American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 616: Sick Crisis (5)

It was very troublesome to investigate the case in 1989, because at this time, many technical means were not so developed, even if the metropolis is one of the most advanced cities in the world, the number of cameras and driving recorders here is not even 1 after the 21st century.

As a result, most of the surveillance pictures that can provide direct clues are corners.

And because the law and order situation in the Metropolis has been relatively good, many cameras are not useful, and no one spends energy to repair them. Lex just took over the Luther family not long ago, and he has no time to go to Gotham like Bruce. Cameras are installed in every corner, and it takes longer to maintain them.

As a result, their method of investigating cases is more inclined to primitive detectives, that is, on-the-spot investigation, questioning witnesses, narrowing the scope of suspicious persons, and finally gathering them together, interrogating them separately, and finding clues from their testimony.

When Bruce went to the three companies to conduct on-the-spot investigation, Lex came to the Metropolitan Police Station. He was in the monitoring room and witnessed the questioning of suspicious persons by professional interrogators.

Among them were three cleaners, a bank clerk, a Palo company doorman, and a guard near the bank president's villa, including all the last witnesses and the first person at the crime scene. eyewitness.

The Metropolitan Police Station is much wider and brighter, and there are no mottled light marks on the walls. Even the interrogation expert is relatively friendly. He uses the professional knowledge he has learned from school to repeat certain questions in sequence, so that The subject recalled more details.

Lex was sitting with the police chief in the surveillance room in the back field. He turned to the police chief and said, "This **** murderer has caused the Luther Group to lose a big order, and the president took my money. I'm dead, and I won't let this murderer go."

"Mr. Luther, you can rest assured that such a bad case has occurred in the Metropolis. I am afraid that it has already attracted the attention of Congress, and there will be more professional personnel to take charge of this matter."

"I just want results." Lex said with a deadpan expression: "Luther Group hopes that every cent of investment will pay off, if not..."

Lex turned to look at the police chief. The police chief knew what he was talking about, because he also received money from the Luthor Group. If he couldn't help the Luthor Group settle the matter, Lex had a way to make him look good.

At this moment, a series of hurried footsteps came from outside the door. The footsteps were very steady, and the gap between each step was very even, which showed that the visitors were well trained.

"Dong, dong, dong." The door was knocked, and the police officer standing by the door opened the door, and a heroic policewoman walked in. She first shook hands with the police chief, who smiled for Lake Si introduced: "This is Detective Angela Dodgson, a native of the Metropolis, who has been in various police stations before and has solved several serial murder cases. He is a good helper specially invited by me."

Seeing Lex, the female police detective called Angela frowned. Lex's appearance was just a teenager, and he didn't seem to be here. The police chief hurriedly introduced: "This is Lu Sir, you've done a lot for the Metropolitan Police."

"The president of the bank victimized this time is his friend, and they have a cooperative relationship, so he was also very worried and proposed to come here to see..."

"You should know that in the backstage of the police station's interrogation room, not anyone can come in, right?" Angela showed no mercy. She turned to look at the police chief, but the chief took a half step back, a little embarrassed. He smiled and said, "I'll send him out now."

After he took Lex out, he sighed and rolled his eyes. Lex asked him, "Why are you so afraid of her? You're the chief, she's just a detective, what can she do to you?"

The police chief hurriedly looked left and right, motioned Lex to keep his voice low, and he said, "You don't know how powerful this female police detective is. She is a well-known police detective who specializes in tracking down serial murderers."

"Star City, Yaochong City, Central City... All the major and important cases that have occurred in these years have her presence, and she will be invited to any major and important cases in various"

The police chief sighed and said: "Mr. Luther, I know you have high hopes for me, but the metropolis has been peaceful for too long, and my subordinates and I have no clue about this serious case. When people come, I don’t know when they will find out.”

Lex also sighed and said while walking out with the police chief: "This business is the most important business since I took over the Luther Group. Now I have suffered a blow, and I am also under a lot of pressure."

The chief of police patted him on the shoulder, and then he heard Lex ask again: "I heard that the second victim is the female owner of the Palo company, I have heard of this company, their family specializes in the production of cleaning agents. What's the matter? Is there any connection between her and the president?"

The police chief shook his head and said, "It's not about the new chemical plant, haven't you heard of it before? Snow Mountain Company, as well as many cleaning companies near Metropolis, have placed large orders for Palo Company, but Once there are more orders, the production capacity will not be enough, so Palo wants to build a chemical plant in the western suburbs of the metropolis.”

"You know that place, right? It used to be a psychiatric hospital. The Palo Alto Company bought the land, and the loan has been approved. It can be rebuilt at any time, but who knows that the boss has suddenly suffered a disaster..."

The police chief shook his head, looking very sorry, but Lex silently wrote down the information. After he came out of the police station, he returned to the laboratory in the basement of Luther Manor, and at this time, Bruce was already in the manor. waiting for him.

Bruce plugged an information storage device into the computer's interface, which contained the clues he got out of this investigation.

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