American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 214: Autumn is busy (below)

As the saying goes, people without far-sightedness must have immediate worries, and so does God.

Thor was about to be mad at Loki's humiliation. If it was him before, even if he knew that he couldn't beat him, he knew that he would be expelled by Heimdall, even if he knew that he couldn't beat him. He would definitely fight Loki. You die and I live.

But after coming to Earth, Thor understood one thing: objective facts are not changed by people's subjective initiative. If you fail an interview, you will fail. If the company doesn't accept you, it won't accept you. If you can't find a job, you can't find a job. When it comes to work, Thor is useless no matter how angry or complaining.

Since this time, Thor has not known how many times he has hit a wall. Originally, his warehouse workers were doing fairly well, but the wages were too low. After paying the rent, Thor even had a problem with food and clothing.

He desperately wanted to find a job with a higher salary, but there was really no good job in the hell's kitchen, so he could only go out.

Luckily, he got along well with a bunch of truck drivers from Texas when he was working in the warehouse, from whom Thor learned a little about driving and repairing, so he found it at a garage near Manhattan south. work.

But this job is too far from his residence, and Thor has to find a new house. The problem he is facing now is that the only house he can afford that is close enough to his workplace is Loki's.

Even if Loki is trying to trick him into laughing at him, Thor can only bow his head to reality, if he can't get to work on time and get paid, he will sleep on the road again.

I don't know what Loki thought. Anyway, in the end, he still opened the door for Thor, and he didn't know what happened to the relationship between the two of them. Anyway, in the end, Loki rented the house to Thor.

There are many apartments near the high-end apartment where Loki is located, and in the opposite apartment, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Hill looked across with a telescope, and the symbiote phantom complained in her body: "I still think you guys It's a bit too risky to use the riots as a research plan, even if you send him back to Klinta and lock him up?"

"I don't know how you humans are so bold, aren't you afraid of Gnar's chaotic power coming again?"

Hill shrugged and said, "You can only tell the director, this is his plan, and I can't change anything."

There is also a phantom who said helplessly: "Also, you are monitoring the two princes of Asgard like this, will you really not be hated by the **** king Odin? He is the master of the nine kingdoms..."

"It's not very important, but don't tell me, these two princes are quite handsome..." Hill put one hand on his hips and held the telescope in the other, and asked the magic demon: "Who do you think is more handsome? I still prefer it. Loki point, Thor's style..."

Hill shrugged and said, "Some people might like it, but it's not my thing."

"I..." The phantom didn't know how to answer, Hill thought she was shy, she said: "I can feel that you are still more interested in Thor, every time you mention Thor, you seem to be emotional There are some fluctuations, how about it? Let me introduce the two of you?"

"No need!" The phantom shouted.

Immediately afterwards, she whispered again: "The thunder **** of the Asa gods almost killed us with a single thunder, know him? Do you think the thunder is not enough pain?"

"So you're afraid of him?"

"I don't!"

Suddenly, Hill put down the binoculars, rubbed his eyes, and then looked at the opposite window with the binoculars again, and said with some doubts, "Am I dazzled? Why does the opposite room seem to be on fire?"

The phantom had covered Hill's body, and she said, "You're not dazzled, you're on fire."

In an instant, Hill appeared outside Loki and Thor's apartment. She knocked on the door and said, "Hello, are you there? I see your house is on fire!"

There was a loud noise in the house. After a while, Thor opened the door. His face was blackened. He wiped his face vigorously and said, "We're fine! We'll deal with it right away!"

As he said, there was another loud bang from the kitchen. Thor looked back, and then blocked Hill's sight with his burly body, he said, "Are you a neighbor? A little accident, really, deal with it right away, trust me..."

Another loud noise, billowing smoke poured out of the kitchen, Loki was choked out, he coughed twice, and said to Tuoer who was standing at the door: "It's really on fire, put out the fire..."

Thor covered his eyes, and Hill at the door pointed to the stairwell, "There are fire fighting equipment, open it and you can use it."

After the fire was put out, Hill was curious about what happened, but she had no reason to stay, so she returned to her stronghold and continued to monitor remotely.

As a result, within an hour, the glass in the opposite room was shattered by the violent explosion, billowing black smoke came out of the room, and Hill hurried downstairs.

Loki walked forward quickly, and his face was blackened a few times, and Thor behind him couldn't see it, he turned into a little black man.

Thor hysterically yelled at Loki: "Look at what you've done!! You're the most inept Vulcan I've ever seen!!! If you didn't use the flame to light the gas stove, it wouldn't explode... "

With the sound of the fire alarm siren, Loki said angrily: "How do I know what's going on??? Fire control is my own ability in the priesthood, how do I know why the flame is out of control? Burnt the pipe??"

"You screwed up once before!" Thor emphasized: "But you still have to do it, is your head tied?!"

Loki was **** off. He never thought in his life that he would be ridiculed by Thor for being brainless. Just when the two of them were arguing, the fireman in fire suit came over and said, "You are the two people in the burning house. Lord, what is your relationship?"

Neither of them spoke, and the fireman gave them both a glance. With a weird expression on his face, he took out the book and registered: "No matter what your relationship is, now come back to the police station with us, a major fire accident needs to be prepared..."

Seeing that the two princes were about to be taken to the fire truck, Hill came over, flashed his credentials, and said, "Agents of SHIELD, please cooperate."

Twenty minutes later, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, Natasha sat at the table facing the two of them, and said without looking up, "Name?"

"Thor Odinson." Thor said angrily.

"Rocky Odinson."

"Hey, your surname is not Odinson! Only the eldest son of the God King can use the title of Odinson!"

"Can you shut up?" Loki touched his face and said fiercely to Thor, "I'm a righteous **** now, you can't contradict me!"

Natasha knocked on the table, and she said blankly, "Do you know that you created a gas explosion in a densely populated high-end apartment, which can already be characterized as a terrorist activity by aliens?"

Loki stretched out his hand to signal Natasha to take it easy, he said, "I can explain, it's like this..."

Natasha put one hand on her face and made an "I'm going to see what you can make up" look, listening to Loki speak.

"I got the priesthood of Vulcan. Of course, I know you humans don't understand how this priesthood system works, but in the literal sense, Vulcan should have the ability to control fire, right?"

After speaking, Loki also felt that his words were too stupid, but looking at Natasha nodded, he still said: "Human gas stoves should also be lit with fire, is there any problem?"

Natasha nodded again.

Thor quickly said: "But your fire control ability is like a piece of shit! We just need a little flame to ignite the gas stove, and you made a fireball bigger than the refrigerator door..."

Loki ignored him completely, but continued: "In theory, the fire control ability that comes with the Vulcan priesthood should be perfect."

"So what?" Natasha looked up at him.

Loki opened his mouth and looked at Natasha's beautiful face. He felt that in front of a beautiful woman, his next conclusion was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"But there is a slight gap between theory and reality..."

Natasha sighed. She closed the file in front of her and said, "The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. would allow Thor to stay on Earth is because he doesn't have any power beyond ordinary people, but you are different."

"I don't care what you are, you can't control your divine power, or you made a mistake in casting spells. In short, you burned down human houses, frightened the surrounding residents, and wasted fire alarm resources. In short, we have to repatriate you..."

"No! Wait!" Logi stood up and said, "I have a very important business this month! I just talked about it yesterday, and I will soon be going to see a client. It is a big order from Bankers Trust, and I can't just settle it. so……"

At this moment, Nick Fury pushed open the door of the office. He was covered in smoke, and he was holding a crystal ball in his hand. The other three were staring at him. Nick coughed and exhaled a puff of black smoke from his mouth. , and then said: "All other questions aside, can you not be so rude when you send couriers from Asgard?"

"Uh... have you been choked by thunder?" Natasha asked.

"Don't ask Colson, always ask the obvious."

Thor and Loki looked at each other, and Loki said: "This is a good quality of Asgard, simple, fast, and one step, although it is a bit rude..."

Natasha walked over to Nick handed the crystal ball to her, then looked at Loki and said, "Since your father has paid the custody fee, then we can hold you back for the time being. All this shit, but you have to promise us there won't be another one."

Loki raised his hand and said, "I won't use the power of Vulcan again."

Natasha asked with a little doubt: "You are not only the ability of the Vulcan, and after the fire, won't you use your kind of magic to put out the fire?"

"I don't know what's going on." Loki turned his head and looked aside. He also said with a little doubt: "The fireball I made can't be controlled by myself, and I still have a little...that is, a little..."

Thor looked at his brother's expression, grinned and said, "Aren't you... afraid of fire?"

------off topic-----

Let me tell you, the author is not full-time, and I have other jobs in the morning. Sometimes I am busy in the morning. In the afternoon, the coding time will be delayed, and the update will be late. Generally, I will notify the update time adjustment in the group, and I find it difficult to wait. can join the group.

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