American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 200: Cosmic Demon God Totem Common Wealth Project (Part 1)

Back in time a few weeks ago.

In the office at the Arkham Nursing Home, Schiller and Strange sit together over coffee.

"I don't believe that Jin and Hand will have a falling out. There is no shadow of you behind this incident." Strange took a sip of coffee and said to Schiller.

"That was a plan by Nick and I, but it didn't work out because a dark horse was killed along the way, and the Life Foundation sabotaged our plan."

"What were you planning to do?"

Schiller sighed, and said with some regret: "Originally, we wanted to use the hand of Jin and Hand Union to raise the price of immortality factor potions circulating on the black market."

"I gave Jin and a batch of immortality factor medicine before and asked him to sell it to the Hand Society."

"Jin is a crocodile who can never get enough to eat. Of course he wants to sell this batch of potions for a high price, so he will help us hype this thing and throw out some gimmicks, such as scarcity of raw materials, only one family and so on. ."

"Nick and I speculate that the Hand will definitely buy it. The first is that they are not short of money, and the second is that they are very interested in keels with similar functions, and even go all over the world to find it."

"The potion I gave them will have obvious effects in the initial stage. After they try it, they should buy the gold and hold the potion."

"At this time, I will release another batch of potions to Jinbing, but at this time, I will charge the cost price. Of course, since the raw materials are indeed scarce, the cost price may be a little expensive, but Jinbing will still eat it. Go down because he's confident he can sell it to the Accord for a higher price."

"The second batch of goods should also be bought by the Hand Union, because even if the price has increased, it is still within their acceptance range, and at that time, there was really only Jin and there were channels to get a lot of potions, they would not turn against Jin and face, Will only buy his potion again."

"And the third time?" Strange asked.

"No, the third time this trick is used, it may touch the psychological bottom line of the Hand. Excessive prices may make them have the idea of ​​killing people and stealing goods, and it will also provide Jin and provide too much liquidity, fueling his ambitions. That's not what we want."

"At this time, it is necessary to attract some other forces to enter the market. There are too few official shipments, and those who can't get it and are not cheap will naturally want to go to the black market to buy it."

"In the third round, the news that Jin Bing has a supply of supplies should have already spread, and many other people will ask him to buy immortality factor potions. Jin Bing wants to make more money, and he will definitely raise the price of the potions again. ."

"After this batch of goods is sold, we will no longer provide gold and goods. Once the supply of goods is cut off, the only immortality factor medicines on the black market will become rare, and the price will rise spontaneously due to the real curative effect and the shortage of supply. ."

"When the price rises to a certain level, the organizations that have the supply of goods in their hands will not hope that the price will drop, because the price will continue to rise, and the goods in their hands will become more and more valuable, which is equivalent to sitting at home and falling from the sky. money."

"They will join us and start the same hype. The methods are the same. The low-volume, small-scale shipments are more expensive."

"Then the price got fired up, right?"

"That's right, this is a very important part of Nick's fall funding plan. He also expects the price to rise and the blood will return."

"So that Life Foundation ended your hustle?"

"It's not entirely true. When we were about to conduct the third round, he suddenly took out a cheaper immortality factor potion, and the supply was sufficient. Unlimited shipments naturally overwhelmed the price market."

"But there is also an advantage, that is, the Hand Society thinks that Jinping will use high-priced goods to trap them, and they will turn against Jinping."

"Nick has always been worried that their cooperation is too close, which may affect the regional situation. After they fell out, they reached a balance and reduced the workload of S.H.I.E.L.D. It can only be said that there are gains and losses."

"That's just what you think. From what I know about Nick Fury, he must want to kill the Drake from the Life Foundation now." Strange said firmly.

"So where did their immortality factor potion come from?" Strange asked suspiciously, "Isn't this thing extracted from vampires? Where did they come from vampires? Could it be that they caught it themselves?"

"This shows that there are still smart people in this world. They have also discovered that the principle of immortality factor medicine can't be falsified at all, and whether it has the effect of prolonging life will not be seen until decades later."

"So they can, like us, come up with a potion that has a healing effect, and call them immortality factor potions."

"Next, we should claim that their raw materials do not meet the regulations, right? After all, we said before that only the raw materials collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. are legitimate and legal, and the Life Foundation does not have bat raw materials, so it is naturally impossible to produce A real immortality factor potion."

"No, fighting in the ring is the most troublesome way, we say he is fake, he says he is real, or even if he is fake, but the price is cheap, and it is equally effective, and will always gain a part of the market, in this case, then Why don't we just pull him to cooperate?"

"His supply is sufficient, and our publicity effect is remarkable. Then we can directly outsource production to him. They are responsible for shipping, we are responsible for selling, and everyone can make money."

"But isn't he a fake?"

"Isn't the one in our hands also fake?"

"Makes sense."

The two touched the coffee cups and showed a consonant smile.

That afternoon, Schiller took a cup of coffee and walked into the laboratory that Stark used most often. As soon as he entered, he saw blood on the test table. Stark stood in front of the test table, grinning and covering himself. 's chest.

Schiller stood at the door and stared at Stark. Stark also looked up at him. The two stared at him. Stark asked, "Do you know what the most unpopular occupation in my laboratory is?"

"Since you asked Strange that question last time, I guess it's the doctor?"

"You still know that you are a doctor!! Come and help me!!"

"But I'm a psychiatrist." Schiller walked over, put down the coffee slowly, and said, "Everyone dies, be careful."

Stark rolled his eyes, put down the blood-stained towel in his hand, and reached out to wipe the blood on the countertop.

Schiller moved a chair, sat down on the side of the experimental table, took out a stack of newspapers from his arms, shook the newspapers away, and asked, "Why did you start tossing that thing in your chest again, you finally plan to put it Did you change it?"

"Not yet, but I thought of a new way."

Stark used alcohol to treat the wound he just made, and while grinning, he gasped, and said, "I thought about it, and I think the current method of replacing the reactor is a bit too primitive."

"What's the meaning?"

"Whenever I want to replace the reactor in my chest, I have to perform an operation to remove it from my chest and put it on a new one, which is very troublesome and dangerous."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make a socket and then research a portable reactor. The socket is fixed in my body, and I can pull out the reactor in my chest at any time and replace it with a new one."

"I discussed the idea with Dr. Eason and he said he had never seen anyone in the world who was more interested in courting death than me."

"His assessment is pertinent."

"It's not just about replacing the reactor more quickly," Stark explained as he picked up the pile of blood-stained cotton **** and towels on the table and threw them away.

"When I was transforming the mecha, I found a big problem. Originally, I only had one type of mecha, and the abilities were similar. They were all strengthening my personal combat ability."

"But you made a set of magic mecha before. Later, we worked out the idea of ​​a swarm robot together. After the actual combat, we found that a logistical mechanical support system was needed, and enchanted mecha may be needed in the future. Mecha, I need more types of reactors to drive them with me."

"Although a normal reactor can also provide different outputs, I hope it has more functions, especially in terms of adapting to magic."

"And once a different version of the reactor is developed, I can't do one operation a day, can I? If I spend more than half of my day lying on the operating table, then I can't do anything."

Schiller put down the newspaper, glanced at Stark's chest, and said, "So you're just going to put a zipper on yourself?"

"Like that joke, whatever the doctor drops in your body, you can unzip it and take it out."

"Oh, zipper, light bulb, you know those words," said Stark sullenly.

"So where did your experiment go? Why did you call me here?"

"I want you to help me test whether the magical ability can be used on the Ark Reactor, or rather, I want you to help me make a magical version of the Ark Reactor."

"You should go to Strange."

"He said he couldn' let me come to you."

Schiller put the newspaper on the table. He stood up and said to Stark, "First of all, you should know my level. In your lab, the most high-end job I've ever done is **** a light bulb."

"Secondly, there is no such concept as a magic ark reactor. You said that the design of the ark reactor left by your father uses a new element, which has nothing to do with magic, and magic doesn't work that way."

"So it really doesn't work?"

Schiller walked to the test bench, stared at Stark's chest, and said, "The magic version of the Ark reactor may not work, but you just need a chest-mounted energy source, right?"

"Although I don't understand the structure of the Ark Reactor at all, if you just need an energy source, you should be able to do it. After all, magic is possible."

Schiller snapped his fingers, and the newspaper and coffee on the experimental table flew over. He said, "Give us permission to open an advanced laboratory, and Strange and I will study it and give you the results in a week. "

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