American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 382: 3 Detective (Part 2)

"At the beginning, I was a little puzzled. Why was it so coincidentally, when I was calling with Tsula, he encountered an attack? Unless someone wants to lead us." Stark said lowly.

"Coincidentally, we just arrived at the moment he started, and then he heard him shouting the" Heidera ". Even if the nine -headed snake was stupid, they were a spy organization after all. There was no spy. After the organization sent killers to kill, they had to let witnesses know who did it. "

Steve also frowned deeply, and he said: "It seems a bit strange, but it may be a coincidence, and what puzzles me even more is that the difficulty for us to deal with Hydra has suddenly increased, and this matter is even more difficult. suspicious."

"They are forcing us to unite, because if we are together often, he can better stir up our emotions, and then turn us against each other, and finally start a war."

Speaking of which, several humans had chills on their backs, Steve slowly closed his eyes, he exhaled, leaned on the back of the chair, as if he had lost all strength, he said: " guys Do you know how that World War started? "

Everyone was silent. Obviously, this is not a question. Anyone can think of it. Even if the cause is written in the textbook, it looks like a conspiracy.

"There is still room for war between ordinary people, but there is no between us. Once the war starts, not only New York, the country, the mainland, and even the earth may suffer extremely serious injuries." Steve showed a sad expression, a sad expression, a sad expression,, Steve showed a sad expression. Obviously thought of something.

"Hive... Hydra..." Stark closed his eyes slightly, but the exposed part contained a sharp light, and on his tired face, the light in his eyes was brighter.

Suddenly, Steve stood up. He looked down at his uniform full of scars and dust, and the shield that was no longer polished because of a war. stark.

Stark's armor is no longer as clean as new, the original shiny metal has been scratched with various traces, some parts are still smoking, and there is a bloodstain on one side of his temple, which seems to be when he fell. bruised.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other quietly, and both felt absurd by the other's disgraced gesture.

Steve wiped his face, looked at his arm again, and said, "If this is the result of our two big fights..."

He took a deep breath and shook his head, and then said, "I'm glad that this kind of thing happened in this state. Both of us were still alive, there was no short of arms and legs, no blood was blood, no standings could not stand up, and I couldn't stand up. …”

Steve leaned down, as if he wanted to lift Stark up, but Stark turned over and avoided Steve's shadow with a somewhat embarrassed posture, then slowly got up from the ground, staggering. After a few moments, he stood opposite him.

When the two of them were face -to -face, they saw the same beliefs and flames in each other's eyes. Stark still raised his head high, lowered his eyes, and looked at Steve with the lower part of his eyes. He said, " I think I won, but I won't be proud of this. "

"We almost put a planet into ruins. If I woke up from my dream now, I saw such a earth ..." Stark trembled when he gasped, and his tail sound turned sharply: "I don't even know that it should be time How to get revenge for it, because we are doing it yourself. "

"I used to do my best to prevent such things from happening." Steve pouted and said, "There are many people like me, not only do my best, but also give my life. happened,"

"If they really intend to do this..." Stark raised his voice: "Then I will tell them with actions that they have the wrong person."

Steve looked into his eyes and was silent, then Stark raised his smoking arm, paused in mid-air, and thumped Steve on the shoulder.

Both exhausted men fell.

The sound of them falling to the ground was a bit dull, like a sudden thunderstorm in the never-ending night and heavy rain.

In addition to thunder, there is a bright light like dawn.

The picture of the projection screen is set at this moment. In the Temple of Schiller, Schiller wearing a black long trench coat slowly said, "Perhaps, this is the difference between your world and Gotham. On the rainy night, there are also lightning that scratches the sky and brings light. "

"I often think that Iron Man and Batman are a little like." Schiller in a white coat said, but then he shook his head and said, "But Batman has no US captain, or even if he has it, he will never be Like Stark just, he punch him. "

"I have finished talking with that lunatic plan, right now?" Schiller, who had a black trench coat, turned to look at himself. Schiller of the white coat looked at the ceiling and said, "What are you talking about? Can't understand."

"We are alone, are you still going to deceive yourself? Or let me make it clearer, how did T'Challa get attacked?"

"Of course it's Hydra's conspiracy." Schiller in white said with a smile, he paused and added: "Of course, I provided a little help, really only a little."

"Why are you dealing with Hydra? Don't tell me you're a good man with justice and want to help the Avengers deal with their worst enemy."

"Of course not. Remember the first time I went to S.H.I.E.L.D. for psychological counseling?"

"Remember, all the agents avoid you, but that's normal. Is it because of this that you hate them?"

"No, they don't come to do psychological counseling, I am happy, but did you forget? They broke the smoke alarm device in my office and almost drizzled with me. At that time, I didn't have an umbrella."

The projection screen lit up again. In the office of the Akam Sanatorium, Schiller was holding a small device. He put a manual on his hand and a mess of messy parts.

While dismantling the smoke alarm device awkwardly, he whispered to himself: "It seems that someone has installed other infrared sensors in it, allowing them to control the smoke alarms in every room at any time. ""

Having said that he took off one of the parts a little violent and put it in his hand, but saw nothing, and then threw it to the table, and the smoke alarm in his hand was completely thorough Sanda.

Schiller turned around, pulled out a box of the same type of smoke alerts from under the desk, and then threw the that was damaged into the trash can. There were seven or eight smoke warning wreckage in it. None of them are very serene.

After the box of the same type of smoke was completed, Schiller finally got a simple conclusion that it could no longer be simply. The incident of the siren going off suddenly and water spraying was either an accident or someone was behind the scenes.

In the next two days, Schiller's figures frequently shuttled in the Aegis Bureau, sometimes smoking with Natasha while chatting, sometimes eating with Cordson in the cafeteria, and sometimes talking with Nick in his office. Learning related questions ...

And in the middle of the evening, Schiller returned to the nursing home, and then wrote a name on a medical record - "Grant Ward".

A few days later, there was an extra series of names on this medical record. A arrow was drawn next to Grant Ward's name, pointing to John Gered, and next to the name of John Gered, painted An arrow pointed to Alexander Pierce.

"There is no hatred with Pierce. He is willing to be a nine -headed snake, but whoever lets him leave the Aegis Bureau, in order to strengthen his control, even the smoke alarm device will not be let go. The remote control system to control the siren? Also left the system to Garrett, and a remote control to Ward…”

The white coat on the chair shrugged and said, "I know I am not popular, but this is not the reason why they intend to dake me into a soup chicken. At that time Is it? "

Schiller, who was dressed in black, turned to look at him, and the two showed a heart-to-heart smile. He said, "When I don't have an umbrella, no one wants to rain."

White coat Schiller leaned on the chair and looked straight ahead. His tone was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Working at S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me the opportunity to get in touch with Pierce. One day, I visited him and wanted to discuss a business with him, which was about Zhenjin."

"At that time, he didn't know that the new material melt steel was about to be born. Except for us, no one knew the news. After I disclosed the news to him, he immediately realized the business opportunities, because melt steel will replace the steel instead of replacement Zhen Jin. "

"This means that if the Wakanda people know the news, the price of Zhenjin will definitely dive, and they will be anxious to sell the Jinjin in their hands to achieve the impact of the new materials."

"As expected, Pierce contacted Eric, the leader of the second largest tribe in Wakanda, and he sent Claw to contact Eric, but Eric lion opened his mouth, which is not surprising, he wanted to make enough money at once. And then shake the rule of Techara. "

"At this time, I gave Pierce another suggestion. Instead of using the information gap to acquire Zhenjin in advance, it is better to help Eric take the position, disrupt the situation in Wakanda, and then manipulate it, you know, like every coup in Africa. That way."

"Actually, without me reminding, Pierce also thought of this, but the reason why he didn't do it immediately was because he had doubts about Eric's loyalty. To my disappointment, he didn't have strong brainwashing methods. In the end, I still have to come. "

"I used crazy wine to sneak into Eric's subconscious and gave him a hint. Of course, he himself has deep malice towards T'Challa. What I did more was to let him say the right thing at the right time. if."

"That toxin..."

"You are familiar with it. Didn't you just take it out of Constantine's body? According to Constantine, the cursed soul is also a rare thing in that world, and of course no one has seen it in this world."

After hearing that, Schiller in the black trench coat adjusted his posture and leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair. He said, "It seems that the three of us have worked together to accomplish a major event this time."

"In terms of the order of actions, you want to take revenge on the Hydra, so you planned the assassination of T'Challa, which led to the Hive Hydra, which broke my umbrella, so I planned the alien civil war event, and finally, That lunatic and the rain from another world put a perfect end to everything."

Schiller in the white coat leaned forward, picked up the wine glass from the coffee table in front of him, and poured a glass of wine for himself and the other Looking from the back of the sofa, the two wine glasses were touching each other. Together, the foam that collided with the wine rose slowly, and the room unfolded like a box.

A large hand held a green-haired building block figure and placed it in the center of the room. The building block figure's head was a cylinder and his hands were C-shaped.

A green-haired figure lowered his head and looked at the three building blocks in the box who looked exactly the same, only with different clothes and hair colors, and said with a smile:

"We're really three detectives, right?"

------off topic-----

In fact, it is still three / detective

the **** of neurosis



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