American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 416: Metropolis Doubt (2)

"From this station, since the news of the death of former MI6 agent Harold King Philby was reported in Moscow on May 11, Philby's remains were officially closed yesterday."

"Moscow once again rejected the family's request to transfer the remains, and it has been confirmed that Philby will be buried in Moscow before January this year..."

"It is reported that MI6 is noncommittal about Moscow's actions. They may be ashamed of the name Kim Philby. The Times reporter has unilaterally contacted a senior MI6 operations chief, but the other party refused to I am willing to reveal my identity, just to say that there is a deeper conspiracy about Moscow's seizure of the deposit Philby's body..."

"Next, we will bring you the life of Harold King Philby, the legendary life of an MI6 double agent..."

With a "click", the radio made a waiting tone of "Zi La", and Merkel, who was cleaning the table with a duster, turned to Schiller, who was reading the newspaper at the dining table, and said, "Sir, it's time for the Gotham morning news, sir. Want to help you switch channels?"

Schiller turned the page of the newspaper and said without looking up, "Okay, by the way, turn up the volume a little bit, I can't hear well."

When the radio was turned on again, the familiar voice of the hostess of Gotham Morning News came from inside:

"Mayor Brown visited Green Street at 6 a.m. this morning and was deeply concerned about the snowstorm and the traffic problems caused by the snowstorm. He said that even the poorest and most chaotic Eastside, and even the densely populated living hell, should not Abandoned..."

"Transportation has always been the focus of his governance of the city. In the past few months, his work has achieved remarkable results. Although this snow disaster has added another heavy burden to Gotham's traffic, no disaster can bring down a strong Gotham. Citizens..."

Seeing Schiller turning the newspaper faster and faster, Merkel turned the button on the radio with her hand again, and the voice of another male host came from inside.

"City News, recently, the security situation in the Metropolis has been questioned. There is no trace of the new serial killer, and the efficiency of the Metropolitan Police Department has been criticized..."

"The chief of the police department said that during his 23 years in office, the security situation in the Metropolis has been very good. The police department will do its best to detect this case in the shortest time..."

"This serial murder case is extremely cruel, killing many people in a short period of time, including several important staff of the mayor..."

"The murderer's techniques are sophisticated, and the murder process is extremely cruel. There are currently six victims..."

Seeing Schiller's hand slowly turning over the newspaper, Merkel stopped cleaning the table, turned around and turned up the volume of the radio, but as a result, a pleasant music came from this channel, and then, Another host's voice sounded:

"Insert an emergency newsletter. Due to the unoptimistic weather conditions in major cities on the east coast, Mr. White, the new mayor of the Metropolis, will hold a disaster relief charity dinner at the Metropolitan Mayor's Residence at 9 o'clock tonight..."

"This dinner will invite celebrities from major cities on the east coast to participate. I hope they can use their reputation to bring new hope to ordinary people in the cities on the east coast..."

"Mr. Mayor said that this is just a sense of social responsibility that a qualified mayor should have. Whether it is a metropolis or other east coasts, cities, darkness is temporary, and light will eventually come..."

Merkel watched Schiller's expression, walked to the radio, turned it off, and Schiller closed the newspaper in his hand, folded it, and put it aside.

Merkel walked over and put away the newspaper. Schiller picked up the cutlery and began to eat, as if he was not interested in the news that had just been played on the radio. When the meal was coming to an end, he started his daily chat:

Schiller asked Merkel: "Are you from London?"

"No sir, my hometown is in Birmingham, but when I was in secondary school my parents came to work in London and we settled in London."

"Did you go to high school in London?"

"I studied in Birmingham for a year and then went to London."

"How are your grades? It should be good, right?"

Merkel smiled modestly, and said, "It's actually not bad, but it's not at the forefront. Compared with my peers, I have no talent, no musical instrument, and I don't know much about Latin."

"Did you go to grammar school?"

"Yes, but the kids in grammar school are very versatile these days, I really don't have any artistic skills..."

While we were talking, the mailbox downstairs rang again, Schiller frowned, Merkel turned around, walked to the window, and saw a newsboy waiting beside the mailbox.

After Merkel walked downstairs, she carried another kraft paper bag in her hand, which contained freshly baked lye bread. Merkel handed the kraft paper bag to the newsboy, and the newsboy tucked it into her arms and handed it directly to Merkel. Kerr letter.

This was the first time Merkel came across Schiller's personal letter during his work. He looked at the wax seal above and found that it was a sign he did not recognize.

A few minutes later, Schiller sat on the table in his study and opened the letter with a letter opener. He used the letter opener to slowly open the wax seal, and after opening the envelope, there was a very common old-fashioned letter on it. wrote:

"Dear Professor Schiller Rodriguez, I would like to express my congratulations upon hearing that you have been honored for your recent academic achievements."

"We sincerely invite you to participate in a charity dinner on joint disaster relief in East Coast cities..."

Schiller frowned, looking at the words above, and when his eyes fell on the signature column, his frown deepened.

Slowly folding the letter, Schiller seemed to be thinking about something, and Merkel, who was waiting on the side, heard Schiller slowly say: "What is the means of transportation to the Metropolis now?"

Merkel paused, seemingly without thinking about the issue. He turned his head slightly to look at the snow outside the window and said, "I'm afraid any vehicle that runs on the ground will not work."

Seeing Schiller's frown, Merkel lowered her head and said, "I'll contact the helicopter company right away..."

Such morning chats often happen in English manors, and Wayne Manor is no exception. When Selena stepped into the manor wearing a thick woolen coat, the fireplace was already on fire, and the old housekeeper took her coat , hanging on the hanger, Selena stroked her hair lightly and said:

"The road conditions are terrible, right? I heard that it wasn't just Gotham that was hit by the snowstorm. Several cities on the east coast didn't escape. Of course, the southern cities were better, but they also welcomed A cold snap I haven't seen in decades."

"Yes, Mr. Bruce has already planned to go to a charity dinner, and he should invite you to be his girlfriend later."

"Oh?" Selena's eyes widened in surprise. As she walked in, she looked at Alfred next to her and said, "Then how should I respond better? I have never received such an invitation."

"You just have to express your sympathy for ordinary citizens and say you are more than happy to go."

"Okay." Selena pulled her long hair behind her ears and said nervously, "When is the charity gala? What image should I participate in? What should I say?"

Alfred led Selena to the dining table. Bruce, who hadn't slept all night, didn't look tired. Instead, Dick seemed a little lost. Selena saw that there was a stranger. Sitting at the dining table, she nodded to each other, then looked at Bruce and asked, "Don't you want to introduce me?"

"This is Hal."

After he finished speaking, Bruce was silent again, and Hal could only introduce himself: "Hello, my name is Hal Jordan... No, I am not related to that star, so I can't get his autograph..."

Selena looked a little disappointed. After speaking, she looked at Dick, who was covered in green light. Dick shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's very complicated, and it's hard to explain to you. Anyway, I'm green with Christmas now. Elves are the same."

Seeing Dick's deteriorating face, Selena couldn't help laughing. She hugged Elsa next to her and fed her something to eat. After a while, Bruce finally said:

"Tonight there is a charity dinner for the East Coast United Disaster Relief in the Metropolis. I need to attend. I hope you can be my girlfriend, how?"

Selena straightened her back and moved her neck, but the sympathetic words of sympathy remained unspoken. She just said, "Okay, of course, but I don't know what to do..."

"Later, the clothing consultant I made will come to the door and customize the dress and jewelry for you."

"After the dinner party starts, you just need to walk into the banquet hall with me, and then do nothing, if someone asks you to chat, you repeat how terrible this disaster is, how many ordinary people it has affected, and you feel very sympathetic That's it."

Selena sighed. She has accompanied Bruce to some parties for the past few Most of the time, she has to wear a smirk that makes her facial muscles stiff, Chat with those ladies and hear them compliment their gorgeous dresses and precious jewelry, God knows how much she wants to pick the gems off their necklaces...

After speaking, Bruce turned to look at Dick again. Dick scratched his head and said, "I feel better now. I admit, I was a little scared when my body started to glow at first..."

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"However, after I calmed down, this power seemed to calm down, at least during the few hours I was sleeping, it didn't take me to teleport anymore."

"I think you can try to maintain this state until all the green light energy is exhausted." Hal said: "You don't have to worry, during this time, I will keep watching you."

Dick stretched out his hand, looked at the ring, and said, "I'll give it back to you, it's so ugly."

After the meal, the clothing consultant that Bruce had reserved arrived as scheduled, and Selena asked, "Bruce, I heard an entrepreneur's speech on the radio before I came this morning. Name, seems to be the biggest entrepreneur in the metropolis..."

"The host said he was the most famous philanthropist, is that true?"

Bruce was sitting on the sofa with an envelope in his hand. He opened the envelope, looked at the letter in his hand, and said without looking up, "You can change the word 'charity' to 'tax avoidance' in what he said. '."

Selena shook her head, as if she didn't understand what Bruce meant. Bruce frowned. He looked at the letter in his hand, and there was a familiar name written at the signature—"Laonel Luthor ".

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