American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 264: Where will the dream go (Part 1)

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As we all know, many editors of American comics have the same idea. When they don't know how to express an abstract concept, they will concretize it as the image of a character, and let them appear in the form of human beings. comics, and give it a human character.

On the contrary, if they don't know how to motivate an ordinary person to participate in something, they will add divinity to his character, which is called "savior consciousness".

"Human God" and "Divine Man" are two eternal themes in American comics, and "Sandman" Morpheus happens to be one of the former.

To talk about his origins, we must start with the Hentai Family.

The Endless Family is a character created after the illusory concept has been given a human form and added human character characteristics.

There are seven members in this family, representing dreams, death, fate, despair, desire, madness, and destruction.

These concepts are invisible and intangible in real life, but they have a fixed image in comics, and even have their own responsibilities and characters.

And the Sandman, or the Dream God, is the Morpheus who is now appearing in front of Schiller.

It is also well known that any conceptual existence is generally very strong. Unlike superheroes who need a positive record to assess their strength, these conceptual characters are already strong enough just by their attributes.

Sandman Morpheus is the master of all dreams. When the first creature in the universe dreamed, Morpheus was born. He was able to create the dreams of a thousand cats to make dreams replace reality, or make people's lives harmonious. Same as in my dream.

Unlike Marvel, which always emphasizes the power of conceptual existence or the difference in the field of duty, DC Comics prefers to emphasize their unique personalities. For example, Morpheus the Sandman is actually one of the seven members of the Endless Family. One of the most dedicated.

It was mentioned in the comics that he was the most cautious in the performance of his duties. Although he possessed great power, he never let this power cause trouble. At the same time, he was relatively withdrawn, had few friends, and always I like to get caught up in some philosophical thinking.

Also because the field he works in has little to do with the fields of other Hentai family members, he has always been very mysterious. He has had countless externalized images, but he always only showed one or two of them. In this case, he was a pale and emaciated man with dark blue hair and a cloak made of night.

And the same is true of the man who appeared in front of Schiller, of course, it is more likely that everyone who saw Morpheus the Sandman was different, and everyone who saw him thought he was what he was. In this way, Schiller still remembers the image of Morpheus in the comics, so he also presents such an appearance.

The original book also mentioned that the first-generation Sandman Morpheus was moody, but obviously, now he has gone beyond the range of moody, and he seems a little out of breath.

He stared at Schiller with those twinkling eyes, and said to him in a hoarse voice, "Why did you connect your dream to my dreamland and put a..."

His expression at this time is difficult to describe, which is actually very strange, because even if there is a person's personality, it will not really express his emotions as clearly as ordinary humans, not to mention Morpheus has always been relatively autistic. Yes, but now you can see disgust, disgust, confusion after being woken up, and the anger of his house being messed up all at the same time on his face.

When it comes to the kingdom of dreams, it is not difficult to understand. Everyone in the endless family has a domain that belongs to him alone. In this domain, they are almost omnipotent and omnipotent, and the domain of the sleeping **** is called the kingdom of dreams, which is exactly what it sounds like. There are some dreamy names, but at this moment, it is hard to say whether the situation of the country of dreams that has been splashed with **** can still conform to this dreamy style.

"Before you ask me this question, I have a lot of questions to ask you." Schiller looked at Morpheus and said, "I think you should be ready to answer these questions of mine?"

"Don't tell me you don't know anything about my situation."

"You let that lunatic leave my house first." Morpheus emphasized again: "Do you know what he did in the Dreamland???"

"I can imagine that I am deeply sorry and deeply sympathetic."

Morpheus looked at Schiller, Schiller also looked at Morpheus, neither of them would give in, but fortunately, they are now in a dream, and the most important thing in a dream is time.

Maybe the clown really did something outrageous, maybe Morpheus himself was a little interested in Schiller, and finally he gave in first. He said, "What do you want to ask?"

"I must tell you first, there are many things I know that cannot be described to you humans. The world in our eyes is different."

"Of course, of course, I know very well..." Schiller reached out and made a soothing gesture, and then let Morpheus sit on the sofa opposite him.

The globe on the table behind him kept spinning, but this time, he was not wearing a globe head, but a normal human image just like in real life.

"Before I ask questions, I think you should also have some doubts, such as why I want to find you and how I found you."

Schiller seemed relaxed, as if he was not facing a powerful enemy but an old friend, explaining to Morpheus: "You can control all dreams, which means you can read Take all my memories, including those in the surface consciousness space and the deep consciousness space, then I don’t think I need to introduce too much about my origins.”

"Actually, as early as the first time I had some changes in my sleep, I had doubts, because I knew that this world was completely different from the world I originally lived in, and all the concepts here were created by you, some concepts, or Speaking of what the gods control,"

"It sounds incredible, but it actually makes it easier for me to reason, because there is a problem in a certain area, and the person responsible for it must be found."

"For example, if something always happens when I'm asleep, who else can I go to but the Sandman?"

"Of course, I know that the areas you control are very critical to the universe, so you are too busy to explain some details to me, which is understandable, but it doesn't matter, since you don't come to talk to me, then I You can also go to your door and ring the bell..."

Morpheus's face was very ugly, although he was always pale, but now anyone can see that his expression was very unnatural, he said, "That's how you knock on the door? Put a person out of the control of the dream, or Said, a lunatic who can't even understand his dream, put it in my house???"

Morpheus's voice had some wonderful rhythm, a bit like a singer singing an aria, and he said: "You have no idea what a dangerous thing you have done, he almost made a big hole in the dreamland. , Fortunately, I woke up in time to stop him, once he succeeded, the creatures in the dream realm ran out..."

Morpheus shook his head and said, "My work for 10,000 years will be in vain, and it may take tens of thousands of years to make up for this accident."

"This is just my attempt." Schiller didn't shirk the responsibility, but continued: "You have to know, I'm just an ordinary human, I don't know, how many doorbells can ring your conceptual beings to wake up..."

"So you just put the loudest one??"

"That's right, when something happens frequently in my sleep, I know who I'm looking for, and then, how do I find you."

"I think that since you are the dream god, you must control the dreams of everyone in this world, including mine. The only question is, how exactly do you control the dreams of these people?"

"I know very well that there is absolutely no shadow of you in my surface consciousness space. I have a strong ability to control my surface consciousness space, including building a 330-level thinking hall here, and evolving countless personalities. Residents have built many areas with special rules, and I have meticulous control over here, and I'm pretty sure that no outsiders live here."

"So, I guess, you must be in a deeper space of consciousness."

"However, in order to build a temple of thought, I laid the foundation of my surface consciousness very firmly, which led to a very embarrassing situation. I couldn't pry this foundation on my It's as difficult as asking a person to go to the sky with their left foot on their right in the real world."

"So, when I discovered a wonderful drug that can work on human dreams, I had this idea, I asked a friend of mine to mix certain liquids together to create a The wine that connects human dreams..."

"Then I invited my friends to this consciousness space, and with the help of another psychologist, I dug through the foundation of my surface consciousness, so that Jack could jump into my deep consciousness, and then dig all the way down..."

"Actually, before you appeared, I wasn't sure if digging would be your dream country, but now it seems that my guess is correct..."

"Reality and dream are two sides of the same coin. If the highest part of my thinking hall is 'reality', then the lowest part of my deep consciousness should be your dream country."

"And the reason why I want to wake you up with a doorbell is that I hope you can answer me..."

Schiller looked at Morpheus and said, "What's going on with that thing that's been happening in my sleep?"

"If I don't answer, are you going to keep that annoying doorbell ringing?"

"Don't say that." Schiller waved his hand and said, "Just like you can't control him, I can't control him, although I made a trivial little deal with him, but wherever he wants to play, I also Unable to control."

"Then I'll ask another question..." Morpheus's tone has always been a little indifferent, or the kind of autistic and withdrawn person who resists communication.

"If I answer your question, you'll have a way of getting him away, right?"


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