American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 250: Snow Night Campfire (5)

Schiller, who was sleeping at noon in the lounge, heard the electric bell rang. He raised his arms in a daze, looked at his watch, sat up, and shouted to the door, "Wait a minute."

He straightened his clothes in front of the mirror, opened the door and walked out.

Evans was standing in the middle of the room when he saw Schiller come out and said, "Sorry, Professor, did I come a little too early?"

"No, how did you think of making an appointment to come here?" Schiller turned his head and looked out the window. He didn't see the car that often picks up Evans. Evans saw his movements and said a little embarrassedly, "I didn't come from the manor. of."

"sit down."

Schiller and Evans went to the table and sat down. Schiller took a closer look at Evans and noticed that he looked haggard. He asked, "What's the matter with you? I heard Mrs. Miller that little Falcone called. When I made an appointment for treatment, I was a little surprised, why didn't you just invite me to Falcone Manor?"

"I... don't live at Falcone Manor anymore." Evans put his hands on the table, lowered his eyes and said, "I moved out."

"Oh?" Schiller took a sip of water, the fireplace in the house was burning more and more, making him a little hot, he said, "This is really interesting, you moved out?"

"I know it's a little ridiculous, but... anyway, I don't live with the godfather anymore."


Evans pursed his lips tightly, his expression rarely serious, he said: "Alberto told me everything, I really didn't expect..."

His expression was a little sad and complicated, and he seemed to have a lot to say, and he desperately needed an outlet to pour out.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, I really didn't expect it... It's just so absurd, how could my brother..."

Evans covered his eyes with his hands, then before Schiller could speak, he waved again and said, "...well, I've actually accepted the fact, but... Alberto's relationship with the godfather is a bit complicated, right? ?"

"I live in Falcone Manor as I used to, but I always feel inexplicable heart palpitations, and sometimes some fear. More importantly, when I face the godfather, I feel a little breathless."

"I know it's not how I feel, it's what Alberto did to me."

Evans frowned, looking a little pained, and continued: "Before, when Alberto took over the body, I couldn't feel anything, it was like falling asleep, but if he was too emotional, I would also Was woken up, just one night, it was raining heavily, and it was still thundering..."

Evans looked out of the window, as if he saw that rainy night, the rainwater flowed down the glass, and when a lightning flashed, those fine raindrops exuded a dazzling luster.

Alberto was half-kneeling on the ground, his face full of fear, and opposite him was the godfather standing in front of the window.

"The emotion was so strong that I didn't know what he was afraid of, but it woke me up and made me feel his pain."

"So what did you do?"

"I don't know what I should do either, but one thing I can do is separate the two of them."

"So you moved out?"

Evans nodded and said, "The godfather is very dissatisfied with this, but I insist on not going home, and he can't do anything about it. Recently, I have been living in the school's dormitory, and occasionally borrowed from a classmate's house."

"But, after that day, my brother won't show up. I'm worried that there is something wrong with him. Professor, can you..."

"Well, I know it's a bit absurd." Evans pressed his forehead and said, "But it's not me who needs psychotherapy today, it's Alberto."

"Of course, your bills are sent to the same address anyway, close your eyes and do as I say..."

Two minutes later, Alberto opened his eyes, stared at Schiller with a cold look, and said, "Why did you call me out?"

"Your brother is very worried about your state, so he asked me to give you psychotherapy."

Alberto scolded in a low voice, Schiller put his elbows on the table, then supported his chin, and observed Alberto with great interest. It was amazing that although he and Evans used the same face, they both had the same face. Individuals look completely different.

The difference in temperament leads to the change of expression, and the lines of the face involved in the expression make the appearance of the whole person look different.

It's a really good source of observation because it's a real duality, not one that's hypnotized or fantasized.

"It seems that you don't want to take your brother's love anymore?"

"Appreciate? Do you know what that idiot did?!"

Alberto turned his head in the direction, sighed deeply, and said: "He ran to the godfather, went to the godfather and said, 'I'm moving out, I don't want to live at home anymore', the godfather asked him why, he Say, 'Because of you at Falconer Manor'..."

Alberto covered his eyes and said, "Can you imagine the expression on the godfather's face at that time?"

Alberto's voice was full of exhaustion, he said: "I can feel that the godfather is indeed old, if it was before, if I dared to say such a thing, he would shoot me directly and let me reflect on the blood loss. If it's too much, wrap me up again."

"What's more terrifying is that this is just the beginning. When he came out of Falcone Manor, the driver wanted to take him, but he didn't have to. He said he wanted to walk by himself. He wanted to walk from Falcone Manor at night in Gotham. to Gotham University..."

"Thank God, he arrived at Gotham University safely, and then because he didn't have the dormitory key, he had to turn in through the window. In the middle of the night, he turned the window and alerted the students upstairs. They fired two shots, but they didn't hit him..."

"On the second day, he disliked the bed in the dormitory was too hard and the environment was not good, so he wanted to find his classmates to sleep in..." Alberto covered his face and said:

"He's looking for a man named Bruce Wayne."

"He said he had never been to the famous Wayne Manor, and said he had a good relationship with Bruce, and he would definitely let him stay for two days..."

Schiller coughed again, then covered his mouth, Alberto looked at him, Schiller paused for a while before returning to normal, looked at Alberto and said, "I swear, I didn't laugh."

Alberto said very weakly: "Then Bruce really agreed, and they went back to Wayne Manor the next night."

"Then did you see a strange figure standing by your bed in the middle of the night?"

Alberto moved his hand, as if there were no words to describe his mood.

"He dragged Bruce into the middle of the night to talk about his newly written musical, and then improvised a paragraph, which attracted the old housekeeper Alfred, who liked him very much, and urged him to stay a few more days. …”

Alberto gritted his teeth and said, "Then, he was very confused and wondered why I didn't show up these days..."

Schiller couldn't hold back, Alberto looked at him and smiled blankly, as if this reaction was what he expected.

Schiller took a deep breath and tried to suppress the desire to laugh. He looked at Alberto and said, "I admit, Evans' approach is a bit...but you're not just not showing up because of this, right? "

Alberto leaned back in the chair, blond hair covering half of his face.

"You're jealous, aren't you?"

Alberto didn't speak, and Schiller put the pen in his hand back into the pen holder and said, "You know what? I met an example very similar to you before. He is the little prince of a country..."

"His brother is the heir to the royal family, he is reckless, impulsive and mindless, but no matter what happens to the prince, his father will always wipe his ass."

Alberto lowered his eyes and said, "People always have extra tolerance for stupid people."

"You see it better than him."

"The example you gave is not accurate enough, because we are not brothers, we are originally one person, even if he has a brother in his memory in terms of personality, but I don't think I have a brother..."

"But you should also be clear that if there is no Evans, the godfather will not let you live. If he can kill you the first time, he can kill you the second time."

The golden hair completely blocked Alberto's eyes. He looked at Schiller through the gap in his hair and said, "Of course I know that he never regarded me as a son. His only son is Evans."

"So you should be very tangled now, everyone has abandoned you, and everyone has not chosen you, including the godfather, including Batman, and me, all of them have chosen Evans..."

"And then Evans chose you."

"When he found out that you were very afraid of the godfather and that the godfather was very disgusted with you, he resolutely chose to stand by you."

Alberto's mouth was tightly pursed, and there was even a hint of cyan at the corners of his mouth. Schiller then deduced: "So you should be very entangled now. You can't get an answer, so you can only choose to escape."

"Actually, you can also think about it from another angle..." Schiller took out a new case and began to write with his head down, and said while writing: "You should also see that all the Godfather's training programs for Evans have failed. , he was not born to do this."

"He's a bad guy. He doesn't have any moral burdens for killing people, and he doesn't mind gang riots or other crimes, but he's not bad enough, and he's not cruel enough."

"He's a good man, with excellent grades, a wide range of friends, and a love for art, but he's not good enough. He doesn't have that natural sense of justice and mission, so he's more likely to follow the crowd."

"Such a person can do any profession, but unfortunately, he can't be a godfather."

"The godfather probably recognized this fact a long time ago, and he tried many things, but it didn't work."

"The godfather said he was like his wife."

"Perhaps, but the problem now is that the godfather really only has this one son, even if he can not pass his position to his blood-related son, and search through the twelve families, there is no more suitable heir, the others Not only stupid, but bad."

"That's why I'm still alive." There was a pain in Alberto's voice.

"I am alive not because I am his son, but because I am a qualified heir."

"Otherwise, as you said, if he can kill me the first time, he can kill me the second time..."

"Have you tried talking to the godfather?"

"Talk?" Alberto gave a stiff smile and said, "How am I going to talk to him? I can't even stand up when facing him..."

"If you're an enemy of the Godfather, you know how terrible it is to face him."

"You regard yourself as his enemy, but how can you be sure that he also regards you as his enemy?"

"Why did he kill me if I wasn't his enemy?"

"Even if you are his enemy, he has already killed you."

"The only definite answer I can give you is Many people think the godfather is very tolerant, it's not that the godfather is acting, but his personality is like this, and this is what sets him apart from other gang leaders. , is also his greatest personality charm."

"You said that you are very like the godfather, then you can put you in his perspective and think about it. A person who has been killed by you comes back, and you will stare at him as your opponent and enemy. Don't let it go?"

"If he can kill you the first time, he can kill you the second time, but that's the problem."

"You have already lost to him once, and you will lose to him the second and third time. You have used your successive failures to prove that you are not a threat to him, so it is possible for him to let you go, right?"

The silent Alberto is like a statue, and Schiller sees the shadow of Loki in him, the same jealous brother, the same fear of his father, and the same love can not.

This is a very wonderful thing in Schiller's view, because they are separated by two universes and have nothing to do with each other, but their souls are surprisingly similar.

For Schiller, experiencing this twice in a row is like facing a math problem in school. After writing a solution, then thinking about the second solution, not only does not feel troublesome, but also very happy.

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