American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1180: Teachers and students (on)

On a somewhat gloomy morning, the stone road that had just rained was covered with muddy traces, and one pair after another stepped on it, rushing to the destination in a hurry.

It can be seen from their leather shoes and trouser legs that it is not students of Gotham University who are walking on the road, but teachers and staff.

In the early morning of Gotham, the air quality is the best. These professors, who have passed the age of sleeping in, often choose to get up early and go to the faculty cafeteria for dinner.

Although most of Gotham University's teaching facilities are relatively old, for a restaurant, this is a classic.

Adhering to the European-style restaurant, with a strong retro atmosphere, thick carpets, complicated carved edges, silver tableware, and shaking candlelight, it has a special style that is not found in all American universities on the east coast.

A pair of leather shoes stepped on the threshold, but no waiter came to lay the carpet, and the owner of the shoes stepped on the blanket indifferently. After the remaining rainwater under his feet was absorbed by the carpet, he strode in.

The bell on the reception counter was rang, and a fat black lady in an apron and a flowered kerchief came out, and when she saw the visitor, she smiled very warmly and said, "Oh, Bruce, You came early enough, what would you like to have today? Don't you want pre-dinner wine?"

Bruce lifted the hem of his suit, put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaned on the counter and said, "Yes, I have something to do at school this morning, so I'm here to fix my breakfast. I want two pre-dinner breads, don't you?" Let’s cook and have some salad.”

The black lady rolled her eyelids, stared at Bruce with brown pupils and said, "Stop kidding, our handsome guy, even with two pre-dinner breads, that little salad can't feed anyone! Although the food here is definitely better than It’s not as good as what you eat at home, but it won’t make you unable to eat it, right?”

"You misunderstood, ma'am." Bruce smiled at her, shining under the candlelight, he continued to smile and said: "I had supper last night, and I can't eat now, please bring me a salad, Oh, right…"

Bruce's hand was still holding the edge of the counter, but he took two steps forward, glanced into the depths of the restaurant, and after seeing the familiar figure, he turned back and asked, "I want to ask, who What dish did the professor order today?"

"You mean Professor Rodriguez?" The black lady also took a look, and then said: "As usual, a small vegetable salad, baked potatoes with fish steaks, cream soup made warmer, and a small cup of liqueur."

"Is there broccoli in the green salad?" Bruce asked.

The black lady leaned her neck back vigorously, stared wide-eyed, looked at Bruce with a look of incomparable surprise and said, "My God! Don't let him hear your crazy talk! How could it be in the vegetable salad? Got broccoli?"

"I mean, did he stress to you whether broccoli is in the dish?"

"Does this need to be emphasized?" The black lady shook her head and said, "The whole world knows that he doesn't eat broccoli, and even when we pass the dishes, there is broccoli on the plate, so we have to go around him. Don't want our poor fridge to get shot twice more."

Bruce's expression brightened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he snapped his fingers at the black lady and said, "I'll share the table with him, and you can just deliver the food there."

After finishing speaking, Bruce walked towards Schiller. Seeing that Schiller was wearing a familiar black suit today, Bruce walked across to him without thinking, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Schiller didn't even lift his eyes. He was cutting open the baked potatoes on the plate with a knife, and then arranged each piece of potato with the same size neatly.

Seeing this scene, Bruce's expression became more relaxed. He leaned back slightly and let the waiter who delivered the food put the plate in front of him. He nodded to the waiter, then looked at Schiller and said: " Good morning, Professor."

Bruce reached out and took the knife and fork from the side, but accidentally knocked the vase next to it. Schiller first looked up at the vase, and then moved his gaze to Bruce's face.

"I really don't understand, what are you happy about." Schiller shook his head and said while fiddling with the food on the plate.

Just as Bruce was about to open his mouth, Schiller rushed ahead of him and said quickly, "Yes, I heard it. Thank you for your concern. I am very touched."

Bruce looked into Schiller's eyes, but didn't see any emotional change, so his words sounded very eccentric, and sure enough, Schiller then said, "...but you guys are so stupid that it gives me a headache, especially you."

Bruce lowered his head without saying a word, and began to fiddle with the vegetables on the plate. In fact, he had already reacted. He was silent because of his guilty conscience.

"Bruce Wayne." Schiller leaned forward, called his name, and said:

"Is there any substantive evidence that can prove that I have eaten people before?"

"Batman, may I ask, since when did you start to be so careless about substantive evidence?"

Bruce chopped up a large piece of lettuce on the plate with a knife and fork, shook his head slightly, and then looked up at Schiller, who sighed deeply and asked, "When do you think you fell into this trap?" Trap?"

"At the banquet of the Falcone family."

"Big mistake." Schiller lifted his lips, showed his teeth, looked at Bruce with a somewhat hideous expression and said, "What kind of informant will subpoena Gordon to say that someone is going to be in Falcone?" Hands-on at the family banquet? When did Gotham people trust the police so much???"

Bruce held his breath and kept cutting the dishes on the plate. Schiller tapped the plate with the tip of his knife and said, "If you're not hungry, put down the cutlery."

"It was you who summoned Gordon and told him that someone was going to do something at Falcone's banquet. You know I understand that this is a big deal, and I will definitely focus on preventing possible murders. Therefore, your attention , was transferred." Bruce slowly put down the tableware, put his hands on his body and began to analyze.

Schiller did not continue to speak, but listened to his analysis.

"At the banquet, the first time you appeared, I realized that it was not you, but another personality of yours, and it was more dangerous and crazy than you."

"What supports your judgment?"

"Your expression and temperament." Bruce replied: "The direction of facial muscles, eyes, and clothing."

Schiller lowered his eyes, sighed softly and said, "When have I ever brought a gift to a banquet? Or is it a cliché gift like red wine?"

Bruce pursed his lips and turned his head to one side. Schiller took a bite of the fish and looked at him and said, "Go on."

"The murder still happened, but the murderer used the TV as a medium to convey his ideas, and then, then..." Bruce's mouth was tightly pursed, the corners of his mouth curled down, looking very serious, but his tone was intermittent.

"When you say 'human flesh doesn't taste like this', my first reaction is to not believe it." Bruce emphasized.

"Then why didn't you confirm your first instinct?" Schiller asked looking into his eyes, but before Bruce could answer, Schiller popped a potato into his mouth and said:

"Because you have been suggested repeatedly, because the seeds of fear have taken root in your heart, and a gardener is constantly watering it to make it thrive, but you have completely lost your judgment, like a bird caught A lamb by the neck, follow it to the butcher's knife."

Bruce put his hands on his forehead, and said in a low tone: "Then, it was your discussion with Valentine. It was the first time you expressed your own ideas. People don't pour their emotions like pigs. It's like you can't see the normal people."

"I admit, this theory is a bit shocking." Bruce said with one hand supporting his head: "I also admit, I am interested in this, this is an easy trap, but I just go straight went in."

"Arousing your interest is only the first step." Schiller continued his words: "This is not even a trap at all, it can only be called a bait, or even a foretaste of the bait."

"Because of this theory, I became very interested in your personality." Bruce said without moving, "I want to know why he is so abnormal, so indifferent, ruthless and cruel."

"So, I threw myself into the trap." Bruce picked up the fork again and started to poke the lettuce on the plate. The frequency of movements was very fast, and he seemed very anxious. His Adam's apple moved, and he continued: "He told me that he was' morbid," and there's an obvious pitfall in it that I didn't see. "

"He put himself in a higher position, and as soon as he came up, he used the you I am most familiar with as a reference to show that he is a higher existence than you, just like the people in those phone scams , always like to say they do business with the Wayne Group."

"Then, you brought up the old story again, bringing the topic back to the difference between humans and pigs, but this time, you went a step further, saying that you don't like pork, which shows that you are not interested in ordinary people, and this once again triggered It made me curious. UU reading"

When Bruce said this, he couldn't continue. He picked up the water glass next to him and took a few sips of water. After a long pause, he reluctantly said, "You didn't say anything at all. You want to kill the serial killer and eat it. They, but I figured everything out myself."

"Besides, I also confirmed this answer with the details I found in my mind. After I found that they all matched, I became more convinced." Bruce pressed his brows with his hands, closed his eyes and sighed: " No matter how old-fashioned brainwashing methods are, they are exclusively used by Ponzi schemes."

"Then, it was the first armed conflict." Schiller said, "This is the part I don't understand the most. Why can't you beat him?!"

"He moved too fast, I didn't realize it." Bruce shook his head and said, but Schiller looked into his eyes and said, "Because you were drawn into the thinking space by him, thinking that all your conflicts happened In the middle of the mind, he makes your mind highly excited, and there is no idle time."

"Flooding thoughts squeeze the alarm part of your brain, making you lose your vigilance and instinctively think that the surrounding environment is safe, but if you can break free from your thinking, you will understand the situation at that time. How dangerous."

"Your thoughts are so full that your reason cannot tell you that you were in my office at the time, face to face with a dangerous personality, and you had no idea whether he would do anything."

"Because he said too many ambiguous words, leaving too many mysteries for you to guess, so that you can't break free from that kind of thinking in a short time, so he was able to succeed in the sneak attack."

"Batman, look at the muscles you have gained from a lot of training, think about your precise marksmanship, touch the bat dart on your waist, if you don't distract yourself, how can I beat you if I don't use special abilities? "

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