American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 260: Inception and Truman (Part 2)

"What if a person is in a dream and dreams that he is asleep and has another dream?"

Several people around Schiller fell into thinking, and he went on to explain: "When this happens, most people actually just jump from one dream to another, just like on a plane, from a dream. point to another point."

"But there are also very few cases where you can start to land vertically from a point, break through this plane, and go down to a deeper level of consciousness."

"Then Hugo wants to enter someone else's dream in the dream you created for him, where will he enter?" Victor muttered to himself.

"That's exactly what I'm going to study."

"Let's look at it again from the beginning, I used crazy wine to pull the consciousness of all of you into my consciousness space, right?"

"Then, I went to pull Hugo's consciousness into my consciousness space. Although he and you are not on the same floor, you are also in my consciousness space now."

"And now, there is such a situation, when both of you and Hugo are in my consciousness space, he wants to use his consciousness to connect your consciousness, he enters your dream in a dream, then, he Will it directly open the channel to your deep consciousness?"

"This is a topic I have been focusing on recently, and that is how to maintain a stable dream-in-dream state and establish a stable path to deep consciousness. If we can do this, then we can solve many psychological problems at the root level. ."

"I don't know if I figured out your whole plan, but for now, you got Hugo into your dreams, and then used his status as a psychologist to let him sneak into other people's dreams in his dreams, You think you can open up access to deep consciousness in this way, don't you think?"

"Yes, the world of consciousness is a very complex concept. Everything is possible here, and nothing is possible. There may be 10,000 keys corresponding to one door, and there may be one key that can open 10,000 doors."

"So all the research on consciousness space sounds like a fantasy, but it's all real, which is fascinating, isn't it?"

"It's boring," Jack said, scratching his ears.

"Yeah, it's really boring for you, because your superficial and deep consciousness are all mixed together, like a mush, and you can slide from superficial consciousness to deep consciousness, and then spring up …”

Speaking of this, several people saw that a bubble suddenly appeared in the sky above the consultation room where Cobot and Hugo were located. There was another space, and an iceberg restaurant stood in the space. Schiller said with some regret. : "This should also be superficial consciousness... It didn't work, why?"

"The deep consciousness space will not be so specific and orderly. The surface consciousness space is often relatively stable, because you are still a normal person, not a complete lunatic. Those most terrifying memories should be hidden in the deep consciousness space."

"Let's put a few actors in first..." Schiller arranged, he said: "I suspect that it may be that Hugo's desire to explore is not enough, and the 'belief' he believes is what he gets is not firm enough..."

So, one of Cobot's clones came out of the Iceberg restaurant first, then invited Hugo in, then Victor walked into the restaurant, Schiller also entered the restaurant, everything was like a fast-moving movie, and then a In an instant, it stopped on Hugo's finger pressing the button.

"What does this mean?" asked Victor in the audience: "What does that button mean?"

Schiller looked at the yellow button and said, "It should be confidence in one's own theory and desire to manipulate the minds of others..."

At the moment when he pressed the button, the globe on Schiller's head turned quickly, and he said, "The channel of the deep consciousness space is opened... What is that? Fear?"

"It does appear to be fear."

Schiller looked at the image of the huge old woman covered in blood and wielding a dagger on the screen. He turned his head and saw Cobot's figure flickering.

Schiller's figure suddenly became extremely huge, and then the probe entered the screen and crushed the bubble above the consultation room with a "pop".

Then he pulled back and said, "It seems that that's what came out of the deep consciousness space. This method is effective, but it's just unstable..."

"Is it my turn next?"

"That's right."

A few minutes later, Schiller crushed the storm-filled bubble again, and said, "It's all the same, the channel can open, it's unstable."

Evans raised his hand and said, "Me next, right?"

"I feel that his consciousness can't stand another consumption. If he comes again, he may wake up, just like a person jumping from a tall building in a dream."

Schiller continued: "Forget it, try one last time."

When they saw Hugo retreat, Schiller concluded: "It may be his brain's self-preservation function at work."

"How? Do you still want to try?"

"Of course, I think this method works, but the root cause of the inability of the channel to stabilize may not be the method itself, but the problem of your conscious world."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Schiller's globe head turned faster and faster, and he said, "Jack, cooperate with me, maybe you will have fun watching it later."

Saying that, he didn't care whether Jack agreed or not. After snapping his fingers, a medical record fell on Hugo's desk with a name without a surname written on it - "Jack".

The scene changed again, Jack was sitting on the chair in the consultation room and crying nonstop, he said: "Doctor Hugo... please help me! That terrible Dr. Rodriguez is constantly abusing me, he is persecuting me. Dye your hair green, put on clown makeup, and put on a show for him, he's a devil, you must save me..."

"Don't cry, Jack! Don't cry..." Hugo held Jack's shoulders and said, "I also found out that he may be secretly abusing his patients, transforming their spirits, listen, Jack..."

"I'll call him here on official business, and then you won't be on guard against you before he's knocked unconscious. After all, you're just a poor little kid who was abused by him. We can..."

Schiller touched the model of the globe on his head with his hand and said, "I don't even know whether to praise you for your superb acting skills or to say... Forget it, it should be your superb acting skills."

"What are you talking about?" Jack in the audience also began to wipe his tears, "You terrible psychiatrist, a devil has imprisoned our spirits here, and also uses us to do your terrible experiments!"

"Stop crying, it's almost your favorite part."

Jack covered his eyes with his hands, and secretly looked out from between his fingers. On the screen, Schiller walked into the office, Hugo stood opposite him to attract his attention, and then a green-haired figure held a The baseball bat hit Schiller **** the head...

"Hahahahaha!!" Jack in the audience burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face.

"Did you see it? This is the ordinary Schiller! Hahahahahaha!"

"You know what's the funniest thing about it? It's...hahahahaha...the way you're falling is not right at all? Ordinary Schiller! You've never been knocked out, you can't even pretend , Hahahahahaha..."

Victor turned to look at the globe on Schiller's shoulder again, and he said, "It seems that Texas is indeed the state of your eyes."

The scene on the screen changed again, Schiller sat in the interrogation chair, and then Hugo turned on the light and said to him: "You're awake..."

And Jack, who was leaning against the wall, showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth just before Hugo closed his eyes.

Zooming in on Jack's expression, he is looking up, as if he saw everyone in the upper auditorium from the bottom stage, and the smile at the corner of his mouth is not mocking Hugo, but more like... self-deprecating~www.NovelMTL .com~ Jack in the auditorium also did the same thing - raised his head, looked at the sky, and smiled.

------off topic-----

Did not expect it! Yingmei is so comprehensive! Sew and you're done!

A lot of people didn't understand it before. I didn't explain it before because there might be spoilers. So far, this part of the plot has been written, and I think most of the audiences in the UK and the United States should be able to understand it.

If you don't understand it, it may be that you have watched less British and American dramas. These are old stalks. What are the halls of thinking, space of consciousness, etc., I don't want to explain it at length. This is also the reason. This is not a particularly novel setting.

If I really want water, I will explain the concept of water in 10,000 words and 3,000 words, and then write a film review of 4,000 words. Skilled workers belong to yes.

But I feel my conscience, and it still hurts, so I mainly focus on pushing the plot. If it is really still completely incomprehensible, you can leave a message at the bottom of this writer's comment, and I will think about how you can understand the previous revision. ... (It's so difficult, I don't think it's hard to understand?)

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