American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1128: Father and Son (48)

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After the portal stopped opening, the Lokis thought that this outsider was sent by the Time Management Bureau to meet them. In addition, the old Loki who took the lead ran after him, and the other Lokis also followed him.

Running and running, they found that a magnificent temple really appeared in front of them.

After all the Lokis rushed into the temple, the monster in black and red tights slammed on the brakes, then pointed to a hole in the floor and said, "Jump in, you'll be safe!"

The Lokis all showed suspicious expressions. When they turned their heads, they found that Elrios had been blocked from the door of the temple, and everyone showed a relieved expression.

But in the next second, a bigger monster's head came in, and the scary monster with a face full of spikes and fangs roared and shouted, "I'm going to eat you all!!!"

In terms of shape alone, this monster looks much scarier than Elrios. Compared with it, Elrios, which is condensed from dark clouds, looks like soft cotton candy.

It doesn't matter that this monster looks scary, but it still exudes a terrifying dark aura, making people feel as if the stars in the universe are going to be swallowed by it.

Loki in the temple began to panic again. Seeing that the monster was about to squeeze into the gate of the temple, President Loki gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and jumped into the hole in the ground.

The other Loki jumped in, back and forth, and after they left, the huge monster opened its mouth wide and bit Elrios more than 600 times in two minutes, until it was completely swallowed.

Then, the huge monster suddenly turned into a little girl, ran into the center of the temple with short legs, and then plunged into the hole.

It doesn't matter that she jumps in, there's a bunch of Gungnir behind her ass.

Originally, Gungnir was chasing two monsters, but Elrios was eaten, leaving only one monster.

And this monster has already jumped into the hole, and Gungnir, who only obeyed Odin's orders, also turned into meteors and flew into the hole.

In the next second, a group of Loki landed first, followed by a little girl, and finally a group of Gungnir emitting golden light.

After the little girl landed, before everyone could react, she turned into a huge monster again and swallowed everyone in one gulp.

Then, there was an emergency 180-degree U-turn, and he plunged back into the hole where everyone had just come out.

Then, with a "swish", the hole disappeared.

The monsters and the Lokis went back along the entrance of the cave, but Gungnir, who had just chased them, closed the portal before chasing them back.

As a result, a group of spears emitting golden light seemed a little dazed.

Gungnir does not have high intelligence. After all, it is just Odin's weapon, and it only follows the procedures set by Odin.

Whoever Odin tells him to chase, he will chase. Of course, the father of the gods is not stupid, and it is not worthwhile to lose his weapons for some enemies.

Therefore, Gungnir will automatically return to Odin's side when the next pursuit activity may destroy itself, or when the target is completely lost.

This kind of self-recovery function is very powerful, because Gungnir almost ignores the rules of the universe, and flies very fast, and he can go back in a short time.

But now, they found that they couldn't go back.

Now, where they are located, there is no aura of their owner at all, and the automatic finding path cannot be calculated.

However, Gungnir cannot be as flexible as humans. They will not "find it if you can't find it", or think about their own situation. They will only automatically calculate the shortest circuit path.

As a result, dozens of Gangnir swarmed towards one direction, but were quickly blocked by a barrier.

Because in the normal universe, it is impossible to have space rules to block Gungnir, so they do not have emergency braking procedures. If they cannot break through this wall, they will keep breaking through. .

And in the universe closest to here, in a certain magnificent temple, Eternal who had just returned from a meeting and planned to take a rest, suddenly heard the sound of an electric drill coming from upstairs in his house.

Eternal felt very strange, what kind of movement is this?

In an instant, eternity appeared at the source of the sound, and the scene in front of him made him feel very strange.

Dozens of spears exuding golden light kept spinning towards a point on the barrier of the Marvel Great World.

Eternity is strange, what happened to Gungnir?

Of course Eternity knows that Gungnir is Odin's weapon, and also knows that this spear has magical properties, but the problem is, usually, Gungnir won't get stuck. What's wrong with these long guns?

Finally can't stand Odin's enslavement of them, and plan to run away from home completely?

Eternal thought about it for a while, and thought it might be a bug. He has managed the universe for so many years, what kind of weird bugs haven't he seen? Isn't it just to delete and then rebuild it? Nothing is difficult.

As soon as Eternity raised his arm and wanted to delete these stuck Gungnir, his movements paused for a moment, because he thought of a very serious problem. ,

These spears kept drilling into the barrier of the big world. He just deleted these spears without looking for the cause of this bug at all. Today, dozens of spears are stuck here, so if there are more than two hundred spears tomorrow. Hundreds of millions of Gungnir are drilling electric drills here, the big boss is mad?

I believe that friends with some programming knowledge can understand that bugs are not terrible. What is terrible is that the pig teammates solve the problem in the simplest and rude way without finding out the cause of the bug.

During the test, the code ran very smoothly. As soon as it is put on the shelf, this modified and seemingly recovered code will definitely run tens of thousands of times and crash all programs. ,

Thinking of this kind of consequences, Eternal's actions immediately became cautious. How important the barrier of the Marvel world is, needless to say, any bugs involving him must be handled with caution.

And what should I do if the program has a bug and I can't find the reason, and I don't want to alarm the boss?

That's right, shake people quickly.

Eternity sent a group text message to himself in other universes, to the effect that a bug was found and could be fixed, but if he wanted to find out the root cause, would anyone come over to take a look.

Many eternities that are relatively close to here rushed over as quickly as possible when they heard that there was a problem with the Great World Barrier, and the unlucky eternity in Schiller's universe also received the message.

Although he is not close, but he has a guilty conscience!

Not to mention anything else, he just made a hole in the big world barrier for the convenience of commuting to work.

As soon as the unlucky Eternal saw these spears, he knew that it wasn't Schiller's work, there must be a ghost!

The unlucky Eternal just wanted to speak out, but he thought about it, although it is impossible for OAA not to know that he and Schiller built a subway for work for himself, the big boss must have acquiesced.

But if he stood up now and said that this bug was actually created by digging a hole for his own selfish desire, then how would he mess around in front of his colleagues in the future?

After thinking about it, Eternal's eyes are on the nose, and the nose is on the heart. Anyway, I have been kicked out for assignment now, and the affairs of the headquarters company should be resolved by you.

Many eternities are gathered together, and the efficiency is not low. They began to conduct a drag-net investigation to investigate the underlying code of all universes to see what went wrong.

As the foundation of the universe, eternity was not given for nothing. After a while, traces of the hole Schiller made were discovered.

As a result, many eternities and other abstract entities whose surrounding universes were disturbed all gathered around this hole, discussing in whispers, which code went wrong, and what went wrong to produce this consequences.

Since the universe where Schiller is in has been kicked out, he is no longer on the timeline of this universe. The ability of these abstract entities to see the timeline is useless, so they can only use the most stupid method, and all departments cooperate to assist , Carry out a blanket search.

But this kind of work is both meticulous and troublesome. After checking and checking, but can't find anything, it makes everyone very anxious. Soon, there are many complaints in the universe.

"It's so annoying... I have to work overtime again!"

"Who has nothing to do to dig holes here? Are you sick?!"

"Who the **** did this?! Don't let me catch him!"

At the same time, Kang the Conqueror, who had just watched Loki's joke, found out before he had time to be happy that the huge monster with sharp teeth had returned, and this time it was still coming for him.

"I advise you to run quickly." Loki looked at him and said, "If you wait a little later, you will know what a storm of blades is."

Kang the Conqueror took his time and activated his ability to pause time, trying to use the old method to control his enemies.

Then it was nearly chewed up in two seconds.

Looking at the huge monster that was completely out of control, Kang the Conqueror ran away and shouted: "Impossible! How can you not be controlled by the time pause?!! I have the entire timeline of the universe in my hands!!"

The huge monster chased him and shouted: "Is there a possibility that I don't belong to the timeline of this universe?!!"

Kang the Conqueror completely collapsed. There is an end to nothingness, and this space is not enough for him to run. So, he pressed the teleporter and teleported away, returning to the normal timeline. Then, It's Thor's Thunderbolt.

Not long after, the monster came again. While avoiding the monster's bite, Kang the Conqueror had to move to avoid Thor's lightning. Not long after, he was in a terrible mess.

Just when he was in despair, suddenly, he saw a strange man in a black and red uniform appearing on the side of the road, holding a sign in his hand that said "Go this way to the Eternal Temple!".

He flipped the sign over and it read "Future you, let me save you!"

Conqueror Kang was overjoyed, but he was still he ran in that direction, he was still ready to activate the teleporter at any time to avoid the trap.

After running into the temple, Kang the Conqueror found out, isn't this the place where he played the escape room before?

But soon, he realized that there was a hole here, which could lead to a completely isolated universe. As long as he could jump in, wouldn't he be able to get rid of the monsters and thunder in this universe?

Conqueror Kang, who had been chased to a corner, jumped in without thinking too much.

Sure enough, after landing, the world was quiet, there was no roar of monsters, and no rumbling thunder.

Conqueror Kang stood still and laughed a few times, and then, the moment he raised his head, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Because in front of him, there are abstract entities all over the mountains and plains.

And when their death stares fell on Conqueror Kang at the same time, he seemed to hear countless terrifying roars one by one.

Is it you who messed up the code? !!!!

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