American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 389: Outrageous stitching (middle)

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With a "click", the door handle was twisted, and Stark was stunned for a moment when he stepped in. When I woke up again, I found that in front of me was the rippling lake water.

Stark found himself in a small boat with the oar in his hand... wait, in hand?

Stark looked down at his hand. He was surprised to find that it no longer had the previous ravines and lines on it, but became very delicate, like returning to his childhood.

Stark looked down and saw that he was wearing a black robe, but the size was not right. He stood up and found that he had indeed returned to his childhood, and his body had changed back to about 10 years old.

"What are you doing? Sit down and row the boat!" A voice sounded behind him, and he turned back to find another child dressed in the same way as he was waving to him.

"Rowing? Why row?" Stark looked at him and asked.

The student in the back sighed and said, "Can't you see the castle in front? That's our school, and we have to row there!"

"School?" The moment Stark turned his head, the scene behind him froze.

Bright lights are reflected on the rippling lake surface, and looking up, a huge and magnificent castle stands in the distance, and the moonlight reflected on the lake floats with the lake water, like a flag waving on the gate of a fantasy world.

Stark stared at the castle a little dull, the light shining in his brown eyes, like the fire of a dream rekindled for the twilight sunset.

"It's beautiful, right?" exclaimed the classmate behind him. "I've seen it in my dreams several times since I received the admission letter."

Stark sat down slowly, he held the oars in his hands, and started rowing, until the boat came to the shore, and many children in black robes like him were driven off the boat like ducks. Then he was led up the steps by a tall figure.

Stepping into the brightly lit auditorium, Stark looked up and saw the endless starry sky and floating candles above his head. All the children like him raised their heads blankly, looking at this incomparably wonderful and beautiful scene.

At this time, a man who also wore a black robe but looked like a teacher came over and kept shouting: "All line up! Be careful! Don't bump into the people next to you!"

Stark was squeezed into the crowd and followed their movements. Because he disembarked earlier, he kept walking in the front row. At this time, he happened to see the male teacher who came to organize the team.

He was wearing a wide black robe and a pair of glasses with a round frame, and there seemed to be a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Stark felt a little strange when he heard someone call the professor, because the teacher looked very young, Not the age to be a professor.

He wanted to ask, but at this time, the person sitting in the front seat of the auditorium tapped the cup with a spoon. Stark looked up and was stunned by the shining light of the candle.

He heard the whispers of the people next to him: "Is that the principal? He is so young."

"Yeah, I heard that he used to be a professor of herbal medicine, and only recently became the new principal."

"Shh, don't make a sound, the sorting is about to begin!"

"Separation? What is that?" Stark turned to ask the person next to him, and the student next to him blinked and said, "Are your parents also Muggles? But it's not even the precautions on the admission letter. Didn't you see it?"

"There are four houses in this school. Which house you will enter will be decided by a sorting hat. I want to go to Gryffindor the most, how about you?"

"Four colleges? Are they any different?"

"Well, it's hard for me to say, but I heard that Gryffindor is the best college. Many famous wizards come from there. The representative animal there is the lion. I especially like the lion..."

Stark listened to the student ramble about a lot of things about the four colleges. He turned around again, looked around at the scene, and found that the real details here were not like a dream at all.

If this is really a dream, it must be a beautiful dream. Stark looked at his palm. There were no lines brought by the years on it, only young and energetic life, beating in the tender blood vessels.

What are you doing at your age?

Stark thought, it wasn't going to boarding school with these kids anyway, and he remembered being in Howard's lab, fiddling with the mechanical parts, taking some toys apart and putting them back together.

Stark speculated in his mind that Schiller spent his childhood in boarding school? Does this represent some kind of recollection of his, or is it the reason for the formation of a certain personality?

Just thinking about it, he heard that the young male teacher was standing next to a seat, holding a list in his hand and calling out his name. Every time a name was read out, a student in a black robe hurried from there. ran up and sat down on the chair.

The male teacher would pick up a hat and put it on his head, and to Stark's astonishment, the hat would speak.

Well, this is a dream, and it's not surprising what happens in a dream, right? While Stark was thinking this way, he heard the hat suddenly shout out loudly: "Hufflepuff!"

Stark was startled by the sharp voice, and many students were like him, and there was a burst of whispers, which seemed to be discussing the Hufflepuff Academy.

After listening for a while, Stark found that they seemed to call their names according to their surnames. It should take a while for him to turn. After all, surnames starting with S should be listed in the lower part.

But there were not many students waiting in the entire auditorium, so it was Stark's turn soon, and he heard the male teacher standing in front calling out his full name: "Anthony Stark!"

Stark stepped forward curiously and sat on the chair. The moment the gray hat fell on his head, he felt an electric shock.

"oh oh……"

He heard a dramatic, slightly comical voice in his head: "Another genius little brain, let me see..."

"Hey, wait! ... What is this? What is this? Oh my God! What's going on in your head?!

! "

"...Little Tony, did you know? The teacher standing next to you used to be an Auror at the Ministry of Magic, and an elite Auror. If I screamed, he would arrest you immediately!"

"Look in your head!" said the Sorting Hat suddenly, raising his voice. "It's full of Muggle lore! Too much... God, are your brains made of machines? Need some lube? "

"Why do you talk so much?" Stark asked in his head.

The Sorting Hat was silent, as if he had never seen such a straightforward student. After a while, he said, "Which college do you want to go to?"

Just as Stark was about to speak, he heard the hat say to himself: "If I don't assign you to Ravenclaw, it will really damage my reputation, but in fact, I am also in you. I saw the courage of Gryffindor and the kindness of Hufflepuff in my heart, where do you want to go?"

I hesitated for a moment, and he said, "I heard Gryffindor is the best house, is that so?"

"No, no, it's just one of the most famous colleges. There is no good or bad college in this school, only whether it is suitable for you."

"You think Ravenclaw is a good fit for me?"

"The founders there once had a very famous adage - 'Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind'."

"I choose Ravenclaw." Stark said without hesitation.

"Okay!" The Sorting Hat raised his voice again, but this time, instead of calling out the name directly, he gave a long attribution:

"There is a fortunate academy that will once again welcome an extraordinary genius, and that is—"

Everyone below cheered, shouting the name of their house, as if anticipating the arrival of the next celebrity, when the Sorting Hat shouted: "Wisdom belongs to Ravenclaw!"

When Stark got off his chair, the male teacher standing beside him smiled at him, and when he walked back to his seat, the seniors and seniors greeted him and said to him, "You will like it here. Yes, we have the best common rooms and libraries, and the best brains."

The candlelight began to flicker, and the lively atmosphere continued. In the brightly lit auditorium, laughter and laughter continued. When Stark felt a little tired, they returned to their lounge under the leadership of the seniors.

Stark has never been to this kind of boarding school, but he has also heard rumors about Catholic boarding schools. He thought it would be a very strict school, and everyone would do things according to the Bible. , but soon, he discovered that the magic of this school is far more than that.

"This is the door of the common room. I think you should have seen it. Have you seen this knocker? It is our guardian. You must answer the questions that the knocker asks you to enter the lounge."

The senior standing at the front raised her head high and said, "The Sorting Hat recognizes your wisdom, but every year, many little fools are locked out because they can't answer the question. I think, You don't want that to be yours."

"Today, I will demonstrate it once, and then you will open the door yourself."

Stark didn't feel much shocked when he heard the door knocker speak. He used the reason of "this is a dream" to convince himself to accept all the unreasonable things aside After all this, he thought it was all quite interesting. After all, it was rare to see such a scene answering the door knocker's question in a serious manner.

Walking into the lounge, Stark was a little surprised by the gorgeousness here, not because he had no knowledge, but because he had never seen this style before, and it was more like a scene that would appear in a novel or movie.

The blue satin slides down the wall, the bookshelves are placed in rows against the wall, and the large curved floor-to-ceiling windows let the moonlight shine on the blue carpet, everything looks wonderful and beautiful.

In this way, Stark had a dream in a dream, dreaming that he went to school, listened to lectures, and did homework like an ordinary person. These things that he thought were boring and a complete waste of time, were replaced by the school's After some style infection, it became wonderful.

When the morning light shone in his bedroom and Stark sat up from the bed, he felt a long-lost relaxation, and his slightly monotonous childhood brought back some different memories, although he knew very well that it was just a It's just a dream, but a long-lost dream can still make people feel happy.

Unfortunately, this happy mood only lasted until the beginning of the first class, when Stark heard the teacher on the stage say:

"As we all know, the first class of the school is a spell class. Here, you will be taught how to use a wand to cast spells. Of course, in the first grade, we learned the simplest spells."

"Those powerful magics that have been widely praised, you have 7 years to learn them slowly."

"So now, get your wands out..."

Stark froze at the table.


magic? ? ?

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