American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 184: Strange's Happy Life (Part 1)

On a fine morning in New York, before 7 o'clock, the streets of Manhattan were already busy. Wall Street elites in suits and ties held reports in their hands, and spit out a lot of professional terms into the phone as they walked. The boss was struggling to move the magazine rack to the door. There was a long queue in the lane of the fast food restaurant, and vehicles of various colors arrived like parts on an assembly line. The sunlight reflected by the rearview mirrors complemented the glass curtain wall of the tall building.

Summer is coming to an end, but iced coffee will never be withdrawn from the market. In front of the nursing home on the street corner, there are many young people who are drinking coffee and reading magazines. Holding a cup of coffee and talking on the phone in one hand.

"...Yes, I really forgot, but I'm the dean. You can't let the dean be locked out of the nursing home, right?"

"You said you have something to do, what can you do? Didn't the resignation procedures at the Presbyterian Hospital have been handed over a long time ago? It's been a few months. Besides the work in the nursing home, what else do you have to do?"

"You became a specially-appointed doctor at the Presbyterian Hospital? Hey, you went out to find a part-time job without the consent of my dean?... You can't find my person? Is that justified? The contract clearly states... …”

"Okay, okay, I know you are a person with professional pursuits, don't worry about it so much, come and give me the keys..."

"A madman who broke into a house came to you? Like me? I'm not... Then why didn't you call the police? Don't you know the phone number of 911?"

"Who? A bald head in yellow clothes? That's all right, you can have a holiday today, bye!"

"Oh, one last thing, it's better to be polite to her and come to work alive tomorrow!"

After Schiller finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone. He took a sip of coffee and thought happily. As soon as he got back to Marvel, he heard good news and got off to a good start.

At this time, in Strange's apartment, Gu Yi waved his hand, and the star-like light spots surrounded her, as if an endless starry sky was shrouded behind her.

Strange looked at all of this in shock. In an instant, these magical brilliance disappeared again. Except for Gu Yi's slightly fluttering robe, everything seemed to have never appeared. Gu Yi looked at Strange and asked him, "What do you think?"

Strange opened his mouth wide, and didn't answer in shock. It's not that he has never seen Schiller use magic before, but at most Schiller floats a ballpoint pen or something. How can there be such a big scene of the advent of the universe?

As everyone knows, Gu Yi also sighed inwardly, the development of things really exceeded her expectations.

This matter, we have to start with the so-called bat **** at that time,

At that time, the so-called bat **** guard who came from the Morun family was actually just a shameless stowaways, no different from a rat who secretly drilled a hole.

Because of the existence of Odin and Gu Yi, not everyone can come to the earth. When Odin gets angry, the **** of the symbiote is not wrong. Not to mention Gu Yi, he is either beating the creditor or going away every day. On the way to beat the creditor.

The demon gods who attacked with great fanfare, those who walked through the front door were chopped into dumpling fillings, those who walked through the side doors were smashed into more broken dumpling fillings, and most of the rest have learned to be clever. act rashly.

However, the main entrance and the side doors were blocked, which means that some people are not too dirty and like to drill mouse holes.

In the long history of the earth, the ritual of summoning the evil gods has a long history.

In the era when the position of Supreme Mage did not exist, in the era when human beings had just formed a tribe, got rid of the stubbornness and drinking blood, and began to establish civilization, many tribes would have wizards and priests using witchcraft to communicate with the world.

Most of them are just psychological comfort, but a small number of them have successfully found the right master.

At that time, the wizards of the tribe used some rituals to summon part of the power of the evil gods to the earth, and exchanged live sacrifices for evil power to attack other tribes.

At that time, some evil gods would leave their own imprints and exclusive channels to facilitate the summoning of their own believers.

After Gu Yi became the Supreme Mage, he did a lot of checking and filling the gaps, solving these problems left over from history, and the demon gods who dared to do so also paid the price for their youth and frivolity, and became fertilizer for the earth's defense system.

Although Gu Yi hacked to death most of the careless demon gods along the network cable, there were also some cunning demon gods. The passages they buried were relatively hidden. Although Gu Yi carried out several sweeps of demons and illegals, there were always a few fish that slipped through the net. .

What vampires use is a channel for slipping through the net.

This race has lived a long time and can always get some strange things. They found a way to communicate with the universe in some ancient books of witchcraft.

The ignorant are fearless, they sent a signal directly from deep space, and a member of the Morun family happened to be hunting in this universe. He was like a bloodhound smelling blood and quickly locked here.

He came to the earth silently from this smuggling channel, and planned to hunt Spider-Man in the chaos.

The story has been normal so far, until the huge venom bat took off, and after communicating with some higher-level mysterious power, Gu Yi got the answer that a new beast totem was being born.

Of course, she got busy. If a new beast totem is going to be born in this universe, then the Earth Supreme Mage Gu Yi has a lot of things to prepare for, such as debt collection, dumpling stuffing and a new round of sweeping. Magic fight.

In short, after this big event is over, the busiest person will belong to the ancient one.

This led to the problem that in such a short period of time, she had no spare time to stare at her future heir Strange, or rather, Gu Yi, who was so busy, simply forgot about it.

Who knows, in such a short period of time, Strange's life has undergone tremendous changes.

One of the most significant and influential changes was that he became rich overnight.

In the past, Strange could not be regarded as having no money. As the best neurosurgeon in the world, his income was quite high, but obviously, getting a dead salary was never faster than making money from a sideline.

Ever since he became the medical consultant of Stark Osborn United Pharmaceutical Group, gave speeches on the efficacy of immortality factor around the world, and endorsed this mysterious drug as an elite doctor, Strange suddenly discovered that, It seems that the whole world is busy giving him money.

Stark and Osborn will give him a lot of money as a salary, in addition to that, S.H.I.E.L.D. will also pay him a part, and the nursing home also has a pay, and these are not even his income primary source.

In this world, there are many poor people who only have money, such as the big Middle East owners who are sitting on black gold, the oligarchs in the Far East who are seized by finances, and the monopoly predators in certain industries. You have to say that these people really don’t know the hype of the immortality factor. ingredients? Actually not necessarily.

It's just that they are too rich, even if they spend money to listen to the sound, as long as the sound is good, they are happy.

In this case, they are willing to pay a lot of money to buy a top doctor and tell them "it works" every day, even if it's just a placebo effect, it doesn't matter, money is just a number anyway.

In this case, even the price one of them offered to Strange would make him dizzy for a long time.

And Strange was indeed stunned by the money.

In essence, Strange at this time is not a natural good person like Peter Parker. His high pursuit of his profession is also largely due to the generous remuneration and honorary status that his professional level can bring him. It's human nature.

And the sudden wealth broke his view of money almost instantly. Strange suddenly discovered that money was not actually a reward for labor. He did not pay any actual labor, but just repeated a few words as a repeater. Then go to a splendid banquet to eat and drink, and have a few words with the richest man in the world, and the money will fly into his pocket.

Strange found that the model of the world's economic operation seemed to be a scam. After the victim of the deception became a liar, he suddenly became less troubled about it.

After all, being rich is a real joy.

So, when Gu Yi took time to look at Strange after a while, she found that Strange seemed to have looked away.

Just when she was going to explore what happened during this time, she was stumped by a little trouble. The person in charge of the New York Sanctuary cried and asked to be transferred out. Gu Yi had to appease the apprentices, and Find a way to reconnect the sanctuary to WIFI.

But what she didn't expect is that the quantitative change of money can produce qualitative change.

It didn't take long for Pepper to finish the important work of transferring the rights of the Stark Group, and began to reorganize these industries related to the immortality factor, and established the immortality factor foundation, and Strange became a member of it logically. .

When you take a stake in such an important industry, everything changes.

simply put. That is, from a migrant worker to a capitalist overnight.

He doesn't know if Strange has the heart to be rich and not lustful, but obviously, Gu Yi, who came back from work, thinks he doesn't.

After the Supreme Mage returned, she found that things were running in a completely wrong direction without looking back.

Due to Schiller's absence, Strange has become an indispensable and important figure in the professional field of the entire immortal factor industry. It also has the right of final interpretation.

This means that in this industry, he has become as important as Stark and Osborn. In order to implement this credibility, the Osborne Group planned to open a company for him to improve the industry standard of United Pharmaceuticals. Before Gu Yi came to the door, the process of opening a company was almost over.

The future Supreme Mage is about to be gone forever on the road of capitalists.

But Gu Yi knew that if Strange really became a capitalist who held the lifeblood of the industry as important as Stark or Osborn, no matter whether it was a car accident or the death of an important relative, he could not escape the world. The entanglement of fame and fortune, and seek the way to the occult.

Even if he wanted to, those who could profit from him would not allow him to do it.

For example, if Stark is now going to leave everything behind and escape into the air, the first thing that needs to be urgent is the President of the United States, and the blood pressure will rise urgently.

Once these people are involved, things will become very troublesome. Gu Yi has been in the position of Supreme Mage for so many years, and he has pursued non-interventionism. Now, Strange's departure and stay are related to the immortality factor industry, and the immortality factor The industry is related to the Stark Group, Osborn Group, S.H.I.E.L.D., the military and Congress, and she does not want to conflict with so many forces because of her heir.

At the same time, Gu Yi was very suspicious that with Strange's current will and character, would he really not be corrupted by money?

What if he really became a wicked capitalist, lying on the pile of money every day, spending time and money, running wildly on the road of unearned and pleasure? Can't chop him into dumpling stuffing too?

The matter has reached this point, in order to prevent the heir he is optimistic about from investing in the arms of capital without turning back, Gu Yi decided to do special things. Those test steps can be omitted first, or to ensure that his Strange does not go astray. more important.

So, on this morning when Schiller was locked out of the sanatorium without a key, Strange learned about the magical world for the first time from Gu Yi, and received an invitation to study abroad from Kama Taj.

That's right, it's an invitation to study abroad, not a merciful acceptance of apprentices.

After all, the current situation is not that Strange is all over the world begging his grandfather to tell his grandmother to find someone to treat his illness, but Gu has a good look at Strange's talent and doesn't want him to be blinded by worldly fame and fortune. An invitation is naturally more polite.

And Gu Yi also knew that in this case, Strange couldn't just walk away. Too many people pointed to him to make money. If he was just taken away like this, the network cable just connected to the sanctuary would have to be dug up again. break.

Therefore, the Supreme Mage said very openly that Strange could go to school. For example, after get off work, he would go to the sanctuary portal to take a class for a few hours, and then come back in the morning.

Gu Yi also asked Strange to think for two days before answering. After all, she also had to think about it. If Strange did not agree, what level of car accident would make him change his mind and start a new life.

Strange was still in a trance when he came to work in the afternoon, obviously the magic that Gu Yi showed even more shocked him.

Schiller's kind of floating ballpoint pen is not unheard of in magic, it is more like a trick than magic.

But Gu Yina is a real supreme mage. Every move and every style is honed from thousands of demon gods who have been chopped into dumpling stuffing. Experts take action, let alone Strange, who has been studying science for the first half of his life. The average person, even the most creative magician in the world, will be overwhelmed by the infinite power of magic in her.

"Does everything we do really make sense?" Strange sat on the desk and asked with a dull eye: "I've learned knowledge and techniques for so many years, what kind of magic... They just need to wave their hands. can do it all..."

Strange looked down at his finger. He pointed to it and said, "When I was cutting vegetables before, my finger was cut with a cut, right here..."

"Then she waved her hand, the wound was fine, no medical technology, no medicine, no doctor..."

"So what is the meaning of human medicine? What is the meaning of my existence?"

"A certain patient is just lying in the hospital bed, he can go to a group of magicians and wave to him, and then I can get out, because there is no need for more than ten hours of surgery, and no need for any post-operative rehabilitation... "

Strange spread his hands, he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Then he asked Schiller very puzzled: "You are all a gang, right? You magical people, what do you think of ordinary people? Do you think we are stupid and ridiculous? Take decades to learn Knowledge hones technique, and in the end..."

He laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "Like a swarm of ants that just spin around in the mud, right?"

"Then why don't you try it yourself?" Schiller sat across from him and said, "Go and see if magic is as easy and easy as you think it is?"

"What's easier than waving your hand? It doesn't make sense at all." Strange sighed, covered his forehead and said, "I knew from a very young age that there are people in this world who can easily to get what you can never get in your life."

"They don't have to make any effort, just because they are lucky, the world is inherently unfair."

"But..." He paused, then continued, "It's still more unfair than I imagined."

Strange smiled, but seemed to be laughing very hard, saying: "It now looks like those rich people are just fools in the dark, that's the only good thing I've heard today. news."

"Do you know how Stark sees magic?"

Strange looked at Schiller, and he actually wanted to say that he didn't care about Stark's views, but he did want to know that this group of people who have stood at the top of ordinary humans and received the most money in the world. How do people with fame and fortune view such extraordinary things?

"When the vampires invaded, he also thought about this issue. The longevity, or even immortality, that ordinary people dream of. Those big bats are born with them. They are very strong and powerful, even for well-trained ordinary people. , and having to go in groups to deal with one of them seems really unfair, like a joke of the Creator's favor."

"But then I think about it, this kind of thing happened thousands of years ago. In the ancient wild times, the physique of human beings was completely incomparable to those beasts with sharp claws, but in the end, we are still alive today, and developed such a thriving civilization."

"But this is different." Strange pointed out the loophole in this view: "It is still human beings who can master magic, not beasts. They have all the advantages of human beings. They are wise, thinking, and inheritable."

"And she mentioned to me that they are also organized. Like ordinary people, they work in groups and work together. They have all the advantages of ordinary humans, plus magic..."

"Then why didn't they rule humanity? Or, why did you never hear of them in your previous life? Why didn't such a superior and powerful group stand before the public and lead humanity to greater glory?"

Strange was silent, and Schiller said to him: "Perhaps there is a possibility that their ability is indeed completely higher than ordinary people, they are more noble than us, and they will not use this ability to enslave ordinary people."

"And you and I both know that with wisdom, human beings will have ambitions and desires. If they are really so superior, they can achieve in an instant what ordinary people cannot achieve for decades, and without paying any price, then We will definitely see in the history books a **** war between them and ordinary people."

"Humans even want to rule other humans by nationality and skin color, let alone a truly superior ability?"

"So..." Strange said hesitantly.

"So of course they have to pay," Schiller said, spreading his hands. "If you still don't believe it, why don't you try it?"

"I..." Strange closed his eyes and frowned, looking a little painful. After all, anyone who was denied a skill that he had studied hard for many years would feel very depressed.

But he had to admit that he was curious about this magical power.

In other words, to understand magic in this way, Strange is more puzzled. He wants to know, where does this power come from, and why is it so powerful? Are there really no downsides?

Schiller looked at Strange, he thought, now, this future Supreme Mage is not actively pursuing magic because of a strong desire to save himself or to save people, but on such an ordinary and ordinary morning, Learned the truth about the other half of this world.

The impact he received was great, but his thinking was different. Strange still had time to think about some philosophical instead of being like a desperate stray dog ​​who could only use magic as the only life-saving straw.

The change in social identity gave Strange a lot of initiative in the face of Gu Yi.

Strange still has a way out now. Even if he doesn't become a Supreme Mage, he can still be a happy and rich man in ordinary society. Even if he still becomes a Supreme Mage later, he can still play an important role in this society. .

This is Schiller's purpose.

Schiller has always believed that a supreme mage who is completely detached from human society is not good enough. When they put themselves in an isolated and high position for a long time, their mentality will gradually change, and they will be separated from ordinary human beings. Forget that they were also born in this ordinary society, which is the root of everything.

And this is likely to make them the greatest threat to human society.

Even if Strange, like Gu Yi, can truly detach from the world and stick to his heart, his role is too small. With the status and ability of the Supreme Mage, he can do a little more.

Others do a little more, and Schiller can do a little less and spend more time on paid fishing.

Therefore, Schiller chose a money offensive and used a pie that fell from the sky to stun Strange, the future Supreme Mage, so that he would not be too far away from this society.

Schiller asked Strange, "Aren't you happy being rich?"

"Of course I'm happy." Strange replied subconsciously: "How can you be unhappy with money?"

"You may be happy to be rich now, but after you've been exposed to magic and great magic, you'll find..."

"Isn't being rich enough to be happy enough?"

"'ll find that being a rich man is a real joy."

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