In this way, in the dark night after night, Batman stood alone on the top of the building, watching the dimly lit nights, which began to light up slowly, and now, he is standing on the top of the Wayne Building. On the roof, the most central and highest point of Gotham, there are thousands of lights under his feet.

He thought that maybe he had witnessed a miracle so close, that this unsaved, chaotic and bad city began to sprout in the chaos, grow in the chaos, and then blossom into a strange and wonderful flower.

It blooms recklessly in the dark night, making no secret of his confusion and malice, Batman thought, this black flower will still open to the sun, but it is just a black sun.

And he, and Batman, Batman didn't feel defeated, a whole new power surged within him, a new thought, a thought bigger than night and revenge, appeared for the first time in him heart.

He had a wonderful hunch that this world, this universe, just like Gotham, was changing for something.

And next time, he thought, in this miraculous change, he would no longer be a bystander, but must be a participant.

He watched as the night came again, and the lights gradually came on, and then in addition to the cold wind and darkness above this high sky, flickering light spots began to spread rapidly on the streets, until the whole city was lit up.

Right here, right now, this bat isolated from the city feels that he has finally learned how to light a lamp.

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Chapter 106: Daylight, Nightfire, Fool's Village

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