American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 503: I bloom in the slaughter (below)

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Mark, who was driving the car, hesitated, as if he wanted to ask him what happened when he lost consciousness, and where the so-called important item beetle went, but when Schiller fell silent, the whole atmosphere froze, Instinct told Mark that it would be better for him to keep quiet now.

In the dark rainy night, an equally dark car with only weak reflections galloped across the road with splashes of water.

Between high-rise buildings, the speeding car is like a bullet that has just been discharged from the barrel, with a "squeak" sound, the brake sound is extremely harsh at high speed, and the tires leave black marks on the ground. In front of the Sanctuary of Wall Street in New York, Nata Sarah got out of the car.

"Bang!" Natasha closed the car door and walked quickly into the gate of the Holy of Holies. Looking from the street, on the dimly lit street, only this place was brightly lit.

Completely different from the silence outside, the sanctuary was so lively that even standing in the reception area of ​​the lobby on the first floor, you could hear the noise upstairs.

The female receptionist behind the desk showed a gentle smile. Before Natasha could show her credentials, she nodded and said, "Hello, Supreme Mage is waiting for you on the third floor."

Natasha also nodded and walked quickly towards the stairs. Just as she reached the corner of the first floor, a red ribbon floated down and turned into an arrow, guiding her up.

When passing through the stairwell on the second floor, Natasha glanced inside. At this time, the office area was bustling.

The phone flew up and down in the sky, flashing for a while, burning for a while, and a lot of terrifying demon phantoms floating above the head, it seemed that they were quarreling over the phone, and the direct projection came, Mortal Kombat.

The beautiful and dreamy magic glow floats between the chandeliers. The sound of books flipping and the rustling of the fireplace complement each other. The scenes that should be full of fantastic fantasy are often interspersed with "interest rates", "taxes", "" Member" and other out of place words.

Looking back, Natasha found that sound insulation magic seemed to be used here, and it seemed very quiet. After he walked in, Strange was leaning against the sofa and reading a book.

It was rare that he was not wearing a suit, but a robe with a red cloak behind him. The red ribbon that led the way flew back into his hand. Strange stretched out his hand and pointed to the opposite side of the coffee table. The sofa, Natasha walked over and sat down.

"I told you on the phone that our agents investigated that someone witnessed an unknown fire in Austria." Natasha took out a stack of photos from her handbag.

Strange took the photo and frowned. He said, "It's very interesting. It does look like the energy of a demon, but Germany and Austria don't have any decent gods..."

"Can you guess which Demon God it is?"

"The photo you took is too much of a lake. You can only see some white light, and the photo can't make me feel the occult factor. Although it may be possible to find out, it will take a certain amount of time."

"Schiller has been out of contact for more than 10 hours, you know what that means." Natasha said with a serious face.

"It means he must have made another big plan, and it doesn't seem like he's going to take us this time." Strange threw the photo on the table, and he became a little more serious, looked at Natasha and asked: "Except Is there any other clues to this kind of light?"

"We have already sent someone over, and there should be news soon." After Natasha finished speaking, she picked up the phone and dialed out. After a few busy calls, Natasha answered the phone and said:

"Hello? Yes, it's me, have you just arrived? How is the situation there? Are there any clues? ... What does it mean to be difficult to describe?"

Following the phone signal across thousands of miles, on the streets of a small Austrian town, Iron Man Stark looked down at the ravines and the chaotic dirty puddles, and said with some doubts: "There are no clues here, but there are everywhere. It's all clues."

"...No, I'm not talking about riddles, it's just that I don't know much about magic. Forget it, Strange, are you there? Just open the portal and come and see, by the way, take everyone from the Avengers Bring them all, this time things may be a little big."

Iron Man wearing a steel suit turned around at the scene of the incident. As he said, there are indeed many traces here, but most of them cannot be understood, because they are not caused by modern weapons, and they look like magic. traces left.

But this does not prevent Stark from being able to see that someone is fighting a fierce battle here, perhaps, more than one.

After a while, a portal appeared in the air, a group of people fell from the sky, and Strange finally came out.

Peter, who had just fallen to the ground, shouted: "You should really improve your portal skills! Every time I fall!"

"Should the portal be opened where the door should be?" Eric stood up with the knife in his hand, he looked at Strange and said angrily, "Your door will open on the third floor. In the air?"

"That's not bad, the height I opened the door was on the 5th floor." Strange said, and began to look down at the traces on the ground.

He first touched the dirty water on the ground lightly, but it was raining heavily, and the thick black water had been diluted a lot, and Strange didn't see any clues.

"What's going on here?" Steve, who raised his shield to cover the rain, walked to Stark, looked at the deepest ravine, and said, "It looks like it was gully out, you're sure it's Schiller moving hand?"

"This is the biggest problem. It doesn't look like Schiller's style at all. He can only hold a pen, not a knife." Stark said very firmly.

"Wait!" Strange said suddenly, he squatted on the edge of a shallow ravine, stretched out his hand, and touched some gravel from the edge of the puddle.

Touching further down, it seems to be some scattered sand, which has been soaked by the rain and is very wet, but Strange still found clues from it, he said: "Sand... Is it the Egyptian pantheon?"

"Ah, look at this!" cried Peter, too. "There was supposed to be a car here, but it just drove away!"

Peter pointed to a mark on the ground, Stark flew over, and then directly started the scan, he said, "Someone drove away from here, could it be Schiller?"

"Don't worry about it for now." Natasha pressed her earphones and said, "Follow this trajectory and catch up with them."

Just after the Avengers left, another group of figures came to the scene of the eucalyptus. The strangely dressed agent checked on the ground, then took out his mobile phone and called his leader.

"Mr. Sir, there is indeed a small-scale war here. The 'Doctor' should not lie to you, it may be S.H.I.E.L.D. or KGB..."

"Yes, these traces are not left by known conventional thermal weapons. Well, I will investigate their whereabouts as soon as possible. I know that I will do my best to protect the safety of the headquarters."

Soon, they also found traces of the car leaving, so the team of agents also began to chase.

The car that had already left the town started heading towards Germany. This town is located in western Austria, very close to Germany. Soon, the car came to the German-Austrian border.

This is a relatively desolate suburb, there are no people, only a lonely moon hangs high in the air, the rain never stops, and in the fine rain line, through the windshield, Mark can see that the moonlight in the sky begins flashing.


Mark slammed on the brakes hard, and his whole body was pushed against the steering wheel by the recoil. He rubbed his hit chest and looked at the huge figure standing in front of the car.

Kong Su, who was standing in front of the car, flickered for a moment, the hollow skeleton's eye sockets shimmered with a faint light, behind him was a dark night covered with rain, and the rain line was clearly visible in the faint light beside him, Mark shook his head vigorously, No matter how many times he watched it, this terrifying vision still made him feel frightened.

Kong Su opened his huge beak, leaving only a low voice that echoed on the empty road:

"Be careful, here they come..."

With a sound of "Katha", lightning struck the road not far away, and in the second the light lit up, Mark was sure that he had seen countless terrifying figures on both sides of the road.

But after everything returned to darkness, a group of human beings appeared in the light of the headlights. They were men and women, dressed in different clothes, but they all walked towards the car parked in the middle of the road.

Mark opened the car door and got out of the car, the group of people turned their eyes to him strangely, and one of them said, "Kongsu, we received a report, Amit said that you colluded with outside evil gods to cause killing, and go back to the court with us to accept it. Judge."

Mark's body stiffened for a moment, the blue veins on the side of his neck burst out, and then white light appeared in his eyes, and Kong Su's voice came out of his mouth:

"Amit is turning black and white. He first poured power into the human world uncontrollably, trying to get out of trouble. I'm just fighting back."

"But you found two evil believers and kidnapped Amit's believers. Have you forgotten the rules of the heaven?"

Mark turned his head stiffly and saw Arthur, who was picked up by Schiller and thrown into a coma in the back seat before, he paused and said, "Amit made his followers walk in the world and spread evil doctrines. Indiscriminately killing innocents, that is not a trial."

"We are not interested in the disputes between you in the field of belief, but according to the rules of the heavens, you must go back with us to be judged." One of the women said, her voice had a mysterious echo, as if it came from a far distance.

"The Twelve Pillars of Gods have long since decayed!" Kong Su's tone contained anger, he said: "You have long known what Amit did, but you abandoned human beings, asked for faith in vain, and did not grant blessings, then As you did thousands of years ago..."

"Staying away from human beings is the mercy of the gods to all beings." Another man said, his voice solemn and solemn, he said: "Anyway, you are still one of us, you should go back with us, and Amit Face to face..."

They were still speaking in ancient Egyptian, and Schiller was just sitting in the passenger seat of the car, watching it all through the windshield.

On a rainy night that is darker than night, there is a mysterious light in the eyes of everyone standing in front of the car, which is like the beginning of a classic horror movie.

But this weird atmosphere didn't last long, UU reading www. A golden meteor streaked across the sky, and with the sound of jets, Iron Man fell above the vehicle. He didn't know what the people here were doing, but he saw Schiller sitting in the car.

The Avengers arrived later, and then another convoy drove over from the other side of the road.

Steve, who had just stepped forward to investigate, narrowed his eyes, because the moment he turned off the high beams on the opposite side, he saw an old acquaintance sitting in the car - the Hydra leader Baron Zemo.

At this time, Stark, who came to the side of the car, simply opened the door of the cab, then sat in, turned to look at Schiller and asked, "What are you doing here? What's going on now?"

He saw that Schiller pushed open the car door and walked out. Under the watchful eyes of Captain America, Baron Zemo approached Schiller, and the two shook hands in front of the car. Baron Zemo said:

"Welcome back, doctor, long live Hydra."

Steve Tong Kong shrank suddenly, Iron Man rushed out, and the faces of the Avengers behind him showed disbelief, but at this moment, something even more shocking happened—

Schiller, who had just shaken hands with Baron Zemo, instantly raised his umbrella and waved, knocking Baron Zemo to the ground with a bang, stepping on his chest and piercing his throat with a knife.

In an instant, the umbrella opened, and the burst of blood stained the uniforms of Iron Man and Captain America, flowing down their bodies and dripping into puddles on the ground.

The surface of the dark red puddle reflected Schiller's jaw, his mouth opened, and the strange sound was hidden in the rain.

"Yesterday, they split in two..."

"Today, many are one."

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