American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 123: R: bat big event (5)

In the laboratory in the Stark Building, Dr. Connors was leading a group of researchers to work overtime. Soon his phone rang, and Dr. Connors answered the phone and said, "Hello, I'm very busy right now. I'll talk about something later..."

"I'm Nick, how's the serum research going?"

"There are not enough research samples. You must give me at least three more vampires. I am researching serum. You can't even give me a blood sample and let me make it out of thin air, right?"

"I will contact the battlefield commander." Nick's voice was calm, and he said, "How sure are you that you can crack the vampire's self-healing ability?"

"It's not certain yet, but it's more likely that the effect, even if it does, won't be permanent," Dr. Connors said into the phone as he sorted through the research.

"This is a brand new field. I have never been in contact with this kind of monster before. There is a mysterious factor in their blood. At present, I can't completely decipher it. I can only tell you that the effect you imagined may not be the same. very likely."

"But we have to crack their ability to heal themselves, otherwise the battle is almost impossible."

"We seriously injured half of the 300-plus vampires that initially took over the streets of Brooklyn and Queens, but it didn't take long for them to recover to over 200, while ours, armed police, went from over 300. The number of people dropped sharply to 60, and most of them were only slightly injured, but they were unable to continue the fight and could only retreat to wait for replenishment."

"With such a gap in attrition, the longer it drags on, the harder it becomes to fight."

Connors spoke very fast, he explained to Nick: "They are magical products, you should know better than me, I may not be able to completely crack some of their abilities using scientific means, as for their self-healing ability. Completely disappear, all I can tell you is, it can't be done."

"But I actually have a better idea. If it succeeds, it may not only crack one of their abilities, but even make them lose their combat effectiveness."

"Then what are you waiting for? What are you missing? Research samples? I'll contact Spider-Man right now and ask him to capture a few for you."

After a while, Dr. Connors heard a loud bang on the window, Spider-Man slammed into the glass of the Stark Building, and then he used a spider silk to stick to the window next to him to prevent himself from sliding down. .

He was dragging a large black net with two or three struggling bats in it. He opened the window with great difficulty, then dragged the net in. Dr. Connors stood in front of him with his arms crossed and said, "You just Can't you knock them out before sending them in?"

"Sorry, Doctor, because I don't know if you're going to be completely alive. You know, if I punch it, their heads may be useless."

Connors felt that what he said was reasonable, and then he said: "Do you want to run to the battlefield again? I tell you, there is no way! Stay and accompany me to finish the first phase of research before leaving."

"But we still have a big plan to do, we're going to..."

"Listen, I don't care what you guys are going to do, I just know that in terms of the current battle situation, there's not much difference between you and you, but if you stay in the lab, we're very likely to fundamentally solve this problem."

"But..." Peter was a little dejected, and he knew that Dr. Connors was right.

The plan to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge no longer uses him. Just now, Stark has entered the field. He can command the unmanned mecha and launch suicide attacks directly. At this stage of the war, The power that a single soldier can exert is not much.

The fighter group entered the field, and the special operations forces also began to act. At present, the entire battlefield has entered the brink of a strategic counter-offensive, and the next step is to fight in groups, which is commonly known as counter-bombing.

Spider-Man may be able to use his superhuman physical strength to get some chips on the battlefield, but the utility of individual heroes in the face of such a big battle has been reduced to a minimum, except for Iron Man mecha and explosives and shock waves The women's group attacked, and the rest of the superheroes and agents basically left the field and reached the edge of the battlefield to start rescue work.

Reason told Peter that he was indeed needed more in the laboratory now.

If it was in the past, Spider-Man would definitely be itchy when faced with such a big scene. Even if he stayed anywhere, it would definitely be like a thorn on his butt.

But this time, Peter quickly calmed down. He took off his hood without any hesitation, and then planned to change into the laboratory.

Connors was a little surprised. He had already planned to show the patience of coaxing children, and he was going to coax Peter first. He also knew that few boys of this age could withstand being a hero in a large-scale war. lure.

After all, the hero behind the scenes, no matter how the hero is, is also behind the scenes. No one wants to attract more attention. Connors has long known what character Peter is. Perhaps another identity has been suppressed for too long in daily life. As Spider-Man Peter, really pushy.

As a result, Peter changed his clothes and walked in and said, "Where do we start now? Is there any preliminary information for me to look at?"

Connors handed him some of the information, who knew that Peter really found a place to sit down and began to read it seriously.

Connors looked at his back. Although Peter's figure was much stronger than before, he was still only a teenager, which was very inconsistent with his very quiet state. Connors said: "Now I think about it, you You're only 16 years old, maybe we're a little too demanding of you."

"I remember when I was 16 years old, I used to skip school every day and go out to hang out with a bunch of people. At that time, as long as I left school, I thought everything was fun, even the telephone poles on the main road looked better than the ones in the school. "

Peter looked up in surprise and said, "I thought you were a good student."

Dr. Connors smiled and shook his head and said, "Actually, I only started studying in college, and high school has been messing around."

Then he said with emotion: "When I was admitted to Harvard Medical School, I was still a little dissatisfied. If I was not admitted, I could study abroad, but Harvard Medical School is also good, so I stayed. "

Peter swallowed, lowered his head immediately, and began to study hard.

This research project was actually commissioned by Nick. Of course Nick knew how rare this opportunity was. The members of Congress rarely let go and approved the use of large-scale heavy firepower for this vampire invasion of New York, so they must quickly Quickly solve the problem of vampires from the root.

Once the delay is too long, it will give those moderates room for mediation, which is very undesirable for the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The problem of governing vampires has always been on the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., but dealing with these things is simply thankless. If Nick had a little bit of conscience, if it was someone else, he might not care at all.

These things are very troublesome. There are two forms and they can be magical, and they have a strong self-healing ability. As long as they are not completely headshot or pierced through the heart, they will recover quickly, and even senior agents may encounter them. Danger.

But the responsibility of SHIELD is that they have to deal with this kind of creature. Nick hates this kind of bills with large investment, small return, and unreimbursable bills, so of course he wants to take this opportunity to solve the problem once and for all.

He is also very clear that machine guns and cannons alone cannot completely destroy these creatures. He hopes to start from a biological point of view and let the genius Stark create a biological weapon for him. It is best to transform all vampires into Humans, if not, then abolish their special abilities.

So the genius Stark turned the subject directly to Connors, and Iron Man had other things to do.

Since that day Stark was inspired by Schiller and began to have a whim, he has been doing things in the laboratory full of inspiration. Coulson and Hill were terrified, for fear that they would not pay attention. Tucker came up with a wave of steel torrents, omnic crisis or something.

And even more frightened than them, are the congressmen who have watched the video of Stark's speech.

Hill's video was very well shot. She didn't capture Schiller's reminder to Stark at all, but started recording directly from the climax of Stark's speech.

Throughout the video, Stark is like a mad genius scientist, passionately describing his dangerous ideas that could destroy the world at any time.

When Stark talks about his field of expertise, he acts crazy and neurotic, which is a common problem for geniuses.

He eloquently expounded his crazy ideas, muttering a series of professional terms that normal people can't understand, and from time to time, he pops up about machines that dominate the world, inorganic bodies conquer everything, and carbon-based creatures are scum. etc.

Just watching this video, of course, the lawmakers will be terrified, because they know very well that Stark can certainly do this.

Everyone knows in their hearts that most of the predicaments that Stark will face now are mostly because he has set a bottom line for himself and is unwilling to use some unconventional means to deal with his opponents, otherwise, let alone the military, all Capitol Hill The forces are tied together and it is impossible to stop Stark's mech army.

In fact, they have no way to completely resist Stark. Everything depends on Stark's own inner moral bottom line. The military and the congressmen have not thought about it. If one day Stark goes crazy, what should we do? But the answer is that there is no way but to pray that he doesn't go crazy.

They all know that even if the Stark Group goes bankrupt and Stark lives on the streets, if you give Stark a garbage dump, he will still be able to return you a Gundam Army a few days later. Stark ran away?

Therefore, they almost lifted all restrictions on S.H.I.E.L.D., released the authority to Nick, and asked him to immediately use any means to solve the incident of the vampire invasion, and not to give Stark any excuse to attack.

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In their view, Stark's speech was not just about vampires.

These politicians like to make up their own minds. In their opinion, it is because the military oppressed Stark too hard some time ago, so Stark warned them like this, to tell them that he had destroyed this world power.

And the congressmen choose to face the problem of vampires and destroy these creatures by unscrupulous means. They are also making a statement to Stark. As long as you are willing to maintain the moral bottom line in your heart, we can also help you maintain this bottom line. You don’t have to use it at all. Ability beyond the bottom line, so that everyone can live well.

Of course, Stark is too lazy to think about these twists and turns. He is now on the battlefield, commanding his group of mechas to kill and kill. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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