American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 291: Descend a great responsibility to the people of this country (Part 1)

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"Willpower is actually a very broad concept. It can be simply summed up as the quality that people make up their minds for a certain goal and can mobilize all emotions and thoughts to achieve this determination." Schiller's voice echoed in an empty voice. In the theater, although he was talking about some boring concepts, the cadence of his tone made people listen.

"This concept also involves other aspects, such as self-control, mental stability, coherence of thinking and concentration, etc..."

"Batman lacks all of the above. He has a very fast speed of determination, a strong focus on the goal, a smooth thinking to analyze the pros and cons of the goal, and the perseverance to implement the goal to the end, but even if he can do To all these, it is only the category of ordinary people, and the real power of willpower does not stop there."

"It is difficult for a person to believe in a completely unattainable goal, and to work persistently towards this goal, for example, almost no one believes that they have four eyes, and no one really thinks that their head is square, because It's some kind of obvious fact, even if they've thought about what it's going to look like if that happens, for example, you can try to think about it..."

Soon, Victor had two more eyes on his forehead, and he said, "Is that so?"

"Yes, thanks to your rich imagination, but I'm telling you, you don't have four eyes."

With a "bang", the two extra eyes on Victor's forehead disappeared again, he was stunned for a moment, and Schiller explained to him: "This is the wrestling in a dream, you imagine that you have four eyes, And I tell you you didn't, at a certain moment, your imagination was broken, so the corresponding form in the dream disappeared."

"Because you fundamentally know that you only have two eyes in the real world, and the vast majority of people are like that. They may have dreamed that they have four eyes in their dreams, but when they wake up, they will only have four eyes. With a smirk, I feel like I really had a ridiculous dream."

"But if you really believe that you have four eyes, then what I just said you don't have will be invalid, and you will still have four eyes."

"Conversely, you can do the same to me, like you can say that my head is not a globe..."

Victor took a deep breath, concentrated, and said to Schiller: "Your head is not a globe, and no human head can be a globe, you know that..."

But Schiller didn't change anything. The globe on his head was still slowly spinning. Victor asked him with his arms in his arms, "So, do you really believe that your head is a globe?"

"Yes, in layman's terms, I hypnotized myself to make myself believe in things that are impossible to happen at all, which will make you more powerful in your dreams."

"In other words, this is a battle between upright and reversed. I firmly believe that being slashed by a knife will not hurt, but you firmly believe that slashing with a knife will cause harm. When our two ideas conflict, what do you believe in? Things are real in reality, because in reality, cutting someone with a knife will hurt and make the other party bleed, and what I believe is almost impossible..."

"When you are in upright position, it is easy to believe in something that conforms to your common sense and memory, but for me in reversed position, it is very difficult to believe in something that goes against common sense and memory, so if you are now Conjuring up a knife and slashing at me, attacking is easy, defense is very difficult."

"Like what happened to Batman right now."

When his words fell, the play on the stage had just started.

Batman, who has used the gray lamp ring, of course knows the rules of the dream world, that is, "what you believe in can come true" and "believe is what you get", but now he is dealing with Schiller's will, and he is facing Schiller. The embarrassing situation just mentioned.

He closed his eyes and whispered: "...I now have a bat dart in my hand, it is non-reflective carbon black with a sharp blade..."

At the same time, Schiller's voice also sounded: "...No, you were rushed out of the house by the murderous killer, and you didn't have time to bring your weapon, even if you just got out of bed, you should be wearing pajamas instead of bat suits... "

With that said, the bat dart that was condensing in Batman's hand disappeared, and the tights and cape that belonged to him were slowly turning into silk pajamas. Bruce closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm wearing a bat suit. , because I'm Batman..."

The bat armor on him slowly changed back. At the junction of the silk pajamas and the batsuit, there was an invisible force fighting, but in the end, maybe it was Bruce's last sentence that worked, and the batsuit slowly covered his body. However, the black cloak disappeared.

He looked back at him, his face a little ugly.

According to common sense, Batman's willpower is invincible, especially after he said the words "because I am Batman", no matter how powerful the attack will go around him.

But there are many reasons why the current Batman can't do this. The first is because he is young. It may not make sense to say this. You can make a comparison. Peter Parker, the Spiderman of Marvel next door, is 17 years old this year. Just got his driver's license not long ago, and now Batman Bruce Wayne is 19 years old, just a sophomore, Bruce is only two years older than Peter.

Comparing the styles of these two people, it will be found that although Batman looks two centuries older than Spiderman, this does not hide the fact that Bruce is still in his teenage years, and human mental development will grow with age. More and more mature, and the bat cub, who has just debuted for a year, is still far from the level of the steel bat master later.

Another more important reason is that Schiller reminded him before not to waste energy in vain, that is because Schiller knew that the set of thinking devices that Bruce designed for him to wake up from a dream was very energy-intensive. Insufficient energy will lead to distraction. This is a limitation of the human body. Even Schiller is not immune to this. After using Flash continuously, he will also feel lack of concentration.

Batman has just activated the emergency wake-up device repeatedly, as if the continuous flashing reaches the limit and will continue to flash. Now Batman is shrouded in a negative state of continuous severe headache, and he can still concentrate and manifest Bat darts are already very powerful.

Batman took a deep breath, he felt that his spirit had been overdrawn to the limit, and now, as long as he took a step outside the gate of Wayne Manor, four weapons with deadly rays of light would attack him, almost Block off all dead ends, so that he can't escape.

He firmly believed that he would not be injured, and could only play a little role in one or two of the weapons, but with so many murderous murderers coming together, Batman, who was in poor condition, could not resist at all.

The reset function after failure also forced him to be in repeated encounters. He couldn't return to Wayne Manor to make a perfect plan. As we all know, encounters are one of Batman's biggest weaknesses.

After about a dozen more attempts, Batman only made a little progress. He found that among the four murderers, if he had to find a soft persimmon, it would be the one with the chainsaw.

With a severe headache, he reluctantly controlled his body, first rolled to the right, dodging the swinging machete, and then quickly moved from the right to the left, avoiding the iron claws on the wall.

At this time, the chainsaw killer on the left is still starting his chainsaw, and using the chainsaw requires the waist to exert force and the body to lean back, which will cause his center of gravity to shift a bit, and Batman lowers his center of gravity. , swept over with one leg, and the murderer with the chainsaw fell to the ground.

Batman doesn't know why the killer's weapon is a chainsaw. In his opinion, the chainsaw is not a good weapon, it takes too long to activate, and sometimes blocks the line of sight.

Batman found that these murderers are also different. This one with a chainsaw seems to have insufficient fighting skills. When facing Batman's extremely fast lower plate attack, he doesn't know how to dodge. That hand is an iron claw. The red monster, the thinnest of them all, can teleport.

Both the white-faced man and the hockey-masked man are tall, wielding weapons extremely fast, and have defenses against fighting skills, but the difference is that the white-faced killer's own background music gives Batman a kind of Nervousness and anxiety, and that hockey-masked burly man is powerful and immune to pain and injury.

After reluctantly trying a few more times, Batman's field of vision began to darken, the consciousness space began to collapse, and then he fell into a coma.

When he woke up again, Bruce felt that his headache was about to split, but he still endured the discomfort, activated the early warning measures, and found that he had indeed returned to reality.

For some reason, he began to feel a little fortunate that the self-protection mechanism of the human brain makes people forcibly fall into a coma after excessive If he opened his eyes now and saw those monsters standing at the door again, He wasn't sure if his willpower could support him to fight back.

Bruce took a deep breath. He was just about to lie down on the bed for a while to recover his energy when he heard a rush of phone ringing. Telephone.

Gordon's slightly anxious voice sounded at the other end, he said: "The head of the Lawrence family is dead, the Twelve family has started to riot, Batman, Gotham needs you."

Bruce said to him, "I'll be right there."

Gordon was taken aback by his extremely hoarse and tired voice, and he asked, "Are you all right? Why does it sound a bit..."

"I'm fine." After speaking, he was about to hang up when he heard Gordon's exclamation: "Oh! God! Why is that lunatic on TV again?"

"Batman, come here quickly, that lunatic with clown makeup has hijacked the TV station again! The devil knows what he's up to!"

Then, through the phone, Batman heard the Joker's voice on Gordon's TV: "Batman! I have a big surprise for you!! Hahahaha!!!"

At this moment, a siren in his upstairs room went off, and he had to climb up the second floor again and pick up the wrist guards in the bat suit. Amidst the loud noise, Jason's slightly immature voice came from inside. Come: "Batman, are you there? We're stuck, can you come over?"

"I'm stuck, what's going on?"

Then came the little slicker's voice. He said, "Someone was after us. We hid. It's safe now, but there's nothing here. Can you come over as soon as possible?"

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