American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 114: Gotham In Progress (Part 2)

Along with Stark's narration, a model of a future city gradually emerged in Schiller's mind.

Like Stark said, it really suits Gotham.

The main problem in Gotham now is that no matter how the logistics operation system is changed, it will always be in a state of extreme saturation, which means that it cannot leave any redundancy for some emergencies.

Don't worry. In the future, there will be frequent accidents on Gotham's big stage, various villains will appear in turn, natural and man-made disasters will follow one after another. If there is an accident, the city will be paralyzed for a long time. died.

But now, Stark has proposed the concept of a three-dimensional city for the first time. It is not accurate to say that it is a three-dimensional city, but a brand-new hive city, in which each honeycomb is an independent structure and has its own independent ecosystem. , like living hell.

To achieve this, it is not enough to build one building after another on one plane, and the space cannot be fully utilized. Therefore, it is necessary to create a three-dimensional structure. The road can not only stick to the ground, but also travel through the city. Parking lots and parks can also be constructed in mid-air, and apartments and residences can be stacked three-dimensionally.

In fact, this concept has been proposed for a long time, but as Stark said, Gotham is simply a perfect experimental place, because here, due to some historical development reasons, many areas of Gotham have spontaneously formed this kind of mode, such as living hell.

It is true that living **** is a slum, extremely dirty, but this does not mean that it is not part of a three-dimensional city. Living **** has initially achieved what Stark said, with regional independence, high space utilization, and independence. The most critical features of these urban ecosystems,

This also means that as long as the water supply, power supply and living environment problems are solved, a small piece of honeycomb has been completed.

The same is true for other areas of Gotham. As long as it is transformed piece by piece, it will directly complete one honeycomb after another.

At that time, it is only necessary to combine these honeycombs, and then glue them together with a transportation system that connects the whole city, then Gotham City can become a real three-dimensional city.

This is Gotham's unique advantage. If the rest of the city wants to achieve this structure, it will almost have to tear down the entire city and rebuild it.

The publishing plan that Bruce came up with was actually very advanced. In Bruce's version of the plan, he designed a modern city,

From the urban ecosystem to the logistics operation system, almost everything is perfect. The only problem is that to achieve this effect, it is basically equivalent to tearing down Gotham and rebuilding it.

The manpower, material resources, and various costs required for this are simply astronomical figures. Even the Wayne Group cannot afford the reconstruction of such a mega city.

And to rebuild, it will lead to a large number of people needing to be resettled, which is where Bruce and Falcone have headaches.

You can't say that if you want to tear down the house, let everyone live on the road, right?

To resettle these people, they have to build new houses. In this way, all construction costs and time costs will be doubled. Because of this, they feel that this plan can only be used as a last backup plan, and hope that Schiller can To give a better suggestion, Stark is indeed worthy of the genius cursed by knowledge. Perhaps it is not a problem of knowledge, but he is more imaginative and creative three-dimensional city than Batman. Until this era of Marvel, No city has ever been successfully realized. There may be some cities that naturally possess this attribute due to topographical conditions, but in fact, they have not been fully realized, and may only have a prototype in a small part of the area.

But if this solution is applied to Gotham, it does achieve low reconstruction cost, less investment time, and a large amount of traffic redundancy. The enthusiastic Stark uses Jarvis's computing power. A set of detailed plans is given, and it is also divided into three versions

, then he proudly put his hands on his hips and said, "Who is the most powerful person in the world now?

"Indeed." After seeing this plan, Bruce gave an answer: "This friend of yours is indeed a genius."

Although he didn't understand why the symbiote in his head made a series of terrified grunts and hid after seeing the writing on it, Bruce was still very satisfied with it.

"Is he interested in coming to Gotham for development? The Wayne Group will give him a pretty good salary." Bruce asked.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. He's not short of money, and he has high self-esteem, so I'm afraid he won't be employed by anyone."

The common problem of genius. "Bruce said, but he didn't feel anything, there are so many geniuses in this world, it's impossible for them all to work for him,

And with the reputation of Gotham, basically no one who has no brains will come.

After showing this plan to the architectural planning experts they hired at a high price, everyone was amazed. In this era, without the help of computers, general urban planning plans do not give too many details. Most of them are Confirmation will start after the specific construction.

But because Stark has a cross-generational super artificial intelligence Jarvis to help the calculation, the plan he gave can basically be said to be more detailed than the Le assembly manual, almost accurate to the height of each wall and each column. To put it simply, if you take these materials and build it step by step, you will get a brand new Gotham City as simple as piecing together building blocks.

And because the changes are relatively small, most of them are covered, and there is no need to carry out large-scale personnel relocation and resettlement. within the scope of the Group's acceptance.

Schiller put forward a suggestion to them, that is, you can't eat a fat man in one bite. There is no need to start with the hardest part. You can find the easiest place to make changes. Anyway, if there is any mistake, it will not become Worse.

Yes, this place is a living hell. The living environment here is really hard to describe. Bruce and Falcone have both been here. They also agree with Schiller. Worse than it is now.

So, the pilot of Gotham City's first phase of the renovation plan was placed in living hell.

4 Armored 100 Bedrooms to buy a property 'Huanlei 0' will be a no-brainer. The key to G country being a single-mouthed right-hand Wayne Group is that it is the gang leader of the whole Gotham. They can't resist at all. I heard that there is compensation. , they had planned to take the money to move out and never come back, but to their surprise, this renovation was not a vigorous knockdown and reconstruction, but more akin to tinkering.

First of all, the construction team formed by the gangster family hired a large number of people to clean the inside and outside of the place.

It turns out that living **** does not have any garbage disposal facilities. Most of the garbage is thrown out directly through the windows, which has turned this place into a huge garbage dump. Just cleaning the garbage out will take hundreds of thousands of dollars. man, it took several days.

Immediately after the water conservancy engineering team entered the venue, they began to carry out a comprehensive transformation of the water pipes here. According to Stark's design, the domestic water facilities in the three-dimensional city should not only include full access to tap water, but also include solar water heaters and water purification devices.

The water heater step was omitted by Schiller. Gotham people don't pay much attention to it. It's 1987. If you want hot water, won't you burn it yourself?

But the water purification device is indeed necessary. At this time, Bruce came into play. He set up a regional purification pump, which was buried in the underground of each honeycomb city module to purify and filter the circulating water in the region, which is also convenient. The boiling water is filtered and drained into the sea.

Batman's shot is naturally extraordinary. The power of this water purification device can fully meet the needs of domestic water recycling. By the way, it is also very environmentally friendly. Next, it is to lay water pipes to connect to tap water. There are more than 2,800 water points in the whole living hell. After that, it has almost reached a full-scale water diversion into the home, and there is no need to use public water wells or pumping pumps. Immediately after that, the power system is introduced. This part was also designed by Bruce himself. Gotham City has plenty of electricity, but the utilization rate is not enough. All the wires and antennas that were artificially pulled in the living **** were all removed. Stark had already calculated the best circuit design with the help of Jarvis, and when he landed, Batman also appeared to enter-

One step of localization transformation, after the line laying is completed, it has been possible to see a single wire in the city, but the power utilization rate is extremely high, and there is no power outage throughout the day.

Then there are the gas and heating problems, and the solutions are basically the same.

In addition, the passages inside the living **** have also been refined. The original dozens of bowel passages were combined with the building to be widened and connected in series. On the basis of not changing the main body of the building, all corridor rooms, All connected together by the shortest route.

On the basis of Stark's design drawings, Bruce also designed a passage elevator suitable for living hell. The elevator passage is designed as a grid extending in all directions, and the transport silo can be accessed from the residential corridor, through the elevator passage, and by Shipping to the nearest living area.

In addition, the whole area has also installed the necessary environmental facilities for a three-dimensional city such as the police station, emergency hospital, roof park, ecological forest on the top of the building, sports facilities between alleys, and rooftop football field.

Since this is a transformation jointly carried out by several major forces of Gotham, the manpower and material resources used far exceed the requirements, the efficiency is also very high, and the speed is very fast. Most importantly, under the threat of force, the will of the residents can be ignored. None of the residents came out to express different views or oppose the transformation. With the efforts of a city, the living **** was almost quickly turned into a complete cellular module.

The last thing to be done is the appearance renovation, including the installation of more than 6,000 electric lamps with sufficient lighting power, the re-insulation of the building’s exterior walls, the design of anti-theft measures for windows, the installation of balconies, and the beautification of the building’s exterior.

Inside the building, all corridors were renovated, unreasonable apartment types were remodeled, and all the stores in the living area were rebuilt into modern stores.

In addition, fire-fighting equipment was also installed, including the reservation of fire-fighting passages, the placement of fire-fighting equipment, the installation of fire-fighting nozzles, etc. The final completion is the landscaping of green spaces. Although there is no green space falling on the ground in the entire living **** area, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu .com, but including the scattered green roofs, alleys, balconies, etc., still make the green area barely up to the standard. So, when the residents of the living **** who moved out moved back, they found that they lived there. A place that is familiar but completely different. This is a modern, or even a futuristic, three-dimensional cellular city, dense but not crowded, extending in all directions but not chaotic. All appear where it shouldn't, but it's very convenient.

More importantly, in addition to practical functions, aesthetics have also reached their peak.

A steel forest rose from the ground, the metal passage handrails turned into branches, and countless bright lamps became leaves. Between the light spots, the vitality that grew out of the icy steel skeleton was just right for this crazy city. Light and dark are intertwined, cold and warm are stacked, the city is getting bigger and bigger,

Humans seem even smaller.

Now Delicious is 1987

,Most cities are still in the age of high-rise buildings and highways. Such a cyber-style city is cutting-edge enough even in the 21st century, and it can be said to be shocking now.

And this is not just to improve the living quality of citizens, but more importantly, two overpasses pass through this modular city center, which triples the capacity of the entire street, and many truck drivers simply do not walk beside them The road on the ground in the block is replaced by an overpass, and the transportation capacity of this area increases instantly. Moreover, once an accident occurs on a road, a sign will light up at the entrance, and the driver can completely Choose another way, which leaves a lot of redundancy for logistics and transportation


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