American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 112: Gotham In Progress (Part 1)

In the splendid banquet hall, the huge chandelier composed of hundreds of candles shone brilliantly, the silver tableware and crystal saucers shone dazzlingly, the champagne tower was like a small golden mountain, and the silk tablecloth fell smoothly. Next, men's leather shoes are shiny, and women's high heels are inlaid with gems and pearls.

The gorgeous skirt is like the curtain hanging down from the Milky Way. When the footsteps slide with the brisk dance music, the hazy light circles between the tie and the corner of the skirt. The tall Bruce gently hugs Selena's waist and walks with her. Spin on the dance floor.

On the surface, they seem to be the best couple on the dance floor, handsome Bruce in a suit and leather shoes, his tall figure exudes masculine charm all the time, and Catwoman, although she is relatively petite, has a very smooth body curve. She has more fluid muscle lines than other ladies, and the fishtail skirt inlaid with diamonds wraps her **** silhouette very well. On her exposed neck, she wears a necklace composed of pink diamonds, emeralds and sapphires. That dazzling diamond light made Selena the most dazzling presence on the entire dance floor.

Of course, it just looks harmonious on the surface. As a Catwoman who has stepped into this kind of social occasion for the first time, of course it is impossible to dance peacefully.

"Take your eyes back..." Bruce whispered next to her ear, "It's rude to stare at others like this.

"I like the string of pearls on her wrist, especially the largest one. The sheen is so charming." Catwoman blinked her eyes, staring straight at the pearl on the wrist of another lady on the dance floor. Bracelets.

Just as Bruce was about to open his mouth to continue to dissuade her, Catwoman took her eyes back and stared at Bruce. Selena had a pair of very beautiful green eyes. The green was richer and purer than the emeralds on her neck. When looking at this kind of gaze, Bruce's mind was already blank, and he swallowed the words he said to his mouth, and it became: "If you like pearls, I can also give you a bunch."

Catwoman said: "I know, you just want to stop me from stealing it. Well, although I didn't listen to the rules of the banquet you told me before, I also know that you can't steal things here..."

Bruce was about to be moved. The process of his fight with the cat could be described as tragic.

First of all, Catwoman is a girl from a slum, and she is not very old now, so the scope of theft is basically limited to Gotham City.

Moreover, he has never attended any decent high-level parties.

No cat would like to wear high-heeled shoes that are extremely inconvenient to walk and a fishtail dress that can't stretch her legs. Just by convincing her to wear this dress, Bruce has almost spent his life's eloquence and ended up wearing it. The first mermaid skirt was torn because Selena stepped too far.

In the end, Bruce had to tell Selena that the dress was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all the gems on it were expensive natural gems.

This stopped the cat from using her gorgeous acrobatic skills to destroy all similar costumes.

Then, within ten minutes of wearing the necklace on her neck, a gem on it disappeared. Bruce didn't even see how Catwoman pulled the gem off. In the end, it was him and the jewelry. Designers and clothing consultants have been talking for dozens of minutes,

Selena finally let a complete necklace stay on her neck.

Catwoman has a very beautiful and **** black hair. When she used to steal, she would gather the hair and wrap it in the hood. She seldom took care of the hair, so it was always a little messy. When she got up from her chair seven times in ten minutes, Bruce had to sit next to her and stare at her all the time.

It was all done with great difficulty. When I sat in the luxury car to the venue, Catwoman seemed to have a nail on her butt. Bruce, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had to sit in the back seat with her. , and then she can stop her crazy act of turning out all the wine in the refrigerator of the car because of her anxiety and excitement.

Not to mention when we got to the venue, Catwoman was always staring straight at the various jewelry on other ladies and wives. Bruce was just worried, for fear that he wouldn't be able to watch for a second, and those jewelry and jewelry would be gone. disappeared.

Only then did Bruce find out that Catwoman may not just suffer from kleptomania. She definitely has other mental problems. She is really too much like a cat, whether it is her behavioral logic or her psychological state.

However, Catwoman is very interested in becoming a star, because in her opinion, when she becomes a star, she can hang all those gems on her body and show their beauty to the world.

Even so, Catwoman's road to growth is still very long.

While Catwoman and Bruce were pulling together, the gang had a lot to do. After a period of construction in Gotham City, hundreds of warehouses were erected. Although this was a good thing, it also brought some problems.

Originally, the municipal planning of Gotham City was made by the original builder, that is, the original court of owls. After Falcone ruled the city, the old godfather further transformed Gotham City according to the planning of the city of Rome. , The Wayne Group has always had a tacit understanding with Falcone, and they also planned the outskirts of Gotham.

The problem now is that there are so many warehouses and new service facilities in all walks of life, such as rest stops for truck drivers, temporary roadside dining points, dock loading and unloading points, newly opened gas stations, etc. , These buildings were built all of a sudden. Because they were built in a hurry, they would not be mentioned because they were not good-looking. More importantly, there were unplanned buildings, which caused the urban planning of Gotham City to become somewhat unreasonable.

The boss of the gang usually builds a warehouse and its supporting facilities on the land he wins, and the other boss does the same. This leads to many supporting facilities that are obviously not far away, but repeated Yes, but far away,

Some warehouses with relatively small plots do not have these facilities. Drivers and other personnel have to drive to further places to find these facilities, which again increases traffic pressure.

This also caused Gotham City's entire logistics planning system to have no way to calculate the most perfect route, because the infrastructure settings were not reasonable enough, and Victor's hair was almost white, and he couldn't come up with a standard answer.

After running for a period of time, the accuracy and efficiency of logistics are still a mess, and the relatively regular urban environment that Falcone and the Wayne family have worked so hard to plan are also supported by these warehouses. The facilities, and the night market that has sprung up like mushrooms, are ruined.

The main contradiction of Gotham City is that the hardware requirements brought about by rapid economic development cannot be satisfied by the backward urban structure.

To accommodate this capitalist revival, Gotham City desperately needs a major rebuild.

You want to say, does Gotham City have the power to rebuild? Of course there is. Falcone has ruled Gotham City for so many years, it is impossible not to save this capital, not to mention the Wayne Group, even if the twelve families put together, it is enough to buy this place. The city has been rebuilt again, but the problem is that they are now Qian et al. Several urban planning experts have been invited to shake their heads. They are pointed at by gangsters with guns. They can only say that there is no way. on the calculation of the amount of planning.

Some experts can come up with a plan, but this plan cannot satisfy everyone. If either the aesthetics is not enough or the function is insufficient, Falcone and Wayne Group are not willing to completely abandon the beauty and focus on the function, because Their vision is more long-term. One day, Gotham's industry will be transformed and upgraded, and the aesthetics of the city's structure will one day come in handy.

In the end, it was tossed, turned, and tossed, and the question came back to Schiller.

And Schiller was busy with another thing recently. Before, when the claws came to him, he had expected that sooner or later, the scumbag of the Court of Owls would come out to disrupt the situation.

But what confuses him is that since that time, he has not been able to find any trace of the Court of Owls. This organization seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Schiller used his contacts and methods to turn left in the city. Flip to the right, toss and turn for a few days, but did not find any suspicious people who were suspected of sharp claws.

Don't forget, after Schiller's gray fog dissipates, he can collect information that is accurate to the microscopic level. In recent days, he has swept through half of Gotham City one after another, but he has not found anything.

This made Schiller suspicious. He was not afraid of the enemy revealing his exploits, but he was afraid that the enemy would be completely hidden. He didn't know what conspiracy was going on. It stands to reason that the court of owls had already been dispatched, so there was no reason to withdraw halfway. He believed that, The claws are definitely not just targeting him, but all the characters who may have played a role in this Gotham reform.

Before launching the plan, Schiller prepared for the possibility that these men would face a wave of assassinations from the Court of Owls.

But what confuses him now is that the court owls are gone!

Not to mention sharp claws, I haven't even seen an owl's hair, what happened to this court of owls? Leave Gotham alone and go on a group vacation?

The issue of the Court of Owls has not been fully Schiller is hesitant about the reconstruction of Gotham because he knows that in some comic versions, the Court of Owls is building Gotham's buildings. At that time, a metal with mysterious power was added to it.

This metal will cause Gotham City to become increasingly dark and crazy, and although Schiller once sampled some buildings in Gotham City and found nothing special, he is not sure if he can discern this mystery. substance.

But once Gotham City's major reconstruction begins, it will definitely touch the core interests of the Court of Owls and usher in a fierce counterattack from them. If you don't make complete preparations in advance, the core figures of these reforms may suffer heavy losses.

But other family leaders, including Bruce and Falcone, felt that Schiller had come up with a reform plan so decisively,

And it is quite effective, then he is not the kind of person who looks ahead.

But this time, he showed hesitation, perhaps because there were some places they didn't notice, so the momentum of the original rapid reconstruction gradually slowed down.

On the other hand, although Catwoman wanted to be a big star, she was really impatient with those classes. Bruce took her too seriously, for fear that she would go out to steal something someday and offend others.

Catwoman was going crazy, and finally one day, she caught a gap and sneaked out.

However, her sneaking action did not hide the eyes of the old housekeeper Alfred. Bruce learned the news immediately and quickly sent someone to find her. Catwoman didn't have enough fun and didn't want to go back with Bruce. The chasers jumped up and down, and had no choice but to run down the sewer.


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