American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 400: Except for snakes, all are poisonous (Part 1)

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To say that the most serious disease that the United States suffered from after World War II was allergies. They were allergic to many objects, but one of the most serious ones was KGB allergy.

As the most powerful spy agency in the world, the KGB once had an incomparably brilliant record. This record is so brilliant that no matter whether it is in the United States or Europe, it is still talking about the Soviet Union's discoloration to this day.

For example, at that time, if you wanted to attack your political enemy and make up charges for him, then your best option was to report his tax problems, because if you investigate such problems, you will definitely have them.

And if you're going to actually kill him, not just biologically, but sociologically, then you have to say he's a KGB.

The situation gets interesting after Schiller asks Loki to hold the hammer Thor gave him, chase Madame Hydra around the world, and finally fall into the hands of the KGB.

If the whole world knows who in this world is most willing to shout about the stupid things the United States does, it must be the KGB.

Some people may think that this stupid thing refers to the development of Hydra for many years in the United States, but in fact, this stupid thing refers to Hydra infiltrating the United States, and the KGB infiltrating Hydra.

The stupidest thing about this matter is not that the United States did not discover that the KGB had infiltrated Hydra, but that the Hydras, who were Americans, helped a KGB and turned the U.S. financial system over.

It doesn't matter that Hydra is doing evil, infiltrating, establishing various secret bases, and conducting various illegal experiments in the United States. What matters is that they helped the KGB.

More importantly, in the end, it was wiped out by the KGB, and all this was made public.

If every country in the world became a human being capable of expressing its emotions, the laughter of the Far East would be deafening right now.

In the underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D., in the dim corridor, the light bulbs flickered on and off. Nick and the agents behind him walked through the long corridor to the door of an office, opened the door, and Natasha appeared inside. .

Nick turned his head and gave the people behind him a look, motioning them to go out first. After he closed the door, he sighed and said, "I think you already know how tense the situation is now, right?"

Natasha didn't have a nervous expression, she just nodded and said, "After I made that choice, I knew that I would no longer be trusted by any country or organization in this world."

"It's not that serious." Nick put his hands on his hips and sighed. Natasha crossed her arms, stared at him, moved her neck from side to side, and said, "I'm currently in the investigation period, so we're not going up and down for the time being. level."

"Nick, if you want me to say, there's no way you don't know how many Hydras there are in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Of course I do." Nick gave a very positive answer, he said: "But they work hard."

Nick seemed to have been holding back for a long time. He said helplessly: "They think their files are very meticulous, but in fact, many people have already exposed their identities when they are recruited."

"Then why do you still use them?"

"I don't need them, I use people who are only willing to work 8 hours a day, have weekends on Saturdays and Sundays, ask me to buy them the most expensive medical insurance, and even call the car's rearview mirror if it is scratched. Looking for local slackers reimbursed by the finance department?"

Seeing Natasha's slightly disgusting expression, Nick stretched out his hand and said, "I know, this sounds ruthless, but Natasha, we are S.H.I.E.L.D., a secret agency, you've seen Saturday and Sunday double Hugh's agent?"

Natasha pursed her lips and was a little speechless. Nick nodded slowly and said, "Seriously, I don't care if they are NAZI or KGB, as long as they can work."

"You sound like a borderless person."

Nick sighed and said, "The leaders of all the secret service organizations in this world can only be the Sans Frontieres."

"Do you think the CIA people don't know how many spies they have in their organization? The Russian translator at their headquarters goes back to Moscow 12 times a year, once a month to debrief, but they still give him leave."

"Because if they don't use him, other Russian translators make thousands of dollars an hour, and you don't know if he's going to sit in the KGB's office the next day and laugh at you after you've paid him thousands of dollars an hour. stingy."

Nick walked over to his office chair and said, "A lot of people think of espionage as guessing puzzles every day, but that's not the case."

"Where did someone come from and what did they do? Everyone knows it well. If you want to blatantly obtain information from me, you have to take the risk that the information you obtained was deliberately prepared by me. This is very fair. ,"

"Only by playing the opposite side can I know how many cards I will play. If we don't penetrate each other, what's the point of our existence? If there are no enemies, where will the funds come from?"

"The intelligence work all over the world is actually shooting in the void, do you understand? Natasha."

Nick made a gesture and said, "You sent spies to me, because you sent spies to me, so I will send spies to you, because I sent spies to you, and you will send spies to me. Spies, more than 17,000 agents of All S.H.I.E.L.D., that's how they came."

"When something happens, we can send back some of the bright cards they've shown, or use this excuse to get rid of some difficult people when nothing happens."

"The HYDRA capture and the repatriation of KGB operatives are already a quarterly activity, which shows that this quarter, I didn't get paid for nothing."

Natasha walked across from him, leaned against the wall, and said, "Then why are you investigating Hydra now? Wouldn't it be nice to keep them working for you?"

"The problem is, the KGB doesn't know what's going on, it has to stab it out." Nick put his hand to his head and said, "The people on Capitol Hill don't care if Hydra infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., what they care about is Did the KGB infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., or did they do more."

"Isn't that obvious? The Internal Revenue Service, the Treasury Department, and Capitol Hill are all infiltrated into a sieve. Why are they coming to you if they don't find their own reasons?"

Nick sighed again, and you could even see the very obvious wrinkles on his dark face, and said, "The KGB is not ours, but the Hydra is ours."

"I want to push this to the CIA, and the CIA wants to push this to me."

Natasha frowned, looked at Nick and said, "You haven't scolded the CIA? It's impossible, right? Didn't they always have nothing to do with you?"

"The high-level Hydra was chased around the world, and there are witnesses in all countries. We are embarrassed."

"The gentlemen on Capitol Hill claim that SHIELD's poor work caused this situation, so we must be responsible for solving the problem."

"Simply put, they pull sideways."

"But..." Nick suddenly changed the conversation. He said, "Pierce came to me, and we made a deal."

Natasha's eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes to look at Nick, and said, "Wait, isn't he a Hydra? He was chased by Stark and hid, you are so blatant with Hydra Snake cooperation?"

"In every minute and every second of my tenure as Director of SHIELD, I have blatantly cooperated with Hydra."

Natasha was speechless, and Nick tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Don't you get it? They want to kill Hydra? Fart!"

"Their purpose is to control S.H.I.E.L.D. Before, some Hydra agents inside S.H.I.E.L.D. were transferred out, which caused us to be a little short of manpower. Recently, I am recruiting people. Maybe this action stimulated them again. This balance-hand mentality has retaken the high ground."

"Balance, balance...they always say these words, whether I send out some hydras in response to the pressure, or I really rush to chase after those hydras' tail bites, it's weakening S.H.I.E.L.D. Cohesion."

Nick said with emphasis: "You have to admit, no matter what the status of my agents, whether they are Hydra, KGB or real S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, S.H.I.E.L.D. can function normally, and its efficiency is not low."

"They are forcing me to break the healthy ecology of S.H.I.E.L.D., divide us, and break them one by one."

Natasha pressed her slender fingers against her eyebrows and said, "Listen to what you said just now..."

"A S.H.I.E.L.D. full of 'healthy' KGB hydras, Congress wants to 'divide' you from HYDRA and the KGB, and you are trying to unite the suspected KGB HYDRA and want to defuse This situation..."

"Nick, you know what? If I were really a KGB agent, I'd call Moscow right now and ask if you're one of the long-sleeping agents, don't you think you're a little…"

After finishing speaking, Natasha lowered her head and said with a sneer, "Why am I not a KGB? Otherwise, you can at least get me a medal if you reverse your achievements."

Nick spread his hands, then shrugged again, and said, "I'm a black man, and I don't have the severe allergies that you have. I'm not allergic to anything except no funding."

"Okay, I take back what I just said. As far as I know, KGB spies who can lurk in your position are often the ones who don't accept money, and don't even want to give money."

"They are people of faith, but the era of talking about faith has passed." Nick took out a pack of cigarettes from his clothes, took out one of them, lit it, put it in his mouth, and said with narrowed eyes:

"I will clear Pierce's identity, let him get rid of Stark's entanglement, return to his job, and mediate for us in the World Security At the same time, he will provide me with a batch of Agent Hydra, let me use it for business."

"He provided you with a Hydra agent? Isn't he a Hydra himself? He sold the interests of his organization to fulfill you?"

"How is that possible." Nick threw the pack of cigarettes to Natasha, Natasha pulled one out of it and lit it, and the smoke drifted from between the red lips.

Nick continued: "As I said, there are many different factions of Hydra, and Pierce is not selling his own forces. It can also help him fight his opponents by the way. Why not do it?"

Natasha took a deep breath, then exhaled, and said, "As you said, the era of talking about doctrines has passed, and now you are going to talk about business, so what are you doing with me?"

"I said I thought you were a KGB, and I came to get information from you, do you believe it?"

"You said you wanted to soak me, but I believed it more."

"Come on, I'm not Hawkeye." Nick shook the ash in his hand and said, "Just grabbing some Hydras for business will not solve the fundamental problem. I hope the KGB can find something for the idle people in Congress. Do it."

Natasha's fingers stiffened. She looked at Nick and said, "Don't you want me to contact the KGB?"

"If I remember correctly, you should be able to speak Russian." Nick held his cigarette and looked at the female agent. Looking at Natasha's slightly stiff expression, Nick said as a matter of course: "Don't expect me to find another hourly salary. Thousands of dollars in Russian translation, you're only under investigation, not fired."

"Since you still have the job and you get paid, you have to work. Now, Mrs. Romanoff, go to great work."

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