American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 592: Who is the bat and who is the cat (middle)

Batman, walk slowly along the dark sewer.


Before leaving the sewers, he must do reconnaissance. As he said before, it is unlikely that Batcat will set up a surveillance network that covers the entire city of Gotham without dead ends, which is almost impossible.


If you give Batman ten or twenty years, it may be possible, but according to Crocodile Cat, Batman has only been here for four or five years, and it took more than half of the time to transform the city, so now There must be many loopholes in the monitoring network.


By probing out from under the manhole cover to observe the surrounding environment, Batman gradually drew a road map of the camera patrol in his mind.


After initially completing this map, he found that there was a small loophole in this patrol route.


If you look at the ground situation. This patrol route is very perfect, and there are almost no loopholes to be drilled, but there is a set of cameras, and at a certain period of time, there is no good inspection of the ground, or the ground near the manhole cover.


This is very interesting, Batman knows that this cannot be regarded as a loophole, because if it were him, he would also pay more attention to the monitoring of the roofs and terraces of the surface buildings, while ignoring the unobtrusive parts of the ground, two In comparison, of course, the high platform is more important. After all, the high point has always been an important position in all strategies.


However, this seems to be a gap* just left for Batman, allowing him to take advantage of this gap and safely transfer to the surface without being discovered.


What's even more coincidental is that the flaw in this patrol route just appeared in the middle of the night, allowing Batman to use his coat color and sky camouflage to safely transfer to the surface.


Batman felt that it was all too coincidental, as if someone had deliberately led him to do so.


However, there was no time for him to hesitate. All his activities on the surface had to race against the clock, watching all the gaps in monitoring and switching routes before he could go to the destination he wanted.


Coincidentally, the bank where the incident occurred is not far from the sewer where Batman came to the ground, and the distance is only two blocks away. As long as you pay a little attention, you will not be found.


At this time. Batman discovered that the cat is indeed a natural hunter, with a very sensitive hearing, and the slightest movement can immediately respond.


This sensitive hearing helped Batman avoid many dangers until he came to the bank where the eucalyptus was found during the day.


At this time, a scent entered Batman's nose. A keen sense of smell is also one of the major characteristics of felines. Of course Batman knew this, but his human brain made him unable to judge what the smell was. .


It can only be said that it smells strange, and the things analyzed by the cat's olfactory nerve do not match the knowledge already in Batman's mind, but he remembers this strange smell. If it appears again next time, it can be remember.


After checking the road where the body was at that time, Batman hid in the shadows beside the bank and began to think about the way to enter the bank.


This is not easy, because every door and window of the bank is under the control of Batcat, and they are all closed at this time, trying to get in. The doors and windows must be destroyed. …. .


! And if the doors and windows are destroyed, the Batcat will find out. With the current level of Batman's equipment, he doesn't think he can beat all the equipment in the entire city.

Batman wanted to know how Batcat achieved control, so. He was going to try it out.


He aimed at the lock of one of the windows, intending to break it, but he couldn't do it with claws and fangs, so he deliberately showed his whereabouts and let an automatic cannon in the corner of the other building find him s position.


Then, use the position to lead the automatic turret to hit the window lock. The automatic turret's bullets poured down, and the window lock was instantly shattered, and even the glass was shattered.


The building issued a severe alarm, but Batman did not enter the interior of the building. He originally wanted to see how long the Batcat's reaction time was and what way he came here. Then decide your own course of action.


So, taking advantage of the cameras and automatic weapons not paying attention, he jumped to the top of another building, got down on his stomach, kept his tail close to the ground, and stared in that direction with his eyes.


After waiting for a long time, instead of waiting for the Batcat, a cat that Batman was somewhat familiar with came. That is the white cat he saw near the eucalyptus scene during the day, a white cat in police officer equipment.


The white cat led a lot of police officers to investigate the scene. Suddenly, he began to put his nose into the ground and kept sniffing the smell. Batman on the roof felt a little nervous.


He has been a human for so many years*, and the opponents he deals with are also human. He forgot that the actions of cats will leave smells, and they will be keenly captured by other similar people. He cannot understand these smells, no Means these cats can't.


Soon, the white cat followed the smell and came to the building where Batman was located. He glanced up, and Batman confirmed that the white cat saw him, just as he arched his body and tried to escape. At that the white cat suddenly lowered its head again, pretended that nothing had happened, and flicked its tail. left.


Batman was relieved, but at the same time, he began to wonder, why did the police officer cat ignore him? Did you mistake him for a batcat?


But that's not right. Cats don't just recognize cats by their looks. Judging from the appearance of this white cat, it should be an important operator of the police station. It's impossible for him to be unfamiliar with the smell of Batcats. Batman and Batcats smell different, so he shouldn't admit it wrong.


However, the white police officer cat not only did not capture Batman, but instead took his subordinates and turned into the police car, ready to leave.


Found that he ignored himself, Batcat became more courageous, and he jumped from the roof. He came to the corner of a balcony, and then he heard the conversation from the police car.


"Boss, is it really okay that we don't deal with that window? Besides, I seem to have smelled a strange smell just now, should we investigate it again?"


"No need, didn't you find that Batcat didn't come? If you want to change the locks of the windows and remake the glass, you must go to him. Don't you realize that he is very busy recently?"


Batman keenly felt that the white cat raised his voice and said, "Just now, I called him, and his smart housekeeper told me that he went out, and he was in a hurry, even the communicator I didn't bring it, maybe there is something urgent, we should not disturb him." . . . .



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