American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 272: Fear the Laughing Devil (below)

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"Wait, but..."

In an apartment in Seaside City, a man in a bomber jacket was talking to himself. He paced the room with his hips on his back. He said, "I know, I know, my job is, but..."

"Okay, if it's really what you said, I'll go over there, but I think you guys are making a big fuss."

"When I first joined the Green Lantern Corps, you once told me that the Green Lantern Corps was the most powerful of all the Lantern Corps, and I also felt this. I don't quite understand what makes you so nervous..."

"...Well, if you have to do this, I will not object. After all, the earth is also my hometown, and it is my responsibility to protect it."

"Do you have the specific location where the yellow light came? I was sleeping just now, and I didn't feel anything unusual."

The man scratched his hair, his brown hair was a little messy, just like he said, he just woke up, and his eyes were still sleepy.

"What? Gotham? How could it be in that ghost place? Well... not surprising, what do you mean by the yellow light? Oh, fear, the environment there is really scary enough."

"I will use teleportation to take a look now. If the matter is as serious as you said, then I will deal with it as soon as possible."

"Listen, now, I, Hal, Hal Jordan, is the only Green Lantern on Earth, and I can't shame my hometown, asking for support before the fight starts, it will seriously lower me in the Lantern Corps image, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes, I know, you're kind, and I know that the Yellow Lantern you're talking about can be tough to deal with, but you've got to trust me, trust my willpower, and during my days as Green Lantern, I'm doing pretty well, right?"

The man who called himself Hal put his hands on his hips and said, "You know, not all people on earth have the ability to accept and willpower like me, although I only accepted the power of the lamp ring not long ago, but I feel that I deal with the earth. There's nothing wrong with these troubles..."

After a while, he sighed, then touched the pet dog under his feet and said, "Sorry, it seems that I can only take you out for a walk later, I have something to deal with, but you have to trust me, I'll be back soon..."

Saying that, a green light flashed, and Hal's figure disappeared, but he reappeared not directly in Gotham, but on a road in Brudhaven. He stood on the road and watched Looking at the sky, he said in confusion, "...What's wrong? Am I lost?"

Brudhaven has a good climate and the weather is clear, so even in the daytime, you can see the stars through the sky, and Hal judges the direction and realizes that he must be right.

According to the normal orientation, when he teleported here, he should have stopped right under the sign at the entrance of Gotham, and now there is a straight road, and there is nothing.

What about a big city?

Haier was very confused and turned around twice. He thought that maybe there was a problem with the direction of the stars. Dehaven, then bought a nearby tourist map.

Walking to Gotham on foot along the tourist map, Hal didn't find it troublesome, because he is now the Lantern who has inherited the Green Lantern Ring, and there is no physical problem, and he can walk very fast. The distance between them is not far.

But as he walked with the map, he became more and more confused. He put the map in front of him and said, "Damn it, isn't it written here? As long as you walk here and cross the pine forest on your right, you can see Gotham Highest The building of the Wayne Building... and the building???"

After crossing the pine forest planted by the road on the right, Hal didn't see anything, but there was a faint smell of alcohol in the air. Hal thought it was the alcohol smell left by someone else's camping party and didn't care.

He then walked forward and walked a long distance before finally seeing a sign.

What made Hal a little strange was that there was a man standing under the sign with an umbrella in his hand, and Hal walked over and asked him: "Hello, I want to go to Gotham, may I ask if this is the way? Are you going forward?"

The man shook his head and asked, "Are you Hal? Hal Jordan?"

"you know me?"

"I not only know you, but also know your identity. You are a pilot, and you are also the owner of the Green Lantern Ring, a Green Lantern, right?"

When he heard the first half of his sentence, Hal was already very puzzled. He was not a big star, and it was impossible for any ordinary person to know him. When he heard the second half of the sentence, he narrowed his eyes. , looked at the man and said, "Who are you? Why do you know about the green light?"

"Do you remember that not long after you got the green light ring, you once made a post on a forum related to aliens, and only one person replied to that post, and that was me..."

"You're the one... my God! I sent you so many messages, why didn't you get back to me?!"

Hal's tone was still shocked at first, but it turned into a complaint.

Schiller sighed and said to him, "I can explain this later, but now there is a big problem that may need you to deal with it."

"Big trouble? What big trouble? Why are you here? What the **** is going on?"

Hal's state is full of question marks, but Schiller didn't intend to answer his series of questions, but said to Hal: "Aren't you going to Gotham? I'm sorry to tell you that along this road has been Go ahead and you won't get to Gotham either."

"Impossible." Hal directly denied this statement.

"It's written on the map that you can reach Gotham after seeing the traffic signs and then moving forward..."

You can try.

Haier stretched out a hand and commanded a wave, then made a running posture, disappeared with a "whoosh", and then with a "whoosh", rushed to the sign from the other end.

Looking at Schiller and the sign that appeared in front of him again, Hal was confused, but Schiller said, "It is true that the earth is round, but I think your speed is not fast enough, so you circled the earth so quickly, right? "

No matter how little Hal underestimated the enemy, he knew that things had changed. His face gradually became serious, and he asked Schiller, "What the **** is going on? You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

"Abandon all your fantasies about 'reasonable'." Schiller stepped over the guardrail of the highway, walked to the roadside sign, and said to Hal, "Because, you are in a dream now."

As soon as he finished saying this, Hal saw that the pillar supporting the traffic sign became bigger and bigger in sight, until it became an incomparably huge Babel tower, sitting on a charred black On the ground, Howl looked up, opened his mouth, and said, "What is this?"

"Come with me first, I will explain everything to you." Schiller walked forward with Hal, Hal's brown eyes were full of doubts, he chased behind Schiller and asked, "Where is this place? Did you create the illusion? Who are you? Does it have anything to do with the yellow light?"

Schiller sighed and said, "I won't explain it to you before, let's start with the yellow light."

"You know the yellow light is coming? Oh, yes, you shouldn't be an ordinary person, but I've never heard of a light ring that can make a city disappear."

"Because it wasn't the lamp ring that changed the city, it was me."

"Stop joking." Hal's tone revealed disbelief.

"That's Gotham! One of the biggest cities on the east coast, how could you just disappear it in an instant, how much panic would that create? Why didn't I see it on the news?"

"Gotham doesn't disappear in the real world. You can't see it because you have fallen into a dream the moment you set foot on that highway."

"As for why I do this, it's because I have a certain responsibility..."

Schiller sighed again, he sighed more today than in the past few months combined, because things did go a little bit beyond his expectations.

His and Jack's original plan was to go deep into the edge of Batman's consciousness, and then dig out the potentially dangerous thing to kill. Although the process is very complicated, the goal is very clear. Simply put, it is to kill the possibility of all Laughing Bats appearing.

In the process, Schiller met the clown to kill the clown, and the bat killed the bat. In short, as long as he could stop the extremely annoying bat from appearing in his life, he would do everything possible.

In the first two stories near the end, everything went very well, they managed to get to the edge of Batman's dream, then found the embryo that might hatch into a maniacal laugh, and almost killed him.

But what was unexpected was that this kind of stimulation flooded Batman's inner dark tide, and surged out of his soul in an unprecedented violent state, rushing into the universe.

This purest fear force in the entire universe will of course attract the attention of one being, and that is the yellow light ring, or the attention of the yellow light beast "Parallax", the representative of the fear force in the emotional spectrum.

The lamp beasts of all color lamp rings in this universe are very powerful beings, and so is the parallax monster.

But in the same way, the parallax monster is also the master who has eaten and seen it. The ordinary fear force is not enough to attract his attention, but the problem is that the fear force in Batman's heart is almost the most powerful of all the origins of the universe in DC. The sheer power of fear is an irresistible temptation for Parallax.

So, along with the coming of the Yellow Lantern Ring, there is also a terrifying monster, that is, the Yellow Lantern Beast Parallax.

"Parallax monster?" Hal asked suspiciously, he said: "I once heard from the seniors in the legion that every lamp group will have lamp stoves and lamp beasts. They once mentioned that the lamps produced by each emotion The beasts are very powerful, but also, they will not come easily..."

"You mean, in this city, someone's fear force caused the arrival of the Yellow Lantern Beast? This is really a bit troublesome..." Hal's expression became more and more serious. Obviously, he realized the seriousness of the problem. sex.

"I didn't expect this either, because according to the timeline, it's impossible, because you just..." Schiller turned to look at Hal and said.

The reason why he didn't worry about the yellow light ring is because if according to the normal timeline, Hal just became the Lantern at this time, then Sinestro, the founder of the Yellow Lantern Corps, should still be the Green Lantern. If they fall out, then Senesto will not betray the Green Lantern Corps, nor will he create the Yellow Lantern Ring.

When the black tide was rising, Schiller did not consider the issue of the emotional spectrum at all. He thought that the category of fear did not exist in the current lamp ring in the universe, but who knows, the yellow lamp ring just came.

Schiller reflected for a moment, this universe has changed enough, and it is not impossible for the Yellow Lantern Corps to appear in advance.

"But you still didn't say, what happened to Gotham? Where is this place?"

"Don't worry, I was about to say this..."

"The arrival of the yellow light ring and the yellow light beast is not the greatest danger. The biggest danger is that the host that the yellow light ring and the light beast want to parasitize has an egg that is being chased and fleeing. "

"Egg, what is that?"

"I'm not trying to scare you, but I have to tell you that it's an existence that if you hatch all your lanterns tied together, it won't be enough for him to fight alone."

Just as Hal was about to refute, Schiller continued: "But fortunately, now he is really just an embryo, and his mobility has been greatly is only a line away from death."

"But at this moment, the yellow lantern ring and the lantern beast came. One desperately wanted to run out, and the other desperately wanted to squeeze in. Guess who won in the end?"

"Well, it should be a lamp beast, right?"

"No, they both lost, and Batman won. Now, he has both the Laughter Egg and the Yellow Lantern."

Schiller explained again: "Originally, Batman could refuse the yellow light ring by his own will, but the almost dying egg in his body saw the only way to survive."

"So. He took advantage of Batman's attention to the Yellow Lantern Beast, controlled his conscious space, accepted the Yellow Lantern Ring, and the Yellow Lantern Beast came to Batman's body along the Yellow Lantern Ring. , now, they are one."

Following Schiller's narration, the two walked into the Babel Tower. Then, in the changing light and shadow, Hal found himself on the top of a tall building. He looked down and saw the entire Gotham City at his feet.

Finally came to Gotham, but Hal was not at all happy, because when he looked up, an indescribable monster was standing above Gotham.

He has a multi-segmented, multi-legged lower body like a yellow centipede, a dark upper body with a bat pattern on it, and a head with no eyes, no other facial features, and only a bright red mouth.

At this time, Schiller's voice sounded:

"Yellow Ring, Parallax, Batman, Laughter Egg all mixed together, and I call it..."

"Fear the laughing devil."

------off topic-----

The plot took a big turn -

Back around again!

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