American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 197: Why are you so skilled? (superior)

"Hello? Anne, I'm Eddie, Eddie Bullock, don't hang up yet, give me three minutes, I have a very important matter with you."

"Just yesterday, I was attacked by two unidentified killers, and I am now on the run. There is evidence that these killers may be related to Drake, the owner of the Foundation for Life, who I interviewed earlier."

"The two killers who attacked me were from a mysterious organization called the Hand. The people who were investigating this organization rescued me. They told me that there might be a big conspiracy brewing between the Hand and the Life Foundation."

"The purpose of calling you is to hope that you can help me. I need more information about Drake."

"I know, I should apologize to you, I shouldn't peek at the data on your computer, but now things have developed to this point, they have sent killers to hunt me down, if I don't solve this trouble, there will never be peace day."

"So I hope you can provide me with some information that you know, don't rush to answer me, protect yourself, goodbye."

Eddie hung up the phone. He stared blankly at the phone. After a few seconds of sluggishness, he covered his eyes and said, "God! How can I speak to Annie in such a tone?? She will think I'm crazy. …”

"What am I? I tell him my name is Eddie Bullock..." Eddie took a deep breath. "Who do I think I am, FBI agent?"

"It can be seen that you don't understand a woman's heart at all." Venom's voice rang in Eddie's mind. Eddie was about to refute him when the phone rang, and Annie's anxious voice came from there:

"Eddie, are you all right? Are you really being hunted? Where are you now? Hello? Answer me, you should call the police..."

"It's no use calling the police, Annie, the police can't control the killer of the Hand, their last partner was Jin Bing, who is the master of the entire East Coast criminal empire, they've already targeted me, so I have to leave here for a while …”

"Wait! Eddie!" Annie's voice came from the other end of the phone, with a bit of disbelief, she said: "Eddie, if your voice hadn't changed, I would have thought it wasn't you, you never Talk to me in such a calm tone."

"Listen, in fact, I also know that the Life Foundation is not a just organization. The legal dispute they asked me to solve for them in the past is also related to human experiments, but you and they sent killers to hunt you down? This makes me a little unbelievable, but If that's true, you'd better hide."

Annie is indeed an elite lawyer. Although her tone was a little anxious, her thoughts were still clear. She said: "I know Drake is not a good person, but my boss asked me to defend him. That's what lawyers are in, we don't look at clients. position."

"But I personally support you giving him a punch, and then I'll be so angry just because you violated my privacy and did it without communicating with me at all, I'm angry that you don't trust me and go your own way, Reckless impulsiveness..."

"Annie, I'm running out of time. We'll talk about it later."

Annie on the opposite side was silent for a while, sighed, and finally said: "Dora, the Life Foundation researcher who I docked with, had a swaying attitude. When the two of us were in private contact, she complained to me that his boss was too indifferent, Only for profit."

"She once revealed that she doesn't want to work for Drake anymore. I can give you her contact information and she should have the information you want."

Annie heard no response from the other end of the line, and asked, "Eddie, are you all right? Eddie! Answer me...Are you in danger?"

"No, I didn't." After a while, Eddie's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Annie heard him in a low voice: "When I get rid of these troubles, I will settle the matter between the two of us. , if I were still alive at that time."

The busy tone of hanging up came from the phone. Annie took a deep breath and threw the phone on the bed. She leaned on the head of the bed and covered her eyes in pain.

"Eddie, if only you could have calmed down earlier," Annie whispered.

After Eddie hung up the phone, he also took a breath of pain and muttered to himself, "She gave me useful information so easily, so what were we arguing about here before?"

"Why do you think she was so angry before? You don't think she broke up with you because she supported Drake?"

Eddie opened his mouth, and the venom went on in his heart: "You really deserved to be dumped, obviously, she just wants you to explain to him, hope you can calm down and communicate with her, tell her why you did it, but you Nothing."

Just when Eddie wanted to open his mouth to refute, his phone vibrated, and Annie sent a text message with the contact information of Dora, a researcher at the Life Foundation.

That night, in front of an apartment building in Manhattan, Dora was rummaging for the door card with her handbag. A black figure stood at the end of the alley. The light of the street lamp cast a long shadow in front of him. The shadow is like a dark blade, slicing across the alley wall.

"What the **** is this?" Eddie looked down at his palm. The back of his hand was covered with a layer of black gauntlets. He turned his head and saw his figure reflected on the window of the apartment building next to him. .

At this time, Eddie was wearing a set of black battle armor, which was pitch black as a whole, with a soft lining on the inside, a light armor on the outside, and a cloak behind him.

Eddie's head is completely wrapped in mechanical armor, and there is a bat-like pattern on his chest, and the bat is surrounded by lines that resemble a spider's web.

I have to admit that this suit looks very handsome, with smooth lines, futuristic mechanical joints, and weird but gothic patterns. Eddie thinks wearing it to save the world is really cool. The only problem that is…

"But what's with this ear?" Eddie asked Venom in confusion.

The helmet of the battle suit completely wrapped Eddie's head, making him look like a robot, but this robot had two pointed ears on its head.

"That's the point." Venom told Eddie firmly: "As long as you have these two ears, you will never die, because you are Bat... Venom Man."

"Venom? That name sounds too evil... Okay, what are we going to do next?"

"If you don't know what to do, just look down at the pattern on your chest and follow your instinct and it will give you the answer."

Ten minutes later, Dora was taking out the key to open the door of her apartment. At this moment, she heard some noises behind her. When she turned around, a tall black shadow appeared in the shadow of the corridor.

Just as Dora wanted to scream, the black shadow appeared behind her and covered her mouth: "Don't make a sound, let's go in."

Then, he pulled Dora into her apartment. After the door was closed, Dora fell to the ground in fright. The mechanical helmet wrapped around Eddie's head fell off. He said to Dora, "You should know me, I am The reporter who punched Drake the other day when I was interviewing him, my name is Eddie, Eddie Bullock."

Dora's eyes widened. She stood up against the back of the sofa, trembling a little: " seem to be that Brock, but..."

Eddie's voice was low, he said to Dora: "Because I exposed the despicable behavior of Drake's experiments on human bodies, and now I am in trouble, he is working with another evil organization, and their killers are after me. ."

Dora pushed her glasses, she stood up straight, "Actually, I was going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to me first."

"Why are you looking for me?"

Dora sighed. After realizing that Eddie was not a kidnapper, she gradually relaxed, and then pointed at Eddie to the wall behind him: "Press the switch on it to turn on the light, thank you."

Only then did Eddie realize that there were no lights in the apartment, but he could see very clearly. When did he have night vision?

He followed Dora's, turned to turn on the light, and the light that suddenly turned on made Eddie cover his eyes with his arm, and he found that he was a little uncomfortable with the light.

Dora went to the sofa and sat down, but Eddie didn't move. He was still standing in the corner of the room. Dora looked back at him: "Although I don't have anything to entertain guests, let's sit down and drink some water. ?"

Then, she wiped her hands on her trousers a little embarrassedly, "I don't have any friends, and people don't come here often at home. I'm sorry for the poor reception."

Eddie shook his head in silence, Dora turned around, leaned against the back of the sofa, and looked at Eddie: "You are completely different from what I imagined, I thought you would be the kind of... that kind of comparison... A person with a sense of justice."

"You can tell me that I'm the kind of impulsive person."

"No, that's not what I meant. In fact, I think you did the right thing. The punch you gave him was really relieved."

"You seem very unhappy with your boss."

Dora pursed her lips, her expression was very complicated, she turned back and turned her back to Eddie: "I don't know how to describe it, if as a boss, he is actually not bad, he gave me a very high salary. "

"But he's not a good guy, he can even be evil, you don't know what he did in the lab..."

"I was just about to hear that part."

Dora bit her lip and seemed a little tangled, when Eddie's voice came: "You don't have to worry at all, if I have any chance of agreeing with Drake's approach, I won't risk ruining my career, Punch him in front of so many people."

Dora also seemed to have figured out this truth, and she sighed: "He is indeed experimenting with human bodies, and it is some very cruel and inhuman experiments."

"What exactly is the experiment?"

"You should know the immortality factor, right?"

"I've heard a lot of people mention it."

"Drake is extracting immortality factors from an unknown creature."

"But I listen, wasn't that thing extracted from a vampire?"

"The normal immortality factor is indeed like this. UU read, but vampires are strictly controlled by the government, and the only few are in the Stark group or the Osborn group. The Life Foundation can't get it. arrive."

Dora pushed her glasses again, and continued: "But Drake saw the huge benefits in the field of immortality factor, and he also wanted to take a share."

"The Life Foundation and the Osborne Group are in a competitive relationship. They are both developers of biotechnology. It is impossible for the Osborne Group to send them precious vampire raw materials."

"But I heard that the Life Foundation also made a potion of immortality factor."

"Yes, but that potion was not extracted from a vampire, but from another alien creature."

"What the **** is that?"

Dora turned to look at Eddie again. He said, "I can't describe it to you, but I can show you."


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