American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 395: What are the benefits of krypton gold (middle)

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In the biological laboratory in the Stark Building, Peter was staring at a pile of hay on his desk in a daze. Connors came over and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why are you always in a daze lately?"

"Also, what are these? Didn't I warn you not to get all that junk into the lab?"

"It's not trash, I'm doing an experiment..."

"Oh? What experiment?" Connors asked while taking off his gloves. Peter stared at the messy hay in front of him and said, "I was in... er, in a dream, Seeing them use some strange materials with magic to brew magical potions."

"Some can make people unconscious immediately, and some can cure a cold immediately. I heard from the teacher there that some potions can make people lucky and even prolong their life."

"I'm thinking, there are materials in reality, and magic in reality, so why can't we brew such a potion?"

Connors pushed his glasses and said, "Peter, it's good to be imaginative."

With that said, he came over, fiddled with the hay that Peter had made, and said, "But you can't expect these things to turn into those magical potions in your mouth out of thin air. Even if there is magic, I don't think it will work."

"Yes, I also found out. I asked Mr. Stark to use his magic energy core to output power to these things, but they didn't respond at all."

"Mr. Stark said that magic also seems to be about something... Affinity? If it weren't for special materials, magic wouldn't react with them."

Peter put his hand on the table, resting his cheek with his hand, and said, "It seems that I think things are too simple. No matter how wonderful a dream is, it is still a dream. When it comes to reality, there are too many problems."

Seeing Peter's disappointed look, Connors walked over, sat next to him, and looked at the hay together. He didn't laugh at Peter, but said very seriously: "If you have this idea, you should think more about it. Rather than blaming yourself for the lack of success, it's too peculiar to wonder if there are other ways to do it."

"Think about it. When the famous scientists first proposed their own ideas, they were also regarded as whimsical by ordinary people, and they were even mocked in various ways, saying that they were dreaming."

"But in the end, they really turned the dream into a reality, and also created today's human scientific community. Greatness always originates from a seemingly impossible joke, doesn't it?"

Peter turned to look at Connors, but Connors stood up and said, "Peter, I said before, your genius brain can change the world more than saving the world as Spider-Man."

"Although I often say that you are not just Spider-Man, but Spider-Man is also you, Peter is Spider-Man, and Spider-Man is Peter."

"You are willing to put in all kinds of efforts to save the citizens of New York City, patrol New York every day, train your fighting skills, join a superhero squad, complete all kinds of missions..."

"If you put that willpower into the realization of your ideas, maybe you'll make amazing progress as well?"

After finishing speaking, Connors left. Peter sat alone in front of the experimental bench and looked at the thin and sloppy hay. He muttered to himself in a low voice: "Peter is Spider-Man, Spider-Man is Peter... …”

At noon, in the dining room of the Stark Building, Schiller and Stark were sitting at the same table to eat. Schiller looked up halfway through the meal and found Stark staring at his plate. He asked, "What's the matter? ?"

Then he also glanced at Stark's plate, which was full of food, and asked, "Why don't you eat your own? Why are you looking at my plate?"

Looking at the mess of food on Schiller's plate, Stark sighed and said, "It really relieved me, you know? My heart was hanging when you were just picking up the beef patty."

"What happened to the beef patty? Because of the recent mad cow disease rumors in the west?"

"Of course not, do you still remember your other personality? He always moves a round thing around when he eats. To be honest, I can only judge which personality you are based on this characteristic. "

"No wonder you unblocked me from the Stark Tower restaurant..."

"Are you going to empty the Stark Building again? I tell you, it's impossible. In order to prevent this from happening again, I have prepared more food than you can imagine!"

Schiller cut up the beef patty and took a bite, and said, "Oh, really? I didn't intend to do this, but when you say it, it makes me a little curious, can I still come here for dinner? By the way. Take Peter and the yellow-haired rat."

"No!" Stark refused. He tapped the plate with a fork and said, "Seriously, what's going on with that personality? Who are you and him..."

"What would you think if I said that neither of us is the main character?"

Stark's eating stopped, with the fork still in his mouth, he just froze there, after a while, he sighed and said, "If it was before, I might be a little shocked, But since these few nights, I've been dreaming playing that game called Magic Academy in your mind hall, I think it's normal."

"How's your game progress? I haven't had time to watch it recently. Would you like a brand new gift pack?"

"No need!" Stark refused again, and he took stock one by one: "I participated in a reading club in Ravenclaw and got the best score in every class test. Recently, I I am very interested in alchemy, but unfortunately there is no corresponding course in the school."

"You should be most familiar with Peter's situation. He did well in Potions class and played Quidditch very well. He was born to fly around in the air. I heard that he was the most promising ball hunter this year. hand."

"Steve became a batsman, but I think he should be a goalie more, he's got a great reputation at Hufflepuff, you know, that's it, helpful..."

"As for Strange, I don't really understand the academy called Slytherin. It feels like a group of crazy lunatics getting together to study some dark conspiracy, but Strange seems to have a good chat with them. ."

"Steve and I just wanted to have a good dream. After all, going to a magic school like a castle is better than dreaming and being chased, but it seems that Peter and Strange have their own way of this world. idea."

"Peter is interested in potions, Strange is interested in wands, and I bet they'll be working on both of those things in reality."

"Do you think they can make it?" Schiller asked.

"There will be many difficulties at first." Stark, as a very mature scientist, judged: "Whether it is a potion or a wand, in reality, it seems like a whimsical, but I believe that in the end there will be A good one, because many scientific advances originate from the whims."

Stark lowered his head and fiddled with the food on the plate, and said, "Many people think that the most important thing to be a scientist is a rigorous style of work. Scientists and scholars in the eyes of the public are the kind of nerds."

"But in fact, the most important thing in this industry is creativity. Sometimes, some unwarranted associations that seem like daydreams happen to be the key to making significant progress."

"If you don't even have the guts to think, then you will lose the most precious quality of human beings."

At this moment, Stark's cell phone rang suddenly, and he heard Peter's slightly excited voice on the other end of the phone. He said, "Mr. Stark! Come here, you can't believe what I found!"

After Stark put down the phone and pressed a few keys, Schiller looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going to give him that magic energy to play with?"

"I believe in Peter's ability, and I believe he won't mess with that thing." After speaking, Stark stood up, then turned his head, rolled his eyelids up and down and glanced at Schiller and said, "Although I know you can only twist light bulbs, But do you want to come and see?"

When the two appeared in the laboratory together, they saw that Peter was holding a flower pot, but the flower pot was bare and nothing was planted. When the three of them got together, they all looked down at the flower pot. Stark asked, "So, what are you going to show me?"

"Oh, I forgot, it hasn't grown yet!" Peter put down the flower pot, and then brought a small transparent bag from the side with something like seeds in it, and he said, "Mr. Stark, I used the magic energy core you gave me to do magic radiation experiments on these seeds, and found that they did produce some changes."

"I don't know why magic doesn't work on flowers that have grown, but works on seeds..."

"Because of the difference in concept." A voice suddenly appeared in the laboratory, the portal opened in mid-air, and Strange landed. He pointed at Peter and said, "We have an idea."

"The concept that the seed represents in magic is very complex. It not only represents a new birth, but also represents germination, germination and hope. From a higher level, it represents the beginning state of all life, which in magic is of special significance."

Stark waved his hand, made a somewhat impatient expression, and said, "It's here again, it's that mysterious concept again."

He looked at Strange and asked, "Seeds have concepts, but flowers don't exist?"

Strange shook his head and said, "It depends on which concept is used by more people in the universe. Obviously, concepts such as rebirth, hope, and light are more in line with orderly creatures, and these concepts are extracted from the origin of the universe. After it came out, it had a bigger impact on the entire universe."

"And what you said about flowers, trees, etc. may also have an impact, but they are relatively small. You don't want to hear the specific principles, but in short, this is a concept similar to rules."

Strange turned his head and looked at the small flower pot that Peter had just put on the table. He stepped forward, picked up the flower pot, looked at Peter and asked, "Have you planted the seeds? "

" What is the flower?"

"Sunflowers, because the nearby flower shop happened to have seeds, so I bought some."

At this time, Strange suddenly took out a somewhat strange gem in his hand, and he said, "Now, let's speed it up a little and see what it can grow..."

As he said that, the brilliance of magic lit up from his hands and spread directly to the flowerpot. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, a tender bud burst out of the ground, and in a flash, a small sunflower seedling grew.

"So... where are the sunflowers?" Stark asked, his hands on his hips, staring at the flower pot.

"I can't accelerate too much, otherwise there will be some unpredictable dangers, but even if there are no flowers, a lot of problems can be seen."

"Ah..." Strange sighed and said, "You may not see it, there are indeed some very weak magical powers surrounding it, but they are all concentrated at the root, and the upper half is completely absent..."

"Why is that?" Peter frowned and looked at the plant. He said, "Also, I didn't see any change in appearance. Obviously, the seeds have changed a lot, and they all glowed."

"Magic is not that simple." Strange shook his head and said, "We only have a preliminary idea. How to realize it, I am afraid there is still a long way to go."

At this time, another voice sounded again: "Have you considered the problem of the plants themselves? Herbs and woody plants are different, and angiosperms and gymnosperms are also different..."

Connors walked into the laboratory, turned and closed the door, Strange glanced at Connors. He glanced at the small flower pot in his hand again and said:

"Pro is here."

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