American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 286: caught car thief

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Batman rarely goes out during the day, and when he chooses to be in Gotham City during the day, it means that he has very important things to do, such as catching the car thief who pried his tire.

Batman is not very angry about his Batmobile tire being stolen, but feels a little ridiculous. A person who can independently hack the Batmobile security system can only be a car thief in Gotham. This city is really magical to the extreme.

It is not difficult for Batman to find the car thief's stronghold. Obviously, the two thieves who stole the tire are not so strong in technology in terms of anti-reconnaissance work. It didn't take long for Batman to touch Arrived in the cellar at the end of Roller Street.

There's not much security in this underground base, so Batman got in without much effort and found the tire that was hanging on the wall before he had time to deal with it.

Originally, according to normal development, Batman should wait here, wait for the owner to return, and then arrest him.

Batman originally planned to do the same, but while waiting for the thief to return, Batman was idle and began to investigate the base.

But the more he investigates, the more confused Batman becomes. There are indications that it is not adults who live here, but a few children.

This is actually a good judgment. The ground here is not a floor or a ceramic tile, but fine sand. The traces of footprints left have not been cleaned up. At a glance, it is known that it is not an adult's. The tools on the tool table have also left fingerprints. It does not appear that the person using these tools is a child under ten years old.

In addition to being surprised, Batman couldn't help but have some other thoughts. He knew that adults in Gotham City were almost hopeless. Their thinking concepts and ways of doing things had already taken shape, except for throwing them into prison. There is almost no other way to deal with it, but children are different.

Batman also knows that even if the children in Gotham are worse than the children in other cities, forming gangs and fighting in the streets every day, as long as they are children, there is a possibility that their education will become better, especially if they are so talented.

In the evening, Jason, who was wearing a tattered jacket, was limping toward his base, and Xiao Shuitou supported him, and said helplessly, "I know you have to fight them in order to protect your own territory. , but there have been too many fights recently, your last injury hasn't healed yet..."

Jason wiped the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of blood on it. It was dyed on the sleeves of his clothes, but he was used to it, he grinned and said, "I can't help it, those **** red-mouthed gangsters are too tight, if I give up the site at the entrance of the end alley, then We really can't make any money..."

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, then broke free from the small slippery head and supported his hand, walked to the cellar, opened the door, and slowly climbed down.

Afraid that he would fall, Xiao Shuitou hurriedly followed him down to support him, but just as they walked to the workbench, they heard the cellar door "Katha" being locked, and then a dark shadow appeared in them behind.

The two of them were taken aback, and when they turned around, Xiao Shui looked at the costume of the shadow on the opposite side and said, "Batman???"

Batman paused, then asked, "You know me?"

Jason looked back at the bat tire he was hanging on the wall, then glanced at the self-possessed Batman in front of him, and then looked up at the cellar door that had been locked, knowing that he couldn't run away, He leaned on the workbench behind him decadently and said, "Okay, why don't we know you? The famous hero Batman..."

But there was no reverence or admiration in his tone, only deep disgust. The little slick looked at the current situation on the field, rubbed his hands, and said to Batman: "I'm sorry, Batman, it's really us. Stole your Batmobile tire, but we didn't destroy it, you can take it back, don't bother with us..."

"After all..." Xiao Shuitou pushed his glasses and said, "The police station doesn't accept children of our age. You arrest us and they will send us back tomorrow. Why don't we sincerely apologize to you to avoid Let's go through the process..."

Batman looked at Jason, he saw a deep bruise on Jason's exposed neck, and the corner of his mouth looked like he had been beaten, not to mention the blood on his sleeve, he asked, "You How did it hurt like this?"

Jason shook his head and showed a fierce expression. He didn't seem to want to talk to Batman at all, but fortunately, there was a little slicker present, he said: "He is the boss of the Curly Tail Gang, and he has to fight with others in order to grab territory. …”

"And won!" Jason emphasized.

"How the **** did you pry my tire off?"

"What's so hard about that?" Jason said in a deliberately raised voice, "Your car is rotten to the death. If the tires weren't too big, I would have unloaded all four of your tires!"

His words are mixed with some slang words commonly used by local gangsters, and he speaks very much like a gangster, from his demeanor to his temperament is that of a typical bad boy.

Batman is not irritated by his behavior, because he has been a vigilante in Gotham for so long, and all the children he meets have this virtue.

"Batman, leave us alone, we're just a bunch of kids. Jason stole your tires just because he's in a hurry to spend money. We know it's wrong to steal things, but there's no other way."

Little Slicker explained to Batman: "Jason's Curly Tail Gang has more than a dozen children, of which five or six are too young. When they go to sell cigarettes, they are always bullied by older children from other gangs. It can't sell much, Jason has to make money to support them, or they will be beaten to death by their boss."

Batman frowned and asked, "You mean, the children under his command are all cigarette peddlers?"

"That's right, aren't the members of the Youth Gang all these people?"

"Who are they going to pay?"

"Their chiefs are usually older children, who are then handed over to their 'mum and dad'."

"and then?"

Xiao Shuitou shook his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't do this, but I heard that they would turn it up layer by layer and hand it over to a person named Big Boss."

"You didn't do this?" Batman looked at Slick and saw that he was indeed different from the usual children in Gotham. He didn't wear a jacket, but a half-new turtleneck sweater with a comb. With a lid and glasses, he looks more like a nerd.

"I'm a tech worker, and I'm going to a vocational education school in Gotham, and Jason saved my life, so I'm going with him."

"I didn't save you so that you could repay me! You should leave quickly! I'm going to steal the tires. If you have any trouble, come at me!" Jason said loudly.

"Don't be like this Jason, I believe Batman is a good guy, I heard that he saved a dancer from a robbery, he should be happy to listen to our explanation..."

After speaking, Xiao Shuitou continued: "Not all children are as lucky as I am. They have a good craft to work for the gangsters and even go to school safely. Most of the children are under the hands of their 'parents'. , either selling cigarettes, begging, or doing some dirty work..."

"You stole my tires. I should have arrested you or taught you a lesson, but for the sake of you being children, I can let you go, but you must promise me a condition..."

Jason turned his head and glanced at the little slippery head. He touched the wound next to his mouth again and said, "I did it. What conditions, you can tell me."

"I want to know what's going on with the people who manipulate children to work for them? Who is that so-called boss? I hope you can help me investigate these things..."

"No drama." Jason shook his head and said, "The boss is very mysterious, not something we kids can see, and there are too many people doing this kind of thing. How do you want me to check?"

"I think you'll always find a way, don't you?"

"Your name is Jason, right? Listen, Jason..."

Batman looked Jason in the eyes and said, "Since you are willing to fight for the business of those children, and even willing to give money to help them, it shows that you are not bad by nature, and you are very loyal."

"You also know that this is not the way to go. When these children grow up, there will be another group. You can't protect them like this all the time. The only way is to thoroughly find out these people who manipulate them, and then find a way to deal with them. ."

Jason supported his forearm on his knee, lowered his head and said nothing, Batman continued: "Since you have heard of my name, you should know that I have fought a lot of criminals, but in this kind of thing Come on, I do need an assistant, after all, I'm not a child, so I can't participate in your group..."

"If I could make it, you and your kids would be better off, wouldn't they?"

Jason was silent for a while before saying, "Okay, but I have to listen to me about this matter. You can't do it recklessly, and you have to promise that whether you succeed or not, you can't trouble the two of us again."

Batman nodded, then he threw a cylindrical device to Jason, a small flashlight, and he said, "Press that button on the tail, and you can project a miniature bat light into the air, and when I see it, I will rush Come long press the button, and a communication that only I can receive will be sent to contact me in an emergency."

The little slicker looked down at the thing, and Batman said to him, "Don't think about taking it apart, you can't put it back together, if you can provide useful information, I can carry out an experiment in my southern suburban stronghold. The room is lent to you, there are a lot of good things in there..."

Slick and Jason looked at each other, then at Batman. They said in unison: "Okay, deal."

After Batman left, Jason said to the little slicker: "You better leave here, you don't have to get involved in this kind of thing, if I really want to help him investigate this matter, it will be very dangerous, those 'daddy' Mom's won't let me go."

"Batman is right, Jason." Little Slick's tone has always been calm, he said: "You said before, those 'parents' are getting more and more over the top recently, and they're starting to set higher goals. , ask for more money, and those who don’t get it will be punished more severely, and it goes on like this. Those kids are definitely not going to survive, and we really have to stop this.”

Jason frowned and said, "Actually, I thought about it too, isn't it a little weird?"

"I haven't heard of any changes to this system since I started hanging out on the street, but recently it seems to be getting more and more excessive. Could it be that something happened to the big boss that made him so anxious to squeeze this system. Group of children?"

"Not only that." Xiao Shuitou touched his chin and said, "When I was in vocational school, I met the parents of those students, that is, those gang bosses, and I heard from their chat that the recent situation in Gotham gangs Unstable, the Twelve Houses on the top floor seem to be in a commotion..."

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