American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 518: Schiller is probably crazy (middle)

Schiller, who was accustomed to this kind of nesting doll plan, didn't think there was anything wrong with his strategy, but the only problem was that from the perspective of a bystander, it was unlikely that anyone would be able to fully understand his series of twists and turns. around.

Now, looking at this plan again from the perspective of a bystander, it looks very much like that, for some reason, Schiller took the initiative to steal the moon from Mark after learning the secret of the Egyptian pantheon being able to resurrect believers. The identity of Pope Kongsu, after reaching a deal with Kongsu, used Amit's attack to commit suicide, and personally tested whether the secret of the resurrection of believers was true.

After discovering it was true, he directly interrupted the process with violence, robbed the ship, and went all the way to the heavens to ask the truth about the secret of the Underworld God.

Started again after getting the truth, trying to resurrect someone through various methods, and fell into madness after it didn't go well, or the wish finally failed.

small book booth

It has to be said that Schiller's behavior of constantly pressing the scales and yelling into the air is too much like a stimulated and crazy mental patient.

From the perspective of a bystander, isn't it obvious that because a wish that was wholeheartedly failed to be fulfilled, the spiritual support was lost, which led to emotional breakdown, and then fell into some hallucinations?

In addition, Stark and Steve had just walked through Schiller's spiritual hall and saw his childhood memories, so the logical chain of everything formed a closed loop.

Because of the tragedy of childhood, Schiller has been trying to find a way to revive his parents. After learning the secret of the resurrected believers in the Egyptian pantheon, he did not hesitate to commit suicide to gamble, but after his wish failed, he finally collapsed.

To be honest, after Stark and Steve figured it all out, they even thought that Schiller's death was acceptable.

At the moment of confirming Schiller's physical death, both of them felt a sense of absurdity, because it was too easy, and it simply did not look like Schiller should behave.

When it was confirmed that Schiller was not dead and his soul had not dissipated, they had a feeling that "it was not what I expected".

But when they speculated about what happened to Liler, they felt that their worst plan had actually turned into a better choice for Schiller.

Death or the collapse of the spiritual pillar, which one should you choose?

On this issue, Steve and Stark are surprisingly unanimous, and they would rather die than experience such disappointment and despair.

Judging from Schiller's suicide to test the secret, they knew how determined Schiller was to achieve all this, but after he paid such a high price, no miracle happened. It's like a bizarre and absurd dream.

It's like a person who takes his bones and sets up a stage, uses blood as a curtain, plucks out his heart as a corner, and does not hesitate to pay the price of his life to perform a play, but in the end, it is just a madman's self-deception before giving up hope completely.

It has to be said that compared with Schiller's extremely outrageous nesting doll plan, this angle is more common sense.

It can even be said that if you go to a normal mental hospital and analyze the conditions and causes of all patients, you will find that there are many patients with acquired mental illnesses. The underlying principle is actually despair after pouring too much hope.

Schiller's attitude towards his own plan was "you don't need to understand, just eat the ready-made ones", and Stark and Steve's attitude towards their own views was "I understand, I understand both." They were unwilling to explain, which caused a very subtle misunderstanding.

That is, Schiller is a profit-seeking, and everyone thinks that he is a lover.

Schiller didn't explain all his plans to Charles, so Stark and Steve took the lead. After they had some exchanges outside the door, Charles also felt that Stark and Steve This statement is reasonable.

Charles is also a psychologist, he understands the principle of human mental breakdown better, Schiller's situation is very typical, especially his current performance, irritable, excited, uncontrolled, and chasing unnecessary hallucinations, this is not Typical delusional schizophrenia?

In fact, if it’s just schizophrenia, it’s okay, but the problem is, Schiller has a split personality, and he’s split personality. Anxiety disorder triggered by too many phone calls, bipolar disorder caused by insomnia...

No one knows what kind of chemical reaction will occur after so many diseases are stacked together.

Inside the room, Schiller was still using that scale to fight against death, while outside the room, Steve held Charles' hand and said sincerely:

"Professor Charles, we really can only count on you."

Stark also sighed and said: "Not only because he is our friend, he is also very important to human civilization, and no one is better at exporting civilization to the universe."

He took a deep breath and said: "More often, he is providing us with inspiration and opening up a new way of thinking, but only if he remains rational and thinks calmly..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the door of the door. Schiller was still raising his head to speak to the invisible existence. Stark said:

"Even if he only acts as a guide, there will be no new plans from now on, and I don't want collapse and madness to be the end of such an unsung hero."

Charles and Steve both nodded, their definition of Schiller was indeed an unsung hero.

Don't care about the means by which he achieves his goals, let's just say whether his goals have been achieved or not. Since they have been achieved and are beneficial to human civilization, they can be called heroes. Moreover, Schiller can no longer be said to be unfamiliar. If it is profitable, he will throw away his achievements even if he pays for it.

But Charles still said: "First of all, I can't use my psychic ability to treat Schiller. You should have seen the situation of his consciousness space. It is no longer intricate and can be described. I can't use coercive means, neither want to ,also can not."

"I understand this, but I heard that you are also a world-class expert in psychology and psychiatry, so can you achieve your goals from normal psychiatry?" Stark asked.

"Actually, my suggestion is that normal hospitalization may be better." Charles said hesitantly: "I am not a regular psychiatrist, and I have no experience in the practice. I have almost no experience in diagnosis and treatment, so complicated case, I'm afraid..."

Stark and Steve looked at each other, and then Stark said: "Before, I didn't try to invite psychology and psychiatry experts from all over the world to consult with Schiller, and then this consultation developed It became their alumni association and patient association..."

At this moment, Steve suddenly turned to look at Stark and said, "Aren't you teaching yourself psychology? Can't you try to be a doctor?"

"I remember someone telling me that he has nothing wrong with him, so it shouldn't be difficult to teach himself to be a world-class psychiatrist in three days, right?" Steve asked.

Steve was actually just trying to mock Stark, but to his surprise, Stark said quite seriously: "Of course I have considered this method, but I'm afraid it won't work at all."

"The reason it didn't work was not because I couldn't teach myself, but because many of the papers and books I used to teach myself were written by Schiller."

Steve slapped his forehead.

The fact is that trying to treat a psychological problem with a psychologist is itself a bit absurd.

Because, based on their own theoretical level, it is impossible for them not to know that they are ill, and they know that they are ill, but there is no way to cure it, then the degree of difficulty of this disease is probably beyond anyone's imagination.

"If it's a mental problem caused by other things, maybe we still have a way to solve the problem fundamentally. We, together, have almost no problem that can't be solved." Charles shook his head and said: "But if as you said, He is trying to resurrect someone, and that happens to be our blind spot of knowledge and ability."

Just as their discussions stalled, so did Schiller's standoff with Death.

Schiller looked at the scale helplessly and said, "Well, even if you don't let me into your house, shouldn't you give me a reason?"

"If you think I can provide you with more death outside, then I swear, from today onwards, I won't even kill mosquitoes, until you show up and talk to me, I'm going to change my wickedness! You heard ?! Death!"

"I really don't understand..." Schiller picked up the bottom of the scale and complained to it: "Osiris is such a weak god, you are willing to make a deal with him, why can't I? Where am I wrong? "

"I've said it all, if you think the contract is too primitive, we can sign a contract, haven't you made a deal with Mephisto? I can ask him to be a middleman, he has recently learned the human contract Law."

"If you don't like the goat, you can go to Odin. I'm very familiar with him. With so many acquaintances as bailouts, where are your concerns about this business?"

"If you think the share system is not enough, then the membership system is also fine, and we can even avoid the membership channel of the Sanctuary. If we cooperate with one person, you can handle business with me, and I can give you an internal preferential price... …”

"I sincerely hope you don't take me as a liar. I have been in business for so many years, and my integrity is obvious to all."

"You should know about Setorak and Sishorn, right? Setorak is my old customer. The business package I introduced to him is not even as good as the one I gave you..."

Schiller was holding the scale, not like he was doing some mysterious, but wanted to hold a sales call.

He simply found a chair and sat down, leaning his elbow on the table, resting his chin with his hand, and kept talking to the balance, all of which were flexible packages, no price increase for additional quantities, and exclusive discounts. class vocabulary.

In fact, if Death didn't respond at all, Schiller wouldn't be shy to promote sales here, but when he pressed one hand on the balance, someone was wrestling with him on the opposite side, which meant that Death actually kept Existed by his side, he didn't leave at all.

Schiller also discovered that death just didn't want to let herself enter the kingdom of death, but at the same time, she was reluctant to deal with the Egyptian gods, so she had to follow the principle of balance judgment.

In this way, Schiller came up with a solution.

When he presses this end of the scale with the heart, if this end is successfully pressed by him, then he will die for failing the trial, if death does not want him to die, it must appear, and press the scale The feathered end, which means that death must pay attention here.

In this way, the balance is no longer a token for judgment, but a telephone.

When Schiller presses on this side, death does not want him to enter the kingdom of death, so he must answer the phone and press the other side, and when he presses the other side, it means that he can hear what Schiller is saying.

Therefore, when Schiller pressed one side to engage in sales harassment, Death had to press the other side to accept this sales harassment.

After the development of this new function, Schiller gave full play to the essence of the MLM leader, and would not stop until death was dragged into the water.

However, the scene where Schiller was holding the scale and talking about it, the three people outside the door looked even more terrifying.

Isn't this just obsessive, completely crazy? ? ?

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