American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 484: Code Emerald (Part 1)

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In the flashing green light headquarters' core center, Hal sat quietly in front of the screen, watching the information.

Just now, his ring reminded him that he can download the information he needs into his ring and invoke the green light energy at any time to transmit them into his brain.

But Hal didn't press the confirm button.

From birth to growing up, Hal felt that he was a good person, although he was not the kind of Virgin who always thinks about others and doesn't care about his own feelings at all times. However, the belief in helping the weak and saving people in the midst of water and fire has always been engraved in his bones.

From childhood to adulthood, many people have accepted his help. He has rescued children who fell into the water, stopped robbers on the street, and helped beggars on the streets when he was not rich. He is not The Virgin of Purdue is just an ordinary good person with a conscience.

Therefore, when faced with many important choices, he will also feel hesitant and hesitant.

In his view, the earth is his hometown, there is everything he loves, and he should devote all his efforts to protect the earth.

During the period when he first became Green Lantern, because of the excitement of just acquiring superpowers, he was enthusiastic, so he sent a lot of information to Green Lantern's network. When he came back to his senses, he also discovered this. abnormal, so began to feel a little guilty.

So, when Schiller approached him, hoping that he could cooperate with the plan and get some energy from the green light, he agreed.

As Green Lantern, he knows better than Schiller that Green Lantern energy is not a non-renewable energy source. Even if Schiller empties half of the Green Lantern headquarters' energy, as long as the time is long enough, the energy will slowly rise back up.

But now, standing in front of the confidential information of the core center, Hal realized that what Schiller wanted was far more than energy.

He wants the entire Green Lantern Corps.

It was only now that Hal was able to sort out the context of everything.

In the beginning, Schiller asked Hal to go to the Green Lantern Corps for help, and brought back a team as much as possible, just to let these Green Lanterns see the dangers of Gotham and be trapped here.

When they are in a quagmire and their energy is about to run out, they will definitely choose to ask for help.

In this way, most of the fighting forces in the headquarters will be mobilized to Gotham. After they arrive, Schiller will use some other methods to shoot them all down, and then let all the Green Lanterns, including the commander of the Green Lantern Corps. , all in danger of being wiped out.

At this time, Hal is standing up, turning the tide, helping the building fall, and saving everyone from water and fire.

This is equivalent to that Schillera has brought countless powerful supporting roles, but in the end it is only to set off the protagonist Hal and give him a huge credit.

This credit will not only allow him to directly pass the Green Lantern's novice stage and become a full-fledged Lantern, but also allow him to step up the ranks in the Green Lantern Corps, directly bypassing the long process of accumulating military merits, going abroad for further studies, etc., and stepping forward. core.

Thinking of this, Hal sighed in his heart. He thought of what Alfred said in the mayor's manor.

"When we need to put a spy in a high position, we generally do three things."

"One, destabilizing the area, leaving most of the people in the upper echelons busy quelling the chaos."

"Second, let other agents create some troubles, and only the spy has the spare power to settle these troubles and provide him with an opportunity to ascend."

"Third, take advantage of the chaos to kill one or several important figures in the high-level positions, so that there are vacancies in positions and make room for him."

"Finally, we no longer need to use tough means to get them to accept the spy's upper position, but go with the flow."

"If this time is not successful, then we will wait for the next opportunity. In a large organization with complex personnel relationships, there will always be such an opportunity, so that we can put the right people in the right position."

It suddenly dawned on him, and what seemed absurd to him, was that Alfred had told him the answer long before all this had begun.

Everything Schiller has done has traces to follow, or, in their field, these are the same theorems as mathematical formulas, which have been practiced, improved, summarized, and condensed into essence by countless people.

Hal didn't know if the Green Lanterns would do the same, but there's no doubt that Schiller's plan has worked.

And the only variable is his choice.

Hal sat in front of the table, watching the cool light of the screen reflected on the smooth table, the data flowed and the dots of light flickered on it, like a lake reflecting starlight.

He knew that the reason why Schiller didn't tell him all this in advance was to give him a chance to choose.

Hal didn't understand why Schiller did this, and why he tied the fruits of so much human and material resources to his single thought.

Can he really make such an important decision? Can he really be expected to choose the future of Earth?

Batman has the same question.

In the manor, he still sat on the sofa with his back straight and refused to let his back touch the back of the sofa at all. He asked:

"Actually, you can do all this by yourself, you also have a green light ring, you are also a member of the light troupe, your acting skills and abilities are better than that of the man named Hal, and more importantly, you will definitely choose Earth. "

"Why are you so sure?" Schiller asked rhetorically.

"Because if it weren't for that, you wouldn't be planning this."

Batman's answer is the perfect correct answer. Schiller took so much effort and went around in such a big circle to promote Hal because he hoped that someone could control the Green Lantern Corps and let the Green Lantern Corps stand on the side of the earth. .

But Batman's question is also very reasonable. Schiller can do all this by himself. He can plan such a big event by himself, let himself be the protagonist, and make his debut when all the Green Lanterns are beaten down. Become a hero who saves them from trouble, then embrace the crowd and step into the power core of the Green Lantern Corps.

Batman also has no doubt that Schiller will do better, although Schiller often says that he is just an ordinary person, when facing Hal, he will also say that Hal is the strongest willpower in the world Man, he's nowhere near as good as Hal.

But the way he does things is doomed, he doesn't need such a strong force, on the contrary, the tricks of intrigue and intrigue are more important.

Batman felt that if Schiller succeeded in getting into the leadership core of the Green Lantern Corps, then soon, Ou Axing would become the Earth Ball.

"Batman, I think, as I told you before, you're a little too efficient, too goal-oriented, to the point that you sometimes ignore the spin-off."

Schiller put the wine glass down, and then explained: "Indeed, if I play it myself, it will be much more efficient, and I don't even need to direct the play, I just need to follow the normal process, report to Ou Axing, train, and then very quickly. Quickly, you can climb to the top of the Green Lantern Corps."

"But if that's the case, I'm still me. For me, it's just a mission, it's not honed, and it's boring. I'm already on the side of the earth, and this matter won't let me What has changed."

"But Hal is different. Although he is still very young, he has unlimited potential. More importantly, he has not been brainwashed by the green light's so-called belief in peace and justice, and there is still room for transformation."

"Since you can take this opportunity to train a **** pie on the side of the earth, why not?"

Constantine on the other side of the sofa asked again: "The question is, how can you be so sure that Hal will choose Earth? Even if he is an Earthling, Green Lantern's ability is so strong without paying a price. What if he is tempted? ?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be in the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps now, and he may be finding some confidential information, but he believed so much in the Green Lantern Corps' rhetoric before, why would he suddenly change his position?"

Schiller smiled, took the wine bottle and poured it for himself, watching the golden liquid slowly flow into the glass, he said calmly: "Don't tell me, you think you were born perfect. "

"Of course I..." Konstantin was about to admit it when he saw Batman squinting at him, the words reached his lips, and he swallowed them back.

To cover up the embarrassment, Constantine coughed twice, then said, "Well, even if we weren't born perfect, what do you want to say?"

"I would say we can give him a little time and when he realises what the essence of the problem is, he will stand with his compatriots more firmly than anyone."

"The essence of the problem..." Batman trailed off slightly, which was unusual, apparently because he had something in his mind, and said, "I remember the last time you told a story, not long after the universe was born. , a group of races called Guardians of the Universe appeared..."

"Yes, I remember, I should have told you that they are an intelligent race, although many times they are not so intelligent."

Batman seemed to understand something, he said: "No intelligent creature can be absolutely altruistic."

"To a certain extent, the smarter, the more self-interested, this sentence is correct, because smart people can more clearly analyze the pros and cons of a certain and then at the least cost, get greatest achievement."

"However, doing justice, maintaining peace, and helping the weak are all things that involve a lot of investment but little fruit."

"A lot of people call heroes who are willing to do these things 'dumbs' because their actions do seem silly."

"Spending one's own money, energy, and time on the weak who should have nothing to do with them doesn't meet the requirements of venture capital theory at all."

"Because it's not an investment in itself," Batman replied. "If you want something in return, don't be a hero."

This made Konstantin look sideways, he paused, shrugged, and said as if to himself: "Well, you are all heroes, only I'm a sucker... I'm a sucker. , I just want to reciprocate."

"Of course..." Schiller changed the conversation: "Although this spirit is admirable, complete hardship is not worth advocating, and rewards can inspire heroes to exert more power, so my job is to Behind this great spirit, let’s talk about something practical…”

"It's too far." Schiller took a sip of wine and said, "I don't need to do anything to induce Hal to reject the other party, because what that group of people represents has never been justice, and it's not just at all."

"There is no real justice in the universe, only power, and since everyone is a power, I hope that we are stronger."

In the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, Hal did not press the confirmation button in the end. He just stood up, stared at everything on the Oua star in front of the window, then turned around and left the core center.

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