American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 234: Loki's death

In the wilds of New Mexico, the battle was in full swing, or, in fact, not long after Strange left, the situation had deteriorated to the point of being completely uncontrollable.

Sif was holding the great sword, her right shoulder was bleeding all the time, it was scratched by the rock fragments that had been blasted by the scorching rays.

Originally, when the Asgardians fought, there would be a layer of divine power armor on their body, but Sif's divine power was almost exhausted, and she could only protect the key parts of her body, so she suffered a lot of explosion and splash damage.

"That's not right!!" Vorstage shouted: "The Destroyer has been parked in the Asgard warehouse for hundreds of years, and there shouldn't be such a sufficient amount of divine energy!"

"It's Loki who drives it. He has just been promoted to the priesthood of the righteous god, have you forgotten?!"

The sky over New Mexico was also covered with layers of dark clouds, and the cold winds in the wilderness continued to mourn as the rain fell.

"Damn" Thor's arms trembled a little. He tried countless times to communicate with Maulnir and the power of lightning as before, but nothing responded to him.

"Tor" Sif's voice was still low and steady, but Thor heard the trembling in her voice, and she said: "We will fight for you to the end, for Asgard"

"We will never let such a scumbag come to the throne of Asgard!" Vorstagg shouted: "Loki! You will never be the king of Asgardians!"

"Even if you kill Thor and kill us, you will never become the father of the gods!" With that said, Vorstag raised his hammer again and attacked the Destroyer. Hogan and Fandral followed. behind him.

Sif, whose divine power was exhausted, could hardly stand up. She supported her body with a big sword and prayed in a low voice: "Father of the gods, if I die, please give me the opportunity to enter the temple, and I will continue to serve me "Fight for the Land We Love"

Thor's eyes were red, and he looked at the huge mecha that looked particularly ferocious in the storm. The rain made his long hair stick tightly to his forehead.

Watching a ray of destruction swept over, Vorstag was thrown to the ground heavily, blood spurting from his mouth, Thor had never felt so helpless, the rage made him burn quickly, and the icy rain could not quench it. kind of fighting spirit.

In the end, Sif also fell to the ground. She was caught by the Destroyer and threw it on the ground like a sandbag. Fandral, who lost an arm, was still crawling on the ground, trying to continue to attack the Destroyer, but was caught by a huge monster. With a kick away, Thor could see that the divine power of his companions began to dissipate, and even the priesthood began to be withdrawn.

The light spots of the World Tree shine around them, and if no one can save them, soon, they will return to the World Tree again.

Thor knew that this was just a beautiful fantasy of the Asgardians. The Hall of Valor and the World Tree were just another way of saying death. He knew very well that even if Sif entered the Hall of Valor as she wished, it would no longer be her.

At this moment, a sound of breaking the air sounded, a shining mecha galloped from the sky, and Iron Man floated in the air, hitting the Destroyer with the rays of the palm of his hand, but the same defense that cannot be broken by divine power, the technology of human beings. Weapons are also unbreakable.

The driver of this huge weapon is Loki. He is not the kind of reckless Asgard who can only charge forward. Seeing Stark pull up again, Destroyer's eyes flashed, and Stark knew about him. To release the ray, then control the mecha to dodge to the right.

But the Destroyer suddenly stretched out an arm and grabbed Stark's mecha. Stark couldn't dodge it, pinched a leg by it, and then flew out.

"No!!!!" Thor yelled.

If it is said that fighting or even dying in battle is the destiny of the Asgardians and their honor, then the earthlings are completely innocent victims, and Thor cannot accept that superheroes with earths die in this battle.

On the way Iron Man flew out, he slowed down slowly, and finally landed smoothly. He controlled the mecha to approach the Destroyer again. At this time, a huge lizard monster also jumped over, followed by Spider-Man.

In the past, the lizard monsters that Dr. Connors turned into were already huge enough, but they were still very thin compared to these five- or six-hundred-meter-high behemoths, while Iron Man and Spider-Man were even smaller, like raindrops falling at the moment.

The three of them were fighting with the Destroyer. In fact, it could not be called a fight. It was just that the Destroyer kept attacking them, and the three were evading.

Thor's heart is colder than the icy rain. At this moment, his heart is full of despair. He doesn't know why. His brother betrayed him, his comrades fell, and the superheroes of the earth were also in danger. He couldn't do anything.

At this moment, Loki's voice came from the Destroyer: "Thor Odinson, are you going to look at it like this?"

"Look at them your good friends!" With that, the Destroyer kicked Hogan on the ground again and said, "When I get rid of these annoying flies, I will kill them, and now"

Loki's gloomy laughter came from the Destroyer. He manipulated the Destroyer to step on Hogan's body and made a sour squeak. Hogan made a suffocating scream, and waited until Loki took the Destroyer's foot. When he opened it, he had completely lost consciousness.

Vorstag and Fandral yelled, Sif was speechless, and Thor trembled.

The years of hardship on earth began to wear away the pride of honor, the desperation and heartache of watching his fellows die and innocents suffering, driving Thor to the point of madness.

"Thor, do you feel bad? Do you think you owe your companions?"

"But I'm telling you, they came to you not because they were worried about you, but because they were worried about themselves, their own family."

"He and his family want you to be the king of Asgard, so they have been ignoring me. After the father of the gods fell asleep, they couldn't wait. Thor wanted you to promise them that you would continue to take them. To fight, to satisfy their ridiculous and empty sense of honor"

"For that, they can do anything"

"How can you say such a thing!" Thor yelled at the Destroyer: "You hurt them! You betrayed"

"If you dare to go on, I'll kill her now." Destroyer grabbed Sif and lay on the ground. Sif was hazy, and saw Loki's cold look through Destroyer's armor.

"Thor, why don't you understand? They just want to force you to make promises and make you a war machine with those words of honor, which will eventually lead Asgard to destruction."

"They surround you, they honor you, they call you king, just because it allows you to lead them to war, to satisfy their thirst for violence and conquest, from the very beginning."

The Destroyer's hands tightened, and Sif groaned in pain, "Look, just like her, their family sent them to you early to make them your lover and your guard.

"Then when you ascend to the throne, they can become the generals of Asgard, the commanders of the royal guard, and the queen of gods above ten thousand"

"For this, they will flatter you and slander me, for this, there is nothing they can't do"

The rain slapped the Destroyer's arms, blood seeping from the Destroyer's fingers.

"No! Loki please, let go of Sif, she's innocent"

Thor said in a trembling voice: "It's not what you think, Loki, Loki, I know there are many people slandering you, and I know there are many hateful rumors in Asgard."

"I know that the three of them are too direct sometimes, but you are really my brother, we are brothers"

At this moment, the mecha controlled by Iron Man suddenly pulled up, Dr. Lizard and Spider-Man both quickly retreated, and then, a portal lit up in mid-air, and a bomb with a cold light was thrown down.

Iron Man pressed a few buttons on his arm, and several drones flew out from the back of his mecha and crashed into the bomb Iron Man, he also quickly retreated, and the drone flew with the bomb to the huge destruction By.

At the moment when the bomb touched the Destroyer, a small snowflake bloomed from the contact surface, and then, countless bright ice crystals bloomed from the sharp corner of the snowflake. The rapid spread spread across the Destroyer's armor.

In just one breath, the Destroyer's chest was completely covered in blue ice crystals, followed by the arms and legs, and finally, before the most powerful cockpit was frozen, Loki flew out of it.

The divine power of the Vulcan shone around him, a more violent force descended, countless flames rose from mid-air, and then several fire dragons spun towards Sif and the three warriors of Asgard on the ground.

In an instant, Loki's figure disappeared, and then appeared in front of Thor, countless flames lifted the falling rain into steam, Loki raised a The huge arm made of flames grabbed Thor , taking him into the air.

Over the dark rainy night, only the flames flickered, and countless flames held them up. Loki looked at Thor and said, "If you can't understand, who is the one who weaves lies to deceive you, who is the one who will expose the lie and save you. people, then you go to die with these hypocritical and selfish people."

As he spoke, he shrank his fingers and pinched the flame arm fiercely, Thor's neck, Thor's face turned blue, just a few seconds before he almost lost consciousness, he saw that the starlight behind Loki became more and more. The brighter, a familiar light from far to near, Thor widened his eyes and shouted with his last strength: "That's the Rainbow Bridge! Loki!! Hurry up!!!!"

But it was too late. A rainbow-like psychedelic light lit up from the starry sky, and a beam of light with unparalleled ferocity hit Loki's back instantly.

Thor, who faced Loki, saw Loki showing an expression of extreme pain that he had never seen before, and then in an instant, it was broken.

Time condenses, the starry sky is bright, and Loki shatters into light spots in the rainbow light and illusion.

The radiance of divine power burst out, almost becoming another sun, and Thor saw that he had been staring at Loki until his flesh dissipated, and after a flash of excruciating pain, there was nothing in the face of death. help and despair.

Thor saw with his own eyes that the light of the World Tree suddenly lit up, and the divine vocation of Vulcan was completely pulled out. The divine power and the divine vocation stopped in place for a moment, and then poured into Thor's body.

"No!! Loki!!!!"

After Thor roared in despair, a channel like a black hole opened above his head, and a huge suction force sucked Thor in, and then everything was calm, leaving only endless rain lines and the starry sky that was darkening again.

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