American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 430: Metropolis Doubt (16)

With a "snap", the gun in Lex's hand was shot out, and the tip of the umbrella was against his eyebrows. He took two steps back and raised his hands to look at Schiller, who was doing it.

Selena rolled and grabbed the pistol that Schiller had thrown out. She raised the pistol, but for a moment she didn't know who to aim at.

Selena must be on Bruce's side, but Schiller was the one who had a conflict with Bruce before, so she should aim at Schiller with a gun.

But Schiller is also Gotham and Bruce's teacher. The two of them just quarreled and didn't make a move. Lex shot at Bruce, so she turned to aim at Lex again,

"Above the Sky"

However, Lex, who had lost his pistol, was just a young man with no power to hold his hands. In terms of threat, Schiller was more of a threat. Selena stood there hesitating for a long time, the muzzle dangling, and finally It was Bruce who stepped forward and pressed down Selena's arm.

Now, everyone on the field is a little confused. In their opinion, Lex's behavior is illogical at all. He is from the Metropolis and has never participated in Gotham's love-hate relationship. Even if he has met Bruce before, he will No grudge against him, why did he shoot?

In addition, his previous attack on Benjamin made him look like a lunatic who would attack anyone at any time. Just as Lex was about to say something, Schiller stretched his umbrella forward and said with narrowed eyes. : "Go back."

He is very vigilant about Lex because he knows in his heart that in the comics, Lex has a very high intelligence and is one of the smartest people in the entire DC world. This kind of person is the hardest to deal with, you never know Is there any deeper meaning behind some of his actions?

"Professor, I..."

"Shut up." Schiller interrupted him very succinctly. The best way to deal with such a smart person is to not listen, see or feel, and not give him any chance to deceive people.

At this time, Bruce also stepped forward and said, "Professor Schiller, I just want to ask..."

"You too." Schiller didn't move his hand, but turned to look at Bruce and said.

After he finished speaking, he slowly put down his umbrella, then turned around. Before leaving, he looked back at Benjamin, who was still lying on the ground, and Leonel, who was already dead. As he walked out the door, he said:

"Please clean up here, I'm going back to sleep."

After he finished speaking, he left, and only Lex and Bruce looked at each other, Lex sighed deeply and said, "Well, it seems that he really lost his memory."

Bruce heard a lot of inexplicable emotions from his words. He looked at Lex and said, "How did you know that?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Obviously, Lex was very dissatisfied with Bruce. He cursed in a low voice, walked to Leonel's body, dragged him by the arm, and dragged him into the bathroom with great difficulty.

After he came out of the bathroom, he said, "You get that annoying agent here too, and I'll go get some tools in the warehouse downstairs."

"What do you want to do?" Bruce asked, watching his movements.

"I'm going to deal with this place, otherwise, do you want to let these two corpses lie here overnight until they are discovered by other agents?"

Lex complained in a low voice as he walked out the door: "The sewer system in this old manor must be very poor. If it handles two people at a time, it may be blocked..."

Bruce didn't drag Benjamin away, but turned him over and started to press him. Lex saw his movements and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? What if you wake him up? "

"I just want to wake him up." Bruce replied without looking up, "I have to ask him for useful information, and he was sent by the CIA to the Metropolis to track down spies. Chief, he can't die."

Lex stood behind him, watched his movements, spread his hands and said, "Okay, as you wish."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, Bruce continued what he was doing, but continued: "I'm sorry, Mr. Luther, you can't leave either, you'd better stay here until I get the information I want. ."

Lex didn't want to listen to him at all, he didn't stop his steps, but soon, he heard the "click" sound of the virtual trigger, Selena pointed the gun to his head, Lex turned around Body, disdainfully "snorted".

"You know what? It's a waste of my life to say a word to you idiots who can only use guns."

"Wayne, the Wayne Group you own is just an industry inherited from your parents, and the entire Luther Group is so strong because of my decision."

"What? It's better to have a better relationship with that professor and make you feel like his best student?"

"Maybe, he's also complaining in private that you're an idiot, and he favors you only because he doesn't have a better candidate, but soon he'll know that he and I are the same people."

Lex sneered at Bruce as he walked back: "Pretending to be a playboy, on the surface, on the surface, he is lavishing and drinking, but in private he manages the industry under his own name, making you feel like a genius who condescends and pretends to be an ordinary person."

"But you are actually an ordinary person, and you are nothing in front of a true genius..."

Bruce stood up from Benjamin, stepped over Benjamin's body, came to Lex, looked him in the eyes and said, "That professor taught me a lot, but the most important one is..."

Bruce deliberately dragged his voice for a long time, and just when Lex concentrated to listen to his later text, with a "bang", Lex was knocked to the ground by Bruce's fist, and Bruce looked down at him and said: " Although words are powerful, sometimes fists are a way to solve problems."

Lex lay on the ground without any intention of moving. The red hair covered his eyes, making it impossible to see the thick sarcasm in his eyes. Bruce looked at his face and suddenly said, "Root number 39 What is the 10th place after the square root?"

"3." Lex replied almost without thinking.

"Where's the root number 235?"


Lex stood up from the ground, he wiped the blood from under his nose, bared his teeth, looked at Bruce, and asked, "What is the 15th decimal place after the square root of 659?"

"1." Bruce Bruce replied immediately.

The question and answer between the two did not stop at all. Selena, who was on the sidelines, didn't realize what was going on, and a series of mathematical formulas spit out from their mouths.

Although Selena couldn't understand the content of their question and answer, it didn't prevent her from seeing that the two seemed to be competing.

She looked down at the pistol in her hand, curled her lips helplessly, turned and sat down on the sofa next to her, and said to herself, "Ha, a man's competitive spirit."

As she said that, she glanced over there again and said, "How long will they stay there? Half an hour should be the limit, right?"

Two hours later, Selena, who was obsessed with Huhu, got up from the table, shook her numb arm vigorously, and glanced at the blizzard and the dark sky outside the window.

She squinted and looked at the watch hanging on the wall next to her, it was 6 am.

Selena covered her forehead with her hand, then turned her head. Sure enough, Bruce and Lex were still in the center of the room.

Oh, no, now the two of them are no longer standing, but moved a chair and moved a table, and the table is still piled with all kinds of scratch paper.

Selena stretched out her hand, rubbed her temples vigorously, stood up from the sofa like a corpse, stretched her waist fiercely, and yawned.

She glanced at the two men over there, turned her head back, and walked towards the door of the reception room with a blank face. Bruce and Lex didn't notice her at all, not even the gun she left on the table. I don't care either.

Selena came to the corridor, which was very quiet at this time.

I don't know why, even though Benjamin disappeared overnight, no agents came over. Or, some agents came over, but they were solved by Bruce and Lex. Selena didn't see any agents in the corridor, so She started walking downstairs.

Came to the banquet hall, walked to the side, turned a corner, and came to the warehouse area behind the manor. Selena found the monitoring room here, but she didn't really want to come to the monitoring room, but just wanted to find a phone. .

Fortunately, the monitoring room also had a phone that could contact the guest room. Selena picked up the phone and dialed a number, and Schiller's distressed voice came from the other end.

"Professor?...Ah, no! Don't be mad!...Oh, well, I know, I get mad when I don't sleep well, but there's a real problem here that may need you to fix..."

"But...but it may be a big trouble, do you want to listen to it and then..."

Just saying this, Selena looked at the phone in her hand, there was a busy tone after being hung up, Selena pursed her lips, and finally said in a low voice: "Forget it, it shouldn't be. What's going to happen?"

After speaking, she took the stairs upstairs, ready to go back to her room to sleep.

Selena is a very orthodox Gotham from the bottom, and she has not received any professional education. She has absolutely no chance of going to school or studying. She can read and read newspapers, and has surpassed many people from the bottom of Gotham. You can't expect one. People who have never been to school understand complex mathematics and physics.

At the same time, Selena is also a talented player. Her IQ is actually not very high, and she relies more on intuition. Therefore, she can't understand, when two super geniuses on the same level meet, in the end they can wipe out What a spark.

At this time, Schiller was sleeping in the guest room, and the service phone of the guest room was still in his hand. From his frowning, it could be seen that he had just fallen asleep after being woken up by Selena.

In the Hall of Thought, Schiller was painting the new room at the top of the tower. While he was painting the walls, he heard Yemengarde's voice: "No, no orange, it's too ugly!"

"My beautiful scales are all made of dark green and I can only accept blue and purple at most, warm colors are too incongruous here."

"Don't you know the principle of complementary colors?" Schiller said while painting the wall: "And your dark green doesn't match the overall decoration style of my hall of thinking."

"No! Stop brushing! This orange is too bright, I hate such bright colors!"

"The combination of dark green and silver is too old-fashioned... oh, I forgot, you are an old snake, how long have you lived? 3000 years? 5000 years? I should not question your aesthetics, in your At that time, maybe it was quite fashionable..."

"I'm not old!

! When Odin threw me to earth, I was a little snake, I was sleeping, and that doesn't count as age!


Yemengarde started yelling, and Schiller tapped the wall with the paint brush in his hand and said, "Just talk, don't move, this room is almost finished, I..."

Speaking of this, Schiller felt the floor under his feet shake, and Schiller raised his voice a little angrily: "Yemengard..."

At this moment, a huge snake head stretched out, and Yemengarde's huge vertical boys exuded a faint light, and a hazy white mist shrouded both sides of his cheeks. He said, "It's not me, it's your dream, wake up soon. now..."

Schiller threw the paint brush on the floor and said, "Better not let me know who is disturbing my sleep again..."

"Bang! Bang! Boom!" The floor shook violently, Schiller woke up instantly, and then he realized that this was not the hallucination he had in the dream, but the floor really shook.

He sat up from the bed, picked up his umbrella and walked out the door, then heard screams from the corridor:

"The reception room exploded!

Put out the fire! Put out the fire! "

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