American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1131: Father and Son (51)

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"Seeing me holding Howard hostage, Captain America rushed up and wanted to beat me up, but it didn't matter, he was slow and couldn't catch up with me, but he didn't expect that there was a Bucky with a mechanical arm behind him."

"What's even more strange is that Bucky's mechanical arm can actually fly out like a cannonball?!!"

"I was completely unprepared, and I was sent flying out. Fortunately, I kept Howard **** with energy ropes, so I didn't throw him out."

"As soon as I jumped onto the road with Howard, a group of brats came out of nowhere!"

"I do know the leader, the blind Daredevil. Originally, I didn't take him as a threat, but who knows, he yelled, 'Robert, Jessica, come on!'"

"A man and a woman rushed out from the team. I don't know what strange abilities they have. I was directly hit by a ball and flew out. Then, I was punched on the chin again."

"I know that many of the people chasing me are superheroes, and they must take care of ordinary people, so I thought about running to places where there are many people"

"Stark Tower is not far from Wall Street, so I went straight to Wall Street, but at this time, those **** S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived."

"The black widow who is the leader of 99 kept saying something like 'the next quarter's bill will be saved', she didn't even look at my position, and let that Hawkeye, Barton, point at one of them. More than a hundred explosive arrows were fired from the building."

"A series of screams came from that building. I was still gloating at that time. Now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is definitely going to have a falling out with superheroes. But who knows, hundreds of people rushed out of that building. Mage!!!"

"The leading Supreme Mage Strange insisted that I had broken some of his business or orders, and he swung his staff to beat me up."

Kang's expression was rarely relaxed, and he said, "Fortunately, this guy is a novice in magic at first glance, and he is also not good at using the time gem, which is no match for his teacher, Gu Yi."

However, suddenly Kang's expression changed sharply, and the word "regret" was almost written on his face. He took another sip of water, cleared his throat and continued:

"The device I use to travel through time is not unlimited. Although, for ordinary people, the energy is almost unlimited, but in the past few days, I used it tens of thousands of times intensively. In this kind of high-intensity battle, it is used frequently, and it is already a bit sluggish."

"So I thought, I just ran into a weak chicken supreme mage, so why not **** his time gem? Even if I can't get the time gem, a few magic items can be used to maintain my equipment. "

Kang Xiang raised his hand and said, "Well, it's because I feel that the supreme mages of this universe are extraordinarily abundant in energy, and the equipment carried by those mages is also shining, which I have never seen before. Such a rich Karma Taj!"

"I thought, since they are so rich, if they don't grab some, wouldn't they miss a good opportunity? So, I threw Howard aside and planned to sneak attack Strange."

"I don't know why, suddenly hundreds of phones burst out of that building?!!" Kang said in a broken voice, "I swear, I have never heard so many swearing words in such a short period of time in my life. vocabulary!"

"I was stunned for less than two seconds, seven or eight portals opened around me, the ghost rider came, the red tank also came, and some messy guys I didn't know all rushed towards me. "

"I was shocked and turned on the time device in a hurry, trying to escape, but the supreme mage actually pulled me into the mirror space. Immediately afterwards, a nest of demon gods rushed out of the portal!"

Gritting his teeth, Kang said aggrievedly, "Not only did they bully the less with more, they also didn't teach rules! They have no martial arts! They beat me up again!"

"Fortunately, I was superior in skills. I distracted them by swindling surrender, and then activated the teleportation device to escape."

"The structure of the mirror image space is complicated. I didn't dare to go through the timeline directly, and I still fell somewhere in this universe."

"There is a very prosperous star port there, and I finally escaped from the terrible earth. I know that this will definitely not work. If those lunatics still chase me, I won't even have the strength to fight back."

"So, I began to seek help in this universe. Of course, I have traveled through so many universes. I also know who will have common interests with me. My purpose is to eradicate Thor. Asgard has many enemies in the universe. "

"I first came to the territory of the Kerry Empire, and then went to the Skrull Empire. I didn't expect to meet Thanos there, so I immediately abandoned the two empires and cooperated with him instead. .”

"Because I know that no one wants Asgard to perish more than Thanos." Kang analyzed very seriously, he said; "This crazy titan wants to invade the earth in every universe, but Odin is not dead, Ah! If Sgard is not destroyed, he has no chance, he hopes to destroy Asgard more than anyone else, and I can help him kill Thor, the two of us have a basis for cooperation."

Schiller suddenly showed a complicated expression, and then he asked the key point: "You won't tell him your experience, will you?"

"That's not true." Kang shook his head and said, "But I mentioned that I caught a female Loki, and she has a bigger secret. I said that when the time comes, we can share it together. You also know the cooperation At this time, you have to add some chips for yourself."

Schiller suddenly showed an inexplicable smile, looked at Kang and said, "I guess, the result of your cooperation should not be very good?"

Kang slapped the table vigorously and said, "Thanos is a treacherous villain! He actually betrayed me!! And, it's for women!"

Kang's tone revealed deep absurdity. He said: "Thanos turned against me because I captured the female Loki. I really don't understand. When the female Loki was arrested by the Time Administration, He's only six or seven years old, so he can be obsessed with sex?!"

"Is there a possibility?" Schiller shook his head lightly and said, "It has nothing to do with men and women, it's just because if there is no great liar in this world, there won't be a great anti-fraud mentor."

Kang didn't understand what Schiller meant, and he said with a sigh: "Saros is worthy of being the overlord of the universe, a top liar, and the big portal of the Shi'ar Empire has special properties. He couldn't activate any ability, so he used this to kill me with the fragments of space turbulence at the moment of teleportation."

Kang showed another dumbfounding expression, gritted his teeth tightly and said, "But I didn't expect that the death of this universe is not normal!!"

"I only felt the darkness in my vision, and then, a beautiful and mysterious woman stretched out her hand to me."

"I was about to put my hand on it when she let out an angry scream, 'Thanos stop harassing me!' and kicked me out."

When he said this, Kang's expression was quite calm, seeing through the mundane world, like an old monk in meditation, and he continued to say:

"Through the portal of the Shia Empire, I came to another strange space. When I looked up, I saw an endless army of steel. The eyes in midair told me that Iron Man is coming."

Kang sighed softly and said, "At that time, I knew that I must be finished."

"Then how did you escape from his hands? Ben Schiller asked with some doubts. He didn't think that Stark would let the murderer who kidnapped his father go. What's more, Kang the Conqueror at that time was probably already The devastated ones lost even one-tenth of their fighting power, so logically speaking, they shouldn’t be able to escape.”

Kang shook his head and said, "I was completely broken at the time and felt very hopeless. When Iron Man started, I even felt a kind of joy of relief."

"That's right, I died again, but I didn't expect that I saw death again, and she screamed again, saying, don't get involved with the people sent by Tony Stark!', and kicked me out again."

Kang's tone has become unchanged, and he continued: "I don't understand, why even death discriminates against me? I thought that death is the only fair thing in this world."

"Even if I have nothing, don't I even deserve death?"

"Anyway, at that time, my mentality collapsed, and I talked a lot intermittently. Maybe I talked about my past, childhood memories, etc. I can't remember clearly."

"Then, I was knocked unconscious by Iron Man. When I opened my eyes again, I came to the nursing home and saw you, Dr. Schiller."

Kang looked at Schiller and said, "You may not believe it, but I've never seen a doctor, and I've never been told that I'm the victim."

"Others impose authority on me, and I impose them on others. I always prove how strong I am. Only by conquering others can I forget the days when I was weak."

"At that time, I was still in a state of collapse and didn't react at all. However, you suggested that I go out and have a look. I didn't know what to do. on travel"

"I have to admit, this universe is really amazing. During this journey, I opened my eyes."

"There are a lot of strong people here." Kang frowned and said, "But none of them, like me, work to show their strength."

"They each have their own ideals, each have their own missions, different personalities, and different personalities. In some aspects, they have a close relationship and can be called confidants. In some aspects, they disagree, have different ways and do not seek each other, but they can still Let's work together for a better future and great ideals."

"There is no one who is powerful because he shows how strong he is." Kang shook his head lightly and said, "There is no one who becomes stronger just to make himself stronger."

"They first have something they want to do, a mission they want to accomplish, and then they urge themselves to improve their strength."

"I asked each of them..." Kang said with a twinkle in his eyes, "everyone knew very well what they were going to do and what they were promoting themselves for."

"But I have no answer."

"I don't know what I'm conquering for."

"Power? But I don't like it at all, and I don't have the ability to rule so many universes. Money? It's interesting to say that I have plundered so many universes, and the only real asset that can be called a real asset is my laboratory. and the Time Administration."

"Did I feel happy from the process of conquest? Maybe there was at the moment of victory, but soon, the endless emptiness urged me to move on to the next game."

Kang raised his head, leaned his head on the pillow of the sofa, looked at the ceiling and said:

"Actually, I am a power supremacist. The biggest shock this universe has brought to me is that everyone with a clear goal has shown much stronger power than me."

"As for me, it has been countless years without any improvement or innovation. This is why I am so eager to break into Stark Tower to have a look."

"It turns out that the peak I know is not the peak, but to know what the scenery on the top of the mountain is like, I have to find a goal first and urge myself to continue climbing"

Kang lightly shrugged his shoulders and said: "I found that the sanctuary of the universe is very interesting. It just so happens that I also like to travel to various dimensions and universes, so it is there Apply for a job."

"It's not that I'm boasting. Within a year of joining the company, I won the sales crown of the year, the God of Deceit and the Supreme Mage, but that's all."

Schiller applauded softly and said, "This is the most exciting story I've heard this year. I think that perhaps the best seller of the Holy of Holies this year will still be yours."

Kang showed a smug smile, but at this moment, Schiller's room suddenly turned into a cosmic starry sky. When Schiller turned his head, he saw another Kang's eternity in his hand.

Eternal threw that Kang in front of Schiller, and said angrily: "You caused a big mess in this world!"

"More importantly, you closed the subway door, do you know how far I ran?"

Schiller was not afraid at all, snorted coldly, and said.

"If I don't close the subway door, will you still have a chance to run back?"

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